A Taste Of Revenge
Page 5
What do you have asked Stephon getting to the point?
Here is the folder I prepared for you said the man wiping his sweaty face again leaving a smudge on his face and reaching the folder out to Stephon with an unsteady hand.
I have to admit that she was a hard babe to find he said with a sly grin.
It was only after showing her picture around to some influential people that I have done business with that I finally got a lead. A client thought that she resembled a woman that he had seen modeling at a high profile establishment.
I went to the place and got a real good look at her not once but several times.
I also learned that she lives several miles out of the city limits of town and drives into work with a friend of hers almost every day. I was pretty sure that it was her that last day when followed her to work and that is when I called you.
Exactly where and how were you able to confirm her identity queried Stephon?
The first couple of times she was in her friend’s car where I followed them to her home from the modeling agency.
I also posed as a blind man where she worked and acquired a pass to one of the showings where she models which left me certain that
This is the woman that you hired me to find.
I took pictures of her the opening day of the season.
You will see all of the photographs in the folder.
She is some sweet babe; I can see why you wanted to find her.
I am not paying for your opinions snapped Stephon moving menacingly close to the man glaring at him. I am paying you only for facts. All that I want from you are the facts he asserted again and I had damn well better have everything that I am paying you for. You have no idea as to who I am but understand one thing. You would be better off drinking a gallon of acid than to cross me. I do not like you but we have an arrangement so until I tell you that your services are no longer needed stay where I can contact you at all times. Until you have completed my assignment anything else that you have going on is to be put on hold. Do we have an understanding ?
We do replied the P I his cheap suit. Now get out commanded Stephon nodding towards the door.
Sweating more profusely than ever and dabbing his face with the already soiled wet handkerchief the man wasted no time getting out of the door. He had a bad feeling about this man but he could not walk away yet because he needed the fees for this assignment. Stephen held the unopened folder in his hand looking at it hesitant as to whether he wanted to see the contents that it
enclosed. He decided that he needed a another drink before opening it. He took his drink to the sofa and carefully lifted out the pictures staring briefly at them for several minutes. Then, after studying each one in detail he determined that she was even more beautiful than he had remembered. He also detected that something about her was different. She appeared somewhat changed from when he had last seen her.
She was wearing her hair in a new style but it was more than that. She somehow looked a little older and perhaps somewhat dispirited. He took two of the pictures holding them side by side examining them more closely. He felt a tug in his heart and a tear sprung to his eyes when he saw the profound torment haunting her eyes. In a small way he could not help but feel responsible for contributing to this situation because of their chance meeting. He tried to blame himself for being foolish to let her get under his skin, to believe in her, to confide in her. No, he said aloud tossing the pictures aside. This is not my doing. She betrayed me and that is the only relevance that I have regarding this predicament that I find myself in. She is totally responsible for the impending catastrophe of all my work if I don’t take charge so I have no commiseration for her outcome. She is a liability and that is the only thing that I can concern myself with. He picked up the pictures and gazed at them a time longer before reading the file that accompanied them. He had to acknowledge that he was impressed with how well this file had been constructed by the squalid little man. He had not left out a single detail out about her life from the day she had left L A until the present. Babbette was doing well for herself although he should not be surprised as she had already shown him that she was very talented and a survivor.
He was comforted to also note that there was no mention of a man in her life as it would complicate matters.
That friend of her was going to be enough to deal with. She too could be trouble that he did not need. Something unquestionably was going to have to be done about her.
For a time he continued looking at Babbetts pictures. There was a part of him that wanted to take her in his arms and protect her. The other part of him wanted and needed her to feel the pain and suffering that she had subjected him to.
He must never forget that not only had she betrayed him, she had betrayed his work putting it in jeopardy.
She deserved whatever it would be that he chose to be her fate and it would not be pleasant for her or anyone else that got in his way. A sinister smile crossed his lips.
He awakened early the next morning somewhat sluggish from drinking more than usual the night before but he quickly showered and dressed in a pair of jeans and pull over white shirt and made a call to the P I. He then left the hotel needing to find a used car lot and after hailing a cab he spotted one several miles from the hotel and purchased an older model gray van that would serve his purpose. He paid with cash driving off to find somewhere to eat. Spying a small cafe a few blocks from the lot he parked and went inside seating himself in a corner in the back of the building in where he was able to see all who came and went. The cheap worn red plastic booth had red and white checkered paper place mats on the table. A few people were seated eating and talking most looking as though they would be regulars from the area. The joint would not be considered five stars by any means but he was in a hurry.
He had just picked up a newspaper that lay on the seat when a gum chewing unattractive waitress came over to the booth eying him with interest.
Howdy, you’re new around here aren’t you?
I am here to get something to eat, not to discuss my personal life was his short retort.
