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Lens of Time - The End of Time (Lens of Time (Book four))

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  “You represent no danger to us.”

  “Do I have to prove we are before you listen?”

  The RSA thought about his next remark and wondered if he should say it but his arrogance won out, “Prove what you want. You are going to die.”

  The RSA looked at his CL and nodded. “The probe has been destroyed.”

  The CL looked at his board and said, “We have calls from more than ten thousand planets that they are under attack and then they go offline abruptly. The number is now forty thousand. We have ships reporting that millions of ships are jumping in and destroying planets.”

  The RSA heard the report and hit the main frequency, “All ships, jump back to your home planets and defend them. Jump now!”

  The massive fleet that occupied almost an entire solar system disappeared. The RSA knew that all of the time spent getting them into formation had gone to waste. When the final reports came in that more than a million planets had been destroyed, he knew there were going to be repercussions for his actions. Those ships had attacked planets that were not defended. They had to be able to see what was happening in the sector. He thought about how to defend the planets and still form the fleet and was at a loss on what to do. His panel illuminated and he saw the Supreme Ruler’s frequency. This was not good.

  • • •

  Gibbs watched as the Nebraska bore down on the planet. Six Red Ships came rushing from around the planet and were met by the Nebraska’s small ships. Forty of the small craft were burned before the six were blasted by main penetrators. The Nebraska arrived two hundred miles from the planet and Gibbs heard the weapons officer say, “Light Wave has been launched.”

  “All ships jump to the next target.”

  “Are we going to retrieve the small ships, Sir?”

  “No we are not. They will jump with us to the next target and start their attack. We will continue to do this until a force large enough to threaten us arrives; is that clear!”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Gibbs watched six more planets die before thousands of Red Ships arrived at his next target. He said, “Go, go, go.” Every white ship disappeared from the system. The Red Ships refused to leave and pursue the white ships. They were not going to leave their home world defenseless.

  • • •

  Mikal held his squadron in the outer system at his target while thousands of Red Ships gathered at the planet. The Captain said, “Shouldn’t we be getting out of here?”

  “I want to see how they go about attacking us. Have all ships prepared to jump on my command.”

  The thousands of Red Ships formed a giant pyramid shape and rushed out at the waiting Union ships. Mikal watched them start firing their beams and he said, “Jump.”

  The white ships disappeared as a massive wave of fire blew through their former location. The Red Ships immediately jumped back to their home world and waited.

  • • •

  Cyanna said, “The combined fleet has disappeared and all of the ships have jumped back to their planets.”


  “We’ve lost more than two hundred thousand small ships and eight hundred main ships.”

  RV looked at Cyanna with a furrowed brow, “Why are they so low?”

  “The Red Ships refused to give chase. They remained at their planets making sure our ships didn’t return.”

  “None of them left to pursue our ships.”

  Cyanna shrugged, “That’s the way it appears. You would think some of them would have come after our ships.”

  “How many of their ships did we destroy?”

  “Our initial reports say that the planets were defended with six to eight ships. We destroyed all of them at the planets we were able to hit.”

  “How many planets were hit?”

  Cyanna looked down and said, “A million, two hundred thousand plus.”

  RV took a deep breath and blew it out. Cyanna said, “That’s less than one percent of their total.”

  RV jerked his head up, “Are you sure?”

  “We based that on how many ships were in their combined fleet and how many then appeared at each planet afterwards. The numbers at each planet were consistent. That percent assumes every planet had sent ships to the main fleet.”

  “Cyanna, I heard the commander of that fleet ask when the other two quadrants were going to start moving their ships.”

  Cyanna stared at RV and said, “Then we didn’t really have an impact. All those planets represent less than a half percent of their total.”

  RV’s communication panel started illuminating and he said, “Handle these calls. I need some time to consider what I’ve just done.”

  Cyanna stared at RV and began taking the calls. She knew trillions had just died and RV knew he was the one that killed them. She hoped his heart was able to bear that load.

  • • •

  RV sat in his conference room and felt the magnitude of the death he had just caused. He was overwhelmed with what had happened. His communicator buzzed and he started to disconnect it when he saw it was Cyanna, “Yes.”

  “You need to take this call.”

  “Cyn, I just don’t know if I can bear this.”

  “Take the call.”

  RV took a deep breath, held it, and blew it out. He pressed the button and the Dark Creature appeared on his display. “I understand you’re upset with the deaths your ships caused in the Red Sector.” RV just stared at the Creature. “The fact that it bothers you so much gives me great hope for our future.”

  “How can you say that? I murdered trillions today.”

  “When the Red Ships attack, how many will they kill if they are not stopped?”

  RV tried to think but couldn’t. “I don’t know.”

  “Then how many did they kill the last time them invaded?”

  RV looked up and the DC said, “They left every planet burning in both of our sectors. The only ones that survived were those that were able to board a ship and flee. They came back to planets that were no longer habitable. The numbers were so large as to be meaningless. No one can imagine the number that died at their hands. You are thinking about the ones that you killed. That’s a mistake.”

