Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2)

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Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2) Page 16

by Stephens, Amy

  When she pulls back, I notice her eyes are moist with tears, but these are happy tears. I waste no time peeling back the tape from the box and lifting the stroller that’s wrapped in plastic from the box. There are a few attachments that come with it but I leave them inside the box. I place the instructions on the coffee table and remove all of the plastic. The stroller folds out and is pretty much assembled. I give it a push forward, then backwards, and I think it’s good to go.

  “Looks pretty good to me. Why don’t we try it out?”

  “Are you sure? Here in the house?” She asks almost like this is one of the silliest questions I could have asked.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  As Jennifer lifts Chloe up from her blanket on the floor, I pick up another blanket she has draped over the couch and place it inside the stroller. She carefully positions Chloe inside and buckles the seatbelt. I release the break from the wheel and slowly push the stroller through the living room and into the kitchen. The seat is tilted upwards slightly so that Chloe can see what’s in front of her, but she’s quiet as she takes in the view. We make a few rounds through the house then stop in front of the couch again. It doesn’t take long before Chloe realizes I’ve stopped pushing her and she begins to whimper slightly.

  “Awww. Don’t cry Chloe.” Jennifer attempts to console her but Chloe’s cry intensifies. It’s obvious she doesn’t want me to stop.

  I start pushing her again and almost instantly Chloe quietens again. “I think she likes it.”

  I spend the next few minutes pushing Chloe around while Jennifer picks up the empty box and moves it back to the utility room. She gets a bottle ready to feed Chloe before putting her down for the night.

  “Have you had anything for dinner?” I ask her on one of my strolls through the room.

  “No, I haven’t. Would you like for me to see what I have in the kitchen? Maybe I can make us something quick. I know it’s getting late but maybe you’d like to stay for a little while.”

  Jennifer lets me give Chloe her bottle and put her down for the night. I love this baby girl so much, as much as if she were my own.

  Jennifer fixed us a salad and a bowl of soup. She kept apologizing for not having something better to prepare for us, but I understand she’s not used to having company over. I don’t hold it against her and actually prefer the lighter meal since it’s getting so late.

  I help her put away the dishes and we settle down on the couch. I can’t help but wonder if this is what it would be like if she and I were a real couple or even married? Would we relax together just like this?

  I pick up the remote control and notice the bottle of foot cream my grandfather gave her sitting on the end table.

  “Did you ever use any of this stuff?” I ask jokingly. To my surprise, when I pick up the bottle, I realize it’s almost empty.

  “That stuff is wonderful.” She laughs. “It’s no wonder your grandfather stocked up on it when he found it that day at the flea market.”

  “What do you do with it?” I ask now curious about this miracle cream for your feet.

  “I just rub a fair amount on my feet, then put socks on. I usually do it right before I go to bed at night. The next morning, you will be amazed how soft your feet feel.”

  “Hmmm. Slide down that way.” I tell her as I point to the opposite end of the sofa.

  “What? What are you doing?” She asks.

  Jennifer scoots down to the end of the couch and I bend over to lift and turn both of her legs towards me so that her feet are positioned on the top of my legs. She’s already pulled her shoes off for the night and is wearing really soft fuzzy socks. I slip them off her feet and remove the cap from the cream. I start out with a small amount and rub my hands together so the cream isn’t cold when I apply it to her feet. Jennifer leans back against the cushions to get more comfortable and I begin to massage her feet, starting with the left one first. By the time I’m finished with the right foot, I notice Jennifer has become very quiet. Her eyes are closed and she’s barely awake. I don’t think she’s ever looked so peaceful and relaxed.

  This evening has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. Except for the night on the pier, that is. I hope this is only the beginning of what lies ahead for us.

  The holidays have come and gone and I’ve gotten into a pretty good routine with Chloe. It’s hard to believe she’s almost six months old and growing so fast. It’s amazing how time flies but I wouldn’t trade a single moment I’ve spent with her. I often wonder if Brian ever thinks of her and what’s he’s missing. To my knowledge he doesn’t know if the baby was a boy or girl. It took a while, but he eventually stopped calling me at all times of the day and night. Sometimes I would answer his call, other times not. Every couple of weeks the phone number he was calling from would change and I guess instead of reloading minutes to his phone, he would just buy another one. Not one time has he ever asked about Chloe.

  I’m still working four days a week at the pharmacy with Todd and I’ve also signed up for the certification program at the local community college. I attend classes two evenings a week and during the day on Friday. Beth has been the best sitter for Chloe and even has her making noises that I’m convinced will be “mama” pretty soon. I am so fortunate to have the Williams family in my life.

  As for Todd, we spend a lot of time together away from work, time with and without Chloe. I feel bad for leaving Chloe with Beth so much but she swears it’s not a problem. Both she and Rick treat Chloe as though she is their own grandchild, and I guess, in some ways, she really is to them. Todd and I are more comfortable with each other every day and don’t feel as awkward being caught by his family for sharing an intimate moment. They treat me well, and I couldn’t ask for anything to be better than this. On the nights I have classes, Todd sits with Chloe until I come home so his mom can have a break and tend to things at home.