I was just trying to be friendly said the waitress somewhat flustered.
Just give me two eggs over light, t-bone rare, coffee hot and black and toast he ordered continuing to stare at her.
White bread or wheat she asked.
Does not matter said Stephon his eyes now averted to the newspaper.
Just bring it fast, I am in a hurry.
Yes sir your majesty she replied under her breath going away from the booth.
Stephon looked up and watched her with disdain as she walked away and something to one of her co-workers. They both looked toward where he sat and laughed.
Stupid bitches he thought now opening the newspaper and began to read. Shortly his meal was placed before him without any further conversation. He ate quickly and placed a fifty dollar bill on the table when he had finished and left without a word to anyone.
He checked his watch and saw that it was not time to meet the P.I. at the parking garage where Babbette worked so he drove around thinking and remembering.
His eyes watered as he thought of the many ways that he would be compelled to destroy this woman. The project though was more important than even she. Her fate was sealed and she is the one who sealed it. He spotted the black car as soon as he entered the garage and pulled the van along beside it shutting off the motor.
Stephon sat watching the greasy looking man in his cheap wrinkled suit as he approached the van.
Get in ordered Stephon to the nervous man when the red corvette drove into the garage.
That is her friends car he said his voice trembling as he spoke to Stephon.
Stephon’s throat tightened as he watched the car come to a stop knowing that he was finally going to see her after all of this time. The door opened and
out stepped Siana. He held his breath and he waited but there was no Babette.
What the hell are you trying to prove he demanded his face contorted with anger as he grabbed the man by his collar?
She always rides into work with her friend he stuttered. I wouldn’t try to pull anything over on you I swear. I don’t know why she is not with her today.
Well you had damn well better find out and let me know he seethed pushing the man away from him.
Do it quickly and you know where to find me.
Get to hell out of here and I do not expect to be waiting too long before I hear from you.
Stephon started the van moving before the man was able to exit it and he fell cursing as he hit the pavement. He reached into his pocket checking to assure himself that his half empty bottle of whisky was unbroken took several swigs and dusted himself off before entering the building.
He was unsure as to what his approach was going to be to get the needed information but first he needed to go to the john to relieve himself. As he came from the john, he noticed a florist there on the first floor of the building and decided that he could get flowers and have them delivered to Babbette upstairs. It was still early with no one moving around and he entered the shop purchasing a large bouquet of assorted flowers. The sales woman looked at him contemptuously but he noticed later that she was grateful for the expensive purchase and extends him a half-hearted smile as he left.
He took the elevator up to the floor where Babbette worked and started over to the reception desk.
Siana noticed the man when he stepped from the elevator and could see that he was not one of the regular guys that delivered flowers to their floor.
Can I help you she asked?
I need to deliver these flowers to a model named Babbette he stated.
She is not here today replied Siana.
Well, I need to get them to her and I don’t have all day.
I have other deliveries to make.
Where can I deliver them to her as I was instructed not to leave them with anyone else.
Siana knew that it was against policy to give out address but these flowers were going to be delivered to her house and anyway maybe the flowers might cheer up Babbette.
As I said she is going to be off for a few days but I will give you an address where she is staying. Siana took a slip of paper and wrote the address to her house handing it to the man.
Thanks he said glad to be getting out of there and make contact with Stephon.
He was sick of this job and now was not even sure the money was worth the trouble.
Large beads of sweat poured from his face as he hurried out of the building and drove several blocks before calling Stephon and disposing of the flowers.
I have and address for you he said, his bottle now almost empty in his hand.
Meet me in the alley behind the hotel in thirty minutes and don’t be late Stephon told the man.
He was aware of the humidity and noticed that the sky was becoming dark. Rain would be a welcomed change as far as he was concerned; maybe it would cool down the temperature that had been exceptionally hot.
He was tired and hungry and drove to find something to eat and wait for his meeting with Stephon.
tephon opened his bag and checking to make sure that he had everything that he was going to need before calling his pilot Jake to standby. If things went as planned he would be ready to leave this city soon. Already too much time had passed and he was ready to conclude this chapter of his life and get back to his project. The project had been neglected much too long and every day was vital to its success.
He headed into town to meet the P I as planned in the alley behind the hotel. The sky had turned ominously dark and he knew that a storm was approaching. The alley was narrow so he decided to back the van into a spot and wait for the man. A clap of thunder sounded and the lightning flashed across the sky seeming to have a purpose. The rain was now coming down in sheets obscuring his van from the entrance. He sat and he waited.
