A Taste Of Revenge
Page 7
She ignored him and reached over and called to her friend who had not made a sound through the entire ordeal. When she saw that she had been bound with tape she tried again attacking the man standing before her still too angry to comprehend the danger that was present.
What the hell have you done to her you bastard?
He reached out clutching both of her small hands in one of his and began speaking to her as though talking to a naughty child.
Still she was determined that she would not give into him without a fight and continued struggling. Finally he slammed her down so hard that her neck jerked backwards startling her and calming her.
It pleased him even more to see the defiance that remained in her eyes. I
That is much better he said. Now I want you to listen very carefully to what I have to say he stated his expression masked and his eyes pools of ice staring at her.
Both of you will do exactly as I say and do understand that neither of you have a choice in this matter.
First I will introduce myself and then explain what is going to take place.
Sianas mind was racing and it was as though she was hypnotized as she could not take her eyes from the man. Implications of the danger that they were in began flashing in her mind and tears sprang to her eyes as she looked at Babbette who had still not made a sound or moved.
Her earlier struggle had ceased and she lay wide eyed looking at the man who stood before her.
She did not need an introduction.
She knew instinctively that this was the man that Babbette had told her about and she also knew that she had every reason to be very afraid.
She had never before felt so defenseless and her quick mind reasoned that there was no one that would come to their aid.
Tears swelled up in her eyes as she again looked over at her friend.
She was afraid of what he had done her friend and what he was going to do to her, to them.
Stephon followed her eye movement to the bed and saw that the woman was beginning to stir. He went over to her calling her name.
Wake up he said, we have company.
He then turned her face in the direction where she could face Sianna.
Come on wake up he said taking her head between his two hands and shaking it.
Your good friend is here, wake up and greet her.
Sianna could see by the expression on his face that he was enjoying every moment and the fact that he derived pleasure from their fear made her all the more afraid for the both of them.
Slowly Babbette opened her eyes still groggy from the sedative searching his face.
Look who we have here with us he told her forcing her face in the direction of Sianna.
Babbette could see her friend and the terror on her face but could do nothing more that to stare back at her. She felt cold and numb, unable to speak or fight.
She felt as though she was already dead.
Her robe had fallen open and he gazed down at her remembering the passionate days and nights that they had spent together. Deliberately and slowly he began running his hand up her leg and cupped her breast.
Take your hand off me she managed a faint cry and tried moving away from his probing hands.
I have no desire left for you but you can watch while I ravish your friend he stated.
No leave her alone damn you she managed a weak cry.
I am begging you to please do not touch her. She was incapable of helping her friend as she could not move due to the injection that he had earlier given her.
Shut up he demanded removing her from the bed to the chair.
Siana had been frozen to the bed watching this madman too afraid to try and get out of the door that he had earlier locked.
Undress he demanded coming toward her.
When she ignored his demand he tore her dress from her leaving her sitting in her underwear. Take it all off he stated leering at her body.
She knew that it was useless to refuse and removed her remaining garments.
He took her brutally as she silently cried from the pain and shame of having her friend witness such a vile act. When he had finished with her he adjusted his clothing and went over to where Babbette sat broken in the chair taunting he
I know that you have missed me he stated coldly as he went over to Babbette and began now binding her wrist to the chair and then binding her ankles. See what you could have had he asked?
Get dressed he said to Siana looking over at the woman on the bed.
She felt humiliated and debased as she managed to pull a sheet around her aching body and slowly make her way over to a dresser taking out a pair of sweat pants and a shirt slipping into them.
Stephon waited for her to finish dressing and then went back to the bed motioning her to come and when she did he demanded that she get on the bed before binding her also then patting the side of her face.
Sianna had lost all of her fight and felt as though she was a participant in a movie. Silently she sobbed as she watched this madman standing before them who seemed to be retreating into some unknown place in his mind. He was quiet several minutes before speaking out in a most eloquent and charming manner.
I know that this is an unfortunate situation for the both of you and if the truth be known I would have preferred not to have any part of this he said.
However I will tell you both that this will be over in a timely manner.
I also want you to know that I have given this a great deal of thought and can now see how the two of you will be quite advantageous to me.
Try to relax; it is not going to do you any good to get yourselves all worked up.
You two stay put while I make the necessary arrangements to get us out of this forsaken place.
Without another word he abruptly turned and left the room closing the door behind.
Babbette had been holding her breath as he spoke. She had no idea as to what he had planned for them although she knew that it was too terrifying to think about.
