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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

Page 2

by Nicole Dykes

  “Okay well, Jack called me to let you know that he’ll be fixing the hot water tomorrow. So, you may not want to shower tonight.”

  He runs his fingers through his thick, dark hair and breathes out a frustrated sigh. “Christ. This place doesn’t even have a shower?”

  I shrug. It’s not my job to kiss this guy’s ass. Even if it is a nice one.

  “It will tomorrow. And technically there is still a shower, just a cold one.”

  He peers over at me, clearly annoyed. By the looks of him and his clothing I would say this is as close to “roughin’ it” this guy has ever been.

  “Anyway, just wanted to let you know.”

  I turn to leave and he asks, “Do you guys not get cable either?”

  Madden looks worn and stressed out. I’m not sure what this guy is hiding and if I will ever find out, but I guess I can try to help him with the television.

  I brush past him and walk over to the living room and bedroom combo of this tiny apartment. I lean over and see exactly what I suspected, the cable just needs to be connected to the television. I screw in the coaxial cable and then turn on the old television, revealing a local channel.

  “There ya go.”

  He nods his head, approvingly. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was a little impressed.

  “Thank you.”

  There are his manners. “You’re welcome. It was nothing.”

  With that I leave and head back downstairs to the bar. It’s getting later in the night and people are starting to file out. I climb back behind the bar and see Brady in a cocky stride, coming my way. Keep your cool Jade.

  “Hey beautiful,” he says and flashes me a grin.

  That easy grin brings me back to last summer and the good times we had together. I somehow manage a blank stare back despite wanting to reach over the bar and pull him into a kiss.

  “What can I get for you, Brady?”

  He looks back at the table of his friends. “We’re about to take off. Just wanted to close my tab.”

  I walk over to the computer to give him his total and he covers my hand with his. I pull it away quickly like his touch scolds. He looks offended, almost hurt by my actions.

  “Jade, it doesn’t have to be like this, does it? I mean I’ve been home for two weeks and you haven’t even said one word to me.”

  “What do you want me to say?” I ask, refusing to look directly at him. Refusing to admit I miss him.

  I stare at the computer screen, trying to stay strong when he says, “I want you to be civil. I’m back in town now. It’s a tiny town, Jade, we will run into each other.”

  It’s the truth. The town has a church, grocery store, a café, this bar, a school, and one gas station. That’s it. It’s a definite possibility that I am going to run into Brady often and that thought sinks my heart. It was easier to deal with the sting of rejection when he was in a whole other state.

  “I’m well aware of that, Brady, but I can’t act like we are friends.” I tell him.

  He cocks his head to the side, turning on the charm that always worked with me before. Hell, I’m sure it works with every woman in this town.

  “Come on, Jade. We are friends. That’s how we started remember?”

  I remember. When I first moved to town three years ago after living on the streets of Houston for two years, it was Brady and Casey that made it feel like home. I applied for a job at Jack’s Bar and Grill and it was Casey that really took me under her wing, even though she was only a year older than me.

  She introduced me to Brady and her boyfriend, Caleb. Caleb also happened to be Brady’s best friend since grade school. They were a tight knit group that accepted me right away, but Brady had a longtime girlfriend at the time and he didn’t even really notice me that way. Until last summer.

  “That was before everything that happened. Things can’t just go back to the way they were before.”

  He grins over at me again, his blue eyes actually twinkling. Damn it, I look back at the computer screen to avoid his charm.

  “I’m gonna win your friendship back. I promise you that.” he informs me, grinning again.

  “Don’t hold your breath.”

  I hand him his bill, he pays, and then winks at me for the second time tonight before heading back over to his table.

  His whole demeanor is calm. How can he be so nonchalant? He just wants to be friends and move on. Asshole.

  Casey walks over to where I’m standing at the bar, holding two empty pitchers that used to contain beer. She glances towards Brady and then back at me, shaking her head.

