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Lens of Time - The End of Time (Lens of Time (Book four))

Page 24

by Saxon Andrew

“Start them in twelve hours.”

  “Once they’re done, I’m sending in the Horde, Hive, and White Civilization’s ships.”

  “We will also send back an injection of the material for each of the main battleships with one of their attack craft.”

  • • •


  “Go ahead, Captain Phillips.”

  “They’ve been organizing to attack for six months. We are what have triggered their movement.”

  “Thank you, Captain.”

  • • •

  Phil looked at Anne, “I’ve been meaning to ask you a question and I keep putting it off.”

  Anne stared at her panel as the data scrolled down, “What is that?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  Anne jerked her head up and Phil saw how dumbfounded she was. He waited and she said, “Phil, you’ve never even kissed me. You’ve never said you love me. Are you serious?”

  “More than anything in my life; I’m unfortunately too shy to do those things. You’re just so smart and wonderful that I’m intimidated by you.”

  “Then how did you manage to ask me!”

  “With my eyes closed.”

  Anne started laughing and couldn’t stop. “Hey, it’s not funny. I do love you.”

  Anne laughed harder and finally caught her breath. “We’ll jump to the Havana and allow Admiral Arvolo to do the honors.”

  “Why not the Jukebox?”

  “Because my sister is on the Havana and will be the maid of honor.”

  Phil stared at Anne and said, “Really?”

  Anne stood up and went over and hugged Phil, “Really. I’d kiss you now but how often does a girl get her first kiss to be the one at her wedding. Let’s go!”

  Phil hugged her tightly and said, “I won’t waste time from now on.”

  “You’re doing it now. Get us to the Havana. I have a kiss waiting and you’re wasting time.”

  Phil jumped in the command chair and punched the drive codes. He contacted Chris and told him where he was going and was given his blessing. He arrived at the Havana to find Chris and Jillian waiting on him. Dolly was also there to celebrate the event and Jillian noticed that Phil only had eyes for Anne. He had found the one for him.

  • • •

  The Dark Creature looked at the assembled leaders on his display and said, “I know you all have questions but I have been requested by the white ship builders to have a meeting with all of you. Just be patient a few moments and we’ll see what they want.”

  RV pushed his pad and said, “I need to ask all of you a question and I need all of you to think about your answer.” Silence greeted his remark. “Is it possible for all of you to put past wrongs behind you and live in peace if you survive the Red Sector attack?”

  Silence greeted the question. Then they were surprised by what was said next. “I am also asking all of you in the Minor Civilizations the same question. The Hive and Horde are beaming this conference to all of you and you must answer this question as well.” RV paused, “You only have to agree to one thing and if you can do that, you may have a chance to survive the coming attack.” RV paused, “Will all of you agree to attack any civilization that attacks another?” Every leader was surprised at the statement. “And I don’t mean just in this galaxy. That includes innocent civilizations in other galaxies. I also want you to promise to combine to attack any force that comes from outside this galaxy to attack one of your own. Will all of you agree to do this?”

  The Dark Creature said, “Why are you asking us this?”

  “Because if you agree to give up your predatory ways, I am going to share all of our technology with every one of your civilizations; I would never do that if I thought you would use that technology against each other. You must come together and agree to be partners in the defense of your worlds.”

  The Dark Creature said, “We are the ones that the Minors will have the most difficulty trusting to make this happen. I tell all of you now that we know we have not treated you well and we deserve your animosity. However, those days are over and we welcome you into our company as equal members and we will never attack you again. I will swear that we will destroy any one who does.”

  “I need an answer, and I need it now.”

  The Hive Controller said, “Why are you rushing this decision?”

  “Because I am going to start attacking the Red Sector immediately and you shouldn’t be wasting time building the defenses you need to hold them off.”

  Another Minor said, “How can we know for certain that the Majors will keep their word?”

  RV smiled, “After I’ve given all of you the same technology, I suspect no one is going to run the risk of attacking anyone. And if you are in their structure, they cannot plan anything without you knowing it. Your choice is really quite simple; peace or destruction.”

  The Dark Creature said, “Vote now!”

  The Hive Controller said, “You will send me your choice now.”

  RV waited and after an hour the Dark Creature said, “We have chosen peace.”

  The Hive Controller said, “We have chosen peace as well.”

  RV said, “I’m sending you the diagram of a weapon we call the light wave penetrator. It uses a gravity drive that you can use to update your ships. Start manufacturing this weapon as quickly as possible. You are going to need it when the Red Sector arrives in force. Do not use it until their fleets are massed to attack. We will let you know when to fire.”

  The Dark Creature said, “Do you need us to go with you to attack them?”

  “Begin updating your ships. You will also find the plans for a new reactor. You can help most by preparing for the main battle that you know is coming. We are going to try and delay them long enough for you to update your ships.”

  The White Civilization said, “You need to incorporate our ships into your plans.”

