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Eros Rising

Page 5

by Ally Blue

  “No.” Scott laughed. “You’re gorgeous all the time, of course. It’s just tonight was special. Because I knew what was going to happen.”

  Keegan kissed Scott’s chin, dragging his lip ring across the stubble there. “You knew we were gonna come in here and rub off like a couple of kids?”

  “Yeah. I’m psychic, didn’t I tell you?”

  “Guess you forgot to mention it.” Keegan laid a hand on Scott’s cheek, thumb caressing the corner of his mouth. “I thought the same thing. I knew we were going to be together, and that made everything different. Made it all better.”


  Staring into Scott’s eyes, Keegan felt an unwelcome stirring inside. He’d felt like that only once before, and it hadn’t ended well. Mild panic clenched in his belly.

  Scott’s brows drew together. “Keegan? What’s wrong?”

  Shaking off the feeling, Keegan smiled. “Not a thing. Hey, what about we take this up to my apartment, huh?”

  “You don’t have to work?”

  “Naw, I’m off bar duty tonight.” Keegan leaned forward and sucked softly on Scott’s upper lip. “Let’s go, Scott. I need you to fuck me.”

  Scott’s breathy moan was answer enough. Keegan got up, swaying a little, and went to find his clothes. He felt Scott watching him as he pulled on jeans, sneakers and a sweater.

  “Where do you live?” Scott asked, scrubbing at the semen stains on his jeans with a towel. “Please tell me we don’t have to go through the club when I’ve got come all over me.”

  “We don’t.” Keegan finished tying his left sneaker and snatched his keys out of the dressing table drawer. “My place is above the club. We can go out the employee entrance in back.”

  “Oh good.” Scott stared at him for a moment, his eyes full of a strange tenderness underneath the lust. He crossed the room in a couple of strides, cupped Keegan’s face in his hands and kissed him.

  Keegan’s arms went around Scott’s waist, his body molding to Scott’s as the kiss deepened. They fit together perfectly, like it was meant to be. Like they belonged in each other’s arms. The fluttery feeling returned, swooping like a great bird in Keegan’s chest. Scott’s touch held the same gentle yet passionate possessiveness as his eyes, and it was delicious and terrifying.

  It’s just because he wants me. We’ve both wanted to hook up for ages, and now it’s gonna happen. It’s anticipation, that’s all. That’s why he looks at me that way. That’s why he touches me like he does.

  By the time Scott broke the kiss, Keegan had managed to half-convince himself. He ignored the little voice whispering the truth seductively in his ear. That their feelings for each other ran deeper than lust, that it didn’t have to end the way it had the last time. That it could be wonderful between them. That maybe, just maybe, it could be permanent.

  He didn’t want to hear it. The one and only time he’d seen someone look at him the way Scott did now—the only time he’d felt the things he felt now—it had ended in the worst pain he’d ever endured. He was determined to never put himself through that kind of hell again.

  “Take me to your place,” Scott whispered, fingers raking through Keegan’s tangles.

  Keegan plastered a teasing smile on his face and kissed Scott again. “Come on.”

  He took Scott’s hand and led him down the hallway to the alley door opening off the storage rooms behind the kitchen. Lights bathed the back door and the stairs to Keegan’s apartment in a harsh white glow. They climbed the stairs in silence. Keegan’s hand trembled as he turned the key in the lock and swung the door open. He frowned, hating that Scott could affect him that way just by his presence.

  It’s just sex. That’s all. He doesn’t want anything more than that. And neither do you.

  He wished he could believe that.

  “Well, here it is.” Keegan flipped on the light. “Home sweet home.”

  “Nice,” Scott said without looking. “Where’s the bed?”

  Keegan licked his lips as Scott stalked toward him. “Over there. In the corner.”

  Scott nodded, grabbed Keegan’s hand and pulled him toward the bed. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Scott leaned back on his hands. “Strip for me.”

  Keegan laughed. “What, you don’t see me strip enough already?”

  “That’s for the crowd.” Scott grinned. “I want my own private show.”

  “Okay.” Keegan returned Scott’s smile. “Turn on the CD player there, it’s next to the bed.”

  Scott twisted around and hit the play button. A primitive instrumental heavy on bass and drums thumped through the air. Keegan began to move, letting the sensuality of the music guide him. He managed to toe his sneakers off without breaking his rhythm, which was an achievement. Taking off jeans, shoes and a sweater just didn’t have the same innate sexiness as stripping off a costume.

