Catch You if I Can

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Catch You if I Can Page 9

by Marian Tee

  Inside the elevator, Alex made sure that she was a safe distance from him, with their hands the only parts of their bodies touching. It was the only way he could make sure he didn’t end up taking her virginity in public.

  It was Ianne’s first time to see Alex’s home. The last time, Alex had still been living with his parents. As Alex closed the door behind her, Ianne looked around, eager to find out more about the grown-up Alex. His unit was decorated in hues of cream and mahogany, and the living room was like a beautifully decorated technology lab that only happened to have an expensive sofa set. There were all sorts of gadgets and equipment, all of them state of the art. It was more than enough to have the geek in her swoon.

  When Alex turned around to look at Ianne, he saw her gazing in utter fascination at his computer setup, which consisted of several Thunderbolt screens, an iMac, and an Alienware laptop. It made him smile. That was his Ianne all right. Other girls would have been all over his unit’s magnificent balcony and oohing and aahing over his own wine bar, but those things didn’t even seemed to have registered with Ianne.

  And he liked it that way. It meant that she hadn’t completely changed, that she was still the Ianne he had first fell in love with.

  “If you don’t stop staring at my setup, I’m going to start feeling jealous.”

  She whirled around, a pretty smile curving on her lips. Her face was flushed with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment. “You customized the specs?”

  He nodded. “And that’s the last question you’ll ask about those kinds of specs. Tonight is our night, Ianne, and I want you to only be thinking about me.”

  She teased shakily, “And your personal specs?”

  He asked dryly, “You want to measure me again?”

  Ianne’s face turned even redder. “I didn’t…” At his look, she gave up lying and said helplessly, “I still can’t believe you’re that…I mean, have you measured yourself?”


  “You should,” she muttered. “Because your warning about you being large is not enough.”

  Alex didn’t answer, simply walking towards her.

  Somehow it made her panic. “Alex, I don’t think—”

  He kissed her as he swept her back up in his arms, putting an end to all her protests. As she surrendered to his kiss, a part of Ianne was aware of Alex moving again, taking her to his bedroom, which was decorated in black and mahogany this time. His bed was huge, probably thrice as big as hers and she tensed when he laid her gently on top of it.

  He moved back to whip his shirt off, and the sight of his bare chest, smooth, brown, and so very hard, made Ianne swallow. And she kept swallowing as he locked her gaze with his, not letting her look away as Alex took off the rest of his clothes.

  A strangled gasp escaped her. Oh God. He really was fourteen inches long. And his cock was immense in girth, too, making her feel even fainter. That just wasn’t going to fit. It just wasn’t. She tried to mentally measure herself from tummy to buttocks. Was that fourteen inches already?

  She shook her head wildly at him as she sat up, unable to take her gaze off him as he calmly sheathed himself. That act was what clinched it, what made this real in her mind. He was putting on a condom, for heaven’s sake! That meant they were really going to have sex and not play Angry Birds or Flappy Bird. No, if this had anything to do with birds, then it would be one that was fourteen inches long.

  Ianne said through bloodless lips, “Alex, I don’t think—”

  Alex went to the bed, one knee dipping forward as he reached for her face, turning it up so he could take her lips in another deep, drugging kiss. The kiss left no room for arguments, no way for her to consider anything else than belonging to him.

  When he released her, he said with quiet finality, “Do you understand now? You’re mine, Ianne. Mine. I’ll take care of you, always, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  She nodded slowly, trying to keep her body from shaking as he continued to look at her. She also tried her best not to stare at his cock, which up close looked even more gigantic. There just wasn’t any other word for it. This close, ‘large’ and ‘big’ seemed so ridiculously inadequate.

  Ianne held her breath when he reached for her blouse. She didn’t protest when he unbuttoned it slowly, and she raised her arms a little so he could peel it back. He laid the blouse carefully on the bedside table before returning to her and doing short work of her jeans. She was blushing when she realized she was down to her underwear, but the implacable look on his face didn’t change.