  “We’re ahead of you. I’m sending them to you now. First you need to get your attack craft updated. You have the coordinates to send them. Once they’re ready, jump right in. You have the plans for the Light Wave Penetrator; start your building facilities manufacturing them as quickly as possible.” RV ended the call.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  RV looked at his display and saw a red light blinking. He pressed a button and the Dark Creature appeared on his display. “I want to ask a question and I hope you’ll be honest with me.”

  RV stared at the creature that reminded him of a giant coral snake with arms. “Go ahead.”

  “Why are you jumping in to our fight? I’ve tried to think of a reason why you would and the only thing I can come up with is that you are in just as much danger as we are. I can’t fathom any other reason why you would share your weapons with us.”

  RV slowly shook his head, “I’m surprised you question our motives when they are going to help you.”

  “Your motives are very important to me. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t include yourselves in the agreement to never attack us.”

  “Actually, I did.” The Dark Creature struggled for a moment and RV said, “What did I get you to agree to do if your galaxy is attacked by another?”

  The Dark Creature stared at RV for a long moment and then said, “You’re right. I didn’t apply that to your civilization. However, that makes me wonder even more why you’re doing this?”

  “Before I answer that question, why are you changing your mind so quickly about getting all of your civilizations to give up their warlike ways?”

  “That will ensure the safety of my eggs. The survival of my family is the most powerful force that motivates my species. This new structure is especially welcome since my civilization is not one of the most advanced in my galaxy. There are hundreds of civilizations that could destroy my people. Now, that risk has been reduced.”

  “We actually think along the same lines. Everything we’ve done has been to ensure my species survival against a universe that is predatory. However, that’s a go
od answer but not the real one.”


  “The Red Sector started mobilizing to attack immediately after your first attack against us.”

  The Dark Creature remained silent for five minutes and RV waited for him to respond first. “They’re coming after you and not us.”

  “Unfortunately, you are going to be caught up in their plan to remove us. But you are right; it was our ships that frightened them.”

  The Dark Creature said, “The coordinates the Nexu gave me for your home worlds were not real, were they?”

  “No, they aren’t.”

  “So why would you join in if they can’t find your home worlds?” RV waited and the Dark Creature finally said, “They’ve found your home worlds.”

  “They have.”

  “So if you left here, they would not attack our civilizations but would go to your galaxy instead.”

  “You haven’t thought that through.”

  Another pause and the Dark Creature said, “The two Minors you armed and the White Civilization also possess the ships that frighten them.”

  “Now you know.”

  “That’s all I need to know.”

  “Really? What conclusions have you drawn from this?”

  “I believe you would leave if it would stop the Red Sector from attacking us. I can see you feel responsible for the attack that’s coming here so you are doing all you can to help us survive it. Before I could trust you to factor in my civilization’s wellbeing into your plans, I had to know why you were giving us your technology. You can count on me to do whatever you deem necessary to fight the Red Ships.”

  RV smiled, “You are a remarkable being. You remind me of the one that leads us and he is our best.”

  “If he is, you are not far behind him. Let me know what we need to do.”

  “I’ll keep you informed of what we’re doing.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m going to ask the Red Sector to call off their attack and if they refuse, I’m going to start destroying their planets. They are going to have to reorganize their fleets to protect their worlds and I’m hoping that will buy us time.”

  “You’re going to lose ships.”

  “That’s the price for doing the right thing. Are you willing to do the same?”

  “I am.”

  “Get your civilizations moving; I don’t know how long we can delay them.” The Dark Creature disappeared from his display and RV smiled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  RV looked at Cyanna and said, “I’m not as afraid of snakes as I was before that call.”

  Cyanna laughed and said, “What now?”

  “Get Kenny, Kate, and Gibbs on the channel.”

  The three admirals appeared and RV said, “I’m recalling the fleets we sent home to take part in the coming missions. I also want you to destroy every Red Sector probe you’ve found on your ships and you will keep your force fields up until this problem is resolved.”

  Kenny said, “I see you’ve sent me a list of targets in the Red Sector.”

  “All of you have a list. I’m going to contact the Leaders in the Red Sector momentarily and I’m going to feed that conversation to your boards. If they refuse to listen, you will jump your fleets to the assigned targets. We’ve made the assignments based on the information our sensor buoys are sending to us. Most of the initial targets have sent their fleets to the main gathering of the Red Ships. They will be lightly defended and you may hesitate to attack a defenseless planet. They will only send ships back to their planets if they believe they are in danger. Kate, you and Gibbs are the strike arms of our fleets. You, more than any of us, have trained your ships to be aggressive. I need you to do that against this enemy. Don’t hold them back; turn your fleets lose to do as much damage as possible. We will continue to feed you targets once this starts and we will not leave until that major formation they’re putting together breaks up to defend their worlds.”

