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All's Fair in Love and Football

Page 2

by Desean Rambo

  “Well…” Michael hesitates then continues, “Someone asked her first. It’s as simple as that.”

  Earl doesn’t buy it. “Mike, come on. I know for a fact that girl wanted to go to prom with you.”

  “And how would you know that?”

  “She said so much herself. She was waiting for you to ask so she could ditch buddy who asked her.”

  “Well I blew it.” Mike confesses. “Let’s talk about something else.”


  A few hours later.

  Back at Aunt Jo’s home Chelle finally returns. She’s a tall, slender, beautiful woman of color. Her beauty is highlighted with gorgeous long curly black locks, flawless skin, and bold hazel eyes. She hauls several brand name shopping bags as she enters the home. Louie V, YSL, Gucci, and Prada are common staples for Michelle. She places the bags down in the living room. Her mother is busy cleaning in the kitchen. Her cousin Earl lounges on the couch.

  Jo calls her daughter. “Hey baby! Back so soon?”

  “Yeah, Mama. We had a good time though.”

  “Oh. What ya’ll do today? Besides spend a bunch of money?”

  “I got some stuff for the winter. I needed some winter clothes and a new jacket. I got some new fragrances and stuff as well.”

  “I told you about spending all of that boy’s money. Now Marvin is a nice man, don’t you go running him off with your fathers spending habits, ya hear?”

  Chelle responds to her mother’s concerns. “Maa! I told you he doesn’t care! Stop worrying yourself silly. He takes great care of me.”

  “Chelle, why didn’t you stay with Marvin this time?”

  “It’s a big game. He told me I’m bad luck and didn’t want to see me until after the game. You know boys and their sports. He’s the most superstitious person I’ve ever met.”

  Earl takes the opportunity to add to the conversation. “Yeah you’re bad luck aright. Bad luck especially when he’s trying to get with those groupies.”

  Chelle snaps at him. “Earl shut up! You don’t know anything about him! All you do is go around-”

  “Chelle! What did I tell you about fussing in the Lord’s home?” Jo scolds her daughter.

  “Mama, this is not a church. Earl! All you do is go around picking the faults out in everyone else, how about you start talking about yourself first before judging other people?!”

  “I just call em’ like I see em’. If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat, then that’s a darn rat.”

  “Marvin is talented and you’re just jealous. That’s all it is” Chelle quips.

  “Hey if catching balls is worth so much, then there are some girls out here that should be millionaires by now! But your boy probably already knows them all.”

  Chelle throws a pillow at Earl. She fusses under her breath, “Darn it Earl! I’d wish you’d go home!”

  “Aunt Jo!”

  Jo emerges from the kitchen.

  Jo gets on both of them. “Now tighten up! The both of ya’ll! Round here fussing like two strangers that don’t know no better. You’re family. And I expect ya’ll to act that way. Ain’t nobody supposed to treat you better than your own flesh and blood.”

  “Chelle you know I’m just trying to look out for ya’.” Earl apologizes.

  “Look out for yourself.”

  “Chelle you wouldn’t believe who we saw today.” Jo tells her daughter.




  “Your Michael.”

  Chelle remembers. “Ooh. He is not my Michael.” Her mother continues, “He came back ‘round here. He’s looking real nice too. As if he never left.”

  “How is he doing?” Chelle asks. She genuinely cares for Michael even though she’s moved on in life. Earl replies, “He told me he’s staying’ on Franklin. I wonder why he came back.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Those houses on Franklin are pretty nice. It seems like he’s doing real well for himself.” Chelle remarks. Her mother goes on, “You should see him sometime. I’m sure you two can still be friends. I’m going to lie down. Ya’ll be good.”

  Jo exits the living room. She heads down the hallway to her room.

  Chelle turns to Earl, “I can’t believe Michael is back. That’s crazy that so much has changed in a year.”

  “What’s so crazy Chelle? A man can only take so much.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That man loves you. And you played him out.”

  “What? Me and Michael are just friends.”

