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Playing The Hero

Page 11

by K. Sterling

  “Then, that would make you my boyfriend.” Carter’s hand slid around Reid’s neck and his lips claimed Reid’s in a slow, drugging kiss. Reid moaned softly as he pulled Carter to his feet.

  “Let’s leave the dishes for later. I want to go to the couch and talk.” He tugged Carter along and they fell onto the couch. Reid positioned them so that they were facing each other, Carter’s legs around his waist. Reid pressed a kiss to Carter’s lips before he leaned back. “Tell me what happened to make you so scared to let anyone near your ass.” Reid demanded gently. Carter cringed.

  “You want to talk about that? I thought you were just going to put the moves on me and I wouldn’t be able to resist.” He laughed softly as he started working at the buttons of Reid’s shirt. His eyes were heavy and dark as they followed his fingers. Slutty, indeed, Reid was willing to play along if it made Carter open up.

  “You get so tense and you’re so protective of it, I don’t want to push if there was some sort of trauma or if there’s a physical issue.” Reid explained and Carter grinned as he pushed Reid’s shirt off his shoulders.

  “I wasn’t abused and my butt’s not broken, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Carter’s hands swept down Reid’s chest and he leaned forward so he could nibble on the end of Reid’s chin. Reid sighed in relief.

  “What is it, then?” He asked as he pulled Carter’s t-shirt over his head.

  “Honestly, I don’t have a problem with the foreplay. It’s just that I’m afraid you’re right and I’ll let you talk me into it.” Carter admitted and Reid shook his head.

  “I’m not going to try to talk you into it. I said you’d ask for it.” He corrected and Carter rolled his eyes. Reid shook his head. “You will. But I want you to tell me so I know what’s ok to try and how to make it good for you when you do ask for it.” He saw Carter’s lips pull in as he considered Reid’s logic.

  “It was senior year of college. Abby and Mark had been dating for a few months and he was in a fraternity. We’d gone to a party at his frat house and I’d been trading glances with this gorgeous football player all night. He was huge. Not fat but like a wall of muscle and he looked like fucking Adonis. Abby asked Mark if he was gay but Mark wasn’t sure so I just hung back and played it cool. As the party wound down and people started to leave, he moved closer and closer to our group and kept sneaking looks. When Abby was ready to go, I told her and Mark that I’d walk home. It was just a few blocks away, it wasn’t a big deal.” Carter sighed and scooted closer until their chests were practically touching. “We talked for like two hours. Eventually we were the only people conscious and we were sitting on one of those filthy frat house couches and I was starting to think he wouldn’t make a move. Everything had been kind of vague. I could tell he was into me but everything we talked about was pretty safe. I was just about to call it quits when he asked if I wanted to go to his room. As soon as the door shut, everything changed.” Carter paused and Reid’s body started to feel cold and his throat became tight. Carter must have felt it, his head snapped up and he searched Reid’s face.

  “Did he… force you?” Reid whispered. Carter shook his head and his lips tilted up slightly.

  “No, he didn't force me. He was just really enthusiastic. He was so large and strong and I weighed about twenty pounds less than I do now. At first, it was kind of cute. I could tell he was nervous but it became obvious that he just wasn’t good at any of it. He pawed at me and was so clumsy. You know how some guys kind of lay on you, they don’t support themselves and kind of hump the air out of you?” Carter asked and Reid nodded. “It was like that but the whole time. When he were kissing, he was just so heavy. Then, he was in a rush. He managed to get our cocks out and he gave me a really sloppy blow job. There was a lot of teeth and I had to tap out. He thought I was enjoying it and I didn't have the heart to tell him it sucked. Then, he asked me to return the favor and I figured that if I got him off quickly, I could get the hell out. He had a really large cock. It was the biggest I’d seen at that point and I was kind of into that part of it. I must have done a really good job because he kind of lost his mind. He was so fast, before I could catch my breath, I was face down and he had a condom on and was pushing his way into my ass. I guess he thought the condom had enough lube because he didn’t even bother to spit, he just kept driving forward until he was all the way in. As soon as he was, he went for it like he was trying to beat a demon out of me. I got pretty loud but I think he thought they were happy screams. He covered my mouth with his hand because he didn’t want any of his frat brothers to hear us. So, that wasn’t fun. Luckily, it was only two of the most painful minutes of my life. As soon as he was done, he rolled off and said ‘You were awesome, dude.’ before he passed out. I waited until he was snoring before I snuck out. I was in so much pain, I could barely walk. I missed two days of classes. He tried to call for about a week but I didn’t answer and I avoided him on campus.” Carter sighed again and shrugged. “That’s it. It wasn’t totally his fault, I didn’t really enjoy it the few times I tried it before him. I’ve done it a few times since but I just can’t get into it. Even when the guy was a lot smaller and took his time, it was at best, just weird. It’s rarely been an issue. Most guys just wanted me to be on top, so it didn’t come up very often.” He gave Reid a weak smile and Reid shook his head in disbelief.

