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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 30

by Maren Smith

  “A Little girl makes mistakes. It’s up to her Daddy to help her learn,” a deep gravelly voice sounded from behind her.

  Samantha whirled around to see Blake standing behind her. She took two steps forward before she froze in place. Would he want her there? Samantha swallowed hard and forced herself to speak. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “The responsibility lies with me. I should have anticipated you would worry when things moved so quickly. I’ve missed you,” he said warmly, taking a step toward her. He held out his hand. “Please, Sami. I need to hold you.”

  As if the cement holding her in place shattered, his words freed her from her worries and doubts. She flew across the floor into his arms. Burying her head against his broad chest, Sami clung to him. Tears flowed freely from her eyes to soak his uniform shirt. She could not get close enough to him.

  “Shhh, Little girl. I have you now. I’ll never let you go,” he promised. Time passed as he held her protected in his arms. When the radio at his collar squawked, Blake simply triggered it to say, “Adams, out. LG.”


  “Do you need to go?” she asked, lifting her tearstained face.

  Blake leaned forward to press a soft kiss on her cheeks before wiping the tears away. “No. I need to be here with you. My lieutenant will cover for me for a bit.” He kissed her deeply before leaning down to scoop an arm underneath her knees. Carrying her over to the bed, Blake sat down with her cradled on his lap. “Can you tell me what scared you so badly? Was it the spanking?”

  She nodded against his chest, unable to meet his gaze. Her fingers twisted in the fabric of his shirt as she tried to figure out how to tell him the truth. Finally, she blurted out, “I’ve read all those books. And a lot of them, a naughty Little girl get spanked. I didn’t realize the impact it had.”

  “Was the pain too severe?” he asked in a voice filled with concern. She could tell immediately that he thought she’d fled because of him.

  “The spanking hurt,” she admitted, peeking up at him, “but that wasn’t what made me panic. I got scared because I wanted this so bad. Everything happened so fast. I couldn’t believe that this relationship was real.”

  When he remained silent, she continued. “When you spanked me, it forced me to admit to myself that I wanted it all. I wanted you to love me so much that you would correct me when I was wrong. I got scared because I was afraid it was impossible for both of us to feel that strongly in just a few days.”

  “I have friends who’ve been lucky enough to find their Little girl. They tell me they knew immediately when they saw her for the first time. She was theirs. It wasn’t the same kind of relationship that others establish by dating over weeks, months, or years. I was happy for them but didn’t understand. Then, I came home after a long shift to find you.”

  “I’ve been a problem since the first minute we met.”

  “That is not true,” he corrected. “You are the solution. I understood exactly what they had shared with me. I knew you were mine—my Little girl.”

  “A… Are you sure?”

  Blake took her hand and pressed it to his heart. She could feel it thump strongly under her home. Her eyes jumped to search his face for deceit. She found only caring concern.

  “My heart is yours, Sami. I love you. I saw the rule that you added. Do you think you can follow that?” he gently probed.

  “Can you help me learn to trust you?” she whispered. “Can you give me another chance?”

  “Will you promise me not to run again and to stay and talk?”

  These had been the worst few days of her life. Even worse than when she’d discovered Darrell was having an affair. She cared more about Blake than she did about her former husband. That said a lot about her marriage. Slowly, Sami nodded. “I promise.” She pressed her hand against his heart, regretting all the pain that she caused each of them.

  “Then we figure this out.” Blake leaned in to kiss her softly.

  Sami threw her arms around his neck. She never wanted to let him go again. Blake’s radio squawked again. She froze as he listened carefully to the message and reached to trigger the reply button, giving the message he was five minutes away. “Can we talk tonight?”

  He nodded. “While I’m gone, I want you to remember that I love you very much. That’s not a word I’ve ever thrown around. It means everything to me. Just as you do.”

  “Yes, Daddy. The last one thing before you leave?”

  “What’s that, Sami?”

  “Can I play with Grrr while you’re at work?” she asked with hope.

