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All's Fair in Love and Football

Page 3

by Desean Rambo

  “Oh?” Michael remarks.

  “You’re Chelle’s friend from the softball team. I saw you in the photos. What’s your name bud?”


  “Marvin Johnson aka Big Money.”

  Michael extends his hand for a handshake. Marvin awkwardly hugs him instead.

  “Sorry buddy, we don’t do handshakes. You might have a kung fu grip on ya’. Can’t risk that, playoffs are coming up.”

  “Of course not.” Earl snaps.

  “See, Earl understands. It’s nothing personal.” Marvin responds.

  “Of course not. We all love you Marvin.”

  “I love you too Earl.” Marvin turns to Michael, “Did you see that game buddy?”

  “Yeah I saw it.” Michael responds. Earl rolls his eyes. Marvin boasts, “What did you think? Ya boy saved the season for Atlanta. You all will be watching the playoffs next week thanks to Big Money Marvin making the biggest play of the year. And it was nothing too man. I was beating dude all game. It was just that I finally got the ball where I could do my thing.”

  “I can’t lie, you are talented.” Michael continues.

  Chelle nervously interjects. “Why don’t we all sit down and start dinner?”

  Her mother replies, “That’s a great idea Chelle. Come help me.”

  Chelle and Aunt Jo head back into the kitchen. The men are left to themselves at the dining room table. Marvin breaks the silence. “So Markie, what do you do?”

  “It’s Michael. And I was a day trader in Manhattan for a while. “

  “Oh, what do you do now?”

  “Actually, nothing. Still trying to figure out what I really want to do. But I’m pretty sure what I want in life. You know?”

  “Well if you ever think about it there is good money in managing player’s portfolios.”

  “I’m pretty sure that isn’t my crowd.”

  “Athletes get bad reps; actually all of us are not that bad. Ain’t that right Earl?”

  Earl refuses to endorse him, “I’m hungry.”

  Marvin ignores Earl’s attitude. “I hear that. Ain’t that the truth Mar... Michael?”

  “Yeah. “

  Marvin goes on, “I was actually thinking about doing some softball this offseason for my charity. You still play?”

  “Nah, I just moved back. I did play a little bit of co-rec in college just to knock some rust off.”

  “For real? What school?”

  “Have you heard of Albany State? Right down 75 like you’re going to Florida.”

  “I never heard of them. I went to Florida State you know, so ya boy only knows the football schools. Georgia Tech, UGA…”

  “Yeah there is a couple more around here. “ Michael adds.

  “Well if you ever want to join the big boys you tell Chelle and we’ll see what we can do.”

  Earl mocks him, “You don’t know he might not be ready for the big boys.”

  “We’ll see. A little competition never hurt anyone. What did you major in at school?” Marvin asks.

  “Business administration. But I only went two years.”

  “Me too, but I did communication. I’m going to go back and finish once I retire so I can get in the booth broadcasting games. They will never get enough of seeing Big Money’s face on TV!”

  Earl mumbles under his breath. “I’ve had enough.”

  Marvin checks him. “Excuse me?”

  “I said I hope they hurry up.”

  “That’s what I thought you said.”

  Marvin’s cell phone rings. He looks at the number and doesn’t pick it up. Earl asks, “Business?”

  “What? Oh, yeah. Business.”

  Marvin’s other phone rings. He quickly cancels the call and sends a text message with a smile on his face.

  Earl’s getting impatient. “What are they doing back there?” He yells to the kitchen, “Are you sure you don’t need any help?!”

  Jo and Chelle enter with the food. Marvin quickly ends his text and hides his other phone.

  “I told you we got it now just be patient.” Jo says.

  Chelle struggles with the food, “Here Earl you can help grab some of this.”

  Earl fumbles with hold the tray, “I can’t carry all of that. Marvin help me will ya’?

  “That looks kind of hot.”

  Chelle yells, “It’s burning my hands babe! Someone take this.”

  Marvin asks, “Can you grab that Mark?”

  “It’s Michael.”

  “My fault. Can you do that favor for me real quick?”

