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Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1)

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by Rayne Reilly

  “Is everything okay here?” he asked as Mary made eye contact with him.

  “No! It most certainly is not! This idiot spilled a drink on me! You should fire her immediately!” she spat.

  Grant turned to the subject of Mary’s ire and was caught completely off guard. His inner bear sat up with a start and growled deep in his chest. The young woman next to him looked at him with such sadness and hurt that he wanted to comfort her immediately. Her deep blue eyes were made even more incredible by her dark, almost black hair.

  Tears streaked her cheeks and she smoothed them away with one hand. He moved his gaze down her curvy body and back up quickly. His bear was instantly as drawn to her as he was. She was biting her lip as their eyes locked onto one another.

  “I didn’t mean it. It was an accident. I told her I was sorry.” Her eyes brimmed with tears again. She dropped her gaze to the floor and hunched her shoulders slightly.

  “It’s fine. Accidents happen,” he told the beautiful woman next to him. He thrust his hands into his pockets quickly in an attempt to hide his growing arousal for the incredible woman next to him. He turned toward Mary, and spoke as diplomatically as possible.

  “I will pay for the cleaning of your dress. I don’t think you need to be so harsh, Mary.”

  Mary let out a derisive snort and folded her arms.

  “I can’t believe you would take the side of staff!” Mary argued.

  “Perhaps you would be better off going home,” suggested Grant. “Send me the cleaning bill. I'll also see that your ticket is refunded,” Grant said calmly.

  Mary’s eyes grew large. She stared at Grant for a moment before turning and storming off, leaving Grant and the waitress alone. He turned to her and removed a hand from his pocket, extending it toward her. She held a tray with spilled drinks and flushed pink when he looked at her.

  “I am sorry for the way she spoke to you. Some people think that having a little money gives them the right to disrespect others,” Grant said.

  The woman dabbed her eyes with the back of her hands and frowned.

  “It’s fine. I ruined her expensive dress. She has every right to be angry,” the young woman muttered.

  “Still, she had no right to speak to you the way she did. I’m Grant, by the way.” Putting the tray on a nearby table, she shook his outstretched hand. He felt the moistness of her palm and his heart melted when they touched. There was something in the way she looked at him that left him wanting her. It wasn’t like him to feel this way over a pretty face.

  “Acacia…Foster,” she said meekly.

  Grant smiled and watched her body tense even more when they both noticed the restaurant's manager approaching them. The woman wasn’t much older than Grant. She had an unpleasant look on her face.

  “Mr. Beringer. I’m sorry about this. Mrs. Walsh just informed me of what happened. I’ve already told her that Acacia here will be responsible for the cleaning of Mrs Walsh’s dress. My apologies for any inconvenience to you or your guests,” she said.

  Acacia’s eyes widened. Grant knew that there was no way this woman’s pay could cover the cost of the dress if it could not be properly cleaned. His bear senses were telling him that she was worried and anxious.

  His voice was deep and authoritative as he addressed the manager. “I have already told Mrs. Walsh that I will cover the cost of cleaning the dress. There is no need to do anything further. Miss Foster here didn’t mean to spill a drink on my guest and I won’t hold it against her. If you wish for me to plan any further events at your restaurant, I suggest you not do anything to this helpful staff member.”

  The manager cleared her throat. She glared at Acacia and then walked off in much the same way that Mary had. Grant grinned and winked at Acacia.

  “Thanks,” she said in a low voice.

  “My pleasure. I don’t like to see people being treated disrespectfully. Now I must get back to my auctioneer, we have a few things to discuss before the auction takes place,” he said before nodding and walking away. She smiled weakly and Grant knew that this would not be the last time he saw this incredible woman. He wasn’t leaving the restaurant tonight without her phone number.


  The rest of the evening went smoothly for the guests at the charity dinner and for Grant it was an incredible success, not just for his charity but because he met someone that he felt sure was his mate. After the auction and dinner, he mingled with his guests and found himself gazing around the room looking for any sign of the woman who had woken his bear.

  Every time he spotted her, she was looking back at him and she would quickly avert her eyes. Guests began to leave and the evening wound down. Grant was grateful that the event was made so much more enjoyable by having met Acacia.

  He sat watching the room slowly empty and waited for the opportunity to speak with her once more. Their eyes met several more times and she looked away quickly each time he smiled at her.

  Finally, he decided to approach her as she was busily clearing a table. He smiled confidently as he greeted her.

  “Your event seems to have been a success?” she mentioned, her voice was a little breathless as if she’d been holding it.

  “Yes. It has been a success in more ways than one. Thank you,” He responded.

  “Is there something I can do for you?” she asked when he continued to take in her beauty. He noticed that her eyes were not quite as dark blue as they had been when she was upset earlier. Her tiny nose was sprinkled with a few pale freckles and her lips were plump and full, ripe for kissing. His inner bear didn’t have to do much to convince him that she was special. He could feel as well as see it.

  “I hope so. I came over to see if you would like to go out?”

  Acacia inhaled sharply. She paused and her mouth dropped open in surprise. He held back a small laugh.

  “Um...out?” she stammered.

