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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 127

by Maren Smith

  “I'm used to carrying men three times the size of you, little fawn.”

  Little fawn. It was the cutest term of endearment I'd ever heard. Rob had barely grunted out more than a 'Hey babe' or 'Later hon' in the past eight months. How had I missed so many damn signs? He had been using me for free room and board. Was Fabian putting me down because of my size as well?

  “I'm too heavy for you, okay?” I snapped. “Not some tiny princess who can just be scooped…eek!” Without waiting for me to comply, Fabian lifted me up in his arms. Jesus, he was strong. I scowled up at him, but the quickly dimming sunlight around us made it impossible for me to make out his features.

  Zeus barked, reminding us about the storm.

  “We've got to get going. The storm will be on us faster if we stand here and argue. The temperature has already dropped.” He adjusted me slightly. “I apologize if my attempt to lighten the situation made you uncomfortable. I've been in combat zones as well as unusual field settings in the military. At my peak, I could bench press over two hundred pounds. Carrying you to my house is a cakewalk.”

  “Uh, okay. I accept your apology. You don't look old enough to be retired from any career.”

  “I'm not old enough, unless you think twenty-nine is ancient, but that's a story best shared over a warm drink and a hot fire.”

  “No, I don’t think that. I’m twenty-six, since we’re sharing, and I look forward to that drink.”

  “I’m looking forward to it as well. I haven’t had guests in a while and Zeus will get attached to having company.”

  “Maybe the two of us will become pen pals.”

  He chuckled, and the sound warmed me up. Some people got my humor, but a lot of others thought my sarcasm and weirdness were bad traits. The night was looking up already.

  Fabian carried me all the way to the house, with Zeus strolling by our side. Despite my earlier comments about being heavy, he balanced my bags and me easily. Stepping out of the thick woods into a clearing revealed a huge cabin. Warm light shined through the front windows onto a wraparound porch. Rocking chairs sat off in the distance along with a large round swing, plush with cushions. I wanted to curl up in it and drink coffee while watching the sunrise. It was a silly thought since I wouldn’t be staying long, but the image brightened my dark thoughts from earlier. Car trouble led me on an adventure with a handsome man in the woods. It wasn’t the worst thing to have happened.

  “I was supposed to stay at this luxury resort that had a party boat, but I took a detour.”

  “Do your friends know you've gone rogue?” Fabian scoffed. “Traipsing through the woods instead of walking along the road or calling for help wasn't a good plan.”

  “I was going all by myself.”

  Perfect. Tell the man who lives alone in the middle of the woods that no one is searching for you. Fabian had insisted I take a bath to warm up and relax, and I complied. He had already been so kind and considerate. I figured it would be strange to have a grown man in the bathroom with me while I took a bath, but his presence comforted me.

  “Do you regularly engage in high-risk activities? I’ve heard some horror stories of young women going on those types of events and not having the time of their lives, so to speak.”

  “No, but It's a long story.”

  “I don't have anywhere to be and certainly not with the storm outside.” Fabian grinned, showing a line of perfectly straight, ultra-white teeth. They were celebrity perfect and added to his overall charm. “I’d like to hear it.”

  “Well, my boyfriend betrayed me, so I moved his shit out of my condo and booked a vacation. We were supposed to use our paid time off for joint trips, but I was the only one who saved up the days.”

  “Did it come as a surprise to you?”

  “It did initially, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized we hadn't really been a couple in a very long time. He's been traveling for business, which is fine, but he never made any time at all for me.”

  “Why wouldn't he make time for you, little fawn?”

  “He was cheating on me, and I suppose that was my fault too.”

  “People make their own decisions and their own choices. You shouldn't blame yourself for the actions of another person. You deserve much better.”

  “I guess not.” I flexed my toes absentmindedly and winced. “Ouch. It hurts when I move it.”

  “May I have a look at your ankle?”

