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Bucket List - An Extreme Horror Short Story: Warning: Some Scenes May Disturb

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by Dawn Cano

  I slapped her cheeks again, checking that she would be out for a while longer, then left her side, collecting a book from the entertainment centre. Matt Shaw's Don't Read has always been one of my favourites and this time, instead of reading simply for enjoyment, I'm doing research. In the book, the bad guy is a serial killer who wants to write the best horror novel ever written and to do that, he tortures and murders people in some truly innovative ways. I particularly enjoyed the scene where he yanks out a woman's eyeball with a corkscrew.

  I wonder if Shaw accurately described an eye.

  Between Don't Read and the film I watched earlier, I had some good ideas emerging of how to have a great time before I died and what I wasn’t sure of, I could make up as I went along. To have my fun, I had to prepare before Emilia awoke. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a notebook and a pen. I wrote out the details that those who found us would need to know.

  My name is Mike Hickman. I am 34-years-old and dying of AIDS, infected by my wife after she had an affair. Although medical intervention may prolong my life, I wish not to be saved. I don't want to live as a shell of my former self, relying on medication to keep me going. As my final act on this earth, I plan on showing the world a few things about what the world of horror has taught me over the course of my life. When I'm finished playing with the young lady I have bound to the bed, I will kill myself. You will not catch me. You will not prosecute me. For this crime, I am above the law.

  Oh, and in case you’re unable to identify her, her name is Emilia Hickman and she is my wife. Many may question my motives, but I can assure you I have no motives other than killing in reprisal for her death sentence upon me. Consider this murder as me fulfilling my bucket list.

  Michael Hickman



  After penning my final letter, I headed out into my garage which was directly beside the house. I was tired and weak and felt the presence of a migraine building deep behind my eyes. I ignored the pain and continued with my mission. In the garage, I picked up a long screwdriver, a pair of scissors, and a nail gun. When I walked back into the bedroom carrying the tools, Emilia was just beginning to stir.

  It took her a moment to wake enough to realise that she was in trouble. She panicked when she couldn't open her eyes and for a long while, I just stood staring at her, watching her struggle as I considered my next move. I openly admit that watching her fight against her restraints was quite a turn on and I had to keep myself from raping her right there and then. Instead, I sat on the edge of the bed stroking her hair, making her flinch away from my touch and struggle to break free even more. Since she didn't like me touching her hair, my hand wandered down her face to her neck and finally her over her breast. I lightly pinched the nipple through her top and bra, but she wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get much enjoyment from the act. I did notice that her nipple got hard, which made me think that she might actually be enjoying this. Kinky bitch. Could she enjoy this? Probably not, but it would be nice. I reached to the end of the bed and grabbed a hold of the scissors. Although my first instinct was to use them to stab her in the heart, alternatively, I cut away her black t-shirt and white cotton bra. The way that she was thrashing around, I'm kind of surprised that she didn’t get cut.

  The current time is 16:32, and although I am exhausted already, there is still so much that I want to do. I have to take short breaks thanks to this damned disease that is taking away my energy, but the adrenaline coursing through my veins keeps me going longer than I expected. I walked over to Emilia and tore the tape off her eyes, laughing when I realized I had taken a number of eyelashes and part of her eyebrows in the process. The way that her eyes struggled to adjust to the light was almost painful to watch, and when she saw me? Well, I didn't know that a person's eyes could get that wide. It was quite comical, to be honest.

  Her eyes pleaded as if she were trying to convince me to let her go without using any words. Unfortunately for her, the look that she gave me didn't affect me at all. Since I had uncovered her eyes first, I decided that her eyes - at least one of them, would be the perfect place to start my mission, and it was a serious mission. I was going ahead with this and there wasn't a damn thing that anyone could do to stop me. She owed me.