  Grant smiled at her honest and visceral reaction. Does she feel something between us as well?

  “Yes. Out. On a date. With me,” he said with a sexy grin.

  “Oh. I don’t know...I...” Suddenly, she looked uncomfortable.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. Holding it out to her, his fingers brushed hers slightly, sending a ripple of electricity through his hand.

  “Think about it. If you want to have a nice evening out, being treated the way you deserve to be, call me,” he said, inhaling deeply and taking her scent into his memory. He could not deny the connection he felt with her and he hoped they would have a chance to explore it.

  She took his business card and held it in one hand carefully.

  “Thanks. I...I appreciate it,” she said rather awkwardly.

  “Have a good night,” he said with a smile, nodding once before turning to leave.


  With the front of the restaurant now locked up for the night and everything set up for the following day, Acacia was left wondering if her boss would now let her have it for what had happened earlier. She was surprised when Linda, the manager, completely avoided her, not saying another word about the incident.

  Acacia gathered that because the charity had reached its target and Mr. Beringer looked very happy with the results of the evening, she was now off the hook for upsetting the rude woman who had bumped into her.

  Acacia had tried very hard not to make any further eye contact with the gorgeous hunk. But as she continued to serve drinks and appetizers until after the auction, she could feel his gaze upon her.

  During the incident with the rude woman when she looked into his amber eyes, she was shocked at how much sensitivity they conveyed. He had come to her rescue and she was very grateful for it.

  Up until that moment, she had remained slightly distracted by it being the anniversary of her mother's death. Now, it was all she could do to stop thinking about the tall, handsome man who had caught her eye.

  What a wonderful distraction indeed!

  She knew that she would
be the last sort of woman he would want and she accepted that, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t find him attractive. Certainly, he had made her body warm with desire when he shook her hand.

  “Earth to Acacia?” Kellie’s voice pulled her back to the room. “You okay? You look a little dazed.”

  Acacia smiled.

  “I’m fine. Just thinking about tonight,” she said.

  Kellie tucked some hair behind one ear, her eyes sparkling with glee.

  She leaned in to whisper to Acacia, “So? What did he say to you? You know...besides telling Linda to leave you alone? I saw him pass you his business card.” Kellie’s brows shot up.

  “I told you he stuck up for me when that horrible woman got mad at me,” Acacia said matter-of-factly. She beamed before adding, “Then he asked me out on a date!”

  “He did? Oh my God...really?” Kellie was ecstatic. “He looks even better in person. I told you he was hot! You are so lucky,” Kellie said with a sigh, rolling her eyes up to the ceiling in mock jealousy.

  Acacia nodded. “I didn’t say I would go out with him,” she said.

  “What? Are you crazy? Grant Beringer asked you out and you said you would think about it?” Kellie’s face mirrored her shocked tone.

  “I didn’t actually say much at all. I was too stunned to say anything. He caught me off guard.”

  “What? But you didn’t say no either, did you?” Kellie jumped up and down slightly.

  “No. I didn’t say anything. He passed me his card and left. Told me to call if I was interested. I was in such shock that I didn’t know what to say. You are right about one thing, he is damn hot!”

  Kellie laughed. “I know he is. I told you so.”

  Acacia quickly blurted, “He was probably just feeling sorry for me because of how his guest treated me. What could he possibly see in me?”

  “Oh, gee. I wonder.” Kellie looked down at Acacia’s full chest and grinned. Acacia rolled her eyes. Being a plus-size woman had its benefits where breast size was concerned. But still, she was plus-size. Grant Beringer was the best looking man who had ever asked her out. He didn’t come across at all conceited as you might expect a man who looked like he did. His wavy dark hair and beautiful soulful eyes left her speechless when he looked at her.

  Admittedly, she had spent the evening imagining what his body might look like underneath the tuxedo. His broad shoulders and strong jaw left her feeling like she had stepped into a dream. He was perfection, pure and simple.

  “Seriously, though, Acacia, you have to go out with him...for me.”

  Acacia let out a laugh and the two friends headed outside toward Kellie's car. Kellie usually drove Acacia home so that she wouldn’t have to catch a bus alone at night. She was grateful for the drive home and the company.

  “Fine. I will go on one date.” Acacia was thrilled at the thought. But her excitement was quickly replaced with fear of actually going through with calling him.

  “When will you call him?”

  “I don’t know. In a few days. I wouldn’t want to appear desperate.”

  “Just don't wait too long. I’m so excited for you! You have to find out if he has a brother.”

  Both women laughed.


  The morning dragged on as Grant distracted himself by going over the same paperwork again and again. He had been unable to concentrate on much of anything since the charity dinner a couple of nights ago. His mind kept going back to the moment he first saw Acacia and those beautiful blue eyes of hers. He really didn’t like to see her cry and hearing the way Mary spoke to her made him furious. No one deserved to be treated like a second class citizen. How dare she?

  He ran a hand across the stubble on his chin and let out a long breath. Glancing at his watch, he noticed that lunch time was quickly approaching.

  He made the decision to head out of the office for lunch. He knew just the place to eat. The phone rang and he hoped it would be Acacia. Expectantly picking up the receiver, his smiled faded when he looked at the caller I.D.

