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Playing The Hero

Page 10

by K. Sterling

  “Take your cock out. I want to see it.” Reid growled. Carter nodded slightly and wrapped his hands around Reid’s ass. He pulled Reid with him as he leaned back in his chair and scooted his hips forward. Reid watched as Carter’s hands worked quickly at the fly of his jeans as he continued to suck. This time, Reid moaned. Carter’s erection practically jumped out of his boxer briefs and was so large and hard. “Stroke it.” Reid ordered.

  Carter hummed around Reid’s rigid length and it made Reid gasp. Seeing Carter’s long, graceful fingers wrap around his thick hard-on nearly ended Reid. His balls tightened and his breath caught in his chest. Reid whispered Carter’s name and pulled away from Carter’s mouth. Carter’s eyes were heavy and his lips were swollen when he looked up at Reid.

  “Fuck. You’re so beautiful.” Reid gathered Carter’s face in his hands and kissed him urgently before he dropped to his knees between Carter’s legs.

  Reid pushed his hands up Carter’s thighs as the tip of his tongue slid along the length of Carter’s erection. They groaned simultaneously when Reid found the trail of pre-cum that had steadily drooled from the head. Reid savored it as his eyes held Carter’s and his lips curved when he felt Carter’s hand tangle in his hair.

  “Please.” Carter panted and goosebumps spilled down Reid’s back and arms as his own need exploded.

  He took Carter deep into his mouth and sucked hungrily, too desperate to tease him anymore. Reid covered Carter’s cock with his lips, tongue and hands, his body thrumming wildly with anxious lust, fed by the softly salty and soapy taste of Carter’s flesh, the sweet slickness of his pre-cum and Carter’s hoarse moans and gasps. Reid’s hand shook as he reached up and blindly searched for the condom. Almost as soon as his fingers closed around it, he had it ripped open and was stretching it over the head of Carter’s thick, hard length. When he stood, Carter grabbed Reid’s hips and spun him. Carter’s hand shot up Reid’s back and pushed him, throwing him against the desk before Carter grabbed Reid’s hips and pulled them back. Reid hissed when he felt Carter’s tongue running down the cleft of his ass. He whimpered impatiently as Carter opened him and pressed his lips to Reid’s hole.

  “Yes! Just hurry, please!” Reid begged as he gripped the edge of the desk.

  “MmmMmm.” Carter hummed as his tongue lashed over Reid’s trembling entrance.

  Reid swore as his forehead fell onto the desk. Carter took his time, laving and sucking before he drilled his tongue into Reid, probing and curling deep into his tight passage. Reid’s pleas and curses went unheard, just moist vapor against cool wood as Carter feasted ruthlessly. By the time Carter was working three fingers smoothly in and out of Reid’s clenching heat, Reid’s body was shaking and his jaw felt like it was going to crack, he’d clenched it so hard to keep from screaming. When Carter finally pulled Reid back and guided him onto his cock, Reid nearly wept with relief. Reid’s relief didn’t last. Carter’s hands wrapped around Reid’s waist like vises, forcing him to slide down excruciatingly slow. Reid bit his lip and he sighed when his thighs finally settled on Carter’s lap. Carter bucked his hips and lighting shot down Reid’s legs and up his spine.

  “Oh, Jesus!” Reid cried as his fingertips dug into Carter’s thighs. “Please, let me ride your cock.” Reid panted. Carter’s hands swept up Reid’s back reverently.

  “Fine. But don’t come.” Carter said firmly and Reid’s head swung and he looked back over his shoulder in shock.

  “What?” He gasped. Carter lips cocked up at the corner and his eyes flashed.

  “Don’t come until I’m done. You’re going to ride me until I come and then I’m going to swallow you.” Carter bucked again and Reid yelped. “Now, go.” He commanded as he pushed Reid forward. Reid leaned and braced his hands on the desk.

  “Holy shit, Carter. Watch much porn?” Reid mumbled as he rocked forward. Carter’s cock pressed against and stretched everything within Reid’s passage. Reid bit his lip hard, trying to counter the swell of warm pleasure radiating from his prostate as the head of Carter’s erection ground against it with each stroke. He leaned forward more, changing the angle in hopes of holding off his orgasm as he bounced hard against Carter’s lap. Carter’s nails scraped down his back, sending another shower of goosebumps down Reid’s slick flesh, causing him to squeeze tight around Carter’s cock.