  I wanted so badly to respond with all the other parts of my body he could be looking at, but held my tongue.


  His hands were warm and gentle as they checked my foot and ankle, rotating very slightly and moving up to my calf. If he suddenly explored higher, I wouldn’t have stopped him. Whoa, girl. You don’t know anything about this man!

  “It doesn't appear to be broken, but if the swelling doesn't go down, I could run you to the urgent care for an x-ray. It's about thirty minutes west of town.”

  “You really are in the middle of nowhere, but that sounds like a good plan.” I sank deeper into the tub, at least as far as I could get with one leg propped awkwardly over the side. “What do you do if something serious happens?”

  “The response time for an ambulance is less than ten minutes.” Fabian turned the faucet on to heat the water and added more bubble bath. “There are a lot of volunteers out this way trained with advanced lifesaving techniques because of the rural area. Still, the nearest emergency room is about fifteen minutes away in perfect weather. I wouldn't want to go there unless it was life-threatening, but we could get there pretty fast if we needed to.”

  The bathroom door must not have closed all the way, because it banged open, and Zeus raced in at full throttle. He excitedly leapt into the tub and I suddenly found myself bathing with a very large husky.

  “Zeus!” Fabian jumped back as half of the water in the tub sloshed over the sides and onto the floor. Zeus, much less enthusiastically, licked my face and got out of the tub. Dripping wet and covered in bubbles, he put his head down on the floor.

  “He thought you drew a bath for him!” I snorted.

  “It's all right, boy. You have to watch who's around you.” He grabbed a towel and dried off his sweet pet. “I'm not mad.” He rubbed Zeus briskly and pointed to the door. “We'll be out soon.”

  The husky barked and wagged his tail once before trotting out of the bathroom.

  “He's such a sweetheart.”

  “Yes, he is.” Fabian turned his full attention to me. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No.” I threw one hand over my boobs and the other over my crotch, the lack of water and bubbles suddenly spotlighting my private parts. “I'm embarrassed, but otherwise just peachy.” My foot had slipped off the edge when Zeus leaped in, and it would be nearly impossible to get out of the tub as the injury hindered my movement. “I'm sort of stuck now and the water is gone.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “I'm naked.”

  “Well, it is the best sort of state to be in while bathing. Don’t worry, I'll close my eyes.” Fabian shook out a new towel and held it up to the tub, shutting his eyes tightly. “Just wrap it around you and I'll lift you once you're covered.”

  I stood up gingerly, covering my naughty bits. There was no way to do this on my own, but I was stubborn as hell tonight. Grabbing the edges of the towel, I wrapped it around myself but decided to get out without his assistance. I stupidly put pressure on my bum ankle and it buckled.


  Fabian grabbed my waist, as if to steady me, but the slippery floor caused him to lose his balance. He fell backward and I landed on top of him. The towel was gone.

  “I should have known you weren’t going to listen.”

  “Now I'm really embarrassed.” This night could not get any worse! I should have just stayed planted in the forest. I dared to meet his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “I'm fine.” His cobalt blue eyes darkened with an assertive glare as they locked onto mine. “From he
re on out, if I offer to help you, Hadley, you'll let me without protest. All right?”

  “I guess.” I swallowed hard. “I haven’t had anyone helping me in a long time.”

  “I don’t mind assisting you.” He tugged the towel out from under his hip and held it out to me. “Wrap this around your body. I brought your bags into my room and threw your mud-caked clothes in the wash.”

  “I can stay in the guest room.” I wrapped the towel around me awkwardly and scooted off him. He helped me to stand and picked me up into his arms.

  “The only other working bathroom is downstairs. I've been meaning to get the one attached to the guestroom fixed, but sometimes other priorities happen. It's not a big deal for me to stay in there. I'd rather you have easy access instead of struggling with your foot in the middle of the night, and I'll carry you downstairs in the morning.”

