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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 126

by Maren Smith

  He chose my meditation mix. I figured he wasn’t in the mood for lyrics. I looked in on him a few times while I put the food together. He was texting furiously with someone; I was guessing Bess.

  I was about to take the food out of the oven when he came to the kitchen doorway. “Mind if I come in?”

  “Not at all. I’m just about to put the food out. Are you okay with sitting at the counter? Our dining room table also serves as our desk and is a cluttered mess. Neither of us was willing to organize our chaos. The system works, mostly.”

  “Not a problem. For two guys, you’re pretty neat. Bess says I must be a genius because I live like a slob. Apparently, there’s some sort of correlation. Dinner smells wonderful. Something else you do much better than me. My cooking talents rely on anything I can turn into a sandwich.”

  Once we were seated and digging in, I asked about who he was texting.

  “Feel free to tell me it’s none of my business, but I saw you texting. Was that Bess?”

  “Yeah, she was actually sitting in her car leaving Mama’s.”

  “Wow. I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”

  “I wasn’t expecting that either. Mama called to give her an earful and to confirm what she knew. Bess is definitely the wrong person to pull a tirade with because she will give as good as she gets.”

  “I remember her coming into the boys’ locker room to tear into one of the players. I don’t remember what it was about, but I do remember her being quite upset.”

  It was good to see him smile. They obviously had a special relationship. Remembering her antics, he responded. “Honestly, with Bess, it could have been anything.”

  “How did things go with her and your mom?”

  “I doubt Mama is ready to have us over for brunch, but Bess said I should call her tomorrow.”

  “That’s better than you thought it would go a few hours ago. See, just give her some time.”

  “Maybe. You and Bess have a lot more hope than I do.”

  I let Asa use the shower while I cleaned up the kitchen. I showered while he relaxed on the couch. When I came out of the bathroom, he was reclined in one of the built-in sofa recliners looking like he was made to be there.

  “It’s nice being able to sleep in comfortable clothes I bet?” I asked as I sat next to him.

  “It’s nice being able to be here with you.”

  Turning off the television, I brought him close to me. Asa laid his head on my chest and we both exhaled. It had been a hell of the day. Emotional ups and downs were more exhausting than forty-eight hours on our feet servicing a group of homeless men. It made me grateful for the moment we were having here together. It was like the last few weeks, and even the last year and a half, of angst faded away. I had my Asa Watkins in my house and in my arms.

  “Are we only going to lay here talking? Or, just lay here doing nothing?”

  As I pulled him on top of me, I could feel his interest in doing much more than cuddling. Turning us so that I was on top, I let him feel the safety and security of being beneath the full weight of me. I raised up on one arm and used the other to run my hand down the front of his body. The sounds he produced encouraged me to explore more.

  “Let’s get this tank off.”

  “Um, hm. Yes.” Asa stretched his outer arm above his head, and I worked it up and over his head. He was as smooth as I imagined the night before. He must work out all the time because he had a six-pack that was solid and defined. I traced each square and worked my way back to his nipples.

  “I love the way you respond to me.”

  “I love what you’re doing to me.”

  My kisses were gentle as I explored his body. He raised his leg to drape it over mine and I moved my hand to clutch his firm butt. As I squeezed harder, he began a slow grind against my leg. His hands started to roam to and when he felt beneath my shirt, a sigh escaped him.

  “I love that you have so much hair on your chest.”

  “Let me get this off then so you can take a good look.”

  Asa’s hands rubbed up and down. We moved around until I was almost upright again. Asa straddled me and used his cheek to rub along my jawline, down my neck, and back and forth across my chest. He took his time flicking his tongue from one nipple to the other and burrowing into my armpit. He was taking in my scent and practically purring. Now I was the one moaning.

  “We need to take this to the bedroom.”

  It was hard not to enjoy the gasp that he let out when I lifted him up. Asa wrapped himself around me. I placed him on the bed and joined him.

  “Let’s get these off,” I told him as I removed his sleep pants. “I want you to relax. Trust me to take care of you.”

  “I do.”

  “Hands at your sides.”

  I reached into the nightstand and took out supplies. Asa never took his eyes off of me, but he didn’t move a muscle.

  “Go ahead and turn over.”

  “I could get used to this, Malik.”

  “I could get used to you.”

  Starting at his feet, I rubbed deeply and moved up each calf and thigh never lingering too long near the place he craved for me to go. I knew what he wanted because every time I pushed my thumbs into the under curve of his ass cheeks he raised up in excitement, physically seeking my next touch.

  “How’s it feeling, my sweet Asa?”


  When I flipped him over, the sudden change made him gasp. I didn’t want him hiding anything from me. No sound, no pleasure, no feeling should be suppressed. He’d been holding that in and suppressing himself long enough.

  His erection craved attention and my mouth watered to give him what he needed. I leaned down and wrapped my lips around his dripping cock and watched him nearly levitate off the bed. I wanted to guarantee that he wouldn’t be thinking about anything except the sensations running through his body. I was glad he wasn’t a shrinking, skittish virgin. It meant we could get more adventurous as time went on. Exploring with Asa was sure to become my new favorite pastime. Tonight was for him. I could take my time and make love to him properly. I was so grateful that God had seen fit to save this special man for me. I didn’t need to be selfish. We would have plenty of chances to make my pleasure the focus of our time together.

