the value of snow crab exports: Statistics Canada. Canadian international trade data April 2004–October 2010.
As one Canadian writer has put it: Teitel, Murray, “The Millions Ottawa Spends Subsidizing the Seal Hunt,” Financial Post, April 17, 2008.
Chapter Seven—Cruelty and Its Defenders
“the righteous man regardeth…”: King James Bible, Proverbs 12:10.
“Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner”: Cattlemen’s Beef Board and the Federation of State Beef Councils,; and the California Milk Advisory Board,
guidelines were formulated: Nestle, Marion, Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition & Habits (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002); and Black, Jane, “Advocates Worry That Dietary Advice Will Be Lost in Translation,” Washington Post, October 3, 2010.
the American Dietetic Association tells us: “Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian Diets,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103, no. 6 (2003): 748–765, doi: 10.153/jada.2003.50142.
the testing is not only painful:,; and Stephens, Martin L., “An Animal Protection Perspective on 21st Century Toxicology,” Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B, vol. 13, no. 2 (2010): 291–298.
More hunters are using laser sights: Barnard, Jeff, “Technology Pushes Envelope of Hunting,” Associated Press, June 6, 2005,; Benedetti, Winda, “Electronic Decoys Put Duck Hunting Ethics Under Fire,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 28, 2001; Barker, Eric, “The Long Rangers,” Lewiston Tribune, January 17, 2010; “CA Bear Season Won’t be Expanded,” San Jose Mercury News, April 21, 2010; and “YO Ranch, A Texas Brand Since 1880,”
factory farmers suddenly became advocates: United Egg Producers, The Egg Industry and Animal Welfare: A Science-Based Approached,
Egg_Industry_Animal_Welfare_Brochure.pdf; Sundberg, Paul, The National Pork Board, in the Proceedings of the 2002 Future Trends in Animal Agriculture Symposium, p. 12; and The Animal Ag Alliance, Main.
“Do you know what…”: Smith, Wesley, A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy (New York: Encounter Books, 2010).
animal rights groups have “hijacked”: Ibid., 18.
The people who supply dogs: American Anti-Vivisection Society, “Dying to Learn: Exposing the Supply and Use of Dogs and Cats in Higher Education,” April 2009, accessed September 29, 2010,; and The Humane Society of the United States, “Pets Used in Experiments,”
who happen to make up 95 percent: Carbone, Larry, What Animals Want: Expertise and Advocacy in Laboratory Animal Welfare Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004).
“infinite capacity to rationalize his cruelty”: Amory, Cleveland, Mankind? Our Incredible War on Wildlife (New York: Harper and Row, 1974), 14.
In their continuing quest for respectability: The United Gamefowl Breeders Association,; and Declaration of Sandy Johnson, UGBA v. Veneman, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, May 12, 2003, CV03–0970.
almost an unbroken political tradition: Nie, Martin, “The Scope and Bias of Political Conflict, State Wildlife Policy and Management,” Public Administration Review 64 (2004): 221–233; and Hagood, Susan, Money and Myth: The Pervasive Influence of Hunters, Hunting, Culture and Money (Washington, DC: The Humane Society of the U.S., 1997).
He circulated 160 pages: Schoch, Deborah, “Commissioner Blames NRA for His Ouster,” Los Angeles Times, September 25, 2007.
A 2007 scientific study by the Peregrine Fund: Parish, Chris, William Heinrich, and W. Grainger Hunt, Lead Exposure, Diagnosis and Treatment in California Condors Released in Arizona (Boise, ID: The Peregrine Fund, 2006), 3.
twelve of the fifty-one condor deaths: Herdt, Timm, “Governor OK’s Lead Bullet Ban,” Ventura County Star, October 14, 2007.
“I’m sure the mortality rate…”: Ibid.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, after years: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Birds,
The NRA had bitterly fought: “NRA Opposes Anti-Hunting Petition to Ban Lead Ammunition,” The NRA, August 4, 2010,
the group rallied its members: Schoch, “Commissioner Blames NRA.”
The NRA arranged for a letter: Ibid.
The attack on the independence of the commission: Skelton, George, “Gov. Ignores Gun Lobby, and Condors Get a Lift,” Los Angeles Times, October 18, 2007.