  “Fuuuuck!” Carter groaned as he swung forward. His arms closed around Reid as he rose on his feet. “You’re so fucking good, Reid.” His breath huffed, hot and damp against the back of Reid’s neck as he thrust deep. “Nothing should feel this good. You’re so perfect.” His arms were tight around Reid’s chest, making it hard for Reid to draw in a full breath but Reid didn’t care. Carter’s hips were driving so fast, his cock sliding in and out of Reid’s tight passage, relentless, smooth and hot. It was too good. The pressure was building in the base of Reid’s cock, his sack was starting to throb and squeeze as warmth and pleasure seeped from his groin.

  “Carter… God, Carter… I can’t much longer.” Reid ground out as he held onto Carter’s arms. Carter shook his head, his slick forehead sliding against the damp skin between Reid’s shoulder blades.

  “I’m so close.” He whispered. “Wait.” Carter’s teeth dug into Reid’s flesh, just twisting everything that much tighter. Reid moaned as his nerves started to flicker.

  “Now, Carter!” Reid pleaded as he tightened his muscles around Carter’s cock.

  It was a risky move, it sent a flash of bright pleasure coursing through his limbs and he whimpered. But it worked. Carter screamed as he rose on the balls of his feet, driving brutally deep and Reid’s eyes flared and he gasped. Carter thrust hard twice and froze, his chest locked against a yell as his body began to convulse. Reid held his breath and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hold off the exquisite pressure and heat building in his balls and the base of his erection.

  Carter pulled out and Reid yelped as he was turned and thrown back on the desk. Carter growled as he grabbed Reid’s hips and dove for his cock. His lips wrapped around Reid and began to suck desperately and Reid turned into light and sound as his nerves exploded and a roar burst from his throat as a torrent of come surged up his shaft and flooded Carter’s mouth. His body arched on the desk and Reid clawed at Carter’s shoulders as he began to shudder and writhe. Carter continued to suck until Reid hissed and twisted in his arms.

  “Enough!” Reid gasped as he pushed at Carter’s arms. Carter raised his head and smiled drunkenly at Reid.

  “You taste so good.” He murmured before he pressed a gentle kiss to the head of Reid’s cock. Reid shivered as his nerves shrieked at the sensation and Carter laughed softly as he released Reid. Carter pulled his jeans up and buttoned them before he fell into his chair with a contented sigh. His hand slapped Reid’s ass causing him to jump.

  “Hey!” He complained as he trudged toward the sofa. Reid collapsed face down and hummed happily. Now, he could take a nap.

  “Don’t bother me until it’s time to cook dinner.” Carter stated as he pulled his headphones on and scooted his seat closer to the desk.

  Reid waved his hand weakly in agreement as he smiled into the couch cushion. He didn’t plan to bother with anything for the rest of the day. His body felt boneless and drained and his eyelids had never been so heavy. For half a moment, Reid pondered putting on his clothes but the world went dark and the thought dissolved as he drifted off.

  Chapter 14

  “How come Reid never comes fishing with us?” Max asked as he baited his hook. Carter tried not to roll his eyes at the tickle of giddiness that fizzed in his stomach and chest at the mention of Reid’s name.

  “He works a lot. He doesn’t get to stay home every weekend like your mom.” Carter explained and Max’s mouth twisted as his eyes narrowed and Carter braced himself.

  “Is it better to have a boyfriend than a girlfriend?” Max asked as he passed his rod to Carter so he could cast it for him. Carter cringed as he fumbled for a
safe answer.

  “That depends, Max. I don’t want a girlfriend. Some guys do. And despite what Gramma May and Gramma Dana say, Reid isn’t my boyfriend, yet.” He hoped he didn’t sound like he was protesting too much. Max frowned as he took the pole back.

  “Why not?” He asked as he sat on a large rock and Carter shrugged.

  “We just haven’t got to that, yet. And sometimes, putting titles and labels on things has a way of making things less fun or ruining them.” He saw Max frown in confusion. “You know how it’s fun to draw a picture and maybe you want to take it to school and show your teacher?” Carter waited until Max nodded. “But it’s not as much fun if it’s homework, is it?” He saw Max’s eyes widen with understanding.