  “Damn, that was brutal.” she comments.

  I roll my eyes and take the pitchers, placing them with the other dirty dishes. I turn the water on and grab the dishwashing liquid.

  “It was nothing.” I say, trying to convince both her and myself that’s true.

  She folds her arms and gives me a look. “Please Jade, he’s acting like nothing went down last summer.”

  “It didn’t.” I deadpan and start washing to distract myself.

  She rolls her eyes, not buying my bullshit façade. “Jade, it’s me. You’ve had a thing for Brady since you came into our lives. You guys finally date and then he just drops your ass out of nowhere. I wish you would let me nut punch him for you.”

  I laugh at that. “It’s not worth it. He was just an infatuation. A sexy, quick, and dirty fling.”

  She quirks an eyebrow and smirks. “Ah, quick huh? Not surprising. He has premature ejaculator written all over him.”

  I bust out laughing again. We both know that’s not true. The nights I spent with Brady were toe curling and she’s my best friend so she knows most of the details. Girls talk. She knows how to make me laugh though and I’m grateful.

  I nod my head over to the table where Brady and his friends are getting ready to leave and look back at Casey.

  “You and Caleb seemed mighty friendly tonight.” I arch my eyebrow at her and wait for her response.

  Brady and Caleb left town together and it seems they have come back to town together also, but Casey and Caleb hadn’t been dating when they left. They had a crazy off and on relationship and when the guys left, they had been off for a few months.

  She leans against the bar, waving goodbye to Caleb as he follows everyone out. I notice him smiling at her as he walks out the door.

  She sighs heavily, “I know. I’m so stupid.”

  I look into her eyes and it dawns on me when she can’t hide the smile on her face.

  “Oh my God. Are you already sleeping together again? He’s only been back for two weeks!”

  She scrunches her nose, guilt and mock shame written on her face. “I know! Ugh, I just can’t help it when it comes to Caleb.”

  I laugh, wiping down the bar, getting ready for close. Casey starts putting the clean pitchers and glasses away while trying to avoid my stare.

  “What is it about him?”

  Okay I kind of know the answer to that. Caleb is a good looking guy in his own right. Dark hair and eyes and a handsome face, with a little more muscle than Brady. Although Brady has a couple of inches on him height wise.

  “He just drives me fucking wild, Jade. I don’t know how else to describe it.”

  I laugh. Sounds like she described it just right. “Yeah, I get that.”

  “Oh yeah! So, who the hell was that tall, dark, and fuckin’ sexy guy earlier?”

  Only two other people are left in the bar, but both of their eyes snap to us when she blurts that out. I shush her, laughing.

  “I don’t know. He’s just renting the room above the bar.” I explain.

  “Holy shit. Talk about panty dropping. Fuck Caleb. That guy could have me in two seconds flat.” she teases.

  That’s my best friend. Says exactly what’s on her mind. Doesn’t give a shit whose around or what they’ll think about it either.

  “Yeah, I don’t think he’s here to meet anyone. I think he’s here to escape something.”
br />   “Well, sex is a great escape.” She nudges me with her shoulder as we finish cleaning up the dirty bar.

  “Seriously Jade, you need to get on that. Or under that. Maybe even beside it or around it. However you need to get a piece of it, you do it.” Casey jokes.

  “I’m not getting on or under anyone. Or any of those things you just said.” I laugh. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

  She shakes her head. “Oh honey, we never learn our lessons. That’s just us. We like a challenge. The asshole that will definitely break our hearts over and over.”

  She’s so right. I wish she wasn’t, but I’m going to do my best not to continue the pattern.

  Chapter 4


  This is supposed to be a grocery store? I look at the dilapidated store as I step out of my F250. The exterior paint is chipping. There’s only two other cars in the tiny parking lot. One lone shopping cart. A faded sales paper is stuck to the bottom of it.