  This morning when I arrive at work, I notice an envelope on the counter that I don’t recall seeing the previous night. I make my way around to all of the computers switching them on and making sure all the printers are loaded with labels. It’s the first of the month and we usually get pretty busy with customers coming in for their monthly refills so I want to have everything ready.

  “What’s this?” I ask Jenny, the other tech, as I make my way back around to where the envelope rests on the counter. I notice it’s sealed and there’s nothing written on the outside. I hold the envelope towards the light but I’m unable to make out anything inside.

  “I believe it’s for you.” She tells me without looking over at me.

  “For me? Why would you think it’s for me?” I laugh.

  I notice a smirk form on Jenny’s face and I instantly realize she’s involved with whatever is inside that envelope.

  “Just open it.” She encourages.

  I carefully peel back the back flap and remove the contents of the envelope. Inside is a card from a travel agency. On the front cover is the business logo along with the words “Let us help you plan your next trip.” I open the card and a business card falls to the counter along with a folder piece of paper. The paper is actually an email confirmation from a casino resort hotel in Las Vegas. As I scroll my eyes across the paper, I see Todd’s name along with the dates for which the room has been reserved. I’m confused as to why Jenny would think this is for me.

  “Jenny, I think this must be for Todd. He must be planning a trip or something. Can you pass me the tape over there? I need to get this taped back up since I mistakenly opened it.”

  Jenny ignores me.

  “Jenny, did you hear me?” I ask her again.

  Jenny’s face can’t hide the secret anymore. At the same time, Todd walks into the work area and I stand there, holding the envelope, like I’ve done something terribly wrong. I scramble with the papers and card to get them back inside the envelope.

  “Are you okay?” He asks me as though unaware of what’s going on.

  “Apparently, Jenny h
ere, set me up. I accidently opened this envelope because she thought it was for me. I read your name on one of the pages inside and I apologize. I wasn’t trying to be nosy.” I hand over the envelope to him but he immediately stops me by pushing my hand away. I can’t help but be confused by his reaction.

  “No, she’s just not very good at surprises.” He says.

  “What do you mean? Surprises? I don’t understand.” I’m sure my face shows my confusion.

  “Jennifer.” Todd takes both of my hands in his before he continues. “Will you take a trip with me? You already know the location since you snooped inside the envelope.” He teases me.

  “No, I didn’t snoop.” I correct him and swat at his hands with the envelope, not sure if I like this little surprise of his. “Somebody set me up. And what are you talking about? What trip?”

  “My dad has been so pleased with how smoothly everything here has been since he’s started being away more so he wants to do a little something for me. And that something includes you. Right now, you know he pops in and out and opens on Saturday mornings. Now, he wants me to primarily be in charge of everything unless I need a day off to take care of something and can’t find a fill-in. He’s got his friend who’s also available to help when we need him, but he’s ready to start spending even more time at home with mom.” He hesitates before saying this last bit. “And with Chloe. She’s got that man wrapped around his little finger.”

  I blush, not sure what to say about the last statement of his.

  “So, I guess what I’m asking, is will you accompany me on a little vacation getaway? As you already know, your parents are coming back in to town and, well, this was sort of something my dad wanted to do for both of us.”

  “Todd, I don’t know about being away from Chloe for so long.”

  “You know she will be just fine. Between my parents and yours, she’s going to be well taken care of. She’s older now and she’ll be fine.”

  “You love putting me on the spot don’t you?” I ask.

  “Well.” Todd sort of squints his eyes and looks away before answering. “I sort of need to know be tomorrow because our flight leaves out late tomorrow night. We’ll stay for four days then be back home this weekend.”

  My jaw drops. “Tomorrow night? I don’t know about this. It’s all so sudden.” I can’t believe he and his family would plan something like this without talking it over with me first. And apparently, my parents are in on it too if they are going to be helping take care of Chloe. Part of me wants to jump up and down and scream because I would love to take a trip like this, but the other part of me doesn’t want to be away from my baby for this length of time. I realize she’s older, but I’ve never been apart from her for more than a day.

  Todd looks at me with pleading eyes. “Please. Please say you’ll go. If you won’t go with me, then I won’t go at all.”

  “That’s not fair.” I quickly tell him. “You know this is exactly what I need don’t you?”

  He reaches up and brushes a strand of hair away from my face. “Then does that mean you’ll go?”

  “You don’t really leave me much choice do you?”

  Todd pulls me in for a big hug. “Thank you. I promise, you will have a wonderful time. I’ve never been, but my parents say it’s going to be the trip of a lifetime.”

  I stand before him, not knowing what to say. I’ve just let him talk me into taking a trip with him and all I can worry about is leaving Chloe behind for a few days. He reaches down and uses his finger to lift my chin up.

  “Please don’t worry.” He says. “You know she’ll be in the best care. Besides, now you’ve got me second guessing myself. Maybe you’re uncertain about being alone with me.”