  I finally understood what the men I’d talked to meant when they said being a Daddy was all about putting my boy’s, my Asa’s, needs first. They told me I would know when I found the right one because doing that would be the easiest thing in the world.

  When I pulled off of his cock and licked up and down his crack teasingly, I made sure to rub my face back and forth slowly so he could feel the scrape of my hair on his sensitive skin. His moans and gasp became a symphonic soundtrack to our first time together. Eventually, I slide my tongue in his waiting eager hole and Asa’s pleasure rippled through him. Once I added a finger and then two stretching him to take me all the way in, he wasn’t able to hold back.

  “Please, please… I’m ready. I swear.”

  I smacked his ass cheek lightly and scolded him about swearing while I put on the condom and slicked up my hard as steel dick. It had been too long since I’d come to anything but fantasies and my own hand. The thought of being inside of him had shivers running down my spine too.

  I spread him wide and pushed his knees up to his chest. On instinct, he grabbed them and held them in place. Sliding the tip up and down his hole, I let him anticipate when I would start to push in. He was relaxed and ready. I got past the tip before I paused to check his reaction. Our eyes locked and with his bottom lip firmly trapped between his teeth he nodded for me to give him more. Fully seated, the pause and breath were for me this time. I started moving, slowly at first while keeping my eyes on Asa’s beautiful face. When he let his eyes close, I used one hand to massage his chest and work his sensitive nubs.

  “I need… need more of you, please. Faster.”

  “You really want Daddy to give it to you—”

en his eyes popped open, I thought I might have gotten too caught up and freaked him out.

  “Yes, please, Daddy, give it to me harder. Faster. I want everything.”

  “Anything, for you, my sweet beautiful Asa.”

  Then there was no need to hold back any longer. He was ready and I had been on the precipice of exploding since he rubbed up against me on the couch. Picking up the pace I ramped up the energy behind my thrusts. Harder and harder I went at his hole and Asa’s moans and groans got louder. If he was trying to form actual words, they were lost in the ecstasy he was obviously feeling. He let go of one of his legs and used that hand to reach out. Instead I pulled him up to me for a kiss. He wrapped his legs around my waist and used his hands to hold on to me for the ride. Our weight shifted and Asa was able to ride me as I thrust into him. Our rhythm and force a match. I wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. Grabbing hold of his rock-hard cock, I gave it several firm strokes in time with my thrusts making him lose all control.

  “Oh, Malik I can’t… Daddy, I’m going to cum. I need to cum.”

  “Yes, Asa. Cum, my sweet boy. Cum.”

  My balls were drawing up and I was seconds away from filling the condom with my own load, but I needed to see him come undone completely first. His back bowed and he clung to me in a fierce hug. I was surrounded by him when several ropes of thick white cum spilled over my hand. I couldn’t help but falter in my movements momentarily. Getting it back together, I picked up my thrusting again until I felt that all too familiar tingling in my spine. Kissing down his neck and finally latching on to suck as an orgasm more powerful than anything I’d experienced in the last year and a half overtook me. I didn’t make a sound, but I was sure I had marked him.

  As we both recovered enough to move and eventually speak, I pulled back from him and he gifted me with one of his dazzling shy smiles.

  “Does that hurt?” I rubbed at the spot on his neck as I asked.

  “What? That love bite?” His smile was far more wicked now.

  “I predict this being very good for both of us. Let’s get cleaned up.”

  We slowly separated as I eased out of him. He was sure to ache from top to bottom tomorrow. Dropping the condom in the wastebasket next to my bed, I reached for Asa and headed to the bathroom.

  After a quick wash up we were both ready to snuggle back up in the bed. He was pressed fully against my chest. I held him to me and rested my head back. I could get used to nights ending like this.

  Our first time that night was what real magic felt like. It was that thing you never thought could or would happen and then the moment it did everything made sense. My world had come together in one explosive moment and now I was holding the most important thing to me on the planet in my arms. I didn’t care about how or why I was so lucky. I was just grateful.

  The End

  For more by P.D. Carter writing as Paige Parsons, please click here.

  Rescuing Hadley

  Adaline Raine

  About the Author

  I’m an avid reader of romance but my favorite is contemporary and paranormal. I adore stern Daddy stories and dominant shifter stories the most. I dabble in computer graphic design when my muses won’t speak, and I love it almost as much as writing.

  I live in upstate New York with my two teenagers, and yes they really will eat everything in my kitchen that resembles food along with the table and chairs. I work outside my home during the week, but my goal is to become an author full-time within the next few years.

  One of my dear friends recently said, “If your dreams don’t scare you just a little, you’re not dreaming big enough.” Always follow your passions!

  Stalk Addy (it’s okay I love it)

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  Copyright © 2020 by Adaline Raine and Red Hot Romance, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including, but not limited to, photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, locales, and events are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, and events are purely coincidental.