  “Were. You and Michael were friends. Before you broke his heart. He spent every penny he had on that ring and you knew it.”

  “And he knew we were friends. And nothing more. I don’t think seeing him is a good idea anyways.”

  Earl comes clean. “Chelle I told him.”


  “About your boy Marvin.”

  “You had no right!”

  He cuts her off. “He has a right to know!”

  Chelle’s voice breaks, “You had no right Earl! No right! This is my life! You had no right!”

  “Why? Why didn’t I have a right? It’s his life too. That man did everything he could for you.”

  Chelle’s almost crying. “I can’t believe you.”

  “Why shouldn’t he know?!”

  “I moved on! That’s what people do Earl.”

  He responds, “It doesn’t feel like you moved on.”

  “Leave it alone! Leave the past in the past. Who do you think you are?!”

  “What is he supposed to do? Run back here and get hurt again? He was going to find out. You have it all over Facebook. Aren’t you proud to be a baller’s girl?”

  “Stay out of my life! I can’t believe you.”


  It’s Sunday. For Jo, Chelle and Marvin that means game day. The Falcons are playing a big home game versus the New York Giants. Chelle watches from home with her cousin and mother; Marvin prefers her not to attend the games due to superstition. If the Falcons win this game they will be eligible for the playoffs. It is the biggest game of Marvin’s young career.

  Chelle, her mother, and Earl sit in the living room watching the game on television. Jo and Chelle each sport red Falcons jerseys embroidered with Marvin’s number #87. Earl rocks his regular t shirt and jeans.

  Late in the fourth quarter the Falcons are down to the Giants 21-27. Marvin beats his defender on a skinny post deep down field. The Falcons’ quarterback steps back and launches a prayer in #87’s direction. Marvin plucks it from the sky and takes off down the sideline. The Georgia Dome ERRUPTS.

  Chelle and her mother lose their minds, “Go, go, go, go, go! Woo! Boy run! Run! OH MY GOD!”

  The television announcer blares, “Twenty… ten… and no one will catch him! What a phenomenal play by the receiver, Marvin Johnson! The Falcons will win the game! Marvin Johnson with a seventy two yard run after the catch in the fourth quarter to give the Falcons the victory!”

  Chelle and Jo are thrilled, “OH MY GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! Wooooo!”

  Jo catches her breath, “What a game. I don’t know if my heart can take any more of that though.”

  Chelle agrees, “Now that was exciting! I can’t believe this!”

  “It was alright.” Earl isn’t really impressed.

  Chelle objects, “Pfft! You’re a hater.”

  Jo cuts in, “Judge not, and you will not be judged.”

  “Anyways, mamma you need any help cooking? Marvin’s supposed to be back from the stadium in about two hours.”

  It’s a post game tradition for Marvin to enjoy a home cooked meal at the house. Occasionally a teammate will join him. The ladies get to the kitchen to start figuring out what they want to make. Pots and pans click clack. Earl turns the volume down on the TV. He’s had enough Marvin Johnson for one day, but sadly it has just begun.

  The television coverage of the game continues. Ma
rvin is interviewed on the field after the game by a spunky young female reporter.

  “Marvin congratulations on making arguably the biggest play of your career so far. Can you just take us back a few moments before the play? Did you know the ball was coming to you? What were you thinking as you were running down the sidelines and realized you just won this game?”

  “First off I just want to say THANK YOU ATLANTA!” Marvin can barely catch his breath he’s so excited. “I knew I could make plays like this. I knew that when Atlanta picked me three years ago I’d bring a title to this city. I knew I was chosen for a reason.”

  The reporter tries to get him back on topic. “Can you take us to the play?”

  “Yeah babe. You saw it. They saw it!” He points out to the crowd. They roar. “Like I said, I know what I can do out here. They know what I can do out here. You know what I can do.”

  She blushes. “Thank you again Marvin. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s Marvin Johnson. Love him or not, he just put the Falcons in the playoffs.”

  Earl rolls his eyes at the television. He cannot believe this is the guy his cousin is crazy about. Marvin is the type of guy Earl and Chelle would have never interacted with in school but now that Chelle’s grown into her looks and snagged the NFL’s brightest young star everything has changed.

