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Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1)

Page 7

by Rayne Reilly


  Acacia lay in Grant's arms in sheer contentment at the unbelievable afternoon they had just shared.

  She turned onto her side to face him and touched his face tenderly.

  “Thank you for an amazing day,” she said, softly.

  “Thank you, too,” he said with a grin. He smoothed her hair from her face. “You don’t know how relieved I am to have told you about myself. It was the one thing I was worried about,” he finished.

  Acacia didn’t respond immediately. She felt completely spent from the lovemaking and the afternoon of fresh air. Her mind drifted to some of the things he had said. She wondered about his father and what he might say, now that Grant had told her.

  “Will you tell your father about me?” she asked feeling a little afraid of what the elder Beringer might think of her.


  “What if he doesn’t approve of me?”

  “He won't have a choice.There is no other woman for me. He must accept that,” Grant said.

  Acacia noticed the creases in his brow when he spoke of his father. She kissed Grant and pulled away to sit up.

  Suddenly, she was afraid and insecure and didn’t understand why. The most incredible man she had ever met had just made love to her. His promise of her being his mate should have left her feeling good, but instead she felt a huge responsibility. His parents were wealthy beyond anything she could have ever imagined. She was a waitress. His parents were bound to reject her. She frowned at the thought.

  Grant sat up next to her.

  “What’s wrong?” Grant asked, touching her cheek.

  She let out a sigh. “Your parents, do you think they will accept me? I’m just a waitress...nothing special. They may frown upon you being with me?”

  “It doesn’t matter what they think,” replied Grant, firmly. “My father knows that I want a love relationship, not an arranged marriage. He will come around.”

  “What do you mean, an arranged marriage?” She got off the bed and stood staring at him in shock.

  Grant climbed out of bed and stood beside her, putting his hands on her arms.

  “He wanted me to marry another bear shifter and tried to arrange a marriage. I told him I wasn’t interested. I said that I wanted to marry for love,” Grant said.

  Acacia felt her stomach do a couple of flips leaving her feeling nauseated. She scratched her head.

  “I...Are you sure this is okay? Us?” she said, motioning back and forth between them with her finger.

  Grant let out a chuckle and put his arms around her.

  “Yes. You are the one that I want,” he reassured.

  “I chose my career to please my father. I won’t let him choose my wife,” he said pulling her to him holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head.

  Her eyes filled with tears and quickly, she blinked them away before he stepped back. This was all happening so fast but it was everything she wanted. Except for the hard-to-please father-in-law. She was not looking forward to that part.


  Later that evening, Grant dropped Acacia back off at her house. She hated to leave his side but couldn’t wait to tell Kellie about the day she had just had with him. After getting one last, long kiss from him she went inside her town home. She jumped up and down excitedly for a few minutes before settling down to call Kellie.

  She wasn’t sure that Kellie would understand the mate or bear-shifter information, so she made up her mind to leave that part out.

  “So how was your day with Grant? Are you just getting home now?” Kellie asked in her usual chipper tone.

  “Yes. We had an incredible day. He took me for a picnic and then we went back to his house. Oh, my god Kellie! He’s amazing!” she gushed.

  “Do tell? Did you sleep with him?”

  She paused for a moment before cooing her response. “Yes, and it was mind blowing.”

  “I’m so jealous right now! Does he have a brother?” Kellie teased.

  “Yes! Two in fact. One of them is coming to town tonight and will be visiting all week, apparently. Grant invited me out to dinner to meet him. He said I could bring you along if you’re interested?” Acacia asked. She knew Kellie would be more than happy to meet Grant’s brother.

  “I’m in!” squealed Kellie, eagerly. “So what did he tell you about him? Is he single? How old is he? Is he as hot as Grant?”

  “Hang on. First of all, this isn’t really a blind date or anything. I mentioned you to Grant as he was driving me home. He invited me out with him and Holden tomorrow night and said I could bring a friend. I suggested you, but don’t get your hopes up, the guy lives in Vegas and is a bit rebellious, apparently.”

