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Eros Rising

Page 6

by Ally Blue

  Not knowing what to say, Keegan laced his fingers through Scott’s and squeezed, trying to communicate his sympathy through touch. Scott pulled him closer and nuzzled his cheek.

  When Keegan drifted to sleep a few minutes later, still cocooned in Scott’s embrace, he wasn’t sure which surprised him more—that Scott hadn’t left, or that he hadn’t wanted him to.

  Chapter Five

  Scott woke to the scent of sex and skin, and Keegan’s bare body in his arms. He smiled with his eyes still closed, buried his face in Keegan’s hair and just breathed. They’d shifted during the night. Keegan lay practically on top of Scott, head tucked under his chin and an arm around his chest. One of Keegan’s legs was lodged between Scott’s, firm thigh brushing Scott’s balls.

  Scott opened his eyes and lay staring at the ceiling, stroking Keegan’s back and thinking. He didn’t doubt for a second that Keegan had enjoyed the previous night’s activities every bit as much as he had. But something was off. Even in the heat of sex, Keegan’s eyes had a guarded, wary look that set off alarms in Scott’s head.

  At least that’s what Scott thought he’d seen. He couldn’t help noticing that Keegan had taken great pains to avoid looking him in the eye during sex. It reminded him uneasily of how Logan had been in the last few bitter months of their relationship. Back turned, eyes closed, face buried in Scott’s crotch. Anything to prevent the intense intimacy of eye contact in the midst of lovemaking.

  It disturbed Scott on a fundamental level that Keegan, who’d become increasingly important to him over the past several weeks, would keep him at arm’s length the way Logan had. Scott wanted much, much more than a good lay, and he suspected Keegan knew that quite well.

  Keegan let out a soft whimper and began squirming in Scott’s embrace. “Stop it,” Keegan mumbled, still asleep. “Don’t… You promised…”

  He trailed off and kicked Scott abruptly in the shin. Scott sat up, holding Keegan’s flailing wrists in one hand. “Keegan!” he called, becoming alarmed by Keegan’s silent but furious struggling. “Keegan, wake up.”

  Keegan wrenched out of Scott’s grip. His eyes flew open, staring blindly at the wall over Scott’s shoulder.

  “Keegan?” Scott said, reaching a tentative hand to touch Keegan’s face.

  Keegan flinched away and scrambled into a crouch. Huddled naked against the headboard, eyes fevered and red-gold curls falling in wild tangles around his shoulders, he looked feral and dangerous.

  “Bastard,” Keegan hissed. “You promised.”

  “Promised what? Keegan, you’re scaring me.”

  For a heartbeat, Keegan just stared, though he didn’t seem to see anything but whatever was happening in his head. Then he blinked, and his eyes focused on Scott. “Scott? What happened?”

  “I don’t know,” Scott said, watching Keegan warily. “You were having a nightmare, I think. I tried to wake you up, and your eyes opened but I don’t think you could see me. You kind of freaked out.”

  Keegan went deathly pale. “What’d I say? Did I say anything?”

  “You said ‘stop it’, and ‘don’t’,” Scott told him. “Then you said that I promised something. You sounded angry.”

  “Fuck.” Keegan leaned against the headboard and closed his eyes.

  Scott waited, but Keegan didn’t say anything else. “What happened?” Scott asked finally.

  Keegan drew his knees up under his chin and opened his eyes, shooting Scott a panicky glance before staring at his toes. “Nothing. It was just a bad dream.”

  Keegan’s tension radiated from him, and Scott knew he was lying. Whatever haunted Keegan’s dreams, it wasn’t the product of an overactive imagination. Somewhere in Keegan’s past was an event that had damaged him badly. Scott was sure of it.

  “Whatever it was that happened to you, you can tell me,” Scott said before he thought about what he was doing. “I hope you know that.”

  Keegan met Scott’s gaze. A heartbreaking fear and loneliness shone in his eyes for a second before the sexy, teasing mask slid back into place. Keegan smiled.

  “Can I tell you how much I want you right now?” Keegan crawled toward Scott, lithe and graceful as a cat. “Can I tell you that I’m dying to suck your cock?”