  “It’s not fun if you have to do it.” Max said sagely and Carter smiled.

  “See how giving something a name changes it?” Carter looked up at the sun and calculated when he needed to put more sunscreen on Max. “If I ask Reid to be my boyfriend, he has to make decisions that I might not like. And if he agrees, then we have to work at our relationship and it’s not as much fun.” He saw Max nod and hoped that he would move on to a different topic.

  “But what’s the difference between having a boyfriend and a girlfriend?” Max looked up at Carter expectantly and Carter stifled a groan. He’d vowed that he would never lie to Max or fill his head with naive nonsense. That didn’t mean he had to explain the birds and the bees. Or, the bees and the bees. That was something Melissa needed to do. Later.

  “I’ve never had a girlfriend but as far as I can tell, it comes down to stuff like kissing and the things they leave at your house. Girls leave girly things like hair clips and lots of shoes and fill your fridge with diet soda and want to put ruffly pillows on your couch. Boys leave awesome movies, bottles of really good scotch and grey sweatpants.” Heat washed over Carter’s body and he clenched his jaw. What was it about grey sweatpants? He forced the thought away quickly. “It’s also a lot easier to find things to do because we have more in common.” Carter added and hoped that no one would think he was trying to sell Max on being queer. Max rolled his eyes.

  “Girls like stupid stuff. And I really don’t want to kiss them. Ever.” He insisted and Carter laughed softly. “I’m going to have a boyfriend when I grow up.” Max decided and Carter grabbed his shoulder and tried to hide his panic. Jesus, Melissa was going to kick his ass.

  “Slow down! You have a long time before you have to worry about that. You’re not supposed to like kissing girls at your age. You’ll work that out around the time you have to start shaving. Right now, just focus on how you’re losing all your teeth. You look like a super goober without your front teeth.” Carter teased and Max scowled and kicked him in the calf. Carter howled in mock outrage and started hopping on one foot. “That’s it! You’re going in!” He roared as he grabbed Max and swung him in the air and held him over his head.

  Max giggled, squirmed and squealed when Carter’s fingers danced against his ribs. Carter counted to three and swung Max back and Max begged him not to let go. Carter heaved but didn’t release before he juggled Max and gave him a bear hug then set him on the ground. Max sighed happily and sat back on his rock and picked up his rod.

  “I really like Reid and I love Sadie.” Max stated. Carter nodded in agreement. There really wasn’t any point in denying it. Max pulled his lips tight and stared up at Carter for several moments. “I think he’ll say yes if you ask him to be your boyfriend. You should ask him.” He announced and Carter ignored the nervous tightening of his stomach.

  “I’ll think about it.” Carter murmured as he reeled in his line. “They’re not biting today. Why don’t we pack up and go to a movie?” He suggested and Max dropped his pole and jumped up and down enthusiastically. Carter tried not to look too relieved at the change of activity. Going to the movie would give Carter a break from Max’s questions and his mind a chance to recalibrate.

  Chapter 15

  Reid parked his car in Carter’s driveway and as soon as he opened the door, the smell of grilled meat greeted him. He sighed happily as he grabbed a paper bag containing two bottles of Malbec and strolled toward the door. My boyfriend is seriously hot and he can cook, Reid’s hand froze just before it knocked on the door. Woah. I have a boyfriend. He gave the thought a moment to sink in. It had been a long time. Reid smiled and knocked. You should probably tell Carter, he thought as the door swung open. Carter’s grin was warm and it pulled Reid in. He stepped over the threshold and his hand slid around Carter’s back and he leaned toward his lips. Carter growled softly as he tilted his head and their lips brushed and clung. Reid’s tongue traced the seam of Carter’s lips and he groaned as he kicked the door closed. Then, he remembered that he had a plan and raised his head as he pressed the bag to Carter’s chest.

  “Thought we’d do something different tonight.” Reid said as he nipped at Carter’s lower lip before he headed to the kitchen. “Dinner smells amazing.” He found two wine glasses and watched as Carter looked in the bag. His head snapped up and his eyes narrowed.

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that I told you I avoid wine because it makes me slutty, would it?” Carter asked as he set the bottles down and pulled a bottle opener out.