  “His name is Holden? That sounds sexy. What do you mean rebellious?”

  “Grant says Holden is his baby brother. He’s about twenty-eight, I think? I know you like guys around the same age so you might have fun. I just thought that you being there would ease any awkwardness of meeting a family member, ya know?”

  “I guess. You’ve only had a couple of dates with the guy, why are you worried about meeting his brother?” Kellie queried.

  Acacia wasn’t sure what to say, she didn’t want to lie to her best friend but she wasn’t sure that Kellie would understand the bond that she and Grant had.

  “I don’t know. I guess it’s no big deal. It will be a fun night out anyway.” She tried to sound casual but even she could hear the concern in her voice. Why had she agreed to meet Holden so soon? What was I thinking?

  “Acacia? What’s really going on? There’s something you aren’t saying...” Kellie questioned.

  Acacia hesitated. “Nothing. Why do you say that?” She couldn’t help the smiled that formed on her lips.

  “I know you haven’t dated in several years but it isn’t like you to be meeting a guy's family so quickly. What’s really going on here?” Kellie asked.

  “It’s nothing. I just really like him a lot. We have so much in common and he is really good to me. I just want to make a good first impression, that’s all.”

  “I’m touched that you think I will help with that but I know there is more going on that you aren’t saying,” Kellie accused.

  “Fine. I don’t want you to think bad of him though, okay?” Acacia begged.

  “Huh? Now you really have to tell me! What is it?” Kellie stressed.

  “Have you ever heard of shifters?” Acacia asked casually.

  “Duh! I’m from the Pacific Northwest. Of course I’ve heard of them. Why? Oh my god, is he one of them?”

  “Yes,” Acacia said, simply.

  “Holy shit! What kind of shifter is he?” Kellie asked.

  “Bear. A gorgeous black bear.” Acacia said, proudly.

  “Crap, did he shift in front of you? Did you see his bear?” Kellie asked excitedly.

  “Yes, and it was amazing. He is amazing. But you can’t tell anyone. It’s a family secret and they aren’t supposed to tell anyone. The public can’t know. Apparently, his dad is quite strict about it. Promise you won't tell?”

  “Of course, I promise. You know I’m not a big mouth. If something is a secret, I keep it that way. So his brother, Holden...that means he’s one too?” she asked.

  “I guess so but I didn’t ask anything about him being a bear. I assume that since both parents are, that the sons are, too.”

  “Damn it!” Kellie groaned.


  “Now I can’t wait to meet Holden and see what he’s like. That’s so damn sexy knowing he’s a shifter!” Kellie said, excitedly.

  “Ha ha! No one is saying you can’t have fun, if he’s into it too. Grant told me to warn you off Holden though. He said Holden isn’t that much into commitment and that you shouldn’t get your hopes up about him.”

  “Okay. Well, count me in for dinner. I guess we’ll see how it goes. I could use a little fun!”


  The two women were dressed to the nines and feeling confident when G
rant knocked on Acacia's door to take the women to dinner.

  Acacia opened the door and saw Grant’s face change as he looked her over. She was wearing the figure hugging dress with which she had intended to wow him on their first date.

  He looked pleased with what he saw. She kissed him and beamed as he gazed at her.

  “You look beautiful!” he said.

  “Thanks!” she responded cheerfully.

  She turned to introduce Kellie to Grant just as his brother poked his head into the doorway. She hadn’t noticed him until then. Her eyes had locked with Grant's, shutting out the rest of the world for a few moments.

  Kellie stepped next to Acacia as the introductions took place. Acacia could see from Kellie’s expression that she liked Holden. He was slightly smaller in build than Grant was, but was just as tall. His smile was more of a smirk and his brown eyes looked full of fun. She hoped he and Kellie would get along okay.

