A Taste Of Revenge
Page 4
On her drive home she decided to pick up some shrimp fried rice for dinner and pulled into the drive through to the restaurant getting her order. When she arrived to her home it was almost eight o’clock and she went straight to the kitchen depositing the food in the refrigerator for later. It was then that she remembered that she was suppose to stop at the market for supplies but it was no big deal and she could do it tomorrow.
She slipped out of her shoes and changed into a pair of jeans and tee shirt. She pulled her hair back to the nape of her neck tying it with a wide blue ribbon and hurried out to her patio. She remained barefooted liking the way the cool floor felt beneath her feet.
She loved spending time outside especially in the evenings where she could sit completely secluded from the outside community. Most of the time she was just too busy to be able to have much leisure time but tonight she was going to light her torches to keep away the mosquitoes that seemed to hang about this time of year and enjoy a peaceful evening.
She dropped onto the thick padded cushion on her redwood lounge and curled up laying her head back feeling the remaining rays of the sun penetrate and energize her body. She had no idea as to how much time had passed when she noticed a shadow covering her face and opening her eyes she saw the reddish colored sun nestling behind the trees. It is simply beautiful she thought and relaxed a time longer before putting the fire out on the torches and going inside.
She entered her bedroom, took a two minute shower, slipped into a pair of black silk pajamas and heated the shrimp fried rice and grabbed a large glass of cold juice before climbing onto her bed lifting the remote control and flicking through the channels before settling on a comedy on the television set. She reached the tray of food placing it onto her lap and could not resist opening her fortune cookie before eating. She laughed aloud as it read its message of destiny awaits you.
She watched the movie and nibbled at her meal feeling very comfortable and content finishing every morsel, hungrier than she had thought. After eating she placed the tray onto her nightstand settling back continuing to watch the movie.
Sometime during the night, the sound of the buzzing television woke her and she turned it off snuggling deep into her pillows and pulling the covering tightly around her. She drifted quickly into a deep sleep and again the dream began.
This time when she woke, something did not seem right and she began looking around her room. She remembered having the dream but what she did not understand was why it was not upsetting her this morning. She lay there sensing that something about this dream must have been different but could not put her finger on what it was.
She felt more calm and relaxed than she had in months and even began her morning with exercises that she had been remiss about the past few weeks.
She then showered and dressed in a pale blue dress and took the mail that had been accumulating to the kitchen table to sort while she had her morning coffee. As she was sorting the junk mail from her bills for payment, she suddenly remembered the dream and how it had been different,
Always before someone had been chasing her, this time she could not even remember hearing the footsteps in this dream.
That can only mean one thing she said aloud dropping the cup of hot liquid with it breaking into pieces as it hit the kitchen floor.
He has found me she cried out jumping from her chair. He has finally found me, what am I going to do? She ran to the telephone and dialed Siana’s number with her answering in her usual cheerful voice.
It’s me said Babbette, I need you to come over as soon as possible.
What the hell is going on demanded Siana hearing her friend’s voice sounding strange.
Just get over here quickly. There are some things that I think you have a right to know and I was thinking that since we do not have to be at work until noon that it would be best if we talk here.
What is the matter? The tone of your voice is frightening me said Siana now more puzzled than ever.
Please don’t ask any questions, just come and you will understand after we talk.
You stay put replied her friend, I will be there before you pour my coffee.
Not bothering to clean up the mess that was splattered across the floor Babbette sat stiffly at the kitchen table wringing her hands waiting for her friend. Her mind seemed unable to form a single thought.
She heard the car as it came to a screeching stop in the driveway and the sound of Siana’s bracelets clanging as she entered the door calling out Babbetts name.
I am here in the kitchen she answered.
Siana hurried into the kitchen looking at her friend.
It was as though she was seeing someone else as she had never seen her friend looking so hopeless and fraught.
Get yourself a cup of coffee and come sit stated Babbette very quietly.
Siana opened her mouth to ask about the mess on the floor but went to make herself a cup of coffee. She was beginning to feel somewhat uneasy and a bit anxious about what she was going to hear.
She took her cup and sat across the table from her friend not saying anything but waiting for her friend to say something, anything.
Babbette let out a sigh and immediately began telling Siana about the man that she had met and fallen in love with years before.
He told me many things about his work that I could not comprehend or condone she stated looking up with tears welding up in her eyes. When he knew that I did not want to see him any longer he became violent.
I was afraid of him and I knew then that I had to get as far away from him as possible because I felt my life was in danger.
She paused taking a deep breath before continuing.
That is when I packed up and left L A.