  I walk over to it and mutter a curse. It wobbles when I push it. I hate wobbly shopping carts. I’d much rather use a grocery delivery service, but then I’d have to use a credit card. Not doing that. And I doubt that’s available in this podunk town.

  I make do with the shitty cart and go inside the shitty store. The solitary cashier eyes me as I walk past her lane. She’s a teenager chewing bubble gum and apparently, she can’t chew and slide groceries over the scanner at the same time. She chews with her mouth open too.

  I look above the aisles and frown when I realize there aren’t any signs indicating where the items are located. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

  I just go to the first aisle and start there. The store’s so small, it can’t be that hard to find a few groceries and shampoo. Maybe I’ll get a hot shower tonight.

  The meat section is limited. That’s putting it nicely. Who the fuck eats pig feet? That’s the most disgusting looking thing I’ve ever seen in a grocery store.

  Wait. I take that back. They actually have pig snouts packaged here. This town is turning into a damn nightmare.

  I stick with the safe bet of ground beef and a package of chicken and then move on from the meat section. Unfortunately, the other aisles aren’t much better. I feel like it’s an essentials only grocery store. If it’s not an essential, you sure as hell won’t get it here. It’s obvious this town has never heard of salmon or caviar.

  Now if I could just find some soap and shampoo, I could get outta here. I round the corner and the piece of shit cart catches. I slam into it, causing the wheels to screech across the floor.

  “Shit!” I curse, trying to get the cart to go straight. I jerk it a couple of times, but the wheels aren’t budging. Just what I fucking need.

  I hear a throaty giggle behind me and see hands grip the side of my cart. Jade gives it a push then a rough jerk and the wheels straighten. She shoots me a triumphant smile.

  “The shitty buggy always stays in the parking lot.” she informs me, her hands still resting on the side of my cart.

  “Well, no one told the new guy.”

  “Now you know.” she quips and steps back over to her shopping cart. I notice hers looks newer than mine.

  I also notice the way her ass fills out the shorts she’s wearing. She’s looking down at her grocery list and her strawberry blonde hair is falling over her shoulder. She tucks some of the stray strands behind her ear and marks something off her list. She glances up at me and I swallow when I realize I’m staring.

  “What?” she asks, her mouth tilting up in a half-smile.

  I feel the corner of my mouth itching to smile back at her. “Do you know where the shampoo is?”


  “I’ve looked all over this god-awful store and haven’t found soap or shampoo.” I explain.

  “Follow me.”

  I like how she doesn’t just point me in the direction, but takes the time to actually show me. I only watch her ass half of the time.

  “They don’t have much of a selection, but this is my favorite. It smells like apples.” Jade says and holds the bottle of shampoo up for me to smell.

  I close my hand over the bottle and my palm touches her fingertips. I breathe in the apple scent.

  “Well, you might not want your hair to smell like apples.” she comments. “Soap is on the bottom row.”

  “Thanks, Jade.”

  She slips her hand off the bottle and nods. I toss it in my shopping cart and see her walking away. I grab some soap and head to the cashier. I need to get back to my apartment and get a hot shower.

  Although maybe another cold shower will do me better at this point.

  Chapter 5


  I scrub the bar with a soapy sponge, trying to remove the sticky remains of a strawberry daiquiri a drunk girl just spilled all over when I see Madden heading my way.

  He still hasn’t softened in the three days he’s been here. If anything, he’s grown more irritable. He’s wearing the exact same type of outfit he always does; slacks and a button down shirt. Of course, my dirty mind wanders back to seeing him out of the shirt. Damn.

  “Jade.” he says as he examines the mess on the bar.

  “Hi, Madden. How are you tonight?”

  “Fine. It’s fucking loud in here. It’s a Monday night. Don’t these people have jobs?”

  I laugh, shaking my head. I also wonder that about him. What does he do for a living? If I had to guess, I would say he has a nice comfortable trust fund.

