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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

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by Nicole Dykes

  I nod and say goodbye to Jack and Marlene before walking out to the parking lot to my red ’96 Honda Accord. It’s not much, but it’s all mine. I saved for a whole year to be able to buy it when I first got to town.

  Madden peers curiously at my car before saying, “I can drive. We can take my truck.”

  I shake my head already unlocking my doors with my key. “You don’t even know where we’re going. Just hop in.”

  He looks at my old car again before sighing and climbing inside. I laugh when his long legs hit the dash. Casey was the last one to ride in here and she is significantly shorter than he is.

  I get behind the wheel and buckle up. “There’s a lever under the seat, pull it and you can move back.”

  His handsome face is full of confusion. I’m pretty sure he comes from a world full of automatic everything. I reach my right hand down between his legs, finding the bar under the seat and sending him backwards.

  He thanks me quickly before fastening his seat belt and then I pull out of the parking lot, driving us to the highway.

  There’s an uncomfortable silence for half of the trip until Madden groans, “How much further is this place?”

  “About twenty minutes.”

  “The closest town really is forty minutes away?”

  “Well, there are a couple of closer towns, but they are actually smaller than Hollis. No places to shop there.”

  He looks at me like that can’t be possible. “Really?”

  I nod my head in affirmation. “You know it will get better. Hollis has a way of sneaking up on you.”

  He stares out the window. “That’s hard to believe.”

  I smile, keeping my eyes on the road ahead of me. “I know, but it’s true. One day you’re mocking the town and everyone in it and the next you’ll realize that you are more comfortable and feel safer than you ever have in your life.”

  That got his attention. He turns and I can feel his gaze on me. I may have given away a little too much with that statement. He doesn’t say anything and just turns his eyes back out of the window.

  We finally drive into Redbud and I can see the obvious relief on Madden’s face as the stores and a couple of well-known chain restaurants come into view.

  I drive to JC Penney’s and park my car in the lot. “Okay, surely they will have what you need.”

  He looks at the storefront and sighs. “It’ll do.”

  The attitude is getting a little old. We walk inside and he turns to me and says, “Okay, I’m going to the men’s section. I’ll meet you back here?”

  I nod my head. He’s even private about his clothes. “Alright, see ya here in like an hour.”

  With that he leaves and I go to browse the women’s section and make-up, picking out a few things, before checking out and going back to meet Madden.

  It’s not long before he walks over to meet me holding several shopping bags in both hands.

  “Did ya buy the whole store?” I tease.

  He doesn’t seem amused as we walk out of the store and out to my car.

  “I needed a lot of stuff,” he mumbles.

  Only confirming my suspicion that this guy is running from something.

  Chapter 6


  I can see Jade in my peripheral vision. Her long blonde hair is blowing from the air conditioner. She doesn’t know that I can hear her singing along to “Burning House” as it plays through her speakers. I’m trying to be indifferent to the scent of apples that have filled her tiny little car. I know it’s from her damn shampoo.

  “Mmm…I’m hungry. Do you like Applebee’s?” she asks, stirring me from my thoughts.

  “That’s fine.” I agree although I’ve never really eaten at an Applebee’s before. I’ve seen the popular chain restaurant in Dallas, but it wasn’t somewhere my family frequented.

  Jade pulls into the parking lot and only a few cars are here. I’m not surprised. It’s way past lunchtime and too early for dinner.

  The hostess seats us in a corner booth and Jade immediately starts looking over the menu. I glance over mine and try to decide what to order.

  “We can split an appetizer,” she offers. I don’t answer. “You know, you’re kinda rude.”

  I look up from my menu and Jade has put hers down. She’s sitting across from me with her arms crossed over her chest. Her brows are furrowed and her baby blue eyes are giving me a harsh stare.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re rude.” she repeats. “I’ve been nice to you since you came to Hollis. I fixed your TV. I showed you where to find shampoo and soap. Now I’ve brought you shopping. I’m trying to be your friend, Madden-whoever-you-are. But you’re just rude. Thought you should know that.”