He was off on a trip when I felt that I could safely leave. I have managed to keep my whereabouts unknown from him these past years but I know without a doubt that he is still looking for me because of the information that he has shared with me.
The man is dangerous and capable of doing unimaginable things.
He would stop at nothing and hurt anyone that would stand in the way of his work.
Who is he interrupted Siana.
Just let me finish and then I will answer all of your questions stated Babbette with a blank stare.
Siana took a sip of her coffee and listened with her mind racing.
I am telling you all of this because if he has found me it is possible that you could be in danger if he knows that you are my friend. He would be worried that I may have told you something.
I know how he is and if he has found me, I am sure that he will try to kill me.
Siana could not believe that she was hearing this.
In all the time that she had known Babbette she never imagined that she could be involved in anything of this magnitude.
Sure, she had thought that Babbette avoided men because someone had broken her heart but never this.
Oh honey said Siana.
Now I can understand why you are always so emotional and tense.
I would have never expected that you would be going through something like this.
I never wanted anyone to know anything about my past she replied.
I was hoping somehow that it would just all go away. Silly of me to think that wasn’t it?
You could and should have told me scolded Siana.
Maybe we could have done something about him.
Maybe I should have replied Babbette, tears now spilling from her eyes.
The truth is, I have tried to place it out of my mind, but these dreams that I have nightly keep reminding me of what happened. They have been getting worse these past few weeks.
When I woke this morning, things were different and I knew in my heart that he has located me.
This is no longer just about me so
I have to face the truth.
As I said that the only reason that I am telling you now is because you could be in danger and with you knowing the truth you can stay out of my life to protect yourself.
Wait just a damn minute stated Siana raising her voice now angry that her friend could make a statement such as that.
We are in this together she leaned forward screaming at Babbette, the tears now also running down her cheeks.
I have told you before that you are the only person that I have for a family and you are not going to get rid of me this easy.
We will just have to come up with a plan to protect ourselves.
Together we will be fine.
The son of a bitch does not know who he is up against this time.
Please Siana, whatever you do you must not underestimate this man stated Babbette.
I know what he is capable of and you do not want to cross path with him under any circumstances.
I still say that we will find a way out of this repeated Siana trying to reassure her friend.
She sighed and tried anew to say the right things to ease the turmoil that she knew that her friend must be feeling but in her gut she felt that they were in for a lot of trouble from this man.
To her it sounded as though he would stop at anything to avenge his hurt ego and a shiver went down her spine when she surmised that this man did in fact want her friend dead.
What are you thinking Babbette asked her friend after watching her for several silent minutes?
Siana stood and removed their cups from the table taking them to the kitchen counter and pouring each a fresh cup. She filled them and placed them on the table before speaking.
I think that you should stay home today and clear your head as we have no presentations and as far as your fittings go, you can make them up later.
Absolutely not, Babbette forcefully blurted. I will feel much better if I can keep busy.
Look at yourself, snapped Siana.
You are not fit to do a damn thing but stay home and get some rest.
I am not comfortable staying home today. I got myself into this mess and staying home thinking about it is not going to get me out of it.
For once, just this once damn it just do as I ask snapped Siana.
You will do yourself or no one else any good at the agency today,
And with you not feeling comfortable in your home today pack some things and go to my place.
In fact, pack enough for several days. Maybe you should stay with me for a while.
It might be better for the both of us not to be alone right now.
Do you still have the key I gave you asked Siana digging around in her purse?
Yes, I have it and I think I will go to your place for a few days.
Thank you for everything Siana. I am sorry to have gotten you involved in this.
You just get packed and get your ass out of here she stated hugging her friend.
When I get home from work we will think of something, so wipe those tears, get packed and get out of here.
Siana removed the dirty cups from the table rinsing them before placing them into the dishwasher. She then scooped up the broken glass and wiped the floor.
Babbetts insides were shaky and fear gripped her every cell as she sank to the floor with sobbing. She felt like a small child who had lost her way home. When her last tear was spent she pulled herself from the floor, washed her face and packed her bag.
As Siana drove to the agency her mind raced as she thought about her friend. She knew that there were many things that the two had to work out.
She loved Babbette with her whole heart.
Being abandoned at birth she had never known her parents and had grown up in several abusive homes.
The last very wealthy couple that she lived with adopted her at the age of twelve and had given her the only security that she had ever known. It, however lasted for only five short years when everything came crashing down around her.
She had just turned eighteen when the troopers came to the door to tell her that there had been an accident killing the only two people that she had ever loved.