  A part of Scott wanted to refuse Keegan’s advances, sit him down and have an honest talk with him. Drag the skeletons out of his closet and into the light of day. But Keegan’s hands were sliding up his chest, pushing him backward onto the bed, and Scott decided that maybe it could wait another hour. Or two, he amended as Keegan squeezed his balls. He buried his hands in Keegan’s hair and pulled him down into a rough, hungry kiss.

  “Let me suck you,” Keegan whispered hoarsely. “I’ve been dreaming about doing that.”

  Scott ran his fingertips along Keegan’s lips, marveling at their softness. Their deep rose color emphasized the brightness of the silver ring. Scott traced the curve of metal with one finger. It felt warm against his skin.

  “Your mouth is so beautiful,” Scott murmured. “So damn sexy.”

  Keegan looked startled for a second, but quickly got it under control and gave Scott a wicked grin. “It’d look even better with your dick in it. Oh, that reminds me,” he added, sliding the hand on Scott’s balls up to stroke his shaft, “you are the fucking master of deep-throating. That was hands down the best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

  Scott smiled, knowing he looked as goofy and sappy as he felt and not caring. “Liked that, did you?”

  “Mm-hm.” Keegan leaned close and pressed a light kiss to Scott’s lips, his curls brushing Scott’s nipples in the most wonderful way. “Loved it. Loved you rimming me too. God, I could come just from your tongue in my ass.”

  “I always liked doing that.” Scott arched his neck when Keegan nuzzled him. Keegan latched on just below Scott’s ear and started sucking up what was sure to be a spectacular mark. “Oh God, Keegan, your mouth…”

  Keegan chuckled against Scott’s neck. “You want my mouth on your cock, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Scott moaned, arching into Keegan’s touch.

  “I want that too.” Keegan slithered down Scott’s body, peppering him with tiny kisses and sharp little nibbles on the way. “Want your cock to fill up my throat like it filled my ass last night.”

  Keegan’s tongue flicked feather-light across the weeping head of Scott’s prick, tearing a sharp gasp from Scott’s throat. “God yes, do it.”

  Keegan smiled, his eyes bright with a predatory light. He bent and slid his luscious mouth down over Scott’s cock, and the feel of it ballooned to fill Scott’s world. He spread his legs, drawing his knees up to give Keegan’s questing fingers room to play. Keegan’s hair swept across the insides of his thighs and tickled his balls. It was quite possibly the best thing Scott had ever felt.

  Scott soon discovered that Keegan had a real talent for keeping a man on the edge without letting him come. Keegan licked and sucked and fingered Scott’s ass until Scott’s insides began to shake, then backed off just long enough to let him regain a measure of control before doing it all over again. Scott figured it might kill him, but he didn’t care. Not as long as Keegan let him come before he died.

  When Scott felt the sweet pressure building in his belly again, he was surprised to find that Keegan didn’t stop sucking him. He didn’t want it to stop. He wanted more than anything to come with his cock buried deep in Keegan’s throat. But he hadn’t worn a condom, and he didn’t think Keegan would appreciate an unexpected mouthful of semen. He swallowed a couple of times and tried to find his voice.

  “Keegan,” Scott gasped, tugging weakly on Keegan’s hair. “Gonna come.”

  Keegan looked up and met Scott’s eyes, and Scott realized with a shock that Keegan wanted him to come in his mouth. Keegan hummed around Scott’s prick and slid a second finger into his ass, and it was enough to push Scott over the edge. He came with a shout, shudders wracking his body as he shot down Keegan’s throat.

  He lay staring at
the ceiling, twitching with aftershocks as the orgasm ebbed away. Keegan’s smiling face appeared above him, and he smiled back.

  “I think you shorted out my brain,” Scott mumbled, gathering Keegan into his arms. “Damn, you’re good.”

  “Mmmm,” Keegan purred, sucking on Scott’s bottom lip. “I like your dick in my mouth.”

  Scott remembered Keegan’s lips around his cock, Keegan’s throat working as he swallowed. “Hey, why’d you swallow?” he asked. “We haven’t talked about tests or anything yet.”

  Keegan tensed for a moment, then relaxed again. “Yeah, but we’ve known each other a while now,” he said, moving down to kiss Scott’s neck. “I figured you were safe.” He raised his head and grinned. “You are, right?”

  “Yes, but that’s not the point,” Scott answered. “The point is, no matter what you wanted to think, you didn’t know I was safe. Hell, you don’t know now. I could be lying.”

  “Are you?” Keegan plucked at one of Scott’s nipples.