  “It sounds like you were forced, to me.” He insisted. Carter gave him a dry look.

  “I spent all night flirting with him, went to his room with him and then sucked his cock like a porn star. I think there’s an argument there for mixed signals. I never felt threatened by him, he was just so big and really bad at it.” Carter argued. Reid wasn’t totally convinced but he didn’t want to make Carter dwell on it much longer so he moved on.

  “But you know why it wasn’t good. You know how important foreplay and lubricant are. You’re like the king of rimming and stretching.” Reid teased. “That makes all the difference.” He watched as Carter shrugged.

  “I’m fine with trying, Reid. I know you’ll take your time and go easy on me.” He seemed so tense and Reid needed to find a way to tap into that Slutty Carter that was starting to emerge when they sat on the couch.

  “I don’t want you to feel like you’re taking one for the team, Carter.” Reid whispered as he traced Carter’s collar bone. Carter licked his lips.

  “How do you want me to feel?” His voice had gone deep and low and it settled in Reid’s balls. Reid’s grin was wicked as he slowly began to trace the grooves and ridges of Carter’s chest and stomach.

  “I want you feel like I do when I trust you with my body. I want to make love to you. I want worship every part of your body with every part of mine. I want to use my mouth and my hands and my cock to make you as deliriously happy as you make me. And crazy. I want to drive you out of your mind, to make you so blind with need that you’ll do anything to feel me inside of you. I want you to crave the feeling of us locked together like that, they way I do when I’m not with you. I want you to walk around with the memory of me deep and hard inside of you as you come. I want to own you, the way that you own me.” Reid murmured as his lips reached for the dip at the base of Carter’s neck. Carter’s body stiffened and he leaned back. His eyes widened slightly and seemed to see through Reid. Before Reid could ask, Carter nodded and scooted back. He stood and Reid looked up in confusion. He thought it was a pretty hot speech, it had him turned on.

  “Let’s go upstairs.” Carter’s head nodded toward the stairs before he turned.

  Reid’s brows pulled together as he got up and followed. Did it work or was Carter just going along with it to make Reid happy? Reid glanced at Carter’s face as they went up the stairs, he was looking down at his feet and seemed lost in his thoughts. Reid wasn’t sure he wanted Carter there. They turned into the bedroom and Carter stopped at the foot of the bed and faced Reid. His eyes fastened on Reid’s as his hands went to the fly of his jeans and began to open them. Reid
searched for a clue to Carter’s intent. Was he offering himself as a sacrifice or was he truly ready? He stepped close and pushed Carter’s hands away. Reid’s hand skimmed over the front of Carter’s jeans and Reid groaned. Carter’s hard-on strained against the thick denim and heat filled Reid’s palm.

  “Do your worst.” Carter whispered and Reid’s eyes flicked to his warily. The corner of Carter’s mouth tilted up but his eyes were heavy. Carter trusted him and was ready. Sparks burst within Reid’s chest and his eyes stung a little as excitement and joy streaked through him. He laughed softly as he found Carter’s lips.

  “Not unless you beg for it.” Reid said as he pushed Carter’s jeans and underwear down past his hips.

  “Reid, ple…” Carter gasped when Reid bit his lip hard.

  “Not yet. I haven’t even started.” Reid gave him a stern look as he quickly unbuttoned and kicked off his pants. “I’m going to make love to you. Whether that involves my cock or just my mouth and hands, I don’t care. Right now, I’m so close to coming just knowing that you’re going to let me try.” He admitted as he carefully lowered Carter to the bed. “Let whatever happens, happen. I might not last long enough to get my cock inside of you tonight.” Reid wished he was teasing as he crawled across the bed, guiding Carter back toward the headboard. Carter’s smile was loose and soft when his head fell back on the pillows.