  Scott didn’t mind, if the inferno in his eyes was anything to go by. He let out a soft, needy sound when Keegan’s sweater came off, the heavy knit catching on the nipple rings. When Keegan wriggled out of his jeans, exposing his leaking erection, Scott groaned and pressed a palm to his crotch.

  “Do you like this, Scott?” Keegan asked, lowering his voice to a husky near-whisper. “Do you like how hard I am for you?”

  “God, yes,” Scott breathed, eyes glued to Keegan’s rigid prick. “I like making you hard.”

  Keegan slinked naked over to Scott, stroking his shaft with one hand. “Good, because you make me hard all the time. I get it up just talking to you.” Keegan stroked faster, pressing his thumb firmly into his slit. “Sometimes I have to go to the bathroom and jerk off during work so I won’t come in my pants, because I’ve been thinking of you or talking to you and it makes me so fucking horny I can’t control myself.”

  Scott’s throat worked, as if he was trying to speak and couldn’t. “Keegan…I…fuck…”

  Keegan was unprepared for Scott’s sudden grab. He let out a little yip of surprise when Scott’s hands clamped onto his hips and pulled him close. Not that he was complaining. Especially when Scott bent and swallowed his cock to the root.

  “Ooooh, oh fuck,” Keegan whispered, hands fisting in Scott’s hair. He fought to stay upright as Scott’s strong, sure suction threatened to vacuum his brains out through his cock. Scott was very, very good, deep-throating him with ease and tongue fucking the slit on every backstroke. Keegan bit his lip and hung on, trying to keep from going off as quickly as he had in the dressing room.

  It wasn’t easy. Keegan was no blushing virgin; he’d had more sexual partners than he could easily remember. But he’d never had anyone suck him quite like this. It wasn’t just Scott’s obvious skill that made it so amazing. It was, Keegan mused with the few brain cells still working, Scott’s attention to detail. He picked up on Keegan’s every response, no matter how small, unerringly sorted out what Keegan liked the most, and used it to stunning effect.

  When Keegan felt his orgasm start to ripple through him, he remembered he wasn’t wearing a condom. “Coming,” he gasped, tugging on Scott’s hair. “Scott, c-coming, Scott…”

  Scott pulled off him with an audible pop and began stroking his prick. “Come on me,” he growled. “Come on my face.”

  “Oh shit,” Keegan groaned, and did exactly that. Closing his eyes, Scott smiled as Keegan’s semen spattered his cheeks and chin. Keegan thought it might be the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Jesus, Scott,” Keegan said, collapsing onto the bed beside Scott. “Horny bastard.”

  “Still horny.” Scott fell onto his back, reached over and dragged Keegan on top of him. “Do you have condoms?”

  “Yep.” Keegan snatched a T-shirt from where it hung on the headboard and wiped the spunk off Scott’s face. He moaned as Scott thrust up, driving his trapped erection against Keegan’s still-sensitive cock. “Fuck. Gotta have you inside me.”

  “Soon as you’re hard again,” Scott promised, eyes twinkling.

  Keegan let his head fal
l down onto Scott’s chest. “That might take a few minutes. I just got done coming for the second time tonight.”

  “I can wait.” Scott dug his fingers into Keegan’s buttocks and spread him open, tearing a sharp cry from Keegan’s throat. “But I can help you along. If you want.”

  “I want,” Keegan said with some difficulty, pressing his rear against Scott’s probing finger. “Oh my God, you’re aggressive.”

  To Keegan’s disappointment, Scott’s finger stopped moving “Tell me if you want me to back off.”

  “No!” Keegan blushed at the desperation in his own voice. “I mean, I like you being aggressive. Taking me like this, you know? Taking what you want.”

  Scott went still, brown eyes penetrating Keegan every bit as much as the big fingers inside him. “I never want to take anything unless you want to give it. Nobody has a right to do that.”

  Keegan’s chest went tight. Scott had just plunged directly to the heart of his fear and difficulty with intimacy in a way no other lover had ever done. Not even the one who’d sworn to love him forever and never hurt him, before cutting his heart out and stomping on it.

  “I’ll give you anything,” Keegan whispered, hoping he would still mean it when he found out exactly how much Scott wanted. “Anything you need. Take it. Take me.”