  “Hey, big brother it’s me,” his brother Holden’s voice came through the phone.

  Grant thrust out his chin. Figures. Grant was the oldest of three boys. Holden was the youngest at just twenty-eight.

  Their father, Forrest, had allowed Holden access to his trust fund at age twenty-one. Forrest had not expected much from his youngest son regarding the running of the family business and made no bones about saying so.

  Always the rebellious one, Holden lived up to his parents' expectations of him and moved to Las Vegas. Grant assumed that his younger brother had simply partied and spent his money without any real concern for anything or anyone but himself. Grant had tried on multiple occasions to help his brother get his life on track but Holden continually ignored Grant’s advice, doing whatever he wanted anyway. The only time he really called Grant was when he was in trouble or wanted some help with their parents.

  “Holden, what’s up?” Grant asked hesitantly.

  “Can’t a guy just call his big brother to see how he’s doing?”

  “He can...but you don’t. What kind of trouble are you in this time?” Grant couldn't help but become authoritative when he spoke to Holden.

  “Well, since you put it that way I wanted to ask for some business advice. You’re always telling me I should invest my money better so I’ve bought a hotel.”

  “What? Which one?” Grant said with a hint of sarcasm.

  “A small one near the end of the strip. No big names there...not yet, anyway. It needs a bit of updating but was a great deal. That’s why I’m calling. The deal finalizes in a few days and I wondered if you could come down to Vegas and give me a hand?”

  “Why do you need my help when clearly, you have already decided to go ahead? You should have called me before you spent the money. Little Brother.”

  “I’m not stupid Grant. I know Mom and Dad think I am, but I’m really not as bad as everyone thinks. I have business investments here but this one is the biggest I have done so far. The reason I want you to come down is because I wanted you to look over the contract and maybe check out the place. I want to know what you think.”

  “I can’t come down this week. I have plans.” I hope.

  “Oh? What’s up that you can’t come help out your brother?”

  Grant pinched the bridge of his nose. “None of your business. Besides, you don’t want my help; you want my approval because you’re worried about what Dad will say when he finds out. I know you too well, Little Brother,” Grant smiled into the phone.

  “Well, you are their Golden Boy. I just thought if you gave the place a thumbs up, then Dad would be okay with it.”

  I knew it.

  “Look, Holden, I know you’re smarter than you let on. I won’t pretend to understand why you do some of the things you do but you don’t need me there to okay everything. I trust you to make a sound decision.”

  “Well, that makes me feel better. I hope you’ll be there to say the same thing if Dad finds out about it. You have to promise to come down for the new grand opening when it’s ready.”

  “Will do,” Grant said.

  The men hung up and Grant sighed.


  After hanging up the phone Grant decided it was time to take matters into his own hands. He drove over to Angelo’s restaurant to grab a quick lunch and hopefully see Acacia. Entering the restaurant, he spotted her waiting on a table in the far corner. She didn’t see him come in.

  The hostess approached him with a huge smile.

  “Lunch for one?” she asked.

  Grant grinned and glanced toward the dining room. “Yes. Can I be seated in Acacia’s section, please?” he asked in a low voice. The hostess looked over toward Acacia and then down at the book in front of her. She cleared her throat and ran her finger down the page. “I think I can squeeze you in there. Her shift is finished early today. She won’t be here much longer,” she added quickly.

  “That’s fine.�
�� I don’t need much time. Grant followed the young woman to a small table.

  Grant sat with the menu in hand watching Acacia smile politely while taking care of customers at another table. He felt his bear rouse with excitement at seeing her again. She was even more beautiful than he remembered.

  She had curves that left him weak in the knees. She wasn’t all that tall. He guessed that she was about five feet five or so. He imagined her fitting perfectly into his arms, her face against his chest. His trouser’s fabric stretched to allow for the growing erection as he watched her. He adjusted himself in the chair and let out a breath.

  Moments later, she turned to walk toward him. He gave a broad smile as she approached. He noted the look of surprise on her face that was quickly replaced with happiness at seeing him. After greeting one another Acacia pushed a few strands of dark hair from her face and nodded toward the menu.

  “Did you want to order something?” she asked with a sweet smile.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m stalking you. I came to see if you gave our date any more thought?” he asked.

  Acacia raised one eyebrow. Grant could tell she was surprised to see him. He pushed a little more.

  “So? What will it be?” he insisted.

  She bit inside of her cheek and smiled at him.

  Acacia shifted her weight from one foot to the other and let out a sigh. She seemed uncertain and for a moment, he half expected her to decline. He hoped he was wrong.

  “Yes. I will go out with you,” she said quickly.

  “Great, how does tomorrow night sound?”

  “That sounds fine. I'm actually off so it’s perfect. What time?” Her eyes lit up.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven and take you someplace nice for dinner. What’s your address?” he asked grinning.

  She pulled a small note pad and pen from her pocket and jotted down her information. Ripping out the small piece of paper, she passed it to him. He took it and looked at the address and the phone number that she had added beneath it. Any reluctance she had moments earlier appeared to be gone.


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