  The couples headed to Grant's car with Kellie trailing just behind Acacia, and Holden in front of his brother. Acacia noticed that Holden appeared to be avoiding any further eye contact with Kellie after the introductions and had turned to walk off. Maybe they weren’t going to hit it off after all.

  Grant drove them to a fine restaurant in a nice part of town that Acacia had never frequented on her waitress’s budget. Aside from working at Angelo’s, Acacia rarely ate out. Besides, it was so much better eating at nice restaurants when you had a date.

  Seated at a large table, the group were served drinks while they waited for their first course to arrive. Acacia felt slightly nervous and self-conscious when she noticed Holden staring at her appraisingly. His face looked serious and she wondered what he was thinking.

  “Grant tells me you have businesses in Las Vegas?” she asked to ease the tension building between them.

  Holden shrugged and sipped his drink.

  “That’s right. I recently purchased a hotel. It’s being renovated right now. I’m not involved in the corporate world the way my big brother is though. He’s the business man,” Holden said with a hint of jealousy.

  Acacia wondered if there was much sibling rivalry between the brothers. Grant hadn’t said a lot about Holden, only that he had chosen to run his own businesses instead of working for their father. Holden studied her before speaking again.

  “Grant is our father's favorite. Our father doesn’t think I’m smart enough to work at his precious company,” he said with disdain.

  “Holden! I’m sure the ladies don’t want to hear about your issues with our father. Besides, it isn’t that he doesn’t think you’re smart enough. You chose to move away for your own reasons,” Grant admonished.

  Holden finished his drink and pointed to his glass motioning to the waiter to bring another. Acacia glanced at Kellie to see that she was looking a little uncomfortable.

  Holden smoothed his hair back with one hand then placed his hands on his lap.

  “So has Grant told you the big family secret yet? I know he thinks a lot of you so I’m guessing he has?” he smirked.

  Grant’s eyes flashed at Holden.

  “That’s enough,” Grant said gruffly.

  Acacia and Kellie didn’t speak, choosing instead to take long sips of their wine. They glanced at one another as the men narrowed their eyes at each other. Grant reached for Acacia’s hand on the table and held it firmly.

  “She knows everything,” he said in a low voice to his brother.

  Acacia gave a slight nod toward Holden. He responded with a laugh.

  “Oh, yeah? Did he tell you why none of us can ever get married?”

  Acacia felt a sudden swell of panic rising in her. Was there more that Grant hadn’t shared? Was this all a pipe dream? Were there more secrets that were about to be revealed? Her head was spinning with a million random thoughts, threatening to make her pass out. She looked at Grant’s profile. His jaw was clenched. He didn’t look at her and was staring at his brother his face red with anger.

  On seeing Acacia’s panic-stricken face, Holding laughed again.

  “He hasn’t, has he? Our father forbids human/shifter relationships.”

  Acacia felt a lump rising in her throat. She didn’t want to hear any more. She couldn’t bear to have her fears thrown in her face like this.

  “Excuse me,” she muttered as she got up and quickly left the table.

  Kellie narrowed her eyes at Holden as she got up to rush after Acacia. The women hurried to the ladies' room. Acacia broke down the moment the door closed behind them. Kellie hugged her tightly as Acacia sobbed.


  Kellie murmured into Acacia’s ear to soothe her. Acacia was in utter shock at what Holden had revealed. Why had Grant not mentioned that their father forbade a human/shifter marriage?

  “He was being a dick. Don’t let him upset you so much, Hon. Do you want to go back out and confront him or just leave? Because we can leave, if that's what you want,” Kellie said to her.

  Acacia wiped her nose and frowned.

  “I thought I had a future with him, Kellie. Grant was so open about telling me what he was, I don’t understand why he didn’t tell me the truth about his father,” Acacia said, bewildered.

  Kellie’s eyes widened in surprise. “You were thinking about marrying him?”