  Blake turned to point at the tiger tucked into the covers on the large bed. “He was very upset when you left.” Blake lifted Sami to her feet so she could reach the stuffie. When she turned with Grrr cuddled to her chest, Blake added, “You can play with him here or you can play with him in your area. He’s been very lonely.”

  Blake stood to leave. Sami stopped him with one last question. “How did you I was here?”

  “When the silent alarm went off, I came myself instead of sending another car. I hadn’t given up hope that you would come back to me, Little girl.”

  Sami dashed into his arms and pressed herself and Grrr tightly against Blake in a fierce hug. Linking her fingers with his, she tugged him down the hallway and to the open front door. “Go to work, Daddy. I’ll be here.” She stood with the tiger stuffie in her arms and waved goodbye as Blake returned to his patrol car. Sami was eager to explore the nursery and wanted to stay close.

  Chapter Eight

  Sami looked at the clock one more time. She had no idea what time he normally got off work, but she knew it could vary depending on what was happening. At six o’clock, she heard a car door slam out front. Racing to the front of the house, Sami flung open the front door. At the sight of Blake walking up the driveway, she flew out of the house and threw herself into his arms.

  “Wow! What a welcome! Did you miss me?”

  “I missed you so much. Grrr and I have been playing, but we’ve been watching for you.”

  Blake linked his fingers with hers and squeezed her hand gently. “I’ve been waiting all day long to get home to you. Did you have fun playing in the nursery?” he asked her, holding open the door so she could walk inside.

  “Did you know how many games there are inside the toy chest? Grrr won a lot of them. He let me win once in a while,” she shared. “We’re working on a puzzle on the kitchen table right now. Is that okay?”

  “Making yourself at home here is perfectly fine in my book. Are you hungry? What is that amazing smell?” he asked as he stepped into the house.

  “I had a big lasagna in my freezer. I ran over and got it to bake in your oven. It’s ready now,” she told him proudly.

  “Come sit on the couch. Should I turn the oven off?” he asked.

  Sami shook her head as she took a seat. “Everything’s okay. About five minutes ago, I turned off the oven so the lasagna wouldn’t overcook.”

  Blake sat down next to her. “Come sit on my lap, Little girl. I need to hold you in my arms. I also need five kisses.”

  “Five kisses?”

  “One for each hour we were apart.” Blake leaned forward and kissed her until they both forgot what number kiss they were counting. They were both breathing heavily by the time Blake raised his head. Sami laid her head on his broad shoulder with her hand in the center of his chest to feel his heartbeat. That regular thump meant something special to her now. It reminded her how much her Daddy loved her.

  “There are many things that we need to learn as we build our lives together,” Blake shared. “Being Little is different than your previous life. Your design business is very important to you, so you’ll continue using your talents.” Sami raised her head to nod eagerly.

  “One of the tough things for Littles to learn is that although they’re in an adult body, they’re Little. That means no cleaning, no mowing, no…”

  “No cooking?” Sami said, looking horrifie
d. “I ruined everything already?”

  “You didn’t ruin anything. In just a minute, I’m going to pull out that the lasagna and we’re both going to eat an enormous piece. But from now on, big chores are for Daddy. Sami chores will be to set the table or clean up all the games on the floor in the nursery,” Blake said with a raised eyebrow.

  “How did you know?” she asked, deflecting the blame by sneakily pointing a finger at Grrr. “You don’t want me to have dinner ready when you come home from work? I’m here just hanging out at home?”

  “You’re not here just hanging out. You’re doing important designs for your business or you’re taking time to let your Little side have a little fun. Both of those things are more important than working alone in the kitchen. How about if we cook dinner together when I get home?” Blake suggested.

  Samantha’s mouth dropped open slightly as she digested his words. Blake thought however she chose to spend her time was valuable. “I should take time to be Little, too? Even when you’re gone?”

  “Being Little is not just an activity to play at—being Little is a life choice. You’re not restricted to being Little only when I’m at home. You can be Little whenever you wish. It’s not just limited to the time that we are together. You need to be true to yourself.”