  “Of course it does.” Reid wrapped his arms around Carter’s waist and watched over his shoulder as he pulled out the cork. “I’ve been waiting until I had a weekend off to see how slutty you get.” He admitted. Carter snorted.

  “So, you’re planning to get me drunk and take advantage of me?” He asked as he poured. Reid bit his ear and Carter shivered.

  “Yes.” Reid whispered. He released Carter and reached around him for a glass. He stepped back and leaned against the counter behind him. Carter turned and raised his glass.

  “Here’s to well laid plans.” Carter murmured before he took a long sip.

  Reid raised his glass and chuckled softly. He grinned at Carter over the rim of his glass. Reid had been planning. They had spent every free hour Reid had together for just over three months. Reid had never felt so connected and content with anyone before. Which was both exciting and strange. It was exciting because everything clicked so easily and the little things that should have bothered Reid, didn’t. They were just endearing and minor compared to how happy he was with Carter. Reid couldn’t imagine anything that could get in their way. He was starting to suspect that Carter was The One. But it was strange because they hadn’t physically connected in one specific way. Reid was mostly content with their sex life, it was just that one specific thing that tweaked his nerves. It was like an itch between his shoulder blades that he couldn’t reach no matter how hard he twisted and stretched.

  Sex with Carter was mind-blowing and joyful. They were completely open and adored each other physically with the exception of one very specific area. Reid hadn’t been able to get close to Carter’s ass. He guarded it like it was the place where he hid his plutonium. Every time Reid’s lips or fingers wandered too low or he playfully pressed his cock into the cleft of Carter’s ass, Carter squirmed until it was out of reach, became very still until Reid moved away or took over and made Reid the focus. It certainly wasn’t a deal breaker for Reid. If Carter truly wasn’t into it, then he just wasn’t into it. But Reid would at least like to try, once. Or for Carter to trust him enough to explain.

  When Carter mentioned that he didn’t drink wine because it “got him into trouble”, Reid couldn’t get the idea out of his head. He vowed that the first night he wasn’t on call and had the next day off, he was getting enough wine to get them both into a lot of trouble and he was having a go at Carter. Reid was going to fuck Carter or at least rim him into oblivion.

  A timer went off and Carter was jerked from wherever it was he was he’d gone off to. He pulled two baked sweet potatoes out of the oven and reached for two plates. Carter handed Reid his wine glass and gestured toward the table. Reid grabbed the bottle and went to the table. When Carter’s b
ack was turned Reid topped off his glass.

  Dinner was perfect. The steaks were divine with grilled vegetables and the baked potatoes. Carter made a chocolate hazelnut torte that tasted like a Nutella mouse with a hazelnut crust. Reid almost forgot about sex altogether. They talked, laughed and drank most of the second bottle. Reid pulled Carter’s hand to his lips and brushed them against the back of his hand.

  “There’s something I think you should know.” Reid said softly. Carter’s brows rose slightly and he waited. Reid used Carter’s hand to hide his grin. “You have to promise you won’t freak out.” Reid took Carter’s hand in both of his and Carter’s lips pulled tight.

  “The easiest way to get me to freak out is to make me promise I won’t.” He grumbled and Reid gave him a pointed look. Carter shook his head. “I can’t promise but I’ll try not to.” Carter nudged Reid’s knee with his. Reid bit his lip for effect before he sighed.

  “Today, I realized that you’re my boyfriend. I think this could be quite serious.” He leaned close and pecked playfully at Carter’s lips. He felt them flutter as Carter exhaled loudly. Carter’s lips lingered for a moment before he pulled back and found Reid’s eyes.

  “What’s your definition of a boyfriend?” He asked cautiously and Reid’s eyes flicked upwards as he considered.

  “Well… A boyfriend is someone you want to spend all of your free time with. You’re only happy when you’re with him and when you’re apart, all you can think about is seeing him again. He’s the only person that makes you happy and all you want to do is make him happy. You want to have sleepovers every night and wake up together. And you really want to do super dirty things with him, all the time. And you only want to have sleepovers and do dirty things with him.” Reid stole a quick kiss and waited as Carter considered. He chewed on his lip for several moments before his brows pulled together.


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