  Michael takes the hot tray from Chelle. Earl’s disgusted in his friend.”I don’t believe you.” Michael snaps back, “What?”

  “You know what? Nothing. Nothing. Let’s just eat.”

  Marvin agrees. “That may be the smartest thing you’ve said all day! Hey babe can you cut this for me?” Chelle cuts Marvin’s food up like he’s a baby.

  “So Marvin tell us about that business.” Earl makes conversation. Again he ignores Earl and changes the subject, “Let’s say grace!” Everyone joins hands in prayer. Jo is excited to start the prayer. “Oh Lord yes! Everyone bow ya’ heads. “

  They pray as she continues, “Lord we thank you for this blessed meal on this blessed day. We are thankful of everything you have brought us in our lives and we are grateful for the opportunities you store in our future. Lord we are thankful of the people we have present in our lives this evening, family and friend alike. We ask that you bless this food so that it may nourish our bodies this evening. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”

  “So what were you talkin’ about Earl?” Jo asks her nephew.

  “Nothing, nothing. It’s probably not important.”

  Marin takes the opportunity to change the subject again. “This is pretty good Miss Jo.”

  “You’re welcome baby. You know how it goes down.”

  “I haven’t had a home cooked meal since, I don’t even know when. This is real good. What is this?”

  Chelle jokes, “You know better than to ask my mother her secrets.”

  Earl retorts, “Lord knows this family has got enough secrets.”

  Chelle’s ticked off, “Earl are you going to say something positive today?”

  “Are we going to stop pretending like everything is okay? Let’s ask everyone about some secrets. Let’s do it! Michael do you want to be a part of this too?”

  Michael wants nothing to do with the family drama. “Nah man, calm down.”

  Jo warns her nephew again, “Earl. One more time.”

  Marvin steps up. “I’ll play. I have a secret.” Silence comes over the room. “I’ve been voted to the Pro Bowl team! I’m an All Star!”

  Chelle kisses him, “Congratulations baby!”

  Jo continues, ‘Congratulations! I’m so excited for you! Tell Marvin how proud of him you are Earl.”

  Earl’s silent. Michael steps in, “Congrats man.”

  “Thanks Mack... Michael. Sorry. I’m bad with names.”

  “Just praise God that you are doing so well Marvin!” Jo adds. She smiles, “Is there anything else you want to tell us Marvin?” Marvin smiles back. “I just wish Chelle’s father could be here right now.”

  Chelle’s confused. “Why? What’s going on?”

  DING! DING! DING! Marvin taps the side of his glass. “Attention, attention please! I have something to say.” He glances at Michael, “First of all I like to thank Mike for being here. I’ve never met you before but I know you’re like family around here.”

  “Today was the biggest day of my life professionally and I think it’s only right that it becomes the biggest day of my life personally. Chelle, you know you make me happy and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.” He takes her by the hand and ascends to one knee. THIS IS IT. “Michelle Benton will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”

  She’s so surprised she can’t speak or think straight. “What? What? Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my God!”

sp; Chelle and her mother give Marvin a big hug. Earl gets up from the table. He’s had enough. He storms outside. Michael excuses himself and follows his friend.


  Earl and Michael take a walk down the road from the home to cool off. Earl’s livid. He paces around under the street lights, unable to control himself. Michael tries to be the voice of reason but his emotions have also been rocked. Neither man knows how to take the disappointment. They try to talk it out.

  Earl explodes, “I’m surprised you followed me. I was wondering if you even cared.”

  “It’s not like that. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Oh. What are you doing here then?” Earl asks.

  “I tried! But man, he’s Marvin Johnson. Speaking of that, did you see that game?”

  “Don’t even go there.”


  “Marvin’s not special. He acts like he’s God’s gift to us regular folk.”

  Michael thinks about it, “I guess he is kind of a big deal. That play he made saved Atlanta.”

  Earl loses it, “It was his job! He was supposed to do that! He isn’t any better than me or you so don’t put him on that pedestal like everyone else.”

  “I’m just saying, the guy is talented.”

  “And? So are you.”

  “No I’m not. Not like that.”