“The science is irrefutable,”: Vick, Karl, “Lead from Carrion Killing-Off California Condors,” Washington Post, October 12, 2007.
In his letter of resignation: Personal correspondence from Hanna to Governor Schwarzenegger.
It had been a tradition: Blechman, Andrew, Pigeons, The Fascinating Saga of the World’s Most Revered and Reviled Bird (New York: Grove Press, 2006), 83.
The organizers were quick to claim: Worden, Amy, “Critics Still Take Aim at Pa. Pigeon Shoots,” Philadelphia Inquirer, December 5, 2007.
But given that they purchased: “NYC Pigeons Trapped, Kidnapped, Shot for Sport, Group Says,” Wall Street Journal, May 24, 2010; Fanelli, James, “They Shoot Pigeons, Don’t They?,” New York Post, July 27, 2008; letter from the New York City Bar, Committee on Legal Issues Pertaining to Animals to Joseph B. Scarnati, President of the PA Senate, and Keith McCall, Speaker of the PA House, May 4, 2010; and Seeton v. Pike Township Sportsmen’s Association, Civ. No. 01–11736 (Pa. Ct. Common Pleas Berks County, November 2001).
No shooter required a license: Worden, “Critics Still Take Aim” Seeton v. Pike Township Sportsmen’s Association; and Covington Twp. v. Moscow Sportsmen’s Club, Inc., Civ. No. 06–4848 (Pa. Ct. Common Pleas Lackawanna County, September 21, 2006) (Exh. E)/PA Game Code Title 34 Chapter 1 Section 102.
shooting squirrels just for fun: Sanborn, F. B., ed., Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1894), cited in The Extended Circle, ed. Jon Wynne-Tyson (Fontwell, Sussex: Centaur Press, 1985).
“Pigeon shooting is an historic…”: NRA-Institute for Legislative Action e-mail alert titled “Pennsylvania: Bird Shoot Ban to be Heard Tomorrow!,” July 14, 2009.
state humane agents could arrest pigeon shooters: Hulsizer v. Labor Day Committee, 734 A.2d 848, 853 (Pa. 1999).
“National ‘animal rights’ extremist groups,…”: NRA-Institute for Legislative Action e-mail alert, titled “Ban on Pigeon Shooting Could be Voted on Soon!,” September 19, 2008,
the NRA has warded off efforts: NRA-Institute for Legislative Action e-mail alert titled “Anti-Hunting State Ballot Initiative Being Circulated for Signatures at the North Dakota State Fair,” July 30, 2010,
it fought off an effort in Congress: Letter to Congressman Nick Jo Rahall from the NRA and other hunting organizations, March 6, 2008.
“In a normal season we will go through…”: Testimony of Wayne Pacelle, senior vice president of the Humane Society of the United States, on H.R. 1006 and H.R. 1472. Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans of the Committee on Resources, 108th Congress, June 12, 2003. Serial No. 108–25, p. 84.
Others use “walk-in” baits: Ibid, p. 84.
Congressman Elton Gallegly, a Republican: Legislative hearing before the subcommittee on fisheries, conservation, wildlife and oceans, 108–25, 108th Congress, June 12, 2003.
twenty-six cosponsors withdrew their suppor
t: Bill Summary and Status, 108th Congress (2003–2004), H.R. 1472 Cosponsors,
“This is not about me….”: Schoch, “Commissioner Blames NRA.”
Ohio is one of the biggest: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “Chickens and Eggs,” 2010, p. 8,
current/ChicEggs/ChicEggs–09–21–2010.pdf; U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, “Quarterly Hogs and Pigs,” 2010,
current/HogsPigs/HogsPigs–09–24–2010.pdf; Barnett, J. L., P. H. Hemsworth, G. M. Cronin, E. C. Jongman, and G. D. Hutson, “A Review of the Welfare Issues for Sows and Piglets in Relation to Housing,” Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 52 (2001): 1–28; United Egg Producers, 2004, Independent Scientific Advisory Committee,; and United Egg Producers, Animal Husbandry Guidelines for U.S. Egg Laying Flocks, 2010, p. 1,
issuing a damning analysis: The Pew Charitable Trust, Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Production in America—A Report of the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production, April 2008,
Reports/Industrial_Agriculture/PCIFAP_FINAL.pdf and
“the agro-industrial complex…”: Ibid.