They left her a fortune so she would never have to worry about her security again but she vowed to never get close to anyone again. That changed when Babbette came to the agency and she had noticed that the woman seemed so vulnerable and abandoned. She reminded her of a fish out of water and smiled remembering how she had been what seemed a lifetime ago.
One day she asked her to have lunch and they became inseparable from that day on.
Siana had not realized until that time how much she had missed not having someone with whom she could talk with and to care about.
She arrived to her job going to her desk picking up the phone to call her friend but decided against it hoping that Babbette was getting some badly needed sleep and did now want to chance waking her.
The earlier conversation was still incredible to her. She was now able to understand many of the things that had puzzled her for so long. I would have stayed to myself too had I been carrying around that kind of baggage she thought.
Siana had always been an eternal optimist but this situation felt different. She did not mind admitting to herself that this man was very dangerous and thinking about him caused her stomach to feel queasy.
No matter how many times and ways she tried to convince herself that things would work out she continued to feel apprehensive.
tephon stepped from his plane onto the tarmac at the small private airport several miles out of the city painstakingly dressed in a white linen suit, black silk shirt and a white tie with tiny black pinstripes. On his feet he wore white custom made linen shoes.
A pair of dark designer sunglasses protected his eyes from the glare of the bright sunlight and obscured the darkness that emanated from them. He traveled extremely light carrying only a midsized black alligator bag.
He stood momentarily on the empty tarmac glancing around until he spotted the man that he was meeting leaning against his car sever hundred feet away. Stephon took not a step but glared at the man until he hurriedly came over to where Stephon was standing.
Without so much as an introduction Stephon immediately asked. Are you sure that you have found the woman that I have been searching for he inquired of the man.
I do not make mistakes answered the man. That is why I can charge the fees that I do.
I am the best he added somewhat nervously sensing the man’s contempt.
You had damn well better pray that you have not made a mistake he retorted to the seedy looking little man.
I under no circumstances tolerate mistakes.
Wait for me in the car.
Stephon entered the jet to speak to Jake his pilot before going to the waiting car ordering the driver to take him to his hotel.
Without any further conversation the P I sped down the highway slowing to a stop as they approached the front of the hotel.
Be here at seven promptly and do not be late Stephon said to the man as he exited the car before the car had come to a complete stop.
Yes sir replied the P I wiping the sweat from his face with a soiled handkerchief.
The P I waited until he saw the doorman open the door and Stephon disappear inside before slipping a flask from under his seat and taking a large gulp before driving off. He was now worried that he had made a mistake in taking this assignment as he sensed that there was something sinister about this man. However, the money that he was being paid was a sum that was more than twice his usual fee and he had been reluctant to turn down the job. Heads turned following Stephon as he made his way to the desk to confirm his reservation and seconds later the efficient and striking young lady at the desk handed him the key to his sui
te. The bellman who stood patiently carrying his single piece of luggage escorted him to his quarters.
He stopped the bellboy at the door.
Are you sure that you can manage sir?
Stephon ignored the bellman placing a tip in his hand and opened the door to his suite, stepping inside inspecting the rooms. Satisfied with the arrangement he went to the bar to see if the orders for its stocking had been abide by. Pleased, he loosed his tie slipping it over his head tossing it across the back of a chair.
He then went to the bar and after examining a glass he tossed several ice cubes into it and poured a large amount of the scotch. This was always his preferred drink and after taking a large swallow he instantly refilled the glass. He glanced at the expensive watch on his brawny arm before positing himself on the sofa to think about his next move while he waited for the P I. It was not easy for him to remain idle but if there ever was a time that required fortitude this was it; as he needed to apply a certain amount of caution. He finished off his drink and paced the floor remembering how long he had waited for this day when he would have word on Barbette’s whereabouts. Now that the wait was almost over, he had to devise some foolproof plans.
Again he glanced at his watch with the minutes seemingly going by more slowly that he would have liked. It was not his nature to wait for anything or anyone. This time he did not have a choice and so he sat, closed his eyes, and rested his head on the back of the chair and continued to wait and plan.
He became agitated after a while and again looked at his watch noting that it was five minutes before seven. For his sake I hope that he arrives here on time, I do not think he would like the consequences of being late thought Stephon. Angry now, he made a mental note to deal with this grimy little man once he had obtained all of the information that he needed from him. Yes, he would definitely take care of him. The thought was barely out of his head when he heard a tap on the door. He quickly strolled over and opened the door beckoning the man inside.
The man entered looking damp and greasy and Stephon was sure that he had been hitting the bottle pretty hard.