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Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1)

Page 3

by Rayne Reilly

  “The woman at the door said you are almost finished your shift. Would you like to have lunch with me?”

  “What? Now?” her brows shot upward.

  “If you can, yes,” he said politely.

  “I would love to but I am meeting a friend. That’s why I’m off early.” She shrugged and her face flushed a little.

  “That’s okay. I guess I’ll be leaving then. I did what I set out to do.” He winked at her.

  She looked a little shocked when he got up and left the restaurant. He couldn’t wait to see her again, just the two of them next time.


  Grant decided to hit up a deli down the street for lunch. He bought a pastrami sandwich to take back to the office and headed back to work with a huge smile that he just could not contain.

  He continued to mull over the best places to take Acacia for dinner and finally settled on a restaurant overlooking the water. He hoped that she would be happy with the location and that he would have a chance to get to know the woman who was very quickly taking over his heart and thoughts.

  Choosing Angelo’s restaurant for the charity auction almost didn’t happen. He had been coaxed into having the event there because one of his employees knew the owner. Now he couldn’t be happier to have listened. Never had he expected to meet his mate that night.


  Acacia watched dumbfounded as Grant waltzed out of the restaurant. Damn if he wasn’t the most attractive man that she’d ever seen. Her confidence was boosted by the fact that he had gone out of his way to see if she had thought about his offer for a date.

  Her fear of calling him back over the last few days had prompted Kellie to nag at her relentlessly. She couldn’t wait to tell Kellie it was finally happening. She was going on a date with Grant Beringer.

  At the end of her shift, she rushed outside to Kellie's car where her friend was waiting to pick her up.

  “Hey, how was your day?” Kellie asked when Acacia got in the passenger seat.

  “Great!” Acacia grinned from ear to ear.

  Kellie started to put the car in gear and turned to Acacia. “So are you still up for girls night after we get our hair done this afternoon? Dad’s working a case so he won’t be home until really late. You can stay over. It’ll be just like we’re in high school again!” Kellie giggled.

  Acacia let out a belly laugh. Kellie was such a ray of sunshine to be around, and it kept Acacia always hopeful that life could get better.

  “Sure am!” she smiled.

  “Sounds good. I’m glad you decided to go to the hairdresser's with me. This will be fun!” Kellie said.

  Acacia nodded and then blurted excitedly. “Great timing too! You’ll never guess who showed up just a little while ago and sat in my section?”

  Kellie glanced over quickly and back to the road as she pulled out onto the street.

  “Let me guess...A local hot and sexy billionaire?”

  Acacia let out a squeal. “He asked me to go out with him tomorrow night.”

  Kellie hit the steering wheel with one hand in excitement.

  “You said yes this time, right?” she asked happily.

  “Yes. He’s picking me up at home!” Acacia gushed.

  “He is persistent, I’ll give him that. And you worried he wasn’t into you. I hope you’ll give yourself some credit?”

  Acacia gazed out the windshield, ignoring Kellie’s remark. She knew she needed to have more confidence in herself. He was sophisticated and kind. There was something about Grant that made her feel incredible being around him. She couldn’t stop thinking about him and how he had spoken up for her the night that woman had chastised her. He wasn’t like any of the younger guys she had dated. Grant was more of a dream guy that women only found in good romance books.

  “I still think he’s way out of my league and don’t understand why he wants to go out with me,” Acacia said bluntly as they drove down the street.

  “You are very attractive Acacia, I don’t know why you’re so hard on yourself.”

  “It isn’t just that. He’s rich. He could have models or movie stars on his arm...” Acacia’s voice trailed off.

  “Or gold-diggers. You aren’t that kind of woman and maybe he realizes it. Don’t talk yourself out of going out with him. Please. You’re too young to not be dating,” Kellie admonished.

  “Something tells me he won’t stop asking unless I go out with him just once,” acknowledged Acacia. “Part of me is curious about him. He has a very nice energy about him, slightly protective and really respectful. I’d like the chance to know more about him.”