  I grabbed the screwdriver off the bed and told Em to stay still so she wouldn't cause herself more damage and pain. Of course, I knew this would hurt, but that was all part of the fun. Holding her head as still as possible with my left hand, I inserted the tip of the screwdriver into the tear duct with my right but didn't push it in far. The idea was to pop the eye out of its socket in one quick movement. With Emilia thrashing around too much for me to keep my hand steady, the screwdriver slipped, stabbing her right in the middle of her left eye. Whoops. She screamed as much as the tape on her mouth would allow, and the amount of fluid that gushed from her eyeball surprised me. I was amazed that she didn't pass out. The end of the screwdriver went about halfway through her eyeball, and as I yanked out the tool, I raised the tip of it slightly, with the hope that the eye would come with it. I was fairly chuffed that had worked, even though the moist ripping sound was more than I needed to hear. I removed the eyeball from the end of the screwdriver and rolled it around in my fingers. It was just as soft, smooth, and squishy as Shaw had described, but I was rather turned off by the sinewy bits coming off the back end. Throwing it on the floor, I moved closer to Em. She was still thrashing and screaming, or at least trying to scream, as I studied the hole that I had put in her head

  A new hole...

  I laughed as I dismissed the dirty thought that popped into my mind. Although sticking my cock into a small, tight hole had its appeal, sticking it into a hole that small probably wouldn't work. Besides, there were still plenty of possibilities as I was only just getting started. I wanted to see what was left in Em's eye socket, but the eyelid had folded back over where her eye used to be. Grabbing the scissors, I lifted it away from her face with my left hand, giggling at the little sucking noise it made, and in one fluid motion, cut away the leftover skin with my right. Now I had a great view - well, I would have once I rinsed away the blood. I didn't have anything to clean the blood away, and I certainly wasn't leaving Em alone in the room, despite the fact she was tightly bound and probably couldn't go anywhere. Using the bottle of water that she always kept on her bedside table, I rinsed away the blood and fluid and used her shirt to dry the hole. As I stuck the t-shirt in to absorb the liquid, Em screamed again. I guess it hurt more than I thought.

  So would dying a slow, painful death due to AIDS.

  Once I cleaned out the eye cavity, I took a look inside and really, most horror fans would be disappointed. There was very little to see besides the other end of the tissue that had held the eye in place. I quickly grew bored with the sight and decided to try something new. I wanted to fuck with her head. After all, who doesn't love a bit of psychological horror?

  I whispered, “Em.”

  She continued screaming and didn't hear me.

  “Emilia,” I said louder.

  “I think it's time for me to let you go, Em. I made a mistake, you don't deserve this. I'm going to remove the tape.”

  The tears and screaming diminished and she nodded slowly at first, then with increased enthusiasm.

  “Okay, if you want me to let you go, we need to do this my way. You'll do everything I say and you will keep your mouth shut. Understood?”

  She nodded again.

  “I'm going to take the tape off your mouth now. If you scream, I promise, I will kill you. I've got nothing to lose, so you can be sure I'm telling you the truth. No screaming, you got it?”


  Something in her eye told me she was convinced that I was telling the truth. I ripped the tape from her mouth in one rapid motion, causing her to wince. She stared at me, breathing heavily and fighting back tears.

  “I bet that hole in your head hurts quite a bit, doesn't it?” I asked, trying not to laugh.

sp; Emilia didn't say a word. She just kept staring at me.

  I growled,“I asked you a question. Don't make me ask it again?”

  She whispered, “It does hurt, a lot.”

  “I can't hear you, love. Speak up.”

  “I said it does hurt,” she said, finally finding her voice.

  “Would you like some water before I release you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I gave her a sip of water from the water bottle thinking that she didn't deserve the gesture. I just wanted her strong for the next part. I clenched my fist and punched her as hard as I could, right in the jaw. Her face instantly swelled and bruised, teeth cracked and she began to cry. I never knew I could get this angry, but damn, it felt good. Grasping the scissors, I bent forwards and as I stood over her, she opened her mouth as if to scream.

  I screamed first. “Don't! Don't you fucking do it!”

