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A Taste Of Revenge

Page 8

by Andrew Westmont

He left the city with the only other traffic light in the small town blinking behind. After about a mile down the outskirts of the city limits he noticed a sheriff sitting in his cruiser and Stephon was sure that the was waiting for anyone or anything that would alleviate his boring evening. Unfamiliar vehicles were always a target in these small towns so he was careful to make sure that the speedometer did not register one point over the posted twenty five mph speed limit. He continued to drive keeping his composure when the sheriff pulled onto the highway behind him speeding up and closing the distance between them. The glare of the headlights caused his eyes to strain but Stephon continued to maintain his speed hoping the sheriff would pass or park.

  He had driven for another ten miles before he saw the signs leading to the airport in a lighted area a mile or so down the road and fought hard not to speed up the van for how could he explain two unconscious women?

  When he saw the approaching gate to the airport he turned on his right turn signal going off the highway and entering the gate with the sheriff continuing down the highway at a steady pace giving Stephon a sigh of relief when the sheriff did not follow him into the terminal.

  He drove slowly following the arrows that lead to the back of the terminal until he could see the hangers that housed several small planes. To the left of the hangers was the landing strip which was deserted except for the jet that was to take them back to LA.

  He could see Jake the pilot standing in the moonlight next to the plane. The tall slender man began walking toward the approaching lights of the van as it came closer. Stephon stopped the van a short distance from the strip and went to meet Jake.

  Good night for a flight said Jake, how soon do you want to take off?

  Just as soon as I get loaded replied Stephon.

  I am more than ready to get back home. These past couple of days have been hell.

  You go on and get this baby ready for takeoff and I take care of the loading.

  I can help you load after I start the plane stated Jake, it will be no trouble.

  No, I can take care of this replied his boss, you just get us ready to get out of here.

  Right on replied the man.

  Just signal when you are ready.

  Stephon watched him walk the short distance to the plane and then went back to the van driving it closer to the jet. The women were still in a state of unconsciousness so getting them aboard took little effort.

  They will have a big surprise he thought strapping them into their seat.

  He then drove the van over by one of the hangers leaving the keys in the ignition and wiping the dash and door handles. He also removed the dealer tag taking it with him and made his way back to the jet taking his seat and signaled the pilot for flight.

  Once he had settled into his seat and could hear the sound of the plane as it started down the runway he braced himself unable to get comfortable until he could hear the wheels of the plane snap into place and the final lunge of the plane as it climbed skyward.

  He rigidly sat in his seat closing his eyes. Every bone in his body was sore and he felt drained.

  He was estimating their arrival time in L A when he felt the turbulence from the plane and the familiar nausea begin in the pit of his stomach causing him to firmly grip the arms of his seat. Was it not for the necessity of quick travel he would in all probability never step foot on a plane. This was one of the reasons that he had purchased his own thinking that it gave him more control.

  Many years ago he had taken a flight which resulted in an emergency landing. The plane had developed engine trouble causing it to spiral to the ground in splitting into two separate pieces.

  Several passengers had been seriously injured but there had been no fatalities.

  We are now going through an air pocket sounded Jakes calm voice. These pockets should clear shortly; so don’t worry everything is under control. Until they clear please remain in your seat belt.

  Stephpon’s knuckles were taunt from his grip on the arms of his seat and each jerk that the plane would make caused him to curse Babbette. He was beginning to hate her more as each minute passed.

  How could I have put my trust in someone as selfish as she he asked of himself? Only his desire to destroy her kept him focused.

  His mind then reflected on Jake and his respect for the man. Stephon had met him unexpectedly through a mutual friend who had died from injuries from an automobile accident. On his death bed he made Stephon promise that Jake would always have a job.

  He had kept that promise and Jake had been with him for many years with the two of them becoming more than employer and employee. Stephon thought that he was the best friend a man could have and he knew that he could depend on him to keep his mouth shut about anything that he heard or saw.

  There had been a few times in the past that he had even helped him get rid of a bit of rubbish so to speak. Stephon had never for a moment regretted keeping his promise to his friend.

  Jakes voice sounded announcing that the remainder of the flight should be smooth giving Stephon immediate relief.

  Hearing a moan coming from the cabin he went to check the women. Babbette was beginning to stir and he thought it best that he administer both women a small dose of the sedative.

  He saw that Siana was sleeping with her mouth slightly parted breathing evenly so he injected just enough to keep her unconscious a while longer.

  When he looked at Babbette his heart skipped a beat and he was pained observing the bruises from where he had hurt her. He moved closer to her and could see her eyelids slightly fluttering. He could not stop himself from lifting her face in his hand and tilting her face upward for the urge to plant a kiss on her lips was all consuming. She moaned as he kissed her and then he stroked her silken hair remembering how he loved twining it around his fingers when he held her in his arms.