  An evening with Netflix, pizza and a bottle of wine was just what Acacia needed to set things right with the world. The girls sat on the sofa with their feet tucked comfortably beside them sharing a blanket over their legs. Acacia enjoyed hanging out at Kellie’s house because it had a nice lived-in feel to it.

  Kellie did most of the housekeeping and made some meals but her father was a helluva cook when he was home and had the time. Acacia found him to be as friendly as Kellie but a little more serious in his demeanor. He had worked as a police detective for Kellie’s entire life and she had mentioned on more than one occasion that her father had no luck with women. Acacia knew that Kellie was reluctant to leave her father's home because she worried about him on his own.

  Looking around, Acacia wondered yet again what life would have been like if she had known her father. Would he have taken her in when her mother died? She sighed and tipped the full wine glass she was holding to her lips.

  “Do you know where Grant is taking you for your date?” Kellie asked before taking another sip of wine. On her second glass, her face was a little flushed.

  The women didn’t drink very often and they chose to drink at home in preference to spending $15 a drink at a night club. Ever since Acacia became a home owner she was far more careful with her money than ever before. Occasionally, Kellie talked her into splurging, insisting on the two of them spending a night out dancing and having a few drinks. Acacia always had fun with her, no matter what they did.

  “No, I don’t know where we’re going. We didn’t actually chat for very long. I hope it’s nothing too fancy. I haven’t got dressy clothes to wear.” Acacia looked at Kellie as she spoke. In true Kellie fashion, her eyes shone as she spoke. “I’ll help you find something. And you can always borrow something of mine. We’re pretty close to the same size. We’ll check out your closet when I take you home tomorrow,” Kellie smiled broadly.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. Speaking of fancy clothes, that reminds me, have you still got the audition for a singing gig in town?”

  Kellie had mentioned recently that she was trying to get a part-time job with a local jazz band that was looking for a singer. Acacia knew how much a singing job would mean to her friend.

  “Yeah, they called and told me they found someone else. I guess it wasn’t meant to be,” Kellie said pouting sadly.

  “Their loss. Something even better will come along; you wait and see,” Acacia said reassuringly.

  “I don’t mind too much. It might have created some scheduling conflicts with the waitressing job anyway and I need that money if I am ever going to get my own place one day,” she said, optimism returning to her voice.

  “I know what you mean. Only I want to go back to university some day,” Acacia piped up.

  Kellie winked and her face filled with mischief, “To quote what you told me several days ago, maybe Grant will fall in love with you and you will live happily ever after. And go back to school.”

  Acacia picked up a small throw pillow from the back of the couch and playfully tossed it at Kellie.


  “Is that what you want to wear?” Kellie asked with a slight tilt of her head and her hands on her hips. She was standing in Acacia’s living room waiting to see her friend's selection of outfits for her date. Acacia looked down at the over-sized maxi dress that she had tried on
to model for Kellie. It was comfortable and hid her curves. Just the way she liked.

  “What’s wrong with it?” Acacia asked holding out the billowing fabric with both hands.

  “It doesn’t exactly show off your curves. What about something a little more form fitting? You’re gorgeous and you should flaunt it,” Kellie said in a serious, yet sweet voice.

  “I don’t have many dresses that fit snugly. I try to hide my curves, not show them off,” Acacia laughed.

  She watched as Kellie marched into Acacia's bedroom and looked through her closet in search of the perfect outfit. She pulled out a short, dark blue dress and held it up for Acacia. It was a dress she had worn to a party in her first year of University. It had hung in her closet ever since.

  Acacia scrunched up her nose at Kellie’s choice of dress. “I don’t even know if it still fits. It’s been three years since I wore it,” she said tentatively.

  “Try it on. I bet you look great in it,” Kellie beamed, holding out the dress toward her friend.

  Acacia pulled off the dress she was wearing and tried the blue one on. It was snug but didn’t look as bad as she thought it might.