It was not long before he saw a flicker of light and then a figure scurrying towards his van pulling the collar of his trench coat up around his neck and holding his head down trying to shield his face from the wind and rain but his effort was futile. He approached the driver’s side of the van with Stephon letting him stand in the torrent rain for several minutes before rolling down his window. The man was sopping wet but there was no offer from Stephon to admit the man inside the van out of the rain. A cruel smile shown on the corners of Stephon’s mouth as he spoke refusing to look at the man.
You do have what I need he asked?
Here is the address where you will find her at her friend’s home said the man fumbling inside the sopping wet coat he wore bringing out a damp slip of paper.
Stephon reached for the slip of paper holding out two fingers just inside the window as if placing his hand in the rain would be harmful to his manicured fingers. He looked at the address as the man continued to stand in the rain knowing he had no other choice but to wait for further instructions. Stephon finally reached over the sun visor of the van taking a envelope extending it to him. Your services are no longer needed stated Stephon.
The P I looked inside the envelope and grinned after looking at the wad inside placing the envelope in his inside pocket.
Nice doing business with you he said to Stephon. He was freezing, soaked to the bone and wanted nothing more than to change into dry clothing and have a large drink of whisky. Call on me anytime he told Stephon smiling and knowing all the while that there would be no way in hell that he would even consider working for this man again. He nodded and then turned and started back to his car glad that this job was over. He began whistling a happy tune knowing that he would avoid this man at all cost in the future. He decided that he was even going to retire because this job had been much too stressful. He had been in the business long enough, had a bit of cash stashed away. Yes he thought he would take a nice long vacation.
Stephon started his engine as sat staring at the seedy little man with disgust s walked at a fast pace to get to his car. The longer he watched him the more he disliked him.
The thunder clapped and roared and the lightning flashed as though angry with the world. The drenching rain was coming down even harder than before running down in puddles from the P I‘s already drenched body.
He was half way to his car when he heard the motor to the van start up and began walking faster as there was no place for him to move to the side because of the narrowness of the alley. His vision was blinded by the down pouring rain and all he could make out were the brick walls on either side of the alley. The van seemed to be coming closer to him. The sound of the motor from the van was now upon him and fear gripped him when he turned to see that the headlights were now blinding him. An alarm sounded in his mind breaking the calm that had felt minutes earlier. In that instant he knew that this lunatic was going to kill him. He tried to run faster but was halted by the wind and rain slipping and almost falling. A bolt of lightning struck something leaving in its wake a crackling sound but after that he could only hear the faint sound of the thunder. His leg felt painful and he felt as though he wanted to sleep but knew that he had to get to his car. He could see the lights becoming dimmer and dimmer and knew he was no longer running as he lay broken with the rain beating down on his body as he drifted into darkness.
Stephon laughed as he watched the man as he flew through the air like a trapeze artist before landing on the wet pavement with a bounce. He then ran over the rain and blood soaked body easing to the opening of the alley taking care that there was no traffic as he turned out onto the street.
He could not have planned things better with the downpour of rain washing all traces of blood from the van and knowing that it would be sometime before anyone found the bod
y. It would look like an accident as no one would leave that much money on anyone.
Stephon drove to the parking garage at the hotel took the service elevator up to his room and planned his next move.
is adrenalin was at a high level as he pulled the crumbled slip of paper from his pocket and looked once again at the address. It would be soon now that he would see his beloved Babbette. He poured a large drink and began to gather his belongings double checking to make sure that he left no trace of his occupancy. After leaving a tip on the dresser and grabbing the bottle of scotch from the bar he left the hotel again taking the service elevator to the parking garage.
After tossing his bag inside of the van he walked around the van checking for any signs of the earlier episode. Once satisfied he headed out of town being conscious as not to attract attention. He needed no additional delays as he needed desperately to get back to his project.
The rain had ceased and the air was fresh from its aftermath. His mind raced as he drove along the road covered with pine trees and salt marshes could be seen surrounding the calm ocean.
He checked the directions several times on the crumbled paper before seeing the turnoff onto the road leading to Sianna’s home. He drove slowly surveying the area for additional traffic and a place to park his van not wanting it to be seen. Spying a cluster of trees he pulled into them immediately turning off the motor. He sat for a moment before opening his bag and slipping into a pair of dark green coveralls, removed a gun from the bag inserting it into his coveralls and placed a pair of work gloves on his hands. With bag in hand he began crouching and easing across the grounds towards the house. After a few hundred yards he noticed a silver sport car sitting under the carport at the front door of the house and surmised that it must belong to Babbette. His head was throbbing and he felt his heart pounding in his chest.
He was becoming infuriated with each passing moment knowing that this woman was the reason that he was in this predicament. How dare she think that she would ever be able to get away from him? He would have searched to the end of the earth to find her and make her understand that she had played with the wrong man. Now that he had found her she would never escape what he had planned for her. She had rejected his love and a life with him so he would make damn sure that no one else would ever have her.