  I fight back the smile playing at my lips. Her blunt statement is oddly refreshing. “I was looking at the appetizers. Do you want to order the sampler?”

  Her eyes grow wide for a second and then she picks her menu back up. “Sampler’s good.”

  I can’t help myself. I start laughing and Jade follows. It feels good to laugh. I’ve been so angry the past several days and now this woman and her sassy mouth have made me laugh.

  We slowly quiet down and she takes a sip of her coke. “You are rude though.” she mumbles.

  “I know.” I admit. “Yet, you’re still nice to me. Why is that?”

  “It wasn’t that long ago that I was the new person in Hollis. And I don’t think it would kill ya to try to make friends here. Come down to the bar for a drink occasionally.” she answers.

  I don’t say anything to that before the waitress comes and after ordering a sampler appetizer, Jade orders classic wings and I get the Bourbon Street chicken and shrimp. I watch as Jade checks a message on her phone and then blushes profusely.

  “You’re blushing.”

  She laughs, nervously. “My friend, Casey, has a dirty mind.”

  I don’t comment because right now my mind is having dirty thoughts too. About the way her shirt is dipping just low enough to show the perfect curve of her breasts. About how she’s pulled her hair over one shoulder, exposing the nape of her neck. I wonder if it smells like apples there like her hair does.

  I like the distraction of Jade, the bartender. I’ve barely thought of Amelia today.

  When our food arrives, we eat in silence. Both of us dig into the sampler and I admit to myself, I’m now a fan of Applebee’s. It might be worth the forty-minute drive. I pay the bill, despite Jade’s protests, and we leave with plenty of time for her to go home and change before having to return to work.

  I focus my gaze outside the window again and listen to Jade sing along with the radio. I don’t recognize the song, but I like listening to her. At least until the car starts stalling.

  “What the hell?” Jade grumbles and pulls to the side of the road.

  The engine goes dead just as she makes it completely off. Cars keep driving past us as she pops the hood and we both get out.

  Jade leans over the engine as if she knows what she’s doing. For a moment, I think she might. I mean, she did fix my television.

  She starts fidgeting with the battery and fumbling with cables. I stand back and observe. Within minutes, beads of sweat are rolling down my back. The Texas heat is sweltering.

  I unbutton my shirt, slip it off my shoulders and toss it on the hood of her car. Even in my wife-beater, it’s scorching hot.

  Jade stands up straight with her hands on her hips. “I really don’t know anything about cars.” she confesses.

  I take the cap off her oil and check it. “Do you ever get your oil changed?” I can tell by the look on her face that she doesn’t.

  “I actually have a kit in my trunk, but my boy…ex-boyfriend didn’t get around to changing it for me. Last year.”

  “Shit, Jade! You can’t just drive a car and never change the oil!” I yell.

  “I know that, Madden! I’ve been meaning to get Jack to do it, but he’s been busy. Shit happens!” she yells back.

>   “Get me the damn kit!”

  “You mean to tell me you’re gonna change my oil?” she smirks.

  “You mean to tell me you wanna sit by the side of the fucking road all night?”

  That shuts her sassy mouth up.

  We walk to the trunk and she gets the bag with the kit in it out. I get her jack out too. She flinches when I snatch the bag from her hands.

  I jack the car up so I can get underneath. I grab my button-up and use it to lie down on. As I slide underneath, I thank my grandfather for teaching me how to change oil. My father thought it was a useless task, but my grandfather thought every man should know how to do it.

  Forty-five minutes later, Jade’s oil is changed and I’m a greasy mess. I pull the wife-beater off and clean the oil off my face and hands with it.

  I give Jade a look that warns her not to say a word as I ease back into the passenger seat of her car. She eyes me with a look of interest. Perhaps even desire.

  Maybe Hollis will grow on me after all.

  Chapter 7


  I open the glass door to the bar and walk in hurriedly. Jack doesn’t look too happy with me. His arms are folded, giving me a stern look from behind the bar, “Jade you’re a damn hour late for your shift.”

