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Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1)

Page 8

by Rayne Reilly

  “You had better hope they haven’t left!” he growled at Holden before stalking toward the ladies' room.

  He knocked on the door and waited. His sensitive hearing picked up the sound of Acacia’s voice. She sounded distraught.

  Seconds later her friend Kellie opened the door and stepped out in front of him.

  “I’d like to speak to Acacia, please,” he said.

  “You’re going to have to wait. She’s pretty upset,” Kellie said putting her hands on her hips.

  “Tell her I’m sorry about my brother. I didn’t know he was going to be such an idiot this evening.”

  Kellie pointed her finger at his chest, poking him several times. He stood motionless and stared down at her finger then back at Kellie.

  "You may be a big ole furry bear but if you hurt my friend, you will have to answer to me. You got that?" she said in a low voice.

  "I understand," he replied with a nod. He watched as Kellie went back into the ladies' room closing the door behind her.

  A few minutes later Acacia appeared, her eyes, red from crying, were filled with emotion and hurt. His own heart hurt at being the cause of her pain. He had never intended to make her cry.

  Urging her to one side, away from the bathroom door, he lowered his eyes to hers. She stared up at him expectantly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you could not be with non-shifters?” She asked, her voice thick with emotion.

  “Because it’s not true. No matter what my brother said, I have no intention of walking away from my mate – from you, Acacia. I know we barely know one another yet, but there is something about you, about us when we are together. This is not just infatuation. This is the real thing."

  Acacia closed her eyes for a moment and opened them again, this time there was a resolve that hadn't been there moments earlier.

  “You deserve better than I am. Maybe Holden is right in what he says,” she said.

  Grant reached out and put a hand to her quivering chin. “You are the only woman for me,” he said gently.

  He leaned down and kissed her lips. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Grant held her to him and closed his eyes.

  Pulling away, Acacia looked up at him sadly.

  "I think that before we go any further, I need some time to think. I don't want to come between you and your parents. I never had a father and now I have no mother. I can't allow myself to cause friction with yours," she said.

  Grant felt his heart stop for a moment. He couldn’t let her walk away from him, not when he had waited for her his whole adult life. Everything about her was perfect for him. He had to make things right between them.

  "Please don't walk away from me. You aren't doing anything wrong here. It's my fault, I should have told you about my father. I am sure when they meet you, they will fall in love with you, just as I have," he said reassuringly in a deep, low voice.

  Her face brightened. "How can you say that?" she asked, putting her arms around his waist.

  "Because you are a wonderful woman. It is impossible not to see that," he murmured as he touched her cheek with the back of one hand.

  "No...I mean, that you love me. You've only been on two dates with me. We barely know one another," she said.

  Grant looked at her, his inner bear standing tall demanding that he not let her leave. Not let her go. They loved her. "I know my heart. My bear knows its mate. You are ours. We want you and will do whatever we can to show you how much you mean to us."

  "What about your family rule?"

  "You let me worry about that. Now, can we please go and finish our dinner date? I promise that Holden will be on his best behavior," he smiled.

  Acacia lowered her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her.


  The next morning, Kellie visited Acacia to chat about the events of the previous evening.

  Acacia welcomed Kellie inside and served them each a cup of coffee while she set about making some breakfast for the two women.

  Kellie grinned happily as she took a sip of her friend's dark roast brew. Standing at the kitchen counter she watched as Acacia beat some eggs and put toast in the toaster.

  “I’m happy that you and Grant have decided to make it work between you,” Kellie said.

  “Me too. He said that Holden didn’t mean anything by what he said. Judging from how quiet he was when we rejoined them at the table, I don’t know what to think,” she said as she glanced toward Kellie and back to the bowl in front of her.

  “Holden did behave like a cocky ass when we first got there. What’s his problem? He barely spoke for the rest of the night,” Kellie wondered.

  Acacia shrugged and began cooking the eggs. “I’m not sure. I did notice him looking at you a couple of times though.”

  Kellie snickered. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure he didn’t like me very much. Other than upsetting you, he didn’t say too much to me directly. I have to admit, he’s pretty handsome. Shame. What a waste,” she said wistfully.

  Acacia laughed. Her phone began to ring as she stood at the stove. Reaching to the counter for her cell she could see that it was Grant calling.

  “Hi!” she said sweetly into the phone.

  “Good morning! I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time?” Grant asked.

  “No. Just cooking up some eggs and toast for Kellie and me. What’s up?”

  “As you know, Holden is in town for a few more days and I thought that since he is headed to our parents' tonight, you and I could go along too?”

  “Why so fast?”

  “Since Holden is going over anyway, I thought it might take some of the pressure off for us if he is there at the same time. My father is always giving him a hard time about his life. He may be too tied up with Holden to focus on us!” Grant joked.

  Acacia pushed the eggs around in the pan and reached to turn off the heat on the stove. Biting her bottom lip, reluctantly she agreed to go to meet Grant's parents.

  “So long as you’re sure they will let me in the house and won’t try to eat me or anything,” she teased, albeit somewhat nervously.