  I would die if he knew how much I have thought about being alone with him. It’s so obvious we’re crazy about each other, and the thought of being alone with him in a hotel room sends all kinds of sensations throughout my body. It doesn’t take long before I start to feel dampness between my legs. It’s not the first time he’s had this effect on me and I have to wonder if taking this trip with him will lead to something else. Are we going to take this relationship to the next level?

  Later that night, I walk around my bedroom pulling out different clothes that I’m considering taking to Vegas. I’m really excited but nervous at the same time. I’ve never been on a plane before and I’m going to be spending several nights, alone, with Todd. This relationship between us has definitely been left up to me to control the pace and I respect him so much for that. He’s been over pretty late into the night before but never stayed the entire night. We’ve had some pretty intense make out sessions that have left me breathless, yearning for more, but he’s left me to control just how far we take things. I couldn’t ask for a better person to be spending time with. Todd is everything a woman could ever ask for in a relationship but how much longer can we continue this way before one of us needs more.

  I’m caught up in my own thoughts, running around the bedroom, clothes scattered everywhere, all while Chloe is content in her swing in front of the television. I know she’s not really into television shows just yet but in her own little world, I guess she feels the TV is speaking directly to her. As long as whatever is on plays music and her swing is in motion, she’s content.

  My phone rings and I look over to see who is calling. I talked with Todd earlier tonight when he was on his way home from work so I’m pretty sure he’s not calling again since he knows I’m busy packing. I figure it probably one of my parents double checking with me about my plans.

  I can’t help but grin when I see it is Todd calling after all. I reach for the phone eager to hear his voice.


  “I know you are probably busy getting everything packed, but do you think I could come over for a little bit?” I can tell he’s not finished with what he’s about to say before I interrupt.

  “Um, sure. Is everything okay?” I quickly ask, hoping nothing about our plans has changed. It was hard enough to convince me to go in the first place so I would hate knowing something has come up last minute. “Everything’s fine. I just needed to see you.”

  The sound of these words causes my body to instantly react. I glance down at the t-shirt and pajama shorts I have on and wonder if this is appropriate to be wearing. I also make a quick run to the bathroom to look in the mirror and I’m thankful my hair and makeup still look decent.

  A soft knock sounds on the door and I glance over at Chloe before answering the door. She’s drifted off to sleep and I hope she’s not too uncomfortable in this position in her swing. As soon as Todd leaves I’ll move her over to her crib.

  I answer the door and hope my face doesn’t reveal too much enthusiasm from the site of seeing him again. I remember these emotions when Brian and I first starting seeing each other. Being in love is such a glorious feeling, but I shake the thought from my mind quickly reminding myself of the pure hell I had to endure just to get away.

  I notice the butterflies have returned when I see him standing in front of me.

  “Please don’t get mad at me.” He says in a weird sort of way.

  “What do you ……?” I’m not able to finish asking what he’s talking about before Todd wraps his arms around me and walks me backwards into the living room. He presses his lips firmly to mine. I feel so much passion between the two of us just from this kiss. We continue reaching and grabbing for each other as though we’ve been apart from each other for a long time. When we pull apart for air, I’m completely breathless and don’t know how to react to this.

  I only allow a few moments to catch my breath before I’m reaching for him again. Todd’s moistened lips move from my mouth down to the bottom of my neck. A rush of excitement runs through my body.

  Todd uses his foot to close the front door behind him. Then, while locked in our embrace, he turns me around and leans me against the door. His hands begin to explore my body starting with my shoulders then working his way further down.r />
  “Are you okay with this?” He whispers between breaths.

  All I can do is nod my head. I’ve wanted this moment for so long yet I’ve been scared to allow anything sexual to come between us.

  Todd brings his hands close to my breasts and I can feel him harden almost instantly. This only turns me on even more. I want him to discover more of my body. I place my hands underneath the bottom of his t-shirt and slowly work my way up his back. I feel beads of sweat forming already making it easier for my hands to glide over his body. Todd steps back a moment and lifts his shirt over his head. Although this isn’t the first time we’ve gotten caught up in a heated moment of passion, I feel like this is the first time I’m seeing his body in this new way.

  I bring my hands around to his chest and his body is on fire. I want nothing more than to kiss him all over.

  Todd grabs ahold of my hands and guides me over to the couch. I fall back on one of the throw pillows while he brings his body on top of mine. We continue kissing this way for several minutes before I start to feel him pushing harder and harder against my body. I can’t lie, I’m craving him too.

  Todd places his lips close to my ear then whispers words to me that I’m not expecting to hear. “Baby, I love you. I have loved you for so long and didn’t know how to tell you. Please tell me you feel the same way.”

  “Todd, I love you too. I’ve known in my heart there was more between us than either of us were admitting.”

  I stare into his eyes, needing him to not only hear my words, but to feel them coming from my heart as well. I notice his eyes are moist and I quickly try to sit up, afraid I’ve said the wrong thing.

  “Todd, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, no you’ve done nothing wrong, baby. I’m just so relieved to know you feel the same way. You’ve been through so much and I know your heart is fragile. I promise, if you’ll let me, I’ll be very gentle with it.”


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