  “He’s the kindest, most incredible man I’ve ever known or dated. The thought crossed my mind,” Acacia admitted.

  Kellie put her arms around Acacia again and smoothed her hair. “I'm sorry, Sweetie, I didn't realize you had fallen for him so fast.” She let go of Acacia and stepped back to look at her, her face somber. “You barely know him."

  Acacia squared her shoulders and thrust her chin out a little. "I know enough to know that he is very special to me. I just wish I had known that he can't stay with me. I might have been more guarded."

  She closed her eyes tightly, causing more tears to spill down her cheeks.

  Kellie placed her hands on her hips and nodded once. "It sounds like you had no control over any of this. And from the way I see him looking at you, he feels the same for you. I think you need to hang in there give this a chance," she said.

  "I don't know if I can take the pain of losing him in the long term. What if he really can’t marry me?" Acacia sniffled.


  In stark contrast to the soft music playing in the background while the other restaurant patrons enjoyed their meals, Grant was filled with anxiety. Nervously waiting for Acacia to return to the table, he shifted uncomfortably in his chair and tried to hold back his anger.

  Holden continued to sip his drink and look around innocently, pretending not to notice how furious his older brother had become. At least ten minutes passed before Grant felt calm enough to speak civilly.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Grant asked in a deep low voice as he stared at Holden.

  The younger man folded his arms across his chest defensively and tilted his head.

  “How was I to know that you didn’t tell her the truth?” he asked with a hint of a smirk still on his face.

  “It’s one thing to speak that way to me, but Acacia has done nothing to deserve this treatment. Are you so jealous of me that you can’t give me this bit of happiness? Huh?” Grant leaned across the table toward his brother and pointed his finger at him angrily.

  Holden pressed his lips into a thin line and shrugged. Grant knew his brother well enough to know that this was about more than just jealousy. It was possible that he might even regret what he had said tonight, but Grant knew Holden probably wouldn’t admit that what he said was wrong.

  “I am trying to protect you,” he confessed to Grant.

  “Protect me from what?” Grant sat up straight, his arms on the table.

  “Dad and his wrath. I know he tried to set you up with an arranged marriage. What do you think he’ll do when he finds out you rejected it and have fallen for a human female?” Holden asked.

  “I’ve already told him that I refuse to
take part in an arranged marriage. It’s about time our family came out of the Dark Ages, Holden. There is nothing wrong with people knowing what we are. Father will have to accept Acacia if he wants me to continue to run Beringer Industries,” Grant said with caged teeth.

  Holden shook his head as a skeptical look crossed his face. “You say that, but we both know that you would do anything to seek father's approval. It’s what you’ve always done. I would have thought that if anyone is going to piss off dad by marrying a human, it ought to be me. He doesn’t care what happens to me, or to Reece for that matter. But he takes great pride in you and how he has molded you into a mini version of himself. You should think about your future before you jump into something…” Holden’s voice trailed off.

  “I am thinking about my future. A future that I want,” Grant insisted. “Are you sure this outburst isn’t also about you and father? You may have moved away to avoid Dad and his controlling behavior but you want the same things I do, even if you won’t admit it. I think you’re jealous that I found my mate, pure and simple.”

  Holden brushed aside the comment with a flick of his hand and took a long drink. There was a pause before he spoke again. His face was softer this time, as though he had changed his mind about something.

  “So you really don’t care about father’s approval?” he asked looking more serious this time.

  “No. I don’t need it to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with Acacia,” Grant stated firmly. Nothing was going to deter him from being with her, not Holden nor their father.

  “So you had better introduce her to them sooner rather than later,” Holden said.

  “I will, when the time is right to do so,” Grant responded looking down at his wrist watch.


  Grant’s chest felt tight as he sat at the table waiting for Acacia and her friend to return. He checked his wrist watch again and noted that they had been gone for more than twenty minutes. He glared at Holden as he got up.


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