  Jo peeps back in the living room. “Earl how much do you think we should cook? I don’t want to have Marvin over after a game like that and not have anything fixed for him. I hope he makes it over alright.”

  “Aunt Jo, you know he’s going out partying with the rest of them at the club. He’s probably about to get skunk drunk and forget where he is supposed to be. I don’t even know what you see in him. I really don’t.”

  Chelle can hear him. She interjects, “Earl stop being so negative. I’m sure Marvin is on his way over as soon as he can make it. This was the biggest moment of his life.” Jo backs her daughter up, “And Marvin’s told me he hasn’t been into a club since he met Chelle.”

  “Club, bar, lounge, it’s all the same stuff. I love you Aunt Jo but you’re in denial. You can’t make a life change like that and be around that atmosphere 24/7. It just doesn’t work. Plus he went to college and was doing all that, and you honestly believe he changed in a couple years? “

  Chelle has had enough. “Earl shut up! Every time someone around you makes a positive change in their life, here you come in criticizing talking about what you would have done differently. The last time I checked you weren’t doing much yourself. You didn’t even finish college.”

  “I’m still doing pretty good compared to that dog you call a boyfriend. I can’t believe he sucked Aunt Jo into the hype too.”

  Jo questions him. “Earl what do you mean by that?”

  “He’s a professional football player. That’s it. A joker that’s good at sports, but in this house he’s some sort of God. Should I change my religion too? Seems like everyone’s doing it!”

  Chelle jumps at Earl. She’s serious. “He’s also my boyfriend. I told you last time. You don’t know him and I won’t have you talking nonsense about him in front of my face.”

  Aunt Jo agrees. “As far as I’m concerned he’s family. He’s Chelle’s boyfriend and she is right, you don’t need to speak ill of him unless you’ve seen something with your own two eyes Earl.”

  “Ok, ok. Fair enough. Unless I see something with my own two eyes. So where is the savior at now?”

  Jo checks him. “Earl quit playing with the Lord in this house!”

  Chelle answers, “You know after a game like that he has to do his press. Interviews, press conference, all that. Public relations. And you better not say anything smart either.”

  Earl’s unimpressed.”Public relations or whatever they call it I’m sure all football players are good at it!”

  “EARL!” Chelle shouts.


  A car horn is heard several times. Earl answers the door. It’s Marvin.


  Marvin Johnson, the six foot four, two hundred pound specimen of a man is the embodiment of athletic success. His fresh haircut matches his fresh designer shirt, pants, and thousand dollar loafers.

  They’ve met briefly before and Earl still isn’t impressed. He mocks Marvin by knocking on the door.

  “What’s wrong with knocking? The door still works.”

  Marvin walks into the house without acknowledging Earl. Marvin answers the question. “You know I don’t do things with my hands. Knock on doors, with these hands? Did you see what these hands did today? Do you know what these hands mean to Atlanta? Too risky.”

  Marvin greets his girl’s mother with a hug and kiss. “Hey Miss Jo! How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing great. You were something else out there today. The Lord’s favor is so good.”

  “Thank you, thank you. I try hard.”

  Chelle greets her boyfriend with a big kiss. “Great game honey. It was SO crazy when you scored that last touchdown. You should have seen us.”

  “You already know I’m just doing what I do. I’m the chosen one. There is a reason they call me Big Money Marvin.”

  Chelle gives him another kiss. “Let me see what is going on in this kitchen. Make yourself comfortable babe.” She exits. Marvin attempts to make conversation with Earl.

  “So Earl what have you been up to?”

  “Living and working.”

  “About that, Chelle told me you might need some help. All you got to do is ask. I’m sure I can get you a job doing something with the team if you want.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Ok, ok. I feel you. I wasn’t always on top either. I know where you’re at more than you know.”

  Aunt Jo butts in, “You should take it Earl, you were telling me you could use some extra money.”

  “I’m fine. Really, I’m good.”