  My outburst scared her enough to make her clamp her mouth shut immediately. I used the scissors to cut her jeans and panties off; now she was completely naked. The sight of her lying there helpless almost sent me over the edge. I took a moment to savour the view and she watched me as my cock stiffened whilst I stared at her naked body. I ran my hand over her breasts, feeling like I could cum at any moment.

  “Don't say a word,” I whispered as I looked down at her. Tears rolled down her right cheek and onto the bed. The hole where her left eye used to be continued to ooze blood and other fluids.

  She rolled her remaining eye, and whispered,“Why, Mike?”

  “Remember all those times over the last ten years when you told me you hated my horror novels and films? Remember how you wouldn't share those things with me? You made me watch my films alone and I could only read my books after you fell asleep.


  Since you decided to fuck around on me, you've introduced a whole new kind of horror into my life, one that I never asked for. Since you shared that with me, I wanted to return the favour by sharing my kind of horror with you. I've decided that I'm going to have the one thing I want more than anything in this world before I die. Wanna know what that is?”


  “I asked you a question, Emilia. Do you want to know the one thing that’s on my bucket list?”

  She nodded.

  “Since AIDS kills people slowly...”

  Em began whimpering and the tears rained down her cheek once again. I ignored her and continued.

  “Since AIDS kills people slowly and painfully and since you gave me AIDS because apparently you want me to die that way, I've decided that before I go, I'm going to show you what a slow and painful death truly looks like.”

  Em screamed as loud as she could until I clamped a hand down over her mouth and nose.

  “Shut the fuck up, you stupid cow. If you think what I'm doing now is bad, try screaming one more time.”

  She continued to whimper but didn't fight me. I reached across her to retrieve the roll of duct tape, tearing off a fresh piece and sticking it down over her mouth.

  “Once, I thought I loved you, or at least loved the thought of you. Looking at what you've done, I can't believe what a fucking idiot I was.”

  Emilia began to cry again but I didn't care. Adrenaline surged through my system and my cock throbbed inside my trousers, making me feel happy and energised. I couldn't wait - I had to fuck her now. This wasn't going to be an ordinary fuck. I looked into Emilia's eye and smiled as an idea wiggled its way into my mind.

  I climbed off her and grabbed hold of the screwdriver from the floor. Wiping the dried gore off onto my shirt, I thrust it upwards, inside her navel and then angled it to the left to avoid any major arteries. Pushing with all my strength, the flesh and underlying muscle and tissue eventually gave way. Blood poured from the hole I'd made, but the opening wasn't getting any larger, and I couldn't go deep enough. I figured that a screwdriver wasn't the right tool for making a hole in flesh, so with the scissors, I dug and cut away enough to make a nice hole, deep enough for me to ease the pressure in my balls. Emilia kicked, screamed and thrashed so much, I thought she was having a seizure. I felt no sympathy and no remorse because I had an urgent need for satisfaction. I knew the blood pouring from the wound would be more than enough lubrication to get the job done.

  Unbuttoning my trousers, I pulled my cock free and started stroking it as I watched her cry and squirm on the bed, her face had turned a bright shade of red. The more she thrashed about, the more blood that came spilling out of the hole. Doing something I never thought I'd get the chance to do, I plunged my cock into the hole I'd just made. It was fucking heavenly – warm and wet. I closed my eyes and slowly moved my hips back and forth, balancing on my hands and knees and enjoying the tight hole I was fucking. I didn't want to cum so soon, but it felt so good, I couldn't help it. I groaned loudly as I shot a huge load into Em's abdominal cavity, but instead of pulling out right away, I stayed inside her, running my hands up and down her body – playing with her nipples and caressing her smooth legs. It took a moment before I realised she had passed out. Pity, really. She didn't get to see the pleasure she gave me.

  Finally I pulled out and looked at the blood on my cock, I instantly started getting hard again. I wonder if she'd like sucking the blood from from it. She couldn't do anything as long as she was passed out, so I sat on the side of the bed next to her and began slapping her face.