  Grant snickered. “I promise to protect you, my love. I’ll pick you up at six-thirty,” he said warmly.

  Acacia smiled, hung up the phone and turned to Kellie.

  “Crap! I’m meeting the parents,” she blurted.

  “When?” Kellie asked standing a little taller. Her green eyes widened.

  “Tonight!” Acacia said bringing her hand to her mouth.


  Acacia asked Kellie to hang out with her for the day to help keep her calm. Together, she helped Acacia settle on a casual dressy outfit for dinner. Acacia’s stomach was filled with butterflies and her body trembled slightly every time she thought about what it would be like meeting Grant’s father.

  “Grant must be very fond of you if he’s arranged for you to meet his parents already,” Kellie stated. She seemed blissfully unaware of how terrifying the situation was for her friend.

  Acacia nodded and continued to apply her makeup. She had fallen in love with Grant but still hadn’t told Kellie for fear that she would think it was just infatuation. Acacia knew that Grant was the one, just by how she felt when she was around him. She knew that unless Kellie experienced the same thing, she could never understand how she was feeling.

  The day went quickly as the girls enjoyed their time together and soon Kellie decided to head home to make dinner for her and her father.

  “Call me! I want to know how it goes. Good luck!” she said giving Acacia a big hug and hurrying out to her car.

  Acacia waved as her friend drove off. Minutes later, Grant knocked on her door. She took a deep breath and released it, not wanting nerves to get the better of her.

  When she opened the door and saw Grant she forgot her fears immediately. He was calm, cool and gorgeous as he greeted her with a hug and a kiss. She followed him to his car where he held her door open and moved quickly around to t
he driver's side to get in.

  “Holden is going to meet us there. I thought that would be best,” he said, searching her face. She grimaced and tucked some hair behind her ear. She had decided to wear her dark locks down tonight. Kellie had painstakingly straightened her hair until it shone.

  “I know you’re probably still annoyed with Holden and you have every right to be,” acknowledged Grant. “He and I are close and after talking to him about last night, I can see that he regrets saying anything to you. I’m sorry that he ruined the night. Don’t worry, I don’t think he will say anything in front of my parents.”

  “He isn't the one I am worried about this time.” She furrowed her brow. Acacia knew that Grant cared deeply about both his brothers; he had made that clear to her. She also knew that as the oldest in the family he had a great sense of responsibility to care for everyone and follow his father's rules to set an example for his brothers. Her concern over his father and how he would react to Grant bringing a human into their family home was causing her to ponder if she had gotten herself into more than she could handle.

  Everything was happening faster than she might have liked, but at the same time it felt like she had waited her entire life to feel the way she did with Grant.

  As he drove, he reached across and took her hand. She stared out the front windshield knowing that Grant would not let anyone hurt her. As if he read her mind, he said confidently, “I won’t let anything happen to you and we won’t stay if anyone upsets you.”

  Acacia didn’t respond but a small smile began to form on her lips. Yes. He was her Prince Charming; no doubt about it.


  They pulled up a long driveway that led to a palatial mansion, the likes of which Acacia had only ever seen on television or in magazines. She swallowed hard, her throat suddenly parched as she stared at the tall columns that framed the front door of the majestic home. Suddenly, she felt incredibly under-dressed and stared over at Grant in panic.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as she looked down at her clothes and back at him.

  “Am I dressed up enough?” she asked self-consciously.

  “Of course. You look beautiful, as always. My parents are bear shifters, they aren’t rich snobs who would look down their noses at you. Don’t let the big house fool you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “You look great. I’ll be right beside you. Don’t worry about a thing,” Grant said. He got out and walked around the car to Acacia’s side to take her hand in his before approaching the front door.

  A tall slender man likely in his forty's answered the door and Acacia realized quickly that he was a staff member.

  He smiled politely and showed them to the lounge where a beautiful, middle-aged red haired woman stood making a drink. A tall, handsome gentleman sat in an armchair in conversation with Holden, who was seated across from him.

  She could see from Mr.Beringer’s face structure and body type that he was Grant's father. She could also see where the two brothers had got their looks. Both parents were very attractive and didn’t look a day over forty-five. She knew they had to be much older because of Grant being in his early thirties.

  Biting her top lip, she shoved her shoulders back. Please like me, please like me, she repeated in her mind like a mantra. Mrs Beringer put down the glass and walked over to her and Grant.

  She hugged her son and stood back to take a look at Acacia. Up close, Acacia could see that his mother had pale green-colored eyes. She wondered what color bear she would be and how amazing her eyes would look in that form.

  “You must be Acacia?” she smiled and looked at Acacia approvingly.

  “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Beringer.” Acacia extended a hand, which the woman took warmly in hers.

  “Call me Marcia. Mrs. Beringer is so formal. I’m not that way, dear. Grant tells me you met at a charity dinner he hosted?” Marcia looked back and forth between the pair.