  Marvin goes into one of his stories. “I know how it is when you’re too proud to ask for help. Yeah, I was the same way my rookie season. Couldn’t catch a cold and was too proud to admit I wasn’t as good as I was in college. It took me two years of not playing in big moments to realize I needed to get better. I needed to start studying my playbook, asking for advice, and staying late after practice. Then it just all came together for ya’ boy. It’s magical, really.”

  “Oh.” Earl is not moved.

  Marvin continues anyways, “Yeah man. You heard about the accident right? Back in high school, one day after practice ya boy got in a real bad car accident. Going through an intersection, my car got smacked by some jerk in his Mom’s Expedition. He was more worried about his car than me! They had to use the Jaws of Life to get me out! I took me two years to get all my motor skills back. The doctors told me I’d never make a full recovery. They said I’d never get back on the field. They said I’d never walk unassisted again! But Big Money Marvin sure proved them wrong today, huh? People can be so wrong about things they think they know so much about.”

  “Sounds like a miracle to me!” Jo exclaims in joy. “The Lord is so good!”

  Earl cannot take it anymore. “You know wha-” Chelle comes back from the kitchen to cut him off. “Hey Earl, how about you and my Mom get started in the kitchen?”

  Earl stands up and heads for the door.

  “I’m not hungry. And I’m on my way out.”

  Marvin glances at him, “You can’t go out like that. Here, let me give you a Falcons coat. I got an extra one in the car right in your size.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Where are you going?” Jo asks.

  “I invited a friend over.”


  A half hour later, Earl returns. Michael is with him. Michael’s dressed clean in a pressed button down shirt, regular slacks, and boat shoes. They converge on Aunt Jo’ dining room where Earl and Michael help set the dining room table for dinner.

  “What is taking Chelle so long? What in the world is she doing?” Earl asks.

Earl!” Jo responds, “Watch your mouth in the Lord’s home! Can you be patient? Did you eat today?”

  “Please don’t blame me! I never feed him.” Michael jokes.

  “Well he isn’t going to get fed here either if he continues to talk like that.”

  “Chelle! You’re holding everyone up now! Can you hear me?!” Earl yells to the kitchen.

  Chelle enters the dining room. The sweet smell of roasted chicken, seasoned potatoes and greens follows. “Earl excuse me if I don’t move fast enough for you.”

  “Oh you’re fast enough, just slow today.”


  Jo checks her nephew. “I told you once Earl, if I tell you again I’m going to ask you to leave. You understand me?”

  “Alright, alright. “

  She continues, “And Chelle don’t act like you can’t speak.”

  Chelle speaks, “Hi Michael.”

  “Hey Chelle.”

  Aunt Jo sets one additional place at the table. “We don’t need another plate Aunt Jo.” Earl corrects. She answers, “Good, because this one is not for you.”

  “Who’s it for?”

  The sound of pots and pans clicking and clacking comes from the kitchen. It’s Marvin. He’s still here. “Mhmm mhmm! I can’t wait to tear this up!”

  Earl’s not happy. “No…”

  “What do you mean no?” Chelle responds.

  “What is he doing still here?!”

  “He is always welcome here. And I’m not going to see him next week.”

  “Bye week?”

  “Next week’s playoff game is on the road so he’s here.”

  “Yeah, I sort of forgot about that. I don’t care.”

  Jo is put off by her nephew’s attitude, “Earl now I done told you twice.”

  Michael whispers to Earl. “Don’t worry about it. It’s cool man.”

  “You don’t understand how they act…” Earl warns. Chelle exits back into the kitchen.

  “What?” Michael asks.

  “You’ll see. Believe me.”

  Chelle and Marvin enter. The tension could be cut with a knife. Marvin’s confident, but a little surprised to see the guest. He is not sure what is going on. Michael tries to put on his best face.

  Jo steps in to break the awkward moment. “Marvin! How’s everything in the kitchen?”

  “We’re doing great in there Miss Jo!”

  “I’m doing just fine. And Marvin this is…”

  “I know who this is.”


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