But these prices mask: Ibid.; see Greger, Michael, “The Human/Animal Interface: Emergence and Resurgence of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases,” Critical Reviews in Microbiology 33 (2007): 243–299; and Donham, K. J., S. Wing, D. Osterberg, et al., “Community Health and Socioeconomic Issues Surrounding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations,” Environmental Health Perspectives 115, no. 2 (2007): 317–320.
a network of land-grant colleges: Act of July 2, 1862 (Morrill Act), Public Law 37–108, which established land grant colleges, July 2, 1862; and Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1789–1996, Record Group 11, General Records of the United States Government, National Archives.
Since 1960 milk production: Keusch, Gerald, et al., Sustaining Global Surveillance and Response to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2009), p. 80,
The broiler chicken of our day: Aho, P. W., “Introduction to the U.S. Chicken Meat Industry,” in Commercial Chicken Meat and Egg Production, 5th ed., ed. D. D. Bell and W. D. Weaver (Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002), 805.
There are now about 2 million farmers: U.S. Department of Agriculture, NASS. 2007 Census of Agriculture. Farm numbers.
Online_Highlights/Fact_Sheets/farm_numbers.pdf; Hallberg, Milton C., Economic Trends in U.S. Agriculture and Food Systems Since World War II (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2001), 13.
a budget now approaching $150 billion: USDA, USDA Budget Summary and Annual Performance Plan, FY 2011, p. 6,
“the federal government paid out…”: Cook, Ken, “Government’s Continued Bailout of Corporate Agriculture,” The Environmental Working Group, Farm Subsidy Database,
mainly for the largest and most profitable farms: Gaul, Gilbert M., Sarah Cohen and Dan Morgan, “Federal Subsidies Turn Farms Into Big Business,” Washington Post, December 21, 2006.
federal subsidies account for about 20 percent: Roberts, 135, and Cook, “Government’s Continued Bailout,” at
multibillion-dollar subsidies to the corn industry: Sweet, William, “Corn-O Copia,” IEEE Spectrum Magazine, January 2007; and Morgan, Dan, “Harvesting Cash, The Ethanol Factor—Corn Farms Prosper, but Subsidies Still Flow,” Washington Post, September 28, 2007.
Congress and the USDA ask for nothing: Dilanian, Ken, “Bill Includes Billions in Farm Subsidies,” USA Today, May 15, 2008; Cook, Christopher, “Farm Bill: Making America Fat and Polluted, One Subsidy at a Time,” Christian Science Monitor, April 23, 2008; Karnowski, Steve, “Election Unlikely to Change US Farm Subsidies,” Boston Globe, October 15, 2010.
They have opposed reform efforts: Reilly, Sean, “Alabama Farmers Federation Members Get Watch List from National Leader,” Birmingham News, March 25, 2010; Jolly, Cliff, “Jolley: Five Minutes With Bob Stallman & The Defense Of American Agriculture,” Drovers, November 19, 2010. Available at–11–19/Article.aspx?oid=1284445&fid=CN-LATEST_NEWS; Fahrenthold, David A., “Manure Becomes Pollutant as Its Volume Grows Unmanageable,” Washington Post, March 1, 2010.
The federal government funnels: Edwards, Chris, Agricultural Subsidies, The Cato Institute, June 2009, available at; Environmental Working Group at
Given that more than 97 percent: Steinfeld, H., P. Gerber, T. Wassenaar, V. Castel, M. Rosales, and C. de Haan, Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006, pp. 39, 43.
According to a 2007 study by Tufts University: Starmer, Elanor, and Timothy Wise, Feeding at the Trough—Industrial Livestock Frims Saved $35 Billion from Low Feed Prices, The Global Development and Environmental Institute, Tufts University, Policy Brief No. 07–03, p. 2, December 2007.
The same study found: Ibid.
USDA doled out hundreds of millions: Congressional Research Service, Farm and Food Support Under USDA’s Section 32 Program, January 12, 2010,
the hens have fragile bones: Gregory, N. G., and L. J. Wilkins, “Broken Bones in Domestic Fowl: Handling and Processing Damage in End-of-Lay Battery Hens,” British Poultry Science 30, no. 3 (1989): 555–562.