  Acacia felt her palms go sweaty and her face flushed red. She wasn’t sure how to respond and looked up at Grant, who had placed a warm hand to her back. He looked back at her lovingly and then to his mother.

  “Yes, mother.”

  Just then Holden stood and walked over to Acacia and Grant.

  “Nice of you two to make it,” he said, sounding relieved. He rolled his eyes, while he had his back to his father.

  Acacia stifled a grin and smoothed her hands down her thighs. She didn’t want Mr. Beringer to shake a sweaty hand.

  Grant escorted Acacia to where his father sat and he introduced them.

  Mr. Beringer’s voice was deep and strong, much like Grant's. He shook her hand and smiled for a moment, but quickly, it gave way to a thin line of worry.

  Acacia was surprised when he asked her if she would like a drink.

  She nodded, “Yes, please.” I need something to help me relax. She thought.

  Everyone took a seat and Grant went to get a glass of wine for Acacia, joining her moments later on a small love-seat on the other side of the room. Mr. Beringer continued to watch her as she self-consciously looked around the room, pretending to be taking it in to avoid looking back at him.

  “My son, Holden, tells me that you are a waitress. Is that correct?” Forrest Beringer asked. Acacia felt intimidated by the authority that his voice carried as he spoke. His eyes never left hers as he continued questioning her about where she was from and what she planned to do with her life in the future.

  Her stomach slowly soured when she realized he was the demanding man that both sons claimed he was. The thought occurred to her that maybe he thought she was after the family money. She didn’t care about Grant's money and would tell him as much if he ever questioned it.

  A couple of times while he grilled her she noticed his nose twitching. No doubt he can smell that I’m human. She tried not to show her worry while she answered his questions honestly. A couple of times she felt Grant’s hand tense around hers when his father’s questions became a bit too personal.

  Forrest took a break from quizzing Acacia to educate her on himself. “I am from the east coast, my parents and siblings are still there. I left to become my own man. I started Beringer Industries on my own hard-earned money. I built it to what it is today. You understand that if I am strict with my sons, it is because I demand the same level of excellence that I demand from myself. Up until now, Grant has been the only one of my sons who hasn't let me down,” he droned.

  As Holden was seated just beside Forrest, Acacia could not help but notice him rolling his eyes. Although he was probably accustomed to hearing this sort of thing all the time, she suspected that his father's statement must have hurt.

  Covering her mouth, she coughed to stop herself from saying something rude. No one else spoke while Forrest was speaking but she sensed that Grant was growing impatient to say something. She looked over at him for reassurance and he smiled at her.

  “Where is your family? Do they live in town here?” Forrest asked her.

  “I am from out of town. My mother died over a year ago. I have no other family,” she stated clearly, her voice hitching a little at the thought of her mother being gone.

  Grant spoke, sounding agitated. “Acacia was the only child,” he said.

  “I am sure the young woman can speak for herself,” Forrest said harshly.

  Acacia felt embarrassed and looked down at her lap. It felt very much as though she was on trial for something and she just wanted the night to be over.

  Marcia Beringer spoke up, easing the tension in the room. “Forrest has not helped to dispel the rivalry between our sons. He has a tendency to play favorites. We are proud of all three of our sons,” she said as she glared at her husband. He narrowed his eyes for a brief moment and then they softened again. Clearly, he loved his wife; Acacia could see that by the way he looked at her.

  Forrest turned his gaze back on Acacia.

  “What about your father? Where is he?” he asked.

  “I know nothing of him. I have h
is last name but nothing else. He ran off before I was born.”

  Both of Grant's parents shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

  Forrest spoke up in his authoritative voice. “Family is important and should always come first. Blood is thicker than water. Your father could not have been a good man,” he stated.

  Acacia piped up,"I've heard this is especially true in bear-shifter clans?"

  Holden snickered. Grant smiled proudly.

  His father stared at her for nearly a minute, in silence. He then looked at his son, Grant, his eyes flashing with anger. "You told her?" he asked angrily.

  Grant nodded, "Of course I did. She is my mate," he said proudly.

  Acacia felt warm and happy at his admission of her being his mate. Grant was as strong as his father and she wondered how often he challenged his father's authority. Forrest Beringer did not look happy with his son for having a voice of his own.

  Marcia spoke again, her voice calm and her face relaxed.

  "Our families have not bred with humans in the past." She looked first at Acacia and then at Grant. After a brief pause, she smiled and added, "But I am certain that this fine young woman will make you a wonderful wife, son."

  Grant beamed widely. “So do I,” he replied to his mother. He leaned over and stroked Acacia’s hair before kissing the top of her head.

  Acacia waited to hear what Grant’s father would say next. With Grant at her side, she felt far more confident than she would have otherwise.

  Forrest got up and stormed from the room.

  Grants mother looked at her son. “You know your father doesn't take change well. But don't worry. He will come around," she said softly.

  Grant tilted his head and pursed his lips. Holden chose that moment to add something that made Acacia very happy.

  Leaning on the arm of the chair, Holden’s lips gave a lopsided smile. He held up his drink cheering the couple.


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