  “Trust me?” he asked, not even making an effort to soften his voice. This was the real him, the one who had died a little for every moment that she had not belonged to him. He had treated her with kid gloves in the past, and that had gotten him nowhere. This time, he wanted Ianne to really understand who she was dealing with.

  She said softly, simply, “Yes.” And then she rocked his whole world all over again when she reached for the clasp of her bra and took it off herself.

  “Ianne.” Her name came out half-growl, half-moan, Alex so blown away with her courage that it had pushed further towards the edge. He was so fucking hard he was perspiring in his effort to control his urges. Her bra joined the rest of her clothes, and a few seconds later, so did her panties.

  He gently pushed her to lie down and she did so, her fingers clutching the sheets tightly.

  He loomed over her. “It will be perfect, Ianne.”

  Some of her fears faded at his words. He sounded arrogant and vulnerable at the same time, as if he needed to know that she believed him. Tenderness bloomed inside her heart and she whispered, “I’ve never thought it wouldn’t be between us.”

  It only seemed natural after that to make the first move, her arms encircling his neck as she drew her down to him. His lips claimed hers as his heavy body settled over hers, and she moaned in his kiss, finding his weight unbelievably sensual and exciting.

  His hands were caressing her body slowly, sweeping her curves. His lips left hers to move on to her neck, and she arched against him with a soft sigh, the way he sucked on her neck making her twist helplessly under him.

  His lips moved downwards further, his hands shaping her sensitive breasts. She held her breath when she felt him plumping one breast and she expelled her breath in a surprised hiss when he mouth closed over one aching nipple.

  Ianne’s hands sank into his hair, clutching wildly at his locks as he slowly sucked on her nipple. “Alex…”

  The sound of her calling out his name was just as he had dreamed, spurring his desires and Alex sucked on her nipple harder while his fingers pinched her other nipple so it wouldn’t feel abandoned. Her moans made his cock and balls ache with suppressed need, and he bit her nipple, wanting her to feel the same agonizing mix of pain and pleasure her sounds of bliss were torturing him with.

  “Alex!” She stiffened beneath him as her body arched, pushing her nipple further into his mouth. It felt so good, so good, and she couldn’t stop chanting his name as he moved to her other breast and did the same. “Alex…oh God…Alex…”

  He kissed her breasts endlessly, tormenting her nipples ruthlessly, and when she thought that she could take no more, his head was moving down until his breath was fanning the aching sensitive core of her.

  Ianne’s moan was long and loud, filled with frustrated desire, and her legs eagerly fell open at the slightest pressure from his touch. “Alex, please…” But he was already touching her before she had finished begging him, wetting his fingers as he lined her folds.

  Her legs fell even more widely open at his exploring touch even as her muscles tightened in anticipation, and her hips lifted off the bed involuntarily as he parted her folds, Ianne unconsciously offering her body to him like a virginal sacrifice.

  She was so fucking sweet, so responsive, that Alex knew he had to make her come now so she could match his need for her. Without warning, he plunged his tongue into her and was immediately rewarded by the music of her
moans and whimpers, which turned into hoarse screams as his tongue slowly thrust in and out of her.

  He took his time, needing her as crazy and desperate as he was for their union. He licked her, teased her, and fucked her relentlessly with his tongue.

  “Alex, please, Alex. Please, oh, please…” Her head twisted left and right on the pillow, her hands pulling on the sheets desperately. She needed him to do something now, something to relieve the gnawing ache in her body that Ianne instinctively knew only he could satisfy.

  He moved up when he felt her body shaking hard and thrust one finger into her.

  She screamed and then she was bucking against him, her hips wildly meeting the thrust of his finger as he continued to finger-fuck her into her first orgasm.

  The rush of pleasure was powerful, taking her breath away and making her eyes roll back, her entire being centered on the pulsing wetness between her legs and the way his finger kept thrusting in and out of her.