  Suddenly he jerked his hands from her hair as though a bolt of electricity passed through it and a force of uncontrollable rage came over him making him want to smash her face in with his fist until it was a bloody pulp.

  Hurriedly he inserted the needle into her arm with such force that blood squirted from it as he pushed in the plunger. After tossing the needle onto the floor he went over getting a drink of scotch and went back to his seat.

  In a short while I will be able to make things right with myself he thought. Once I deliver these two to the laboratory there will be nothing that anyone can do to help them.

  His face was foreboding and his heart racing.

  This scenario was foreign to him and he was not sure how much more that he could take. Just thinking about the problems that could hamper his project caused him to slip back into his dark side.

  For just a second he thought that maybe it would have been best to have let someone else handle this.

  But, this is different he said aloud; this is very personal and I will derive pleasure as well as pain when I destroy this woman.

  Sitting erect in his seat and sipping on his drink he impatiently waited for the flight to end.

  It was not long before he heard the welcome sound of Jake’s deep voice announcing that they would be on the ground in twenty minutes. Stephon looked out of the window for the first time during the flight and it was good looking at the skyline of LA and down all the familiar sights of the city. He wanted desperately to go to his penthouse, shower and get some much needed sleep. The women could wait until later anyway where they were going he would not have to worry about them.

  The sun was just coming up when he stepped off the plane and fog hung heavily over the city.

  His nostrils sniffed in the smells of the city giving him an unexpected boost to his spirits. Hearing the hum of an engine he looked up and could vaguely see the outline of an ambulance through the fog. It pulled up stopping beside the plane with an attendant clad in white coat jumping out
and coming over to him.

  The stocky attendant was hardly more than a teenager but Stephon spoke with him and gave him an envelope with instructions and money.

  The man shook Stephons hand and swiftly went over to the ambulance going to the back of it and opening the door with another person emerging.

  They pulled out a stretcher and a wheel chair entering the plane and removing the women with Stephon giving final instructions.

  As the ambulance sped out of the terminal Stephon motioned to Jake and the two made their way over to Jakes parked car.

  You can drop me off at my place and I’ll go the laboratory later he said.

  You have done well by me again my friend stated Stephon sincerely. I will take care of you.

  It has been my pleasure to serve you replied Jake.

  Was it not for you I would have had no one after the death of our friend.

  I will be here for you whenever you need me.

  Thank you said Stephon genuinely grateful for this man.

  Sir said Jake.

  Would you be offended if I made a judgment?

  Of course not replied Stephon.

  I have come to trust you and your judgments through the years. You have shown me nothing but loyalty.

  It appears to me that this trip has been extremely taxing on you and perhaps you might in the future let me handle things for you as I have in the past.

  What you say is true about this being a difficult trip replied Stephon; but this was a personal matter that I had to deal with because of my having made an error in my own judgment.

  I will not have any additional problems not that we are back in L A.

  Jake looked at his employer saying nothing more knowing that the subject had been closed; and continued their drive to Stephons destination.

  Stephon undressed as soon as he stepped inside his door and went straight to the shower unwinding as the hot water flowed over his tired body. When finished he wrapped a towel around his body and, made a telephone call to ensure that the women had arrived and gave the staff additional instructions before dropping across the bed falling into a deep sleep.



  abette was the first to open her eyes and when she tried sitting she immediately fell backward. Her head hit the pillow with a thud with her experiencing an excruciating headache. Moans escaped her lips and she raised her hands to her head cradling it. She remained there for a while shielding her eyes from the bright light before trying to sit again. When she was able to sit and her eyes able to focus she looked around having no idea of where she was or how she had come to be in this strange room.

  She seemed unable to remember anything.

  She turned toward the sound of uneven breathing coming from somewhere close and it was then that she saw Sianna lying on a cot staring up at the ceiling.

  She then looked around and could see that the room was void of anything that would give her information as to their location. There was nothing to indicate day, date or time.

  She tried to stiffen the terror that she felt rising deep inside her and heard a scream not realizing at that moment that it was she.

  The sound of the scream snapped Sianna out of the trance and she turned looking over at her friend before standing somewhat unsteady and going over to her. When she reached her cot they grabbed on to each other clinging tightly.

  Sianna touched Babbette’s face trying to calm her while she sat expressionless. Terror was visible on both their faces as they looked about the room without voicing anything. They remained together daring not to move apart as though the other would give some confirmation of their sanity.

  Where are we Sianna asked in a hushed voice?