  “Yes, they do, but they don’t exactly work Monday through Friday jobs around here.”

  “I see.”

  “So, did you just come down here to complain about the noise?”

  He sits down carefully on one of the bar stools. “Actually, I was wondering if you could tell me where I can buy some clothes and other essentials. I’m guessing not anywhere in this town.”

  I throw the sponge into the sink, drying the bar with a hand towel. “Hollis isn’t growing on you?”

  Not even a little smile. “Not really.”

  “Well, there is Redbud. It’s about forty minutes from here and they have a few stores and restaurants.”

  “Forty minutes?”

  I laugh. I might as well have said ten hours with the way he’s acting. I decide to extend yet another olive branch. Lord only knows why.

  “Look, I could use some things also. How about we go together tomorrow afternoon?”

  He quirks an eyebrow upward. “Together?”

  I nod my head, quickly losing patience. “Yes, together. You know, I’ll meet you here and we’ll ride together to Redbud to get some clothes.” I shrug my shoulders casually. “Of course, if you would rather find it alone, that’s totally up to you.”

  He stands from the bar. “Fine. What time?”

  Seriously? What the hell is this guy’s deal? I’m being extremely nice and he’s acting like he’s doing me a favor by going. “How about one?”

  “That late?”

  “Hey, I don’t get off of work until two in the mornin’.”

  He nods his head. “Alright. I’ll see you then. Goodnight, Jade.”

  “Night, Madden.”

  With that he leaves and the moment he’s outta sight, Casey is walking quickly over to the bar. She has excellent hearing and I know she’s dying right now.

  “Oh, my God, you have a date!”

  I look at her like she’s grown another head. “Are you completely insane?”

  “You are going shopping together tomorrow. I heard it.”

  I roll my eyes, smiling at her. “Casey, he can barely tolerate me. He just needs help finding a place to buy some clothes and doesn’t know the area.”

  She shakes her head. “No, I’m tellin’ ya, there is something there between you two. A spark. I’m good at these things.”

  “You’re a nut.”

  She closes out a tab for one of the tables. “No, honey. I’m right. Besides it can only help with your Brady situation.”

nbsp; Now she peaks my curiosity. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, rebound sex would really help you get over him. And I know Brady really well. He’s the jealous type. Seeing you with the sexy mystery man, might be what you need to get his dumb ass back, if that’s what you want.”

  Is that what I want?

  “Again, you’re crazy. It’s just a shopping trip with a guy, who I’m pretty sure can’t stand me.”

  The next day I arrive at the bar and go inside. The day shift which consists of Jack and Marlene, who is in her early forties and been working here since I was in diapers, are the only two people working.

  Jack nods his head and gives me a quick greeting from the bar. “You know you don’t work until six right?”

  I nod and sit down on one of the hard, wooden stools. “Yes. I’m actually here to pick up your newest tenant.”

  Marlene walks in from the kitchen. “Oh, my God, I got a glimpse of him yesterday. That boy is fine. If I were even ten years younger, I would be all over that.”

  I laugh. Marlene is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and she also happens to be Brady’s momma. I swear everyone in this town is related.

  Jack scoffs at that and looks over seriously at me. “You aren’t already dating the kid above the bar are you?”

  I look at him, only slightly offended. “No. I’m not. I’m helping him out by taking him shopping.”

  He doesn’t believe me.

  Luckily he just shrugs it off. “Alright, well I don’t want any trouble. I like getting rent money.”

  I nod my head knowingly. “I know. No worries, Jack.”

  Marlene nods her head to the stairs and I turn to see Madden in all of his brooding and handsome glory descending down the stairs.

  “Good afternoon.”

  Marlene smiles sweetly at him. “Can I make you anything for lunch, sweetie?”

  Marlene calls everyone sweetie. He holds his right hand up. “No, thank you for the offer though.” He turns to me and I can tell he’s not excited about our trip. “Are you ready?”


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