  RV looked at Kenny, “You and I are going to have to do the same. I know killing innocent worlds goes against your beliefs but these worlds are not innocent. They have systematically destroyed civilizations throughout their history. Can you do it?”

  Kenny stared at RV and said, “This one’s for Bob.”

  RV smiled, “Yes it is.”

  “When do we start this, Admiral?”

  “I’m waiting for Melodie, Mikal, and Loree’s fleets to arrive and then I’ll make the contact. Have all your attack craft been updated?” The three nodded. “I hope I don’t need to tell you that if you take on their beams, you’ll die. It is my belief that the attack craft can survive their beams for a short time. Use them to break up their formations. I suspect they will come at you with every ship leading with their beams. You’ve got to break into their formations to stand a chance against their ships.” RV paused and then said, “Destroy those probes and get your fleets ready to carry out their orders. We’ll contact them in three hours.”

  Cyanna ended the call and said, “So you don’t think the Light Waves will kill them?”

  “I’ve examined their tactics when they chased our ships and they are not even close to being able to fly a defensive formation. I believe that over their long history they have only attacked and never defended themselves. The only way that could be done is for their formations to all fire their beams as they advance. Those beams are massive and any fleet facing them could not break through their beams to hit them. Even the Light Waves would be burned before they could hit their ships.”

  “So how do we kill their ships?”

  “We have to break through their formations and attack them from the inside. The ships inside can’t fire at our ships once they break through because the massive beam would kill their own ships.”

  Cyanna smiled, “Which means they would have to break up the formation.”

  “Or jump away and try to reform. Either way it delays them.”

  Cyanna looked at her board and said, “The other three fleets just jumped in. I’ll notify them of their targets and tell them what we’re doing.”

  “Thank you, Love.”

  • • •

  The Red Sector Admiral watched the display on his ship’s wall and pressed his board, “How much longer before the other quadrants get their ships here?”

  He stared at his chair display and read, “To: RSA. The fifth quadrant will start moving in two days.”

  The RSA looked up and wished there was a faster way to get the fleets in formation. The probes in the other sectors had revealed that they knew of his coming attack. It really didn’t bother him. There was nothing they could do about it. This boredom was just something he hated. Then his wall speaker said, “I hope you reconsider this attack you’re planning.”

  He looked at his communications leader and he said, “It’s not coming from one of our ships.”

  “Then where is it coming from?”

  “I’m not sure. I need them to communicate before I can track the signal.”

  The RSA leaned back in his chair and pressed his broadcast pad, “What exactly do you mean?”

  RV adjusted the band on his head. He didn’t want to depend on the computer to interpret so he used the translation device to talk directly with the Red Sector Admiral. “I know you want me to communicate long enough for you to locate the device I’m using to talk with you. However, you should understand that if you terminate this conversation, all the planets that will die afterwards will be on your hands.”

  The Communications Leader said, “I have it located. Do you want it destroyed?”

  The RSA sat back in his chair and thought about what he had just heard. While he thought about it RV said, “Jump the buoy.” The small sensor buoy jumped to another location six light seconds away.

  The RSA said, “Destroy it.”

  A Red Ship jumped to the location of the transmission and said, “There’s nothing here.”

  The RSA looked at his CL and he shook his head. T
hen he heard, “I’m going to give you one more opportunity to prevent the destruction of your planets. If you attack this buoy we will attack your civilizations.”

  The Communications Leader started to issue instructions but the RSA held up an appendage and said, “You should know that you hold no fear for us.”

  “I assume you’re speaking for those in your fleets. What about the planets you’ve left undefended to put that fleet together? Do you think they feel like you?”

  “You won’t dare invade our sector. You’ll all be destroyed if you so much as send one ship here.”

  “Please tell me the difference if we don’t. I think the end result will be the same either way. If the result is the same, why would I not send my ships?”

  The RSA thought about the remark and knew whoever was communicating was clear on what was happening. “So why are you communicating instead of just doing it?”

  “I was hoping we could persuade you to change your plans and not attack us.”

  “I don’t see that happening.”

  “Why not?”

  “I hope I really don’t have to explain that to you.”

  “You see us as a threat.”

  “You are.”

  “Not really.”

  “We’ve seen your ships in action.”

  “Yes, but you haven’t seen the panic in every civilization at the mere mention of The Red Sector. No one here would ever think about attacking your domain.”

  “That may be true of those in this galaxy, but you are newcomers that must be taught a lesson.”

  “We’ve found your probes and are aware that you know about us. However, we also recognize the real danger of your sector. The only reason we attacked here was because they destroyed our home world and we are defending our right to exist. It is not in our nature to attack anyone except in self-defense.”

  “We really don’t care what you nature is; you will be eliminated from existence.”

  “Do you think you can do that without paying a price that is too high?”

  “Of course.”

  “We have also seen that you are fighting another enemy on the other border. That fight has been going on for more than ten thousand years. What do you think will happen if you are severely weakened in your attack on us?”


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