  “I appreciate it.” I yawned, stretching my arms over my head. “Hey, I’m more tired than I thought. Can we talk over coffee in the morning instead of a drink tonight?”

  “Sure thing, Hadley.” Fabian set me down on the bed and held up an ace bandage. “Let me take care of your foot and then you can get comfortable before you go to bed.”

  “Yes, please.” I held out my injured ankle to him and watched him unroll the bandage. Fabian gently held the base of it against the soft part of my foot above my heel and wrapped it firmly around in circles. He checked to ensure it wasn’t tight while still being supportive.

  “How does it feel?”

  “A little better. Thank you.”

  “Your eyes are the most incredible shade of green.” Fabian touched my cheek, cupping it in his large palm.

  “I like yours too,” I admitted sheepishly.

  We stared at each other for a few moments and then he cleared his throat and dropped his hand, looking slightly confused, as if he forgot we were strangers who’d only just met.

  “If you need anything, just yell. I’m a light sleeper.”

  “Will do.”

  “Sleep well. The more rested you are, the quicker your ankle will heal.” He moved to the door and stopped at the frame. “Good night, little fawn.”

  “Good night, Fabian.”

  He left, shutting the door behind him, and my heart began to beat a little faster. Am I falling in love with a perfect stranger?

  A sharp pain shot through my leg, startling me awake. Crap. I'd almost forgotten my jaunt through the woods and subsequent arrival to a strange man's house, albeit one of the most handsome men I'd ever laid eyes on. Fabian had an absolutely dominating way about him, and I loved how he handled me.

  Groaning, I shoved the covers off me and hopped toward the bathroom. Rubbing my eyes, I flipped on the light and gawked. I had stumbled into his closet and not the bathroom, but the objects in there made me lose all my focus.

  Several rows of paddles, floggers, canes, crops, and the like filled one wall. I touched a few of the implements, curious and aroused at the same time. I imagined Fabian spanking my bratty ass with the purple heart shaped one as he lectured me. Wetness pooled in between my thighs and I slipped my fingers inside the sweatpants, tugging gently on my tiny pleasure nub. My head fell softly against the doorframe. I wanted Fabian to touch me, spank me, and then fuck me with punishing thrusts after I told him about playing with myself without his permission. I danced my fingers lower, sliding one into my slit. My angle wasn't quite right. I moved to Fabian's bed and got up on all fours. I fingered myself, picturing his mouth on my intimate parts while slapping his palm against my heated cheeks, rosy from the earlier punishment, and came hard.

  I pushed off the mattress, found the bathroom, and returned to bed.

  Maybe I'd get up enough nerve to tell Fabian about what I found and what I did, and he could make my fantasy a reality. Pfft. Like I'd ever have that kind of courage.

  Chapter Two

  Warm, apple-cinnamon scented goodness filled my nose when I inhaled. Yum. The scent of the tasty, whole-wheat pancakes covered with baked apples, and maple syrup made my mouth water. I spooned more homemade whipped cream on the short stack and ate happily. Fabian was handsome as sin, physically strong, loved animals, was an excellent cook, and he apparently was into spanking. I attempted to focus on other things but whenever his massive hands flipped a pancake or handed me something my brain reminded me of my secret find and thrilled me. Unless those implements were for someone else to use on him?

  I studied the way he held himself and thought back to how he made the decision to pick me up last night in the woods. The way he handled me after the bath. No. He didn't seem submissive, but it was best not to jump to conclusions. The slight chance of him being a dominant clenched my damn pussy like my thoughts had last night.

  “Are you all right, Hadley?”

  “Um, what?”

  “You seemed so happy a moment ago, but you've been poking the same spot on your plate without eating a bite.”

  “These are the best pancakes I've ever put in my mouth.”


  “Well, you've been so wonderful, but I don't want to overstay my welcome.”