  “That’s going to be disappointing after what you said downstairs. I’m kind of looking forward to it now.” He winked and Reid bit Carter’s lip again.

  “Shut up.” Reid reached for the lube and a condom and dropped them on the bed.

  It was the last coherent thing Reid intended to say for at least an hour. Reid settled his body on top of Carter’s and shivered at the feel of their warm, taut flesh pressed and sliding against each other. Their lips fused and Reid used his tongue to push his joy and love into Carter’s soul. He needed it so much more than Reid did at the moment. Reid touched Carter everywhere. Rubbing and scratching, pulling and pressing, loving every hollow and ridge and worshiping every long sweep. Aside from his own, no body had every felt so right, so natural beneath his hands. Reid sucked on Carter’s lower lip before he let his lips cruise over Carter’s face, gently kissing his eyelids, nose, brow, chin, cheeks. He shut his eyes and tried to memorize how every contour felt against his lips before they skated down Carter’s throat. Reid traced Carter’s collar bone with his tongue before he slid lower and licked the valley between Carter’s pecs before his lips glided over one flat plane to a tightly furled nipple and suckled gently.

  Carter groaned and shifted restlessly beneath Reid. His hands caressed Reid’s shoulders and sifted through his hair as his legs stretched and slid anxiously on the bed. Reid made soft shushing sounds against Carter’s skin as he laved at Carter’s abs and continued his slow descent down Carter’s long, hard body. Reid moaned softly as his tongue washed over Carter’s Adonis belt, tracing the groove along his hip before he raised his head and repeated the gesture on the other side. His tongue slid down, along the inside of Carter’s hip and Reid set his lips to Carter’s thigh, savoring the hard warmth of his flesh against his mouth. Reid looked up and found Carter resting on his elbows, panting as he stared down at Reid. His eyes were dark and weighted as they silently begged Reid to take his erection and lavish the same attention on it. Reid shook his head softly as drew in a long, slow breath, filling his lungs with air that was scented with Carter’s warm aroused body. Reid imagined he was breathing in traces of Carter, making him part of his cellular makeup. Reid wanted to consume Carter in every way possible.

  Reid exhaled, letting his breath slowly bathe Carter’s cock. It pulsed and jumped and Carter’s hips rose from the bed, seeking Reid’s mouth. Reid laughed softly as he rose on his hands and knees before he wrapped his hand around Carter’s hip and pulled, signaling for Carter to roll over. Once Carter settled onto his stomach, Reid moved down and pressed a kiss to the back of Carter’s knee. He bit softly and Carter hissed and jumped. He’s ticklish there, Reid noted as his tongue slid up the back of Carter’s thigh. He traced the round swell along the underside of Carter’s ass cheek and hummed happily as his lips caressed and kissed the firm, round globe. He felt Carter tensing and made more soothing sounds as his lips skated higher into the one of the dimples above his ass. Reid nipped and licked tenderly at the muscles and bones of Carter’s back, ribs and shoulders until his mouth slid up Carter’s neck and into his hair. He fisted his hand in Carter’s hair and turned his head.

  Carter moaned and Reid swallowed it as his lips closed over Carter’s. Reid let Carter taste his body on his lips and tongue as he guided him onto his back. Carter’s body was warm and relaxed beneath him as his legs and arms wrapped around Reid, pulling him closer. Reid smiled against Carter’s cheek as he wrapped his hands around Carter’s ass and ground against him. Their erections were heavy and hard and Carter gasped as they rubbed together. Reid pulled Carter’s earlobe between his lips and sucked as he continued to thrust against Carter’s cock. Reid released Carter’s ear and bit Carter’s neck causing him to hiss as he angled his head back, offering Reid more of his throat. Reid dragged his teeth along Carter’s skin and bit the hollow in the corner of Carter’s neck then sucked hard. Carter cursed under his breath and rocked his hips urgently, needing more contact with his straining erection. Reid lowered his body until his lips found Carter’s nipple. This time he bit and sucked and Carter cursed louder and his feet slid anxiously over the comforter. Reid went for the other nipple and Carter whimpered as his fingers dug into Reid’s back.