She looked over at Sianna who lay motionless on the bed and knew that this might be the only chance for them to try and escape from this sick man.
Get up she mumbled her voice barely audible from the tape covering her mouth.
Sianna tried to move her sore body; her head felt light and she was somewhat dizzy. After resting a moment to regain her balance she eased to the edge of the bed and swinging her legs over the side of it.
Pushing her body with her hands she managed to slide from the bed to the floor and using her hands she began to scoot across the floor towards the door.
Babbette sat watching as her friend as she eased her body behind the door pushing it closed with her head then scoot her body backward so that her back was against it. She then managed to balance herself onto her knees knowing that she had to find a way to lock that door before Stephon returned to that room.
She needed more leverage in order to reach upward and sank to the floor slipping her legs out in front of her. She was profusely perspiring a thick sticky substance from her pores; more from being frightened than being hot but she was determined to lock the door. Please God help me lock this door she silently prayed. She again managed to get onto her bruised knees reaching upward straining her arms feeling her fingers touch the lock and pressing her fingers against it to no avail. Feeling defeated she slumped down onto the floor and began sobbing.
It was then that she remembered how as a child that she and her friend played tying each other with rope and to get untied she had to slide her arms down the back of her legs and then slip her legs through her arms. Yes that might work she thought, her arms would then be in front of her body. She was glad that she had exercised regularly and that her body was still nimble. Her arms were aching and very numb but after struggling for a few minutes they were in
front of her body and she quickly locked the door and again slumped to the floor sobbing.
Grunting sounds were now coming from Babbette and caused Sianna to pull herself together. There was still a lot to be done if there was any hope of getting free from this lunatic.
She managed to pull the tape from her mouth and then began removing the tape from her ankles. Her legs felt like pins were sticking in them from where her circulation had been compromised and she had to sit a few moments trying to rub some of the numbness away before going over to her friend. She was unsteady on her feet when she was able to get up and went as quickly as she was able over to her friend removing the tape from her mouth.
Babbette began gasping as she inhaled a breath of air while Sianna with her hands still bound to tried to free Babbetts hands from the chair but was unable to find the end of the tape. It’s useless she said letting her aching arms fall as she sat there on the floor beside her friend, her head resting against her leg.
We have got to free our hands said Babbette moving her leg to get her friends attention.
I am so scared whispered Sianna looking up and seeing her friends face wet with tears she began anew at the removal of the tape.
What are we going to do she asked as she struggled with the tape?
I am not going to give up said Babbette.
I got you into this mess and I will die trying to get you get away to a safe place.
Unable to grasp the tape with her fingers Siana began using her teeth to pull at it and finally managed to loosen it enough to unwrap it. Babbette then helped the woman remove her bound wrist. As they contemplated leaving the room as they rubbed the circulation back into their hands Stephon tried opening the door. Finding it locked he began cursing and pounding on it...
Open this damn door he yelled as he banged harder and louder.
You will not get away with this, open this damn door right now.
I hope you know that you are only causing yourself more misery he called to them after getting no response.
Have I not told you that you will not leave this room until I remove you from it?
The two women looked at each other as they listened to him rant for they knew that there was no way out of that room except through that door.
The windows in that room had been built high and were very narrow, it was doubtful that a small child would be able get out of them.
They both knew that he would find a way to get in that room and would just be more furious for what he would consider another act of disloyalty.
Knowing that he was furious and that they were completely at his mercy all they could do was sit there trembling.
p to this point things had gone well and he was not about to let things get fouled up now.
He stormed down the hallway to began looking for something that he could use to open the door and it crossed his mind to kill them both and be finished with this nightmare but he had waited too long to simply kill Babbette. No he had something much more deserving of her betrayal of his love.
The bitches will be sorry for this he said aloud as he entered the garage knocking items from shelves until he finally noticed an axe by a small pile of firewood.
He grabbed it and hurried back to the bedroom. I will give you one more opportunity to open this door he shouted listening for any sound inside the room.
Hearing no response he lifted the axe positioning it and swinging backward he began striking the door.
Both women cried out as it hit the door startling them.
I’m coming for you he called to them again in a shrill voice continuing to strike the door.
The women sat listening to the sound of the axe striking the door.
Stephon began cursing again and soon began laughing as he struck the door more forcefully.
You belong to me soon he yelled as the wood began to splinter. You will never get away from me.