  “I spoke to the sheriff's department this morning. The bridge washed out in the storm and they have to wait for the highway department to fix it, which will take about a week. The sheriff had your car towed to a mechanic, and the issues are being repaired. You're stuck with me, little fawn.”

  “There must be somewhere else I can stay that wouldn't burden you.”

  “Do I look burdened to you?”

  “If you could just drop me off at the main road, I'll walk to town.”

  “Two things are wrong with your proposal. One–your ankle is busted. Two–the bridge is out. Are you going to swim into town, Hadley?”

  “Is that an option?”

  “No. Why are you suddenly jumpy? I understand this is unusual, but I've been the perfect gentleman.”

  “Are you always a gentleman?” I wanted him to pick me up over his shoulder, tie me down to his bed, beat my ass, and fuck me senseless.

  He cocked an eyebrow, as if not quite hearing what I'd asked him. He wiped his lips with a napkin and set it next to him on the table. “Of course.”

  “That's unfortunate.” Heat flooded my cheeks. I stood up and hopped to the kitchen, plate and glass in hand. “Ugh. Please don't pay attention to what I said.”

  “I'm not quite sure what you're referring to, but you promised to stay off that foot.” Fabian followed, taking the items out of my hands and placing it on the counter.

  “I'm not so great at listening.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Like, at all.”

  “Oh, I've got methods to ensure you listen, little fawn, but I doubt you'll enjoy them.”

  “Maybe you should show me and let me decide.”

  “What has gotten into you?” He caged me in between his arms so I was pinned in place by the counter. I couldn't move around him, and my foot didn't allow for any flexibility. I crouched down and crawled in between his legs. It was a dumb move. He squeezed his legs together, trapping me. I knew better.

  Zeus perked up, sniffing around me, but all he did was lick the maple syrup off my face and leave. So much for him helping me.

  “Are you going to tell me what's actually on your mind, Hadley?”

  “Let me go.”


  “What did you say?”


  “Wait!” I knew nothing good ever happened at the end of a countdown. “Please bring me to the couch and I'll talk to you about everything.”

  “Mmhm.” Fabian stepped back, freeing me from the confines of his legs. He bent down and picked me up in his arms.

  I glanced down at the floor, not wanting to see the questions written across his face. I should have talked to him when I first got up instead of beating around the bush. He walked me into the living room and set me on the cushions. I curled up on the couch and tugged a blanket over my legs.

  “Shoot. I forgot my coffee mu

  “It was empty. I'll make a fresh pot, but you're not getting a cup until you tell me what all this fuss is about.” He returned to the kitchen and I heard the sounds of coffee brewing.

  “He's annoyed at me.” I spoke to Zeus, who lifted his head as if he understood me, then placed it back down on his paws. He looked comfortable curled up on his bed next to the fireplace. “I'm not so great at talking about my feelings.”

  Fabian strutted into the living room and sank down into the cushions but maintained distance between us.

  “I just got out of a toxic relationship.” I inhaled deeply and let it out. “I'm not ready to jump feet first into another one.”

  “No, and certainly not with a busted ankle.”

  Instead of feeling self-conscious about everything, I laughed.

  “I don't usually poke attractive men.”

  “Do you think I'm attractive?”

  “I wouldn't say you're unattractive.”


  “I mean, you're not bad to look at.”

  “You're sort of a brat, Hadley. Has anyone ever said that to you before?”

  Oh. Fuck. He sounded like a dominant hero from one of my favorite romance authors.

  “I'm not a brat.”

  “Spoken like a true brat.” He smirked. “Anyhow, I appreciate your honesty about what you are or aren't looking for in a relationship.” Fabian stretched out his right arm and his fingers brushed across the back of my neck. “Tell me. If you could fashion the perfect relationship, what would it look like?”

  “I'd really like to be taken care of, not that I can't do things for myself, but I've been so overwhelmed the past few years.” I shrugged. “If somebody else could handle things once in a while instead of me, it would be so appreciated.”


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