  I nod my head, pulling down my black apron from the hook above the bar and tying it around my waist. “I know. I’m sorry, I had car trouble coming back from Redbud.”

  He grumbles something under his breath that I can’t make out and then adds, “Well, it’s Taco Tuesday and you know how fuckin’ busy it gets. Fifty cent tacos make people crazy.”

  Yes, I know, I’ve been working here for years remember? I don’t say that out loud though. He’s pissed enough. “It won’t happen again.”

  I hear the door open and look over to see Madden carrying in his several shopping bags. He’s still covered in grease from earlier. It’s strange to see his clean shaven, perfect face with oil streaks. Admittedly it’s really hot.

  I still can’t believe he knows how to change oil. I definitely had him pegged for someone that would pay to have it, and most things, done for him. He gives me a quick nod before going up the stairs to his room.

  Jack nudges me, “What the hell happened to pretty boy?”

  I laugh at the nickname. It definitely suits him. “Car trouble, remember?”

  He eyes me suspiciously before shrugging it off, “Try not to burn down the bar tonight, Jade.”

  “Not a problem.”

  With that, he leaves and a frazzled Casey emerges from the kitchen carrying plates of tacos for the hungry patrons of the bar. “Holy shit, Jade. Thanks for finally showing up!”

  There are two restaurants in town. Jack’s and a small café that is mostly known for its homemade apple pie. On Taco night, this bar is packed full until the tacos run out.

  “I’m so sorry. It’s a long story.”

  She smiles, “Well, I want all of the details of your ‘long’ story.” Everything is a sexual innuendo with Casey.

  She winks at me before leaving to serve a table of rowdy men that are as much here to see her as they are for the tacos.

  I shake my head and start taking drink orders at the bar.

  I’m making an Old Fashioned when I see Brady and his crew walk through the door. Holy shit. Does he always have to look so damn good? His skin is getting a nice tan from the summer sun and he’s growing just the right amount of stubble on his chin.

  He’s with Caleb, their friend Logan, and a few girls. I watch as they all claim their usual table and see Brady’s arm go around one of the girls.

  I stand and stupidly watch them all interact and Casey comes over nudging my hip with hers, “Do you want me to nut punch him?”

  I shake my head and shake it off. I start preparing a gin and tonic for a customer at the bar, “It’s not a big deal. I knew he would date someone, sometime.”

  She scoffs at that, “Please. You see that ho? That is just a fling. It’s nothing.”

  “Like I was.”

  It’s not a question. That’s exactly what I was to him. Casey just pats my shoulder and Brady comes up to the bar, “Hey ladies, can I get a couple of pitchers?”

  Casey gives him the cold shoulder, being a good friend. I fill two pitchers and can tell she’s about to say something to prove her solidarity.

  To distract her I nod my head in a direction of a couple of women with their hands raised, “Casey, they look pissed. Better go help them.”

  She looks to Brady and then to me and walks over to the table, keeping her eyes trained on us.

  Brady turns to me, “Yikes, what the hell set her off?”

  I shrug, “It’s taco night.”

  He laughs and leans lazily against the bar. His new girl waves happily over to him and he gives her that super sexy wink. Prick.

  My curiosity gets the best of me and I ask, “So is there anything else you need? Maybe for your girlfriend?”

  He laughs easily at that, “Kelly isn’t my girlfriend. We’re just having fun.”

  Right. You’re good at that. “Ah. I see.”

  He looks at me and jokingly says, “Come on Jade, you aren’t jealous, are you?”

  “Of course not.” I lie.

  Before he can say anything else, I see Madden making his way down the stairs and over to the bar.

  He’s had a shower. I can tell because his dark hair is still wet and he’s dressed in pair of khaki shorts and navy blue polo. It’s nice to see him in something other than slacks and a button-up.

  All the grease from earlier today is gone and I get a mental image of Madden in the shower. Getting all cleaned up.