The door finally shattered enough to permit him to reach inside and unlock it and he entered the room with his gun in his hand.
His face was flushed and his eyes red and wild looking.
Pointing the gun at them he came to where they sat huddled on the side of the bed.
That was a stupid thing to do he said waving the gun.
Have you not figured out by now that you will never get away from me?
Never, do you not understand?
He backed over to where his bag sat, the gun still aimed at them and with his free hand he removed the towel that now held the syringes.
Babbette started to get off the bed but he waved the gun and demanded that she not move.
Why can’t you let us go asked Babbette?
Stephon did not reply but began unwrapping the syringes.
At least let her go pleaded Babbette.
She should not have to be involved in this because of me.
Just let her go, take me and I will leave with you right this minute.
He looked at her disdainfully but said nothing.
I have a lot of money Sianna spoke out her voice trembling. I will give you anything you want if you will please let us go.
No one will ever have to know anything about what happened here. Neither of us will ever say a word about this to anyone.
What kind of fool do you take me for he said coming close to her.
Do I look like some kind of clown or do you think me as simply being stupid?
He laughed shaking his head in disbelief at her proposition but just as abruptly as he began to laugh the laughter ceased as he began making his way towards them.
When he reached the side of the bed he took the butt of the gun tilting Babbetts chin upward and looking deep and hard into her eyes.
He began laughing once again.
You are insane stated Babbette.
You really are crazy.
Do not ever call me crazy he said slapping her across the face with the gun.
You didn’t have hit her you bastard cried out Sina jumping up swinging at him.
Sit down he demanded now pointing the gun at her.
You have no one to blame for the predicament that you find yourself in but this bitch sitting here next to you.
She is the one that has sealed the fate of us all.
Babbette was rocking her body and holding her face in her hands with the blood oozing from between her fingers dripping onto her clothing.
Can’t you at least get her something for her face pleaded Siana?
He threw her the towel that the syringes had been wrapped in and she gently dabbed at the cut on Babbetts face that was bruised and beginning to swell, she seemed to be in a daze.
Can I get a wet cloth she asked dabbing at the last of the blood on her face turning only to see him with the needle in his hand coming down towards her.
She tried moving from it as its sting entered her arm and she could only hear her voice begging him not to do this as she felt her body began to relax and sink into darkness.
He then turned to Babbette and with no resistance from her he grabbed her arm pushing the needle into her flesh and with him standing over her grinning she too sank into oblivion.
Knowing that the women could not cause him any additional problems he went to relieve himself and splash cold water on his face to revive his senses.
It was now dusk and he could set the next step of his plan in motion. First though he needed this drink like a drowning man needed air. He entered the great room and went over and reached for the first bottle his hand touched and turned it up drinking from it. Taking the bottle with him he went out to the van to phone his pilot to be ready for a flight back to L A.
After making arrangements with Jake he moved the van that had been hidden in the cluster o
f trees close to the door of the house and went back to the bedroom carrying first Siana and placing her in the back seat and then returning and carrying Babbette to the van placing her in the front passenger seat securely fastening them into their seat belts.
He then made a sweep of the house to ensure that he had not left any trace of being there before leaving the house and easing out of the lane onto the interstate. After driving for several miles he decided to exit onto old route seventeen. The two lane highway that was pretty much untraveled and mostly used by the locals was deserted with the only lighting coming from the moonlight and the beams from the headlights on the van.
All total, he determined that the trip to the airport would take a little over two hours.
Driving the old route was quite a change from the bright lights and tall buildings that he was use to. The hundred year old trees lining each side of the road for miles at a time contrasted the acres of picturesque land containing broken down cars and old wooden shacks that he theorized one more storm would most likely flatten. The buildings that once represented the tourist attractions were little more than empty shells after the major interstate had closed them down but surprisingly to him there would be an occasional sign or bill board indicating exits to the interstate, distances to other cities, rest areas, fast food places and motels.
He had driven for miles past endless vacant lots when he at last he came upon a flashing yellow street light as he entered a small town.
The first thing that he noticed was a service station combined with a convenience store.
The next block a long grey brick flat building held the local police station with the two celled jail and the town court house. An outdated fire station sat on the opposite side of the street and on the corner separating the fire station was the town library adjoined by a small building displaying an M D shingle and the local drug store.
As he left the city the only indication of the town having any inhabitants were small one story box homes on both sides of the street with their only marked distinction being the color of the siding or trimming.