  RV looked at the Creature and said, “Why is that?”

  “You need to think about those you’re saving. You have not put a small dent in their numbers. Before we can stop them, the numbers of planets that have to die in that sector is beyond our ability to visualize. However, the number that will die here is also more than you can contemplate. Is saving them worth doing?”

  RV thought about it and the DC said, “Prove what you want. You are going to die.” RV recognized the last words of the Red Ship Admiral. Then the DC said, “If those ships go to your galaxy, are you going to worry about how many you kill?” RV looked up at the display with menace in his eyes. “You know they are going there if they aren’t stopped. Do you still feel remorse?”

  RV said, “Thank you for getting me to see reality. You’ve allowed me to save my soul.”

  “No, you haven’t lost it. The evidence is clear that you have a good one. However, a good soul should not stop you from doing what must be done…from doing the right thing.”

  RV smiled, “I suspect our neighbors in the other sector are somewhat distraught at this moment.”

  “You should go listen to their communications. It will make you feel better.”

  RV stood and went to the bridge of the Havana. Cyanna saw him come in and knew he was back. She owed that snake for getting him to find balance.

  RV said, “Play me the recordings we’ve received in the Red Sector. RV listened and after ten minutes said, “New plans. Get the Admirals on my board.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  RV looked at Cyanna, “Have you ever played that game at the fair where you take a hammer and hit a stuffed head every time it pops up out of a hole?”

  “I have.”

  “Well, it’s easy at first when they emerge slowly.” />
  “I remember. It gets much harder when they start popping up very quickly.”

  “And there are only nine holes in that game. What do you think would happen if there were a thousand holes and you only have one hammer?”

  Cyanna thought about it and said, “I believe I would saw that board apart and burn it.”

  “Frustration does make one do silly things.”

  Cyanna smiled as RV told his plan to his admirals. When he finished she shook her head, “Should I send them a chainsaw?”

  “Only after they break the hammer.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A hundred million Needles waited in open space. Beth waited until they locked in on their assignments and notified their squadron leaders they were ready. Beth watched her board and knew that Riebbe was with an identical number of Needles across the edge of the giant galaxy from her ships. She hoped everything turned out well. She looked down and saw her board was solid. “Alrighty, you know your assignment. Give them a good run and get out. We’ll be jumping is ten seconds from my mark. Ready…mark.”

  Every Needle disappeared at the same moment.

  • • •

  The RSA listened to the Supreme Leader ask questions of his staff about how they were going to prevent future attacks on their planets. He wondered how much longer his staff was going to be held hostage to the Leader’s questions. He needed to be making plans with his junior officers over the fleets. Suddenly the Communication Leader yelled, “Millions of ships have jumped into our sector.”

  “What are they doing?”

  “I’m waiting on a report to make a determination.”

  The RSA said, “Sire, I need to get involved in this attack.” The Supreme Leader frowned and disappeared from the RSA’s display.

  • • •

  Alpha Lieutenant watched his navigation board while his secondary brain readied the probes for launch. Ten Red Ships were in pursuit but the Needle was able to turn faster due to being weightless and they overran him eight times before a hundred ships joined in the chase. Alpha crisscrossed the planetary system four times before he jumped away. The two probes he launched were not seen, and later, were not found. Only six Needles were destroyed and they were able to launch their probes before they were killed. The box had been built. Now the heads were needed to start the game.

  • • •

  The DC’s panel alarmed and his fleet commander said, “We have a giant white ship emerging into our system.” The display illuminated and The DC saw a strange creature. “We are here to install a system for your planet’s defense.”

  “Who are you?”

  “We are allies of the ones you call white ships.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “We are going to install a planetary force field around your planet. We should have it done within two weeks if we are not interrupted.”

  The Dark Creature thought a moment and said, “Do what you need to do. Notify me if you need any help.”

  “We need a clear area of about ten square miles. Does such a place exist on your world?”

  “Yes, does it have to be in an area with water?”

  “No, deserts are preferable.”

  “Then I have just the place. On how many of our planets are you installing these force fields?”

  “Two hundred thousand initially; our Admiral says you can provide a list of the most important planets for us to build them on.”

  The DC thought about all of his worlds, but then knew that was the old thought process. “Go to the planet of the Ramst first. I’ll have a list of the other capitals and their main construction planets for you momentarily.” The DC thought a moment and said, “How powerful is this force field?”

  “It should hold up to an attack for six months.”

  “Do tell; even against the Red Ships?”

  “Who else would I use to make the comparison?”

  The DC smiled. The future was changing in front of his eyes. The Ramst King appeared on his display and he said, “Our friends are keeping their word. Give their engineers all the help you can.” The Ramst King looked puzzled and the DC said, “Call me after they start construction.” The King looked away and then nodded.