  “It looks great on you,” grinned Kellie. “You have to wear it.” Kellie moved her friend so that she could see herself in the full-length mirror.

  Acacia bit her lip as she checked out what she was wearing. It did hug her hips in a flattering way.

  “Maybe it isn’t so bad,” she said sheepishly.

  Kellie smiled. “See? I told you. Now to find you some shoes...” She wandered back to the closet to help complete Acacia’s look for her big date with Grant.

  “I appreciate you helping me get ready Kellie. I think I would have found it difficult to put something together. I’m so excited and scared at the same time!” Acacia rubbed her stomach nervously. It was filled with butterflies and there was no sign of it calming down soon.

  “My pleasure. That’s what best friends are for!” Kellie said as she held out a pair of high heels that matched Acacia's dress perfectly.

  Acacia hoped that Grant would be as happy to see her as she was about seeing him. She was still pinching herself to see if this was real. An incredibly handsome billionaire had asked her out. Not only had he asked her out, he had followed up when she chickened out and didn’t call him.

  She hoped that things were starting to look up for her in terms of her romantic life. It was great having Kellie in her life but she really wanted to be in a long-term relationship someday soon.


  After spending a fun-filled day together and picking out clothes, Acacia was ready for her date. The women sat in Acacia’s living room waiting for Grant to arrive. Acacia sat carefully on the sofa hoping to keep her dress as wrinkle-free as possible. Her hands shook as she smoothed some hair from her face and grabbed her cell phone to check the time.

  “He’s late,” Acacia said anxiously.

  “Only just a few minutes. He’ll be here, don’t worry,” Kellie said reassuringly. Her thin smiled told Acacia that she, too, was worried that he was not showing up.

  Pressing her lips together, Acacia looked at her friend. “I don’t think he’s going to show,” she sighed and folded her arms across her ample chest. Her stomach was doing tiny flips. What if he stands me up?

  It was nearly 7:15. Embarrassment and self-pity were rising in her rapidly. Acacia stood and paced back and forth anxiously.

  “I should have known he was too good to be true,” she said sadly as she looked down at her phone on the table. Her voice quivered slightly as she tried hard to stuff her disappointment.

  Kellie stood, adjusting her top as she walked over to Acacia. She put her hands out casually and pursed her lips before speaking. “Something has probably come up. He is bound to call and explain,” she reasoned.

  “Maybe he’s paying me back for taking too long to call him back?” Acacia frowned.

  Just then, she was startled by the ringing phone. Glancing at it, she bent over and picked it up. She hit the answer button and waited a beat or two before saying hello.

  “Hello Acacia, it’s Grant. Something has come up unexpectedly out of town and I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’m sorry to stand you up like this. I hope we can reschedule?” His voice was hopeful and remorseful at the same time.

  Acacia inhaled and let out the breath audibly. She wasn’t sure how to respond. The mixture of disappointment and hurt threatened to overwhelm her. She didn’t want to cry and make herself look even more like a fool. If he could do this to her, he wasn’t worth it. No man was. She wasn’t going to waste her time on a man who could not put her first.

  She cleared her throat and spoke. “I don’t think so,” she said abruptly, “It’s clear you aren’t that interested. Never mind.” She hung up before he could respond.

  Kellie looked at her with her mouth agape, speechless.

  “I’m such a fool,” Acacia muttered, and finally burst into tears. Kellie put her arms around her and let her cry. After several minutes, Acacia stood back and wiped her face. Kellie watched silently.

  “I can’t believe I actually thought this guy might be someone special. It looks like I’m right not to bother dating. Men are jerks,” she said as she walked toward her bedroom leaving Kellie to follow sadly behind her.


  Once again Grant had put his brother Holden’s life before his own. Another rescue mission by big brother. Holden had called him that morning to tell him he had been taken to the hospital.

  “What happened?” Grant asked him.

  “Someone tried to run me over with her car,” Holden said calmly.

  “By someone...I’m guessing it was a former conquest of yours?” Grant commented sarcastically.