  Scott’s intense gaze made Keegan feel far more naked than his lack of clothes. “You tell me if I do anything you don’t like, or if there’s something you want me to do, okay?” Scott said, one hand petting his back while the other probed his hole. “Promise?”

  Keegan swallowed. “Promise,” he answered shakily. He let his eyes drift half-closed, a seductive smile curling his lips. “Make me hard, then fuck me.”

  Scott stared at him for a moment longer, as if sensing he was hiding something, then smiled. “Get on your knees and elbows. Let’s see that pretty little ass.”

  Keegan scrambled to obey. With his chest flat on the mattress and his ass in the air, Keegan felt vulnerable and wanton. Scott’s gaze burned into him, as physical as any touch. Turning his head to the side, he watched Scott undress. God, but the man had an amazing body, all sculpted muscle, not an ounce of fat on him. Keegan had a second to wonder vaguely what kind of workout routine Scott followed. Then Scott’s hands pushed his thighs apart and all the blood in his brain headed south.

  “Mmmm,” Scott purred, circling Keegan’s hole with a fingertip. “Bet you’d like my tongue in here.”

  Oh Christ, yes. Keegan couldn’t make his mouth work. He moaned and wriggled his ass, hoping Scott would understand.

  “Oh, yeah, you do, don’t you?” Scott swiped his tongue the full length of Keegan’s crease, making him whimper in a terribly undignified way. “Say it, Keegan. Tell me what you want.”

  Keegan took a couple of shallow breaths and tried to remember how to talk. “Lick me. Lick my asshole. God, please.”

  Scott laughed, the sound low and seductive, rubbing across Keegan’s skin like fur. Keegan felt himself spread, then Scott’s tongue flickered over his hole, the touch light and teasing and not enough.

  “More,” Keegan begged. “Fuck, do it.”

  Behind him, Scott let out a hoarse sound of pure lust that set a fire in Keegan’s brain. Scott’s tongue probed at him, harder this time, pressing right inside him. He moaned and arched his ass higher, thighs spreading, trying to get as much of that slick wet touch as he could.

  “God, you taste good,” Scott murmured, the words broken and muffled. “I could eat you…mm…forever.” Another stab of Scott’s tongue, urging his muscles to loosen. “Makes me hard.”

  Keegan grinned into the mattress. Hallelujah, his sex drive whooped, a man who likes rimming! Very few of his lovers had complained when he did it to them, but fewer still had ever been willing to return the favor. And none had gotten off on it like Scott apparently did. It was about time he found someone besides himself who loved the giving as much as the getting.

  Scott’s tongue abruptly withdrew. Keegan whimpered at the loss. Chuckling, Scott leaned over Keegan’s back. “You’re opening right up,” Scott whispered, his lips brushing Keegan’s ear as two of his fingers penetrated Keegan’s ass. “So hot, how easily you open for me.”

  “Oh fuck,” Keegan moaned, writhing helplessly at the sensation of Scott’s cock sliding between his parted thighs, brushing his balls. “God, fuck me!”

  Scott’s hand slid down to grasp Keegan’s rapidly swelling prick. “Where’s your condoms? And lube?”

  “Uh…” Keegan squeezed his eyes shut, frantically trying to remember where the necessary items were. “Condoms are…ummmm…in the drawer. There.” He gestured toward the bedside table. “Lube is…shit, I just had it the other day, let’s see…”

  Scott’s warmth went away as he reached for the drawer with the condoms in it. “Not fucking somebody else, I hope?”

  The possessive note underlying Scott’s teasing tone sent a quick thrill through Keegan’s body. “No. Had to use my dildo the other night after work.” Right here, I was right here in the bed, I slicked Babe and shoved it in me, and I threw the lube… “On the floor,” he crowed, remembering how he’d tossed the lube unceremoniously aside so he could close his eyes and pretend the toy buried deep inside him was Scott. “Lube’s on the floor.”

  Scott leaned over the side of the bed, laughing. “You mean this dildo?”

  Keegan pushed up on one elbow to look. Scott lay on the edge of the mattress, grinning ear to ear, a half-empty tube of lubricant in one hand and an enormous bright blue dildo in the other.

  “That’s Babe,” Keegan said, though talking was becoming more of an effort with every passing moment.

  Scott’s eyebrows went up. “Babe?”