  “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. You fell asleep and the party's not over yet!”

  After a moment, she began to stir. It only took a second for the realisation of her situation to hit her. As she squirmed, I grabbed a hold of her jaw with one hand and ripped the tape from her mouth with the other, before forcing her mouth open. Before I stuck my cock in there, I wanted to make sure I hadn't broken any teeth. I ran my finger along her top and bottom teeth looking for any sharp edges and once I felt sure it was safe, I stood up and took the nail gun off the end of the bed. Checking to make sure it was loaded, I climbed on top of her, resting my hard cock on her chin, a few millimetres from her mouth. I lined up the nail gun with the hole in her face.

  “You used to be so good at sucking my cock. I wonder if you still are.

  “Suck it clean. If you bite me, I'll put a nail in your fucking brain.” I put the tip of my cock against her lips but she didn't open her mouth.

  “Did you hear what I told you?” I asked, pressing the nail gun against her skull. “Suck it clean. Now.”

  After a few seconds of contemplation, she opened her mouth and I shoved my blood-covered dick inside, right up to the balls. She sucked it in between gags and still pressing the nail gun to her forehead, I began moving my hips back and forth.

  “Suck it harder,” I whispered.

  I stared at her face the entire time and I could feel a strong orgasm building already. It was only a moment before I shot my load into her mouth and down her throat. Emilia gagged and coughed, trying to turn her head away, but I held it firmly in place. After my orgasm, I pulled out of her mouth and she started gagging again but this time, I allowed her to turn her head to the side. She coughed so hard that she vomited on the bed. The liquid was a mixture of semen and something that resembled some kind of vegetable soup, and it wouldn't have been so bad, had she not done it right in the spot where I usually sit. The stench of old, partially digested food assaulted my nostrils making anger rise from my chest, and I slapped her across the face. “You fucking dirty cow. Now look what you've done!”

  The tears streamed from Em's remaining eye and she looked at me in horror as I told her to clean it up. I suppose with her hands still bound to the bed, she didn't know exactly what I meant, so I explained it. “Lick it up.”

  She shook her head and tried turning it away from the vomit that was now soaking through the duvet, but I grabbed her hair, thrust her face into it and screamed, “Lick it up!”

  I pressed the nail gun against her skull once again, to drive the point home. After what seemed like an eternity, she looked at the vomit and
stuck out her tongue, licking up as much as she could in between retches. She was going to need a little help cleaning up her mess and I was just the man to help her.

  I jumped off the bed searching for the scissors. Locating them on the floor, I cut away the tape that was holding her on the bed, leaving her ankles bound together. I flipped her over violently onto her stomach and lifted her knees to put her in a kneeling position. She gasped loudly as I touched the hole I'd made in her abdomen, but to her credit, she didn't scream. I dropped the scissors and shoved her face first into the pool of sick. “Lick it up. All of it.”

  She started crying and begging, neither of which made any dent in the anger that was growing stronger by the minute. I shoved her head further into the mattress, enjoying the fact that she was finding it difficult to breathe. I held her there for a moment and when I pulled her head back up by the hair, there was a pool of blood mixing in with the vomit. I reckon I pushed her head down a little too hard and broke her nose.

  “Clean it up. Lick up every fucking drop.”

  She did as she was told, but with all the blood pouring from her nose, she couldn't keep up. I got bored of the sight and in truth, listening to her slurp up the mess was making me feel a little sick myself.

  “Stop,” I told her. “That's enough. You fucking disgust me.”

  I flipped Em around so she was once again lying on her back and using the remaining duct tape, secured her to the bedposts and taped her mouth shut once more. I jumped off the bed, and stomped around the room, trying to figure out what I wanted to do next. In truth, I was getting tired of our little game and when I looked down at Emilia, she was unconscious, or was she dead? She had lost a lot of blood, after all, so I decided to check for a pulse. As I placed my fingers on her neck, she jolted awake. I took hold of the nail gun.


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