  When Reid’s face hovered over Carter’s cock once again, there was a pool of pre-cum resting on Carter’s stomach. Reid purred as he lapped at it but was careful to avoid Carter’s erection. Carter groaned in frustration as Reid’s mouth brushed over his hip bone and into the corner of his thigh. Reid nuzzled at Carter’s sack, breathing the soapy, slightly musky smell before he began to lap hungrily at Carter’s tissue soft flesh. He took his time, bathing it with his tongue and sucking gently as he carefully and slowly spread Carter’s thighs. Carter’s legs remained relaxed as Reid’s tongue dipped lower and lashed and laved at Carter’s perineum. He massaged it with his thumb as he lapped lower and raised one of Carter’s thighs. Carter groaned and raised the other, opening himself for Reid. It took Reid a minute, he had to swallow past the emotion that surged from his chest and clogged his throat.

  For just a moment, the angry throbbing of Reid’s cock and the heat that had pooled in his groin faded and he was trapped in the preciousness of that simple yet very complicated gesture. It was trust and admission and letting go of a memory that had been a barrier between them. Reid’s eyes stung and heat flooded his chest and he blinked rapidly, trying to push back the wave of emotion rushing through him. Carter might get the wrong idea of Reid became a weeping, snotty mess. He took a deep breath and the curling heat and need returned to his groin as the smell of Carter’s body flooded his senses. Reid caressed Carter’s thighs and ass reverently as his tongue slowly dipped between his cheeks. Carter sighed and tilted his hips higher, silently asking for more. Reid groaned as lust clawed at his control. He lapped broadly, tasting Carter from the cleft to his perineum and Reid’s jaw twinged. Jesus, Carter tasted amazing. He was sweet and soft and a little citrusy. Reid lost himself in the taste and softness of the skin surrounding Carter’s puckered entrance. He heard Carter panting and praying but Reid ignored it and feasted. When he finally flicked his tongue against Carter’s tight hole, Reid’s face was drenched in his saliva. There was a squeak from Carter as Reid’s tongue pressed into his tightness and then a loud curse when Reid began to drill and probe. He sucked and nibbled, laved and thrust until Carter’s thighs trembled.

  “Reid, please.” Carter’s voice was thin and gravelly and his hands were fisted in the sheets. “It’s so good but I need you there.” The words exploded within Reid’s chest and he raised his head and made shushing sounds against the inside of Ca
rter’s thigh as he coated his fingers with lube and slowly massaged Carter’s puckered entrance.

  There was a faint hiss as Reid’s finger slowly pressed past the tight ring and Reid whispered soothing words as he began to stroke Carter’s throbbing length. Distracted by Reid’s hand tugging steadily at his cock, Carter moaned and Reid felt the muscles around his finger relax and he pressed deeper before he pulled it back. Reid waited until his finger was gliding in and out easily before he wrapped his lips around the head of Carter’s cock and sucked as he slid another finger into Carter’s tight hole. Carter’s hands wrapped around Reid’s head and he murmured his name as his hips twitched restlessly. When Reid’s fingers were stroking smooth and deep within Carter, he curved them upward, tapping them against Carter’s prostate and his back came off the bed and he swore loudly. Reid smiled around Carter’s erection and slowly released it, wanting Carter completely focused on his fingers. He massaged the tight little gland firmly and Carter shrieked as pre-cum started to leak in a steady stream from the head of his cock. Reid growled softly as he lapped at the puddle forming on Carter’s stomach and Carter rose on his elbows.

  “Jesus! Please, don’t make me come like this.” Carter begged through clenched teeth. Reid held Carter’s gaze as he relaxed his fingers and stroked without stimulating Carter’s prostate.

  “Are you sure?” He asked gently and Carter nodded as he pulled in a shuddering breath.

  “I’m not ready. I want you to be inside of me first.” Carter panted and Reid narrowed his eyes as he stared at Carter. Why was he fighting it?

  “And you’re sure you want this?” Reid needed him to say it. He knew Carter was close, his body was practically vibrating with need and pleasure but Reid needed to hear Carter ask once more because he sensed a trace of fear or resistance. Carter’s head fell back and he groaned.


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