  “No.” Scott squirmed under Keegan’s increasingly demanding touch. “Christ, how can I already be getting turned on again?”

  “I’m just that good.” Keegan bit Scott’s chin. “Get me off now.”

  Scott ran a hand down Keegan’s back to cup one firm butt cheek. “How do you want me to do it?”

  Keegan’s expression turned thoughtful, then his eyes lit up. “Wanna use Babe on me?”

  “Babe the Big Blue Dildo?” Scott had to admit that the mental image of the gigantic toy sliding in and out of Keegan’s ass was a huge turn-on. “Hand it to me.”

  Keegan’s eyes went hot. Sitting up, he leaned over and grabbed Babe off the floor. Scott took it and started stroking it, holding Keegan’s gaze the whole time.

  “Now lube up and get yourself ready,” Scott ordered. He ignored the twinge of uneasiness he felt. So Keegan liked to be ordered around in bed, so what? Lots of people do. It doesn’t make him like Logan.

  Keegan started to roll onto his stomach, but Scott stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Lie on your back.”

  “It’s easier the other way,” Keegan answered, looking uncomfortable. “You can get at my ass better.”

  “Maybe, but I can’t get at your cock as well. And I definitely want to play with your cock.” Scott didn’t mention that above all else, he wanted to see Keegan’s face. He had a feeling Keegan wouldn’t like that.

  Keegan stared at him for a minute, as if trying to decide if he were sincere. “Okay,” he said finally, and smiled. “You’re the boss.”

  Keegan eased down onto his back and spread his legs wide. Scott’s prick twitched. Much as he hated to admit it, the knowledge that Keegan would do whatever Scott said turned him on nearly as much as the sight of Keegan splayed and hard and flushed with desire.

  “Pull your knees up,” Scott whispered. “Let me see your hole.”

  Keegan did as he was told, curling his open legs up against his shoulders. He reached down and spread himself. Scott gulped at the sight of that sweet little pucker. His mouth watered, wanting to taste.

  “You want to eat my ass again, don’t you?” Keegan licked his lips, the movement slow and suggestive. “You can, if you want.”

  “I do want to,” Scott agreed, grinning. “But it’ll have to wait.” Glancing around, he found the lube and tossed it onto Keegan’s stomach. “Get yourself ready. I want to watch.”

  Keegan obediently flipped up the cap on the lube and slicked the fingers of one hand. His eyes held Scott’s, and Scott was glad. This was the kind of intimacy he’d wanted all along with Keegan.

  “When I’m ready, will you fuck me with my toy?” Keegan circled his hole with one slippery finger, then slipped it inside, pumping slowly. He bit his lip. “God, thinking of you sticking Babe up my ass turns me on so much.”

  “Me too.” Scott scooted closer and gave one of Keegan’s nipple rings a sharp tug. “Put another finger in.”

  Keegan did it, his breath running out in a soft sigh. “Oh, oh Scott. God.”

  Scott sat back on his heels and drank in the picture Keegan made. Naked on a bed of his own silky hair, erect cock flushed and dripping against his belly, sleekly muscled legs up and apart, two fingers buried deep in his ass. He added a third as Scott watched. His hole pulsed visibly, stretching to accommodate the increasing girth, and it was almost more than Scott could take.

  Scott ran the tip of the dildo down the inside of Keegan’s thigh. “You have no idea how hot you look right now.”

  Keegan moaned, balls drawing up as Scott rubbed Babe against them. “Fuck. In. Now.”

  Monosyllables, Scott figured, were a good thing at this point. “Take your fingers out,” he ordered, snatching up the lube to coat the length of the large toy.

  Keegan obeyed. He dug his fingers into his buttocks and held them apart, displaying his stretched hole. “Scott, Scott please…”

  The whispered plea nearly destroyed Scott’s control. He loved seeing Keegan like this, shameless in his lust, open and vulnerable. He watched Keegan’s face as he slid the dildo inside him, watched Keegan’s features go slack with pleasure, pale cheeks flushing pink.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Scott murmured, pushing the toy in all the way to the base. “So fucking beautiful.”

  Keegan blinked up at him, panting through parted lips. “Scott…fuck…”

  Scott pulled Babe all the way out, watching Keegan’s hole twitch, then slammed it back in to the root, making sure to nail Keegan’s gland. Keegan let out a wail. “Yes! Yes, God, please.”