As many as 24 percent of hens: Ibid.
Yet the U.S. government: Gregory, C., “Spent Layers: A Valuable Resource?,” Poultry Service Industry Workshop, October 5–7, 2004,
USDA purchases about 10 percent: Morrison, B., P. Eisler, and A. DeBarros, “Old-Hen Meat Fed to Pets and Schoolkids,” USA Today, December 16, 2009,–12–08-hen-meat-school-lunch_N.htm; and Gregory, “Spent Layers.”
these hen carcasses: Roy, Parimal, A. S. Dhillon, Lloyd Lauerman, D. M. Schaberg, Daina Bandli, and Sylvia Johnson, “Results of Salmonella Isolation from Poultry Products, Poultry, Poultry Environment, and Other Characteristics,” Avian Diseases 46, no. 1 (January 2002): 17–24.
It also manipulated egg exports: Reuters, “Land O’Lakes in $25 Mln Egg Price-Fixing Accord,” June 8, 2010; Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial, The Kroger Co. et al. v. United Egg Producers, Inc. et al., Case No. 2:10-cv–06705-GP (E.D. Pa. Nov. 16, 2010); Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial, Publix Super Markets, Inc. v. United Egg Producers, Inc. et al., Case No. 2:10-cv–06737-GP (E.D. Pa. Nov. 16, 2010).
Hallmark/Westland slaughter plant that closed in 2008: Flynn, Dan, “Suit Seeks Lunch Money Refund for Downer Beef,” Food Safety News, October 2, 2009; and Durbin, Dick, “USDA Must Act to Ensure Safety of Food in the National School Lunch Program,” January 20, 2008,
the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) asked Congress: Testimony of the National Pork Producers Council on the U.S. Pork Industry Economic Crisis Before the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry, October 22, 2009, pp. 14–15.
Governors of nine leading pork-producing states: Lucht, Gene, “Governors Seek Help for Pork,” Iowa Farmer Today, August 12, 2009.
When the House Agriculture Committee: Hearing to Review the Eco
nomic Conditions Facing the Pork Industry, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry, 111th Congress, First Session, October 22, 2009, Serial Number 111–33.
the hog industry has degraded: The Pew Charitable Trust, Putting Meat on the Table.
the state imposed a moratorium: North Carolina General Assembly, Senate Bill 1465, Swine Farm Environmental Performance Standards, 2007,
The NPPC has also led efforts: Eckholm, Erik, “U.S. Meat Farmers Brace for Limits on Antibiotics,” New York Times, September 14, 2010.
a practice that has hastened: Silbergeld, Graham, “Industrial Food Animal Production, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Human Health,” Annual Review of Public Health 29 (2008): 151–169; Ladely, Scott R., et al., “Development of Macrolide-Resistant Campylobacter in Broilers Administered Subtherapeutic or Therapeutic Concentrations of Tylosin,” Journal of Food Protection 70, no. 8 (August 2007): 1945–1951; and Sapkota, Amy R., et al., “What Do We Feed to Food Production Animals? A Review of Animal Feed Ingredients and Their Potential Impacts on Human Health,” Environmental Health Perspectives 115 (2007): 663–670 (published online February 8, 2007).
factory farms are the most dangerous: Greger, Michael, “The Human/Animal Interface: Emergence and Resurgence of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases,” Critical Reviews in Microbiology 33, no. 4 (2007): 243–299.
A hog factory run: Schmidt, C. W., “Swine CAFOs & Novel H1N1 Flu: Separating Facts from Fears,” Environmental Health Perspectives 117, no. 9 (2009): A394-A401.
American factory farms threaten: Saenz, R. A., H. W. Hethcote, and G. C. Gray, “Confined Animal Feeding Operations as Amplifiers of Influenza,” Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 6, no. 4 (Winter 2006): 338–346.
the industry has managed: United States Code Annotated Currentness, Title 7, Agriculture, Chapter 48, “Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter.”
and birds account for more than 95 percent: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Quick Stats, “U.S. & State—Slaughter” and “U.S. & State—Poultry Slaughter,”
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