  When he moved back up, his legs forcing her legs widely apart, she could only look at him in dizzy pleasure. “Alex…” She breathed his name, still reeling from the sensual onslaught of his possession. Oh God, and that was just his fingers—

  Her eyes widened when she felt something hard nudge against her. “Alex.” This time she said it weakly. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. If one finger had been more than enough to drive her insane, what would happen to her if it was his cock possessing her next?

  She shook her head at him in a panic. “I don’t think I’m ready—”

  “You are.” His steely voice put a stop to all her protests. “You’ve been ready for me since the first day we met.” He nudged his erection against her, his nostrils flaring at the way her eyes become slightly dilated with desire at the mere movement of his cock. “You’ve wanted this since that very first time. And deep down inside you know it.” He bent down to pull her lower lip between his, and she whimpered when he bit her lip gently. “Don’t you agree, Ianne?” He nudged her with his cock with each word. “You’ve always wanted to be mine, always looked at me like you were silently begging me to teach you about the wonders of sex. Don’t you remember?”

  His seductive words were her undoing, and when he released her lip she whispered tremulously, “I remember.”

  “And what did you think back then? Tell me,” he commanded roughly, one hand moving down to squeeze her breast.

  “T-that I wanted to see you naked.”

  “You see me now.”

  “And t-that I wanted to know how you’d feel naked.”

  He responded by releasing her breast to brace himself on one arm while his other hand reached for his cock. And then he slowly caressed the slit of her folds with the head of his cock.

  She arched against him with a moan. “Alex!”

  “What else did you think of me?” he whispered, shamelessly seducing her into revealing her innermost secrets.

  Ianne shook her head. “I…”

  He rubbed his cock faster against her folds, pressing harder at the same time so she would have a taste of its possession. When the head of his cock slipped in an inch, Ianne moaned, and he said cajolingly, “Tell me, Ianne, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  She looked at him with desperate yearning. “I’ve always thought that when you stood too close to me…I think I saw…”

  “What did you think you saw?”

  “Your cock,” she cried out. “You’d look like you had a hard on every time we were alone in your room.”

  “Yes,” he hissed before kissing her hard, needing to know that his lust for her had been that great. “I wanted you that much. I dreamt of you every night and every time you left my home, I’d masturbate, imagining that things had ended differently and you’d be sleeping in my bed.”

  His hand went to his hair, gripping it with just the right amount of force, his touch speaking more of gentle possession than cruel ownership. “Now do you understand how much I needed you? How much you own me?”


  And that was when he plunged into her, breaking through the barrier of her innocence in one forceful thrust. She cried out, the flaming pain shocking her and her entreating eyes flew to him in confusion.

  Alex pressed his lips to her forehead. “I’m sorry for hurting you. But it won’t be painful after this, I promise.” He ruthlessly held on to his control, ignoring the rampaging urges of his body. His cock clamored for release, driven wild by the moist snug warmth of Ianne’s tender flesh.

  The seconds ticked by, each one seemingly endless as he struggled to keep himself from moving. Alex nearly groaned when he finally felt Ianne’s legs slowly relaxing, falling back to the bed. He moved slightly to test her reaction and tensed when her fingers gripped his shoulders.

  “Does it still hurt?” If it did, he knew he would stop even if it killed him.

  She looked up at him with eyes sparkling with a hint of tears. “It feels,” she choked out. “Wonderful.”

  “Ianne.” He groaned her name as his hips started moving of its own accord, his cock pulling out before sinking back into her. He kept his pace steady and leisurely, not wanting to frighten her off with his passion. But when her hands moved on his back restlessly before finally cupping his butt, her nails sinking into his flesh, Alex’s control snapped.

  “ALEX!” She couldn’t help gasping his name as his movements suddenly become so powerful the entire bed shook with the force of his thrusts. He pounded into her almost mercilessly, as if wanting to brand his possession on her body with every instance he drove his cock into her.