  Scott did it again, and again and again, until Keegan was shaking from head to foot. When he heard Keegan’s breathing quicken, he shoved the toy in and held it there with his knee. Leaning over, he kissed the tip of Keegan’s cock. Keegan whimpered.

  Taking Keegan’s shaft in one hand, Scott pressed a lube-slick finger against the slit and pushed gently inside, the way he’d seen Keegan do to himself the night before. The second he drew it out again, Keegan gasped, shuddered and came.

  By that time, Scott was hard again and so close he didn’t think he could wait long enough to get out a condom. Sitting up on his knees between Keegan’s legs, he began jerking his cock as hard as he could. Keegan grinned, propped himself up on one elbow and reached out to roll Scott’s balls between his fingers. Scott came with a groan, adding his semen to the puddle on Keegan’s belly.

  “Oh my God,” Scott gasped. He managed to pull Babe out and toss it aside before collapsing on top of Keegan. “You’re gonna kill me.”

  Keegan chuckled, arms coming up to hold Scott against him. “But what a way to go, huh?”

  “Mm-hm.” Scott slipped an arm under Keegan’s neck. “You’re so gorgeous when you come, Keegan. I love watching you.”

  Keegan stared up at him. His odd-colored eyes shone with something Scott was almost afraid to identify, because being wrong would hurt too much. Keegan laid a hand on Scott’s cheek.

  “Kiss me,” Keegan whispered, brushing Scott’s lips with his thumb.

  Scott smiled and pressed his mouth to Keegan’s. Those soft lips opened right up for him, Keegan tilting his head to take the kiss deep. Their tongues slid lazily together, exploring each other without hurry. There was no urgency to it now, and Scott loved that, loved being able to learn the feel and flavor of Keegan’s mouth without his libido—or Keegan’s—distracting him.

  As the kiss went on, Scott reflected that he loved everything about Keegan. His unusual good looks, his twisted sense of humor, the way he could cut a person to ribbons with a few well-placed words when he was angry. It all melded into an imperfectly wonderful package, one he never wanted to let go.

  Oh my God, I’m in love with him.

  The sudden realization hit Scott out of left field. He broke the kiss and pushed back enough to look into Keegan’s eyes, searching for that tender shine he’d seen a few minutes before.

  “No, don’t stop,” Keegan pleaded, trying to pull Scott back down.

tt captured Keegan’s grasping hands in his and held them gently against the mattress. “I need to ask you something.”

  Keegan blinked. “Ask me what?”

  Scott took a deep breath. “What’re we doing, Keegan? What is this?”

  “Huh?” Keegan’s brows drew together, concern replacing the lust in his eyes. “Scott, what the hell are you talking about?”

  Scott let go of one of Keegan’s hands to touch his cheek. “Is this just sex?” Scott asked, very quietly. “Or is it something more?”

  For a brief second, Keegan’s guard dropped and his eyes blazed with a need so intense it stole Scott’s breath. Then Keegan smiled, and Scott knew he wasn’t getting any confessions of love today.

  “What, sex isn’t enough?” Keegan pulled his other hand free and slid both palms down Scott’s back to squeeze his ass. “I must be doing something wrong.”

  Scott refused to be distracted. He stroked the tangled hair away from Keegan’s face and kissed his nose. “The sex is absolutely mind-blowing, and you know it. But I want to know if that’s all there is, or if we could have something more solid.”

  Keegan’s body went tense under Scott’s. “It’s, um, a little soon, don’t you think?”

  “Not really. We’ve been friends for weeks now.” Scott followed the curve of Keegan’s cheek with his fingers. Keegan leaned into the caress, eyelids fluttering half-closed, and Scott decided he had to tell him. “This is way more than just sex for me, Keegan. I love you.”

  Keegan went still. “What?”

  Bending down, Scott kissed Keegan’s lips. “I’m in love with you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  Keegan’s reaction shocked him to the core. Shoving Scott off, he leapt out of bed and stood staring at Scott with fiery eyes. “Don’t you fucking say that to me,” he hissed. “You don’t mean it.”

  Stunned, Scott rose to his feet and walked toward Keegan, keeping his pace slow and measured. “Yes, I do.”

  Keegan backed away, shaking his head. “Don’t touch me! Just stay away.”


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