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Bucket List - An Extreme Horror Short Story: Warning: Some Scenes May Disturb

Page 3

by Dawn Cano

  Climbing on top of her, I straddled her chest, and with a steadiness that I was surprised I still possessed, pushed the tip of the nail gun into her empty eye socket, relishing in her attempts at a scream. I tilted the gun up slightly and waited for her reaction. I wanted to hear her beg. I ripped the tape from her mouth one last time.

  She pleaded in agony, “No, please don't. I don't want to die. Why are you doing this to me? I loved you!”

  As a person who never found it necessary to describe my motives for doing anything, I didn't reply.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  I looked at Emilia, the woman who claimed to have loved me before running off and fucking another guy at the first opportunity. I laughed as I pulled the trigger on the nail gun. As soon as the long nail punctured the soft tissue of her brain, she stopped moving immediately and her remaining eye continued staring at me, devoid of any expression.

  I remained sat on her chest for a moment, coming to terms with what I had just done. I killed her. I took her life. If I'm honest, it felt amazing and it was a rush I'd never felt before and I knew that even if I lived to be one hundred, I would never experience that type of stimulation again. It was almost time to end this, but I had one more thing to do first. I didn't realise that as I pulled the trigger with my right hand, my left was furiously stroking my cock and it was harder than ever when Em had died. I climbed off her just long enough to put the nail gun down and get the scissors to use them to remove the tape from her hands, mouth, and feet. I spread her legs and ran my fingers up and down her dead pussy. Then I climbed back on the bed. By this time, I was so hard, I was certain my cock would explode.

  Was fucking a dead person as good as the films made it seem? I finally get to find out.

  I stuck my fingers into the hole in her stomach that I made earlier and was surprised to find it was still quite bloody. Scooping blood out of the hole with my finger tips, I lubed up my cock, enjoying the sensation. If I wasn't careful, I'd cum right there and then, and I didn't want that to happen before fucking my dead wife. Guiding my cock into Em's dead cunt was a dream come true. I inserted it slowly a few times, teasing the head with her tight opening, then shoved it in as hard as I could, raping her pussy whilst staring at her dead face. As I fucked her, I had the inexplicable urge to finger her eye socket. I inserted my middle finger, running it around the edges of the hole I had made, moaning loudly as I fought the urge to cum. I pulled my cock out and lifted her legs over my shoulders, slowly inserting my cock into her arsehole. I kept staring at her face, the sight of her eye staring into nothingness and her battered nose turning me on even more. She never let me fuck her in the arse when she was alive, so now I was taking what was rightfully mine. The feeling was unbelievable. I fucked her until I reached the point of no return, shooting my load deep inside her ass. My orgasm came to an end, and I clumsily climbed off my dead ex-wife, found my clothes and began dressing, feeling alive and dead at the same time, if that makes sense.


  Before I ended my own life, there was one more thing that I wanted to do. Since most of the day had been spent using my tools, then throwing them around, I had a hard time finding the scissors. When I did, I walked back to the bed and once again stared into Em's dead face. I leaned over and softly kissed her lips and looked at her again. I grabbed her bottom lip and pulled it out as far as it would go before using the scissors to cut it off. I had a hard time cutting through the skin and tissue, but eventually the lip came off in my hand. Ignoring the blood, I did the same to the top lip. I threw both lips on the floor.


  Scoffing at my own wit and wondering if I had truly lost my mind, I sat down at the end of the bed, between Emilia's legs, smiling. I bent over running my tongue along the length of her pussy, savouring the taste. Starting on the left hand side, I pulled one of her vaginal lips as far out as I could, and like the lips on her face, cut it off and threw it down on the floor. I repeated the procedure on the right hand side and when I was finished, exhaustion had taken over. I'm done. I looked at my wife's face for the last time and it amused me to see she was smiling. Of course anyone would look like they're smiling without lips.

  I dropped the scissors and picked up the nail gun. This was it. I pointed the gun at my skull, just as I heard a loud banging on the door which made me jump. I had been at this for several hours and had almost forgotten that a world existed outside these walls.

  A deep voice boomed from outside.

  “Police! Open the door!”

  What the fuck? How did the cops know?

  I couldn't figure out how the police knew to show up at my door. It had only been a few hours, so no one would have reported Emilia missing...

  She screamed. One of the neighbours must have heard and called the police. Must have been that nosey old twat, Mr. Duncan from next door.

  The next thing I knew, the police were breaking down my front door. I still had enough time to pull the trigger but my hand was shaking. I aimed the gun and fired.

  Nothing happened. I pulled the trigger again and still nothing. The fucking gun had jammed.

  When two officers barged into my bedroom they were shocked at the scene before them. Em was lying on the bed, missing her lips and one eye. I was standing at the foot of the bed with a nail gun pointed at my head.

  “Sir, put it down,” the female officer said.

  “I can't. I have to do this.”

  I pointed to Emilia on the bed. “She...she killed me. She fucked another man and contracted AIDS. I'm dying! I don't want to live.”

  I broke down in tears as all traces of anger dissolved from my body. I removed the nail gun from my own head and pointed it at the officer. What I didn't see was that her partner, a man whose name I would later learn was Gunn, had his taser out and fired before I had a chance do anything else. I dropped my nail gun as my body was overcome with a a surge of electricity, and soon, I was being carried out to a waiting police car.

  Later that evening

  “Police were called out to this rundown home in Hebdon Bridge earlier this evening after receiving a call from a concerned neighbour claiming to have heard a woman's screams. Although details are sketchy at this time, it was confirmed that Michael Hickman was taken into custody after the police broke into his property.”

  “To the best of our knowledge, Hickman remains in police custody, and we will bring you a live update as soon as information becomes available. This is Alison Coombs reporting from Hebdon Bridge for BBC One.”


  So, here we are, at the end of Bucket List. What did you think? Did you love it? Hate it? Wanna shout your opinion from the rooftops? How about leaving a review on Amazon. You don't have to be a writer to leave a spectacular review. Just a few words will do the trick and I will be forever in your debt.

  I read each and every review I receive but if you want to talk to me directly, hit me up on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. I love talking to other readers.

  Thank you so much for providing me with the opportunity to entertain you.




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