  The DC leaned back and decided that he was going to buy stock in the betting planet. With wars disappearing, and if they survived the Red Sector attack, gambling was going to be a big past time. The time to buy was when the price was low. If he died, the money wouldn’t do him any good any way. His purchase was huge. He checked to see if there were any bets on survival and to his surprise discovered there was. He spent the rest of his fortune betting for survival. It was too bad the betters didn’t know about the force fields. The odds improved a week later.

  The Gaming Planet could not understand the actions of the new Emperor. However, they weren’t dumb. They raised their stock prices immediately after the stock purchase. The emperor had already made millions on his stocks.

  • • •

  Dolly sat in the communication room in the command center and thought about what George and RV had said. She hated the numbers that had died and her heart was troubled. She held Leigh Ann as she eagerly sucked on the baby bottle. She smiled at the baby and decided she had Cyanna’s good looks. But she had RV’s eyes. She stared at the baby’s blue eyes and she stopped eating long enough to smile at Dolly and giggle. They were right. She had lost her courage and wanted all the killing to stop. She decided at that moment that it was not going to stop with this child being killed. Meisa came in and said, “I’m sorry I’m late. Thank you for watching her.”

  “Anytime, Meisa; I love this little girl.”

  “She is so beautiful.”

  “How is George Junior doing?”

  “Fine, George is with him now. You should come by and visit.”

  “I’ll be by later on tonight. Tell George I love him.”

  Meisa smiled, “I will, Dolly.”

  Meisa left and Dolly sat at the communication panel and took a deep breath. She leaned forward and entered a frequency in the board. A red light illuminated and she said, “It’s been a long time since we’ve communicated. I’m going to send you a recording of everything that’s happened and a download of all the technology we’ve developed. I hope you find something useful. Good luck.”

  Dolly pressed the send button and waited until the download was completed. She erased the frequency from the communication records and stood up. She smiled and left to tell George how sorry she was about losing her way. Twenty minutes after she left, the red light illuminated and, after an hour, went out.

  • • •

  Commodore Duncan Medina looked at his scanner panel and saw his ten thousand ships in formation. He glanced at the planet he was about to attack on the main display and saw two thousand Red Ships in orbit around it. He looked at his chronometer and saw there was still ten minutes before jump. He hit his board and said, “Have you got the other candidates spotted?”

  “I do. Now be a good stuffed head and take a look around.”

  Duncan looked at Captain Grainger and said, “Is there something wrong, Captain?”

  She answered with a sneer, “Why would anything be wrong?”

  Duncan stared at her and wondered what was going on. “What’s bugging you?”


  “Are you worried about this mission?”


  “Janie, I don’t want to go into a mission with you acting like this. Now what’s your problem?”

  “Why don’t you ask that blonde you were with last night?”

  Duncan stared at Janie and after a few moments said, “Are you talking about my younger sister?” Janie spun around in her chair and stared at him. “The one that left in a shuttle this morning?”

  Janie continued to stare at him and he said, “She’s the Captain of the Saratoga and is teamed with our group.”

  Janie whipped around and pulled up the Saratoga’s roster on her panel and saw Capta
in Gabrielle Medina was the commanding officer. Her shoulders slumped and Duncan said, “I didn’t know something like that would bother you.”

  Janie’s face was red and she said, “I’m fine. Let’s get on with this attack.”

  Duncan saw she refused to look at him. He smiled and said, “Captain Granger, you should know that there isn’t anyone else that has my attention.” Duncan watched as she slowly turned and looked at him. The rest of the bridge crew pretended to be looking at their duty stations. Duncan said, “Now you know.” Janie’s eyes brightened and she turned around and stared at her board. “Captain, is the group ready?”

  “Yes Sir. We are. I’ve enabled the group jump code and we’ll move on the planet immediately on emergence.”

  “Good; carry on Captain.”

  Janie said, “I’m counting on you to do your jobs. Don’t let the Commodore down.”

  The bridge crew smiled and prepared for the mission.

  • • •

  The Commander of the Red Ships orbiting the planet sent out a call for help as soon as the ten thousand white ships broke into normal space and began moving on the planet. Fifty thousand Red Ships appeared at the planet and formed up into a huge pyramid. The huge structure then accelerated at the incoming white ships that promptly disappeared before they came into weapon’s range.

  Twenty four planets that sent their ships to support the planet being attacked were overwhelmed with white ships that jumped in and launched a Light Wave Penetrator at the planets. All twenty four blew up in massive blasts that broke them into pieces. The ships that jumped back to defend them arrived too late. The anger and sorrow at the loss of their home worlds were too much for many of the Red ship crews to bear. All over the Red Sector, planets were dying at an enormous rate. Soon, no planet would send their ships to assist others and the thousand ships at each planet were being overwhelmed and the destruction was spreading.

  The RSA saw what was happening and yelled, “Order half the fleet at the border to come and attack those ships.”

  “If they leave, it may prompt the Grillen to open a new attack.”

  “I don’t care; do it!”


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