  Edited by: Silver Ink Editing


  His betrayal slapped me in the face like a ton of freaking bricks.

  If Rob’s cheating was our only issue, we may have been able to work through it, but his disgusting attitude and sense of entitlement left me with no desire to make an effort. He shrugged off my hurt when I brought up important memories, brushed off my anger as he waved dismissively on his way out the door to the airport for yet another business trip, and refused to spend any time with me. It was the wake-up call I hadn't known I needed.

  Today the anger fueled me rather than paralyzed me. Rob had been living like a king, doing whatever he pleased, and never considered my needs.

  All of the bullshit congealed into one big lump that I couldn’t ignore any longer and propelled me to do something way outside my comfort zone

  I was going on a fucking vacation at a five-star luxury resort.

  I dropped all of his belongings at his brother’s house, changed the locks on the condo, and wiped my hands of our toxic relationship. Removing Rob from our joint phone plan was the last step.

  I felt light as a feather as I twirled around in the mirror, my shoulder length black hair flying around in circles.

  Losing two hundred and forty-five pounds in forty-five minutes felt pretty damn wonderful.

  Chapter One

  I was the absolute stupidest person on the whole planet. I never should have gotten out of my car and wandered off in the woods. The meager snacks I carried in my bags–four granola bars and two bags of nuts–were already gone, along with a bottle of Gatorade. As if those things would magically sustain me for the night. I needed to turn back the way I came and hike towards the road to get help, or find some sort of shelter. I thought my path headed to town, according to the GPS in my car, but I'd been walking without purpose for over an hour.

  A rock jutted out into my path unexpectedly, and I fell hard against the ground. The extra weight of my backpack pressed me further into the dirt, so I shrugged it off. Bracing my palms against the forest floor, I pushed up to my knees and then got to my feet.

  Burning pain shot up my leg, and I crumpled back down. “Fuck!”

  My ankle was busted. Digging my cell phone out of my purse, I held it up as high as I could, but no bars appeared.

  I sat stupidly on the ground wondering what the fuck to do with my life since I couldn't just stay in the middle of the woods, when a cold wet nose met mine. My inner spiraling had caused me to lose track of my surroundings. A husky dog! Didn't huskies save people? A few weeks ago, I watched a documentary about huskies working during wars for search and rescue. At least I think it was about huskies. Either way, the dog was adorable and seemed happy to have found me. He rubbed against my shoulder and his fur was soft and fluffy. I petted him and he genuinely made me feel better.

  “Hey, buddy. What are you doing out here all alone?”

  “Zeus!” A strong masculine voice shouted through the trees. “Come here, boy!” He whistled.

  Zeus responded with several excited barks. The dog had rescued me!

  “Did you find a little fawn to play with?” A tall muscled man came into view, and he shook his head, chuckling at the dog’s antics before he saw me. “Oh.”

  “My cell phone is dead and, uh, this rock was out to get me. My car ran out of gas or something equally bad, and I was walking to find some help.”

  “You went looking for assistance in the woods?” he asked incredulously. “I don't know any animals with a degree in mechanics.”

  “No. My plan wasn't to go this way, but I heard a noise behind me.” I sniffled. “I got kind of lost. I wasn't actively seeking an animal to serv
ice my car.”

  “There's a bad storm hitting within the next hour or so. It's not a good idea to stay out here. My home is a mile in the opposite direction. I can bring you back there so you can get in touch with local law enforcement in case they've towed your car already, as well as a mechanic. You can stay with me until at least tomorrow.”

  “That's very generous of you, but I'm okay,” I said, lying through my teeth.

  “You just said you're hurt, and out here in the middle of the woods alone.”

  I wiped tears away with the back of my hand as my ankle throbbed. No, staying here wasn't an option, but this man could be a serial killer. Zeus licked my face and nuzzled under my chin. His presence helped. Surely, a man with a pet this cute didn't go around murdering people?

  “Staying here might be much safer than going off with a stranger.”

  “Fair point.” He leaned down and held out his hand. It was massive compared to mine, and I hesitantly placed my palm against his as he helped me to stand. “You already met my dog, Zeus.” Zeus barked at his name and wagged his tail. “I'm Fabian.”

  “Nice to meet you both, I'm Hadley.” I released his hand, but my attempt to walk buckled my damn ankle and knee at the same time. “Oof.” Luckily, Fabian grabbed my waist, so I didn't fall again.

  “Let me carry you.”

  “You can't lift me. Let me brace against your arm.”

  “I'm a retired army medic. Come here.”

  The news didn't move me. I shook my head. I wasn't the sort of woman who men picked up and delicately carried like a princess. Rob had pointed out during our argument that I let myself get comfortable over the last few years. Twenty-five extra pounds had found me, but it was no surprise when I'd been working two jobs, grabbing food on the go or making unhealthy choices since they usually cost less. Plus, I stopped caring about my health and well-being as well since Rob was never around. His nasty comments had knocked my confidence down several levels, which I hadn’t built back up.


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