  “You graduated college in two years Michael. How many people do that every day?”

  Michael reminisces, “I did, and it was the worst decision I ever made. I should have just stayed and took some classes to be around. But no. I had to show off and be smart, go to Albany, get that job in New York, move to Manhattan and ruin my life. Had I just stuck around everything would be different.”

  “But you’re here now. You know this isn’t right.”

  “You don’t know.”

  “I don’t know what?”

  Michael confesses. “Chelle. We had this big argument the day before I left for New York. She thought I was turning my back on her by leaving when I was just trying to do the right thing. I was making more than enough to support the both of us, but no. She wouldn’t go.”

  “I never knew you wanted her to go. She always said you left her.”

  “She had every opportunity to come with me. But ever since I left it hasn’t been the same. What is going on… how can she do this?!”

  Earl tries to console his friend, “He's famous now. That will wear off don’t even worry.”

  “I’ve been waiting forever I’m not waiting any longer. It’s supposed to be me and her. Not her and this clown.”

  “Maybe you two should talk. Nice guys win in the end.”

  Michael corrects him. “No. Rich guys win.”

  “You’re a hard worker; you have nothing to be ashamed of. If she doesn’t want you you’re still my brother at the end of the day.”

  “Well, we haven’t spoken since that day. And it doesn’t matter now. She’s loves him.”

  “He’s an idiot. You two have something she and him don’t have. You have history.”

  Mike loses it. “What does she see in this fool?! I know he's rich, he's 6'4, but there's nothing there! All he cares about is his own body and his career. He literally has rocks for brains!”

  They hear someone approaching. It’s Marvin. The look on his face says it all. He’s heard everything. He checks Michael, “Real talk, I knew what you were doing. I’m rich! Give it up! I know you saw the game! 134 yards and two touchdowns, THAT’S WHAT I DO! What do you do?”

  Marvin steps to Michael. They stand an arm’s length apart underneath the street lights.

  “You know what I’m about to get this summer? $11.5 million dollar extension and that's not the whole contract, that's just the first year. I’m going to be the third highest paid in the game! She ain’t turning down that bread! These girls don’t matter. I can get any one I want, including yours.”

  Michael steps to the baller. His 5’10 looks much smaller when eye to eye with Marvin. “You know what; you aren’t going to disrespect me.”

  “What are you going to do little man?”

  “I’ll show you a little man!”

  Marvin snaps, “You want to say that again?” Michael doesn’t back down. “You heard what I said. What are you going to do?” Marvin swings. Michael swings back. They wrestle in the street for a moment before Marvin overpowers Michael and drops him.

  Marvin glances at Earl, “Don’t even try it girl.” Earl jumps in regardless. His swings barely faze the physical specimen. Marvin clocks Earl with one punch. Chelle runs out of nowhere screaming at the top of her lungs, “STOP! STOP! STOP IT!”


  Minutes after the fight Michael and Earl go back to Michael’s place. They sit in the dark bachelor pad amongst the mismatch couches and milk crate furniture.

  Earl holds an icepack to his head as they talk.

  Michael is heated. “That was really dumb man. Earl you could have got seriously hurt.”

  “No one talks about my family like that.”

  Michael jokes, “He's marrying into your family not mine.”

  “Forget that dude either way.” They laugh. Mike responds, “Don’t even worry about it. If she’s really bent on marrying this clown it’s alright. I’ll get over it. Worse things have happened. You can stay here as long as you need.”

  “Thanks bro, I appreciate it.”

  “It’s getting cold out there. Why don’t you have a coat?

  “I don’t know.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I got one you can have.”

  Earl randomly asks, “You still drive the same car you did when you left for college. When are you going to get rid of that ugly thing?”

  “You know I don’t change dog. I’m still the same guy. Simple, cheap, and I’m still dragging you into my battles.” Earl winces from the pain. He has a nice swell around his left eye. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Michael laughs, “Good. Something else hasn’t changed since college too.”


  “I still don’t have any furniture. You’re sleeping on the floor.”

  Back outside Aunt Jo's house Marvin tries to calm his fiancé.