  “I wish you wouldn’t call the woman I date conquests. I’m not the playboy you seem to think I am.” Holden sounded a little offended, his voice lowered as he spoke. Grant didn’t mean to make his brother feel like a jerk but sometimes Holden came across as self-centered and cocky. He was sure that his brother had done something to piss off the offending woman. He gathered that his brother wasn’t too badly injured since he was able to call him.

  Grant laughed as he responded to Holden. “Right. Because you are such a mature and considerate guy. So how badly are you hurt?” he queried.

  “She hit me fast enough to send me a few feet in the air. I landed on my arm and broke it. Can you come down here to see me? I need to talk to you.” Holden’s voice was tension filled as he spoke.

  Grant scratched his head. Shaking his head he responded, “What can I do? You’re in the best place possible. Tell me she’s been arrested for assaulting you?”

  Holden let out a sigh and paused a moment before responding.

  “I guess so...maybe...I didn’t call anyone but someone must have because an ambulance came and got me.” Holden was sounding a little on edge now. “Please Grant. I need to talk to you about something...”

  “Have you been drinking?” Grant accused.

  “No, I am in pain and they gave me painkillers. Why are you always so quick to judge me?”

  “Because usually I’m right, Little Brother.” Grant felt a little guilty but knew he was justified in what he said. More than once he had come to the rescue of his brother because of poor choices he had made. What am I supposed to think?

  “I’ve just been run over by a crazy woman and you accuse me of being drunk? I would have called Dad if I wanted the third degree. So you going to help me or not?” Holden barked.

  Holden wasn’t usually so touchy and Grant sensed that something more serious must be going on this time.

  “Okay. So why did she hit you with her car?”

  “Because I pissed her off! Why do women usually hit men with their cars?”

  Letting out a big sigh, Grant pressed further as he pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers.

  “How did you piss her off?”

  “I called her a liar and a gold-digger,”
Holden stated.

  “That’ll do it. Why don’t you start at the beginning?” Grant urged.

  “Can’t you come here to the hospital and get me? I‘ll tell you everything,” Holden pleaded.

  “Holden, it’s more than a two-and-a-half-hour flight. I’m not going there for a broken arm.” Grant didn’t see the point in wasting the time going to Vegas over something that sounded pretty minor. As a shifter, Holden would heal quickly and be no worse for the wear.

  “Gee, thanks. Sorry my injuries aren’t more severe,” Holden grumbled sarcastically.

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it,” Grant asserted.

  “She says she’s pregnant, Grant,” Holden blurted.

  “Seriously? You told me you practiced safe sex!”

  “I do...I did...she says the condom must have been faulty. I don’t know if she’s telling me the truth but she’s threatening to damage our family name. She wants money,” Holden lamented.

  “I’ll go down to see you but I really don’t know what you expect me to do. Didn’t you say you were finalizing a hotel deal this week?” Grant asked.

  “It’s already done. I was going to show it to you if you came down. Now that this baby situation has been sprung on me, I’m really beginning to wonder if I did the right thing buying it…” Holden said.

  “I’ll see you later today. I’ll catch the first plane I can and call you from the airport,” Grant said firmly.

  “I’ll come and get you,” Holden said a little more cheerfully.

  The brothers hung up and Grant quickly grabbed a few items of clothing, stuffing them into a bag and rushing out of the house to the car.


  McCarran International Airport was buzzing with people. Grant exited the plane and made his way to the waiting area searching the crowd for his brother. The strap on his carry-on bag was slung over one shoulder and he was glad he didn’t need to stand around and wait for luggage.

  With his nose in the air, he was overwhelmed with the many scents and fragrances. Looking around the crowd, he finally spotted Holden propping himself up against a wall. Holden looked a little spaced out with his eyelids threatening to shut where he stood. The protective Big Brother mode kicked in and Grant reached him in a few long strides. At the sight of his injured brother standing before him, instantly he became worried.


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