  I don’t know where we are or how we got here she replied. I can’t seem to remember anything at all.

  Let’s call out and maybe someone will come in and give us some information said Babbette.

  That might not be a good idea she replied.

  We don’t know who might come in or what they will do to us.

  We cannot just sit here was the response of her friend.

  I do not feel well said Sianna. I think that I am going to be sick to my stomach.

  I don’t feel that well either said Babbette but neither of us have time to be sick. We have to figure out what is going on.

  What happened to your face asked Sianna gently touching the dark bruises on Babbetts face?

  When Babbette reached up touching her face she began seeing flashes in her mind of what had transpired.

  Oh my God she said grabbing onto Siannas arm again.

  I remember what happened.

  He is responsible for us being in this place.

  She then began babbling about Stephon as Sianna listened and awareness began to show on her face as the tears swelled in her eyes and began running down her face.

  Babbette then broke free from Sianna’s grip and ran to the door pounding on it. Help us please screamed Siana looking out to the woman. Please help us.



  he laboratory was at an underground undisclosed location in the desert known only to the staff. It consisted of several diagnostic and observation rooms with additional quarters for the staff. The timely and intricate experiments that had been conducted through the years had finally provided the modus operandi for this project. Now was the time for its final stages.

  A woman sitting at a desk seemingly adjusting the monitors to the enclosure noticed the woman and looked over at the quarters where the women were being contained.

  Upon observing that the women were now conscious she alerted Stephon who was now in his quarters at the laboratory.

  He immediately came to where they had been confined, removed a card from his pocket that he inserted into a slot on the wall and entered the room that imprisoned the women.

  Good afternoon he greeted them in a long white lab coat.

  Babbette seeing him enter averted her eyes as not to look at him with Sianna remaining motionless beside her.

  I do hope that the two of you will take advantage of the food and beverages that have been prepared for you he said looking at the untouched serving dishes on the counter.

  Still, both remained silent still daring not to look at him.

  Look at me he demanded.

  They both looked up staring at him.

  That is much better he said walking over and staring down at them.

  The first rule that you are to remember around here is to be obedient to your master he said with a grin.

  Where are we asked Babbette barely audible?

  Speak up if you expect to be heard he demanded.

  Where is this place and why have you brought us here she then asked her voice wavering as she spoke.

  He only looked at them before speaking and ignoring her question.

  I suggest that you freshen yourself. Fresh apparel has been provided for you and I also suggest that you partake of your meal that is waiting for you on the counter. It is important that you remain healthy.

  I will return shortly and when I do you will be given answers to your questions.

  Sianna began screaming obscenities at him as he was leaving the room.

  Stop this said Babbette shaking her vehemently.

  We cannot let ourselves fall apart.

  She continued screaming until Babbette slapped her hard across the face turning the screaming to a whimper. That is better, now let us freshen ourselves and see what there is to eat. We need our strength now more than ever.

  They moved around as though they were in a catatonic state and after they showered and changed they went to look through the servers. If the circumstances were different the meal that had been prepared would be appealing but as it was nei
ther of the women wanted to eat.

  We need to eat something Siana said looking at Sianna and lifting one of the plates placing small amounts of the food onto it.

  They sat at the small table on the cold hard metal chairs and began nibbling at the bits of food on their plates.

  I am sorry that I slapped you but you were hysterical and out of control said Babbette. Now more than ever we have to keep our minds clear and try to determine where we are and find a way to get out of this place.

  It’s alright I know that you would not purposely hurt me replied her friend.

  I am so scared said Babbette.

  I have never been this afraid in my entire life.

  I know you are and so am I but for now let us try and keep our wits about us and try not to panic.

  There was no additional conversation between the women and after eating Sianna was the first to go over and sit on her cot looking about the room.

  Babbette remained at the small table drinking coffee trying to warm the cold that permeated her body.

  Several hours passed before Stephon once again entered into the cubicle pacing the floor and looking at one and then to the other of the women.

  It is good to see that you have accepted our humble hospitality he said in a calm and distinct voice after observing the remains of the food on their plates.

  I want you both to understand that it will be advantageous to us all if you co-operate with me and my staff.

  You must understand that you will do as instructed as you have no say so in this.

  I will not lie to either of you about what is going to take place here he stated as he went and stood before Babbette. Please understand that what will occur will not be pointless. Think of it as a tribute to the love that we once shared he said addressing this statement to Babbette.

  This contribution to science will go down in history.

  This experiment that you will be a part of will change the world. You can be proud that you can be a part of it. In fact think of it as serving your fellow man and country.

  After speaking he flashed them a grin that appeared to be more the snarl of a monster than a man.


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