  She cries, “What is going on?!”

  “Your idiot ex-boyfriend and your dumbo cousin tried to jump me. I had to protect myself. You didn’t think I’d figure it out Michelle?!”

  “That’s my family don’t talk about them like that.”

  Marvin quickly corrects her, “That’s not your family. That’s a guy that couldn’t get the job done, dropped the ball, and wants a second chance! But it won’t happen... will it?”


  “Chelle be honest with me. Is there anything there?” Marvin asks.

  “No Marvin. We haven’t spoken in years.”

  “Good. Let’s keep it that way. We have a good thing going and I’d hate for some Joe off the street to mess it up.”

  “You have nothing to worry about. But Earl is my family.”

  Marvin pauses. He treads lightly. “I understand. If he minds his business I’ll do the same.” Chelle agrees. She’s calmed down. Marvin continues, “Let me go inside and apologize to your Mother. I didn’t mean to act like that in front of her.”

  They walk back to the house. Marvin’s tries to change the mood. He shouts, “Cheer up girl! We’re getting MARRIED! The wedding is going to be so fly. I’m going to get horses, a chariot, the whole nine. No expense will be spared! Here ye! Here ye, Atlanta! Marvin Johnson has found his Queen…”


  Earl returns a few days later to retrieve his belongings from his Aunt’s house. He’s wearing hand me down’s from Michael including a plain winter coat. His eye is still swollen. Earl quickly lets himself in the unlocked door and begins to grab his things from the living room closet. Chelle is nowhere to be found.

  His Aunt hears him enter. She comes from her bedroom, “Earl where have you been?”

  “I've been living at Mike�
�s house.”

  “You don’t have to move. You are always welcome here. This is the Lord’s home and if you need to stay here you can. You know that.”

  “How could you do this? How could you let her marry that guy?”

  “Earl, she’s grown.”

  Earl’s lost his patience. “You know darn well if he wasn’t rich you'd run him off! How many have you run off? But this one gets to stay because he's rich? Because he catches a couple of footballs?”

  “Don’t talk to me like that in my house Earl. It’s not my decision.”

  “Whatever. I’m so done with this. I don’t need to stay here.” He finishes packing his stuff up.

  Jo gives him a moment to cool off. She then tries to comfort her nephew, “I heard what happened out there the other night. I don’t care what your father thinks, or anyone. I’m proud of you for standing up for what you believe in.”

  Earl stops what he’s doing to listen for a change. “Family is supposed to stick by family no matter what happens, but you have to be stronger. Don’t do it for me, don’t do it for yourself. Think about your cousin. I can’t change Chelle's mind and you know that. The least we can do is be happy for her. It doesn’t mean Marvin is a bad man because he’s consumed by the temptation of the flesh. He may have a good heart if we give him a chance.”

  “What’s Michael supposed to do? You he’s perfect for Chelle. He’s a Saint.”

  Never one to pass up an opportunity, Jo recites the word to her nephew. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.”

  “Psalms 84?” Earl asks. A huge smile comes over his Aunt’s face. She is ecstatic he recognizes the verse. “Thanks for everything Aunt Jo.”



  It’s the big day. Thousands of friends and family members gather at the City Club Marietta Golf Course to celebrate the nuptials between Chelle and Marvin. The lush green yards have been converted to an outdoors chapel complete with a white cupola, pews, and roses everywhere. This is a truly a big deal. Media cameramen position outside of the clubhouse to snap photos of the guests as they arrive.

  The guests are a mix of NFL superstars, entertainers, and family members. Anyone who’s anyone in Atlanta is here. Bentley’s, Rolls Royce’s, Maybach’s and stretch limos litter the parking lot. There is even a horse drawn chariot awaiting the couple. Everyone has arrived and taken their seats. They await the bride.

  Chelle and her mother take care of last minute arrangements inside the clubhouse’s dressing room. She dons a beautiful white strapless wedding gown. The gorgeous diamond accents along the neckline of the dress match the diamonds on Chelle’s veil. Her nerves are starting to get the best of her.


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