  I think my mouth just went totally dry.


  He actually gives me a small smile. “Jade.”

  “Are you down here to complain about the noise again?” I tease.

  He laughs. Actually laughs at that. God he has a great laugh. “No. I thought about what you said and I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to come downstairs and have a drink.”

  “Well, what can I get ya?” I ask.

  “Whiskey on the rocks.”

  He sits down on the bar stool and I pull out a glass for him. Our eyes haven’t left each other’s. I’m truly shocked that he listened to me and he’s down here now.

  “I would have thought you would drink scotch or something fancy.”

  “Yeah, well you thought wrong.” His tone is teasing.

  I hear Brady clear his throat next to Madden and it’s then that I realize he’s still standing there.

  Wow. I actually ignored Brady for five seconds.

  He holds his hand out to Madden, “I’m Brady Thompson. And you are?”

  Madden holds his hand out politely, but hesitantly and shakes his hand, “Madden Steele.”

  They are still shaking hands, both eyes locked in an intense, almost angry gaze. “So, what brings you here, Madden?”

  I know he isn’t going to answer that. I’m surprised he told him his last name.

  “I’m renting the room above the bar.” Madden answers, vaguely.

  “So, you aren’t just passing through?” Brady questions.

  “No, I think I’ll stay a while.”

  This is strange. If I didn’t know better I would say Brady is jealous of Madden. It’s kinda funny.

  I smile over at Madden, “I’ll get your drink.” Then turn to Brady, “You don’t want the pitchers of beer to get warm. Besides, I think Kelly’s missing you already.”

  He doesn’t move for what seems like an eternity and then picks up both pitchers and walks back to his table. He glances back once.

  I make Madden his drink and hand it to him.

  “Thanks, Jade. So, that’s the ex, huh?”

  I look at him surprised. “How did you know that?”

  He peers over at me, “It’s pretty damn obvious.”

  “Fine. That’s the ex who didn’t change my oil.” I admit. “Enough about him. You need to mingl
e. Get to know people.”

  Madden cocks his eyebrow at me and stays seated at the bar. He nurses his whiskey and we make small talk about our trip to Redbud. I notice Brady’s glare off and on throughout the entire conversation. He even returns to the bar to get a third pitcher instead of waiting on Casey to refill it.

  Maybe Casey was right about making him jealous to get him back. If that’s what I want.

  Chapter 8


  “I want another taco, Jade.” I laugh as she shakes her head at me. “Please.”

  “You’ve already had five!”

  I finish off my whiskey shot and grin at her. “They’re fifty cents. I’m not gonna go broke buying tacos tonight. And they’re so good!”

  Jade laughs at my exaggeration. I reach across the bar and grab her hand, stopping her from clearing off the empty beer bottles.

  “I’m serious, Jade. They’re possibly the best fucking tacos I’ve ever had.” I say with a straight face.

  “How many whiskeys have I served you?” she questions and I laugh. “I’ll get you another one and then I’m cutting you off.”

  I watch her disappear behind the swinging door to the kitchen. I turn around on the barstool and look at the crowd. “Small Town Throwdown” plays loudly and several patrons are up dancing.

  “Come on, pretty boy! I’m done cooking tacos.” Marlene catches me by surprise and pulls me off the stool.

  “No…wait!” I protest, but she isn’t listening.

  “I work one night a week handsome, and that’s Taco Tuesday. Now you and me are hitting this dance floor!” Marlene puts her hands on my shoulders and starts shaking her hips. “Don’t be afraid of these hips, sweetie!”

  I laugh and start dancing with her, noticing the raised eyebrows I’m getting from the crowd. Jade’s ex is propped against the pool table with a smartass smirk on his face. He seems like a douche.

  Holy shit. Marlene has turned around and is bending over in front of me. I look to the bar for any sign of Jade. I catch her attention and give her pleading look that screams “help me!”.

  She has a huge grin on her face and I can tell she’s laughing hysterically. I’m relieved when she starts my way though. I definitely need rescuing.


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