  She considered his words for several long seconds. “I don’t think I’ve ever done what I wanted to do just to make myself happy.”

  “Then it’s time for a change, isn’t it?” Blake asked with a gentle smile. “Now, I’m going to change my clothes and put on something comfortable. I’ll invite my Little girl to come talk to me if she can behave very well and keep her hands to herself. If not, we’ll never get to eat that wonderful-smelling lasagna.”

  Winking at her, Blake boosted her up onto her feet and stood to take her hand. In the bedroom, he insisted that she and Grrr sit in the middle of the big bed. Sami scrambled into place. She wasn’t quite sure why she had to sit in the center of the mattress until Blake began to unbutton his shirt. The view of his toned body prompted her to shift to all fours.

  “Daddy and Sami will play later. Sit back down, Little girl.”

  With a big exhale of exasperation, Sami settled back down on her bottom as Blake dropped the shirt on to the floor. He turned to face the dresser as he unbuttoned his heavy weapons belt. Setting it gently with a clunk on the wood surface, Blake unbuttoned his pants and pushed them over his hips.

  Sami stared as his muscular bottom and thighs clad in a pair of tight cotton boxer briefs came into view. Quietly, she moved her hands into the space created by her crossed legs. Unable to resist, she rubbed her thumb along the seam of her shorts. The subtle caress stoked the fire that had ignited inside her as he undressed. She could feel herself getting wet.

  “Hands on your knees,” Blake ordered.

  His words drew her eyes from his body. As her gaze met his knowing eyes in the mirror, Sami felt her face heat. Quickly, she obeyed and wrapped her fingers around her knees. She made herself close her eyes when he leaned over to pull the pant legs over his feet. Ultimately unable to resist, Sami peeked through her eyelashes at the display. She tightened her grip on her knees. She wanted to be good for her Daddy.

  When Blake turned around, Sami abandoned her narrowed vision. His body had responded to her eager appreciation. As she watched, the bulge grew to tent the cotton fabric barely containing him. Automatically, she shifted back to her hands and knees to crawl forward.

  “Little girl,” he growled at her in warning.

  Sami threw herself back to sitting and stared at his crotch in fascination as his cock thickened and lengthened. Tearing her eyes from the display, Sami looked up at Blake’s face. His expression caused a flood of arousal to soak her panties. Pure, raw desire was carved into his face. “Please, Daddy,” she whispered.

  With an abrupt movement, Blake peeled his briefs from his body and shoved them down his legs. His eyes focused on her, he stepped out of them and paused to allow her to scan his body for a few brief seconds. Prowling forward, he covered the space between them and dropped his palms to the comforter. “Come here, Little girl,” he ordered.

  This time when she rocked forward, Sami knew he would not order her back into position. He rose to wrap his arms around her and pulled her across the soft comforter. His mouth captured hers and invaded. Blake wrapped Sami in masculine strength. His aroused scent filled her nostrils, making her press even closer. Sami allowed her hands to roam over the expanse of his back and drift lower to cup his hard buttocks.

  “Hold on,” he directed in a voice harsh with desire. Without giving her any time to ask why, Blake lifted her from the comforter and turned to drop on his back with her crushed against his chest.

  Off-balance by the sudden movement, Sami clung to his body before realizing that she now straddled his pelvis. When his hands urged her to sit up, Sami pressed against his chest to rise. Instantly she froze at the sensation of his shaft pressing against her wetness. She was wearing too many clothes. When Blake’s hands pushed up her T-shirt, Sami ripped it over her head and threw it somewhere in the room. Her bra also was a quickly discarded annoyance.

  His hands cupped her full breasts, kneading and caressing them. Sami held on to his shoulders as Blake curled forward to lick and suckle her taut nipples. She moaned loudly when he lightly bit one tight peak. His slightly rough hands abraded her sensitive flesh. Those light brushes with his thumb were driving her out of her mind.

  Suddenly, she needed to be totally naked. Her shorts and underwear were an unwelcome barrier between their bodies. She rolled away from him and wiggled out of her garments before allowing his hands to move her back into position above him. Sami gyrated on top of him, her body slick over his rigid erection.