  “Yeah. Like the big blue ox.” Losing patience, Keegan reached back and spread himself wide. “In me, now.”

  Scott rolled onto his back and waved the dildo around, that infuriating grin still in place. “What, me or Babe?”

  Keegan glared at Scott. “You. Fucking tease.”

  Scott laughed. Keegan let out an honest-to-God whine. Any other time, he probably would’ve found Scott’s playfulness endearing. Right then, however, his cock was painfully hard (again) and his anus pulsed with the need to be penetrated. He was in no mood to be teased.

  “Scott!” he pleaded. “C’mon!”

  Scott scooted closer, laid his head next to Keegan’s and kissed his lips. “I’m not sure I can measure up to Babe.”

  Keegan arched an eyebrow. “Yeah you do. More than, actually.”

  “I want to fuck you, Keegan,” Scott breathed, brushing a fingertip across Keegan’s lip ring.

  “Then stop teasing and do it.” Keegan bit Scott’s lip. “I want your cock in my ass, and I want it right. Fucking. Now.”

  Smiling, Scott kissed him again and sat up. Keegan felt the mattress move, felt Scott’s thighs pressing against his own. He could have cried with relief when he heard the unmistakable sound of a condom packet being torn open. Finally.

  “Would you rather we did it like this, or you want to be on your back?” Scott asked, slick fingers sliding into Keegan’s hole.

  Keegan felt himself tense. He fought it, willing himself to stay relaxed. After all, Scott couldn’t be expected to know how uncomfortable it made him to look into a lover’s eyes while they fucked.

  “Like this,” he said. “I like it from behind.”

  “Anything you want.” Scott’s voice was soft and husky, full of a tenderness Keegan wasn’t sure he was ready to hear.

  Keegan was on the verge of demanding Scott take him hard and fast and rough. Anything to replace what he heard in Scott’s voice with raw lust. Then Scott slammed into him, impaling him completely in one swift, hard stroke, and it was exactly what he needed. He wailed, fingers bunching the bedclothes, letting his mind float away on a tide of sensation.

  Scott fucked him deep and slow, his movements smooth and controlled, big hands holding Keegan’s hips in a firm but gentle grip. Keegan g
ladly surrendered himself to Scott, letting the sheer pleasure of being taken wash through him like a tide. No thought, no worry, no control. Only the blissful burn of a thick cock stretching his ass wide.

  It seemed to go on for hours. Keegan figured he’d compliment Scott’s stamina later, when his brain switched back on. At the moment, he could only voice his pleasure in jumbled and disjointed phrases, yes, so good, don’t stop, don’t ever stop, while Scott moaned and gasped and waxed rapturous about Keegan’s tightness and heat. Keegan thought they probably sounded like a porno flick. He let out a breathless little giggle.

  “Oh Christ,” Scott groaned, his shaft swelling inside Keegan’s ass. “God, I feel it, feel your insides move when you laugh. Fuck, it’s good.”

  Keegan’s sudden urge to see Scott’s face at that moment was as overwhelming as it was surprising. He turned and looked over his shoulder. Scott’s eyes met his, and it was almost too intense. He pushed up on his hands, following the instinct to get closer. Wrapping an arm around Keegan’s middle, Scott pulled him up the rest of the way, and then they were pressed together, back to chest, and Scott’s mouth took his and it was wonderful.

  Scott gave a brutal thrust that nailed Keegan’s gland and made him see stars. His body arched and shook as he came, his hole clenching in rhythmic waves around Scott’s cock.

  “Oh…” Scott whispered against Keegan’s mouth, sounding almost startled. He went still, drew a sharp breath, and buried his face in Keegan’s neck. Keegan felt the telltale pulsing of Scott’s prick and had a flash of fierce triumph knowing that Scott had come because of him.

  All the strength ran out of Keegan’s body and he collapsed to the bed, taking Scott with him. They lay in a tangled, panting heap. Keegan felt limp as a rag, his hole throbbing around Scott’s softening cock still buried inside him.

  Scott rolled onto his side, spooning Keegan against him. “That,” he sighed, “was goddamned amazing.”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” Keegan agreed, snuggling into Scott’s arms. “I seriously needed a good fuck.”

  “Me too.” Scott managed to withdraw from Keegan’s ass, remove the condom and tie it off with one arm around Keegan’s waist. “I needed one that didn’t involve me whipping anybody, for once.”


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