  Sensing that she was near to her second orgasm, Alex found the presence of mind to slip his hand between them. He found that tiny precious bud of flesh easily, and at the first stroke Ianne was already moaning his name again, louder, more passionately, almost sobbing.

  He lifted himself above her, nearly pulling out completely.

  “Alex, please.”

  He drove back into her hard, pinching her clitoris at the same time and she screamed as she fell apart in his arms, her head lolling to the side as he kept pounding into her. He came with a roar, and it was his name his spoke, making her shudder and it started all over again, wetness gushing out of her and mingling with his seed as he continued thrusting into her.

  Her last thought before drifting into sleep was of her love for him. She was truly in love with Alex Rockford, and there was really no going back from here.

  Her first thought upon waking up however was of Gee. Her phone woke her up, and Gee’s scream into her ear had Ianne sitting up. “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THIS MORNING’S PERFORMANCE?”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Can I talk to you for a second, Ianne?” Gee asked right after dismissing the squad.

  Ianne nodded, still frozen at the back of the locker room as she waited for everyone to depart. When Gee came to stand in front of her, the tears started to fall.

  “Yes, you fucked up.” That was Gee, all right. Never the one to pull punches. “But it was your first time to perform and compared to how I fucked up the first time, you did a whole lot better.”

  “I was off my timing the whole sequence.” The tears fell faster at the humiliating admission. “And everyone in school saw it.” She wasn’t even exaggerating. The dean had been so proud of the squad’s progress that she had asked the team to perform in front of all the students and even board members in celebration of the university’s anniversary.

  “Just suck it up and move past it. The Ianne on stage today wasn’t you. It was your nerves acting up.” Gee paused. “What I’m more concerned about, though, is the fact that you were late today.”

  She made herself look at her captain. “Gee, I—”

  “I don’t need your excuses but neither will I tolerate it another time. You’re a first year recruit, Ianne. You can’t afford to be late like that again. I do hear stuff about you but I’ve always done my best to keep an open mind. I don’t care what you’re up to when we’re not practi
cing as long as it doesn’t affect your performance. But when it does, then you better make a decision and figure out which one is more important. Cheerleading…or whatever – whoever – made you come in late today.”

  The twins came rushing back in the moment Gee left. “Hey, don’t cry,” Sara said, which only made Ianne cry harder. She couldn’t remember being so humiliated in her entire life, and the episode made her wonder if maybe her family was right all along. She wasn’t meant to do this, and she had just been fooling herself, trying to be someone she couldn’t ever be.

  “It wasn’t really that bad,” Sally said loyally.

  Ianne let out a teary laugh at the blatant lie. “Sally, all of you were on your knees at the end while I was doing my aerial split.”

  “That’s okay. I just means people are going to think you’re our leader.”

  “And when I did a back roll five seconds after all of you?”

  “It’s called making a grand entrance.”

  Ianne managed a smile. "I know I sucked, but thanks for trying to help me save face.”

  "It was really nothing, Ianne," Sara insisted, "so don't beat yourself up over it."

  Ianne was about to answer, but the door to the locker room opened again, Zelda floating in. She stopped dead at the sight of them. “Oh, sorry. I had forgotten something in my locker. Am I intruding?”

  Zelda didn’t give them time to answer, her eyes widening in surprise that Ianne knew was absolutely feigned as the other girl took in her appearance. “Oh, you look horrible!” Ianne flinched, knowing it was true, with her eyes probably red and swollen after her crying bout.

  Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  Tupperware. The word popped out in her mind.

  She backed up a step. “I’m just really sorry about what happened earlier. But look, I’ve been doing this for years so really, I’ve seen lots of newbies do the same thing so don’t worry too much about it.”

  Tupperware, Tupperware.

  “And if you’re worried about how Alex’s going to react, don’t be. He knows you’re no veteran so he probably didn’t expect anything from your performance.”


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