  “No!” she protested as he lifted her hips to move her slightly away. Her breath escaped in a rush when his fingers slipped from her hips to caress the length of her thighs and stroked back to her core. There, Blake traced through her slick juices, dwelling on those places that brought gasps to her lips. She knew he was ensuring that she was ready for him.

  Wishing to please him, she raised one hand to her lips. As Blake watched her, Sami licked her palm until it was wet. She wrapped her wet fingers around his thick erection and slid her grip from the tip to the root. When he groaned, she tried it again this time with a twist at the end. His hips rose from the bed to thrust against her hand.

  After the third stroke down, Blake pulled her hand from his shaft. “Enough play, Little girl. Do you trust me enough to celebrate our return to each other?” he probed.

  She could tell that he struggled to hold his desire at bay, to allow her more time if she needed it to be comfortable with their relationship. Sami nodded immediately. “Please, Daddy.”

  Immediately he reached a hand opened the drawer in the night table next to the bed. Finding a small packet, he quickly opened and sheathed himself in the condom. Sami rose to her knees, and he helped her move forward.

  Watching his face as she helped him fit the broad head of his shaft at her drenched entrance, the sight of his eyes fixed on their joining bodies fueled her arousal. She could not doubt that it was her who he wanted. Eager to bring him pleasure, Sami pressed her hips forward to welcome his thick invasion. Her body yielded and stretched to allow him to glide in deeply.

  Sami paused to allow them to feel their union. She wanted to remember this moment forever. All of this would never have happened if she hadn’t let herself into his house. In her mind, Sami cursed the time that she had wasted.

  “We start today.” Blake’s words interrupted her self-recrimination.

  Her gaze jumped to his face. There written over the desire was worry. Even when they were intimately joined, Blake’s concern was for her. Making a deliberate decision, Sami pushed the sadness from her mind and focused on the present. She repeated his words, “We start today.”

  Simultaneously, their bodies pulled away before repeatedly crashing back together. Caressing each ot
her, Sami and Blake forged a new future for themselves. One based on passion and on trust, as each pleasured the other.

  The lukewarm lasagna was perfect for a late-night dinner for two starving lovers.

  Chapter Nine

  “Do you think Lettie forgot about our playdate?” Sami asked in a slightly trembling voice.

  “Lettie will be here very soon. She is very eager to meet you,” Blake reassured her with a smile.

  “Will your boss think I’m too old?” The words burst from her mouth as she felt her face heat in embarrassment.

  “No,” Blake said without hesitation or uncertainty. “Lettie’s Daddy will not judge you. He will be so glad to meet you. His Little girl has wanted to playmate for a very long time.”

  Ding-dong! The doorbell rang loudly, making Sami jump in reaction.

  She bounced slightly on her feet in excitement. “They’re here, Daddy! Lettie came!” Sami celebrated. Grabbing Blake’s hand, she dragged him to the doorway, only to signal him to wait as she smoothed her new dress back into place. When she nodded her head, Blake laughed and opened the door.

  “Doug, I’m glad you’re here, but I’m especially happy to meet you, Lettie,” Blake said, greeting the guests at the door. “Please come in.” He stood back and allowed the tall police officer to enter with Lettie. “This is Sami, my Little girl,” he introduced her proudly.

  Lettie wore overall shorts and a bright pink T-shirt. She clung to her Daddy’s hand as if she was scared. Immediately her own nervousness evaporated, and Sami wanted to put her at ease. Sami stepped forward and smiled. “Hi, Lettie! I’m so glad you’re here. Would you like to come see my nursery? I can show you all my toys and maybe we can play?”

  “Can you teach me how to braid my hair like yours?” Lettie asked, taking a step forward.

  “I can try? My Daddy did my hair today,” Sami explained as she tugged on one braid dangling to her shoulder. She held out a hand to the young woman. “Come on! Let’s go play beauty shop,” she invited.


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