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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

Page 13

by Nicole Dykes

  “You shouldn’t start things you can’t finish.” she smirks, her face flushed.

  “Is that a challenge?” I tease, giving her a cocky grin. I take her hand and lead her inside.

  Carmella gives us a warm greeting and then I hear my mother’s heels clicking on the floor. She purses her lips as she rounds the corner and sees Jade. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and gives Jade a once-over.

  “Joan, isn’t it?” she asks.

  “Jade actually.” I correct her.

  “I’ll have Carmella get one of the guest rooms ready.” my mother snips.

  “No need, Mrs. Steele. Amelia invited me to stay with her bridal party.” Jade speaks up and I can see the surprise on my mom’s face.

  “Very well.” my mom eyes her up and down again, then looks at me. “Are you wearing blue jeans, Madden?”

  “Yes.” I answer and fight the urge to laugh at her disdain.

  “Dinner will be served in exactly fifteen minutes. Your brothers are around here somewhere.” Her heels click as she walks off with a haughtiness I’m used to.

  “Let me show you around.” I tell Jade and she doesn’t argue. “Of course, you know the dining room is that way. Kitchen is to the right.” I explain, pointing in the direction of the kitchen. “There’s a large living room just off the dining room that you didn’t get to see last time and a small theater down the hall from it for entertaining. Upstairs you have mine and my brothers’ rooms along with three guest rooms. Five bathrooms upstairs and three downstairs.”

  “We’re not going upstairs?” she asks and I shake my head. I take her outside and we follow a brick path. “You have a tennis court?”

  “Yes and a pool.” I answer. “I want to show you the wine cellar.”

  I open the door to the wooden building and let Jade walk in first. Hundreds of bottles of wine fill the shelves of the cellar. I shut the door behind me and lock it.

  “Wow. Jack would love this room if all these bottles were whiskey.” Jade laughs. She runs her hand over some of the bottles and then stops at my father’s antique desk in the middle of the room. She runs her fingers over the top of the rough wood.

  “My father comes in here and sits at that desk. He doesn’t drink any of the wine, but he likes to admire his collection.” I tell her. “Like I’m admiring you.”

  I move her hair to the side and kiss her shoulder, causing goosebumps to rise over her flesh. I skim my fingertips over her thighs where the hem of her sundress is.

  “I’m so glad you wore a dress, Jade.” I whisper. “I love these dresses you wear. That way I can finish what I started earlier.”

  “Madden, we shouldn’t.” she protests, but I know she doesn’t mean it. I know if I slip my hand underneath her dress she’ll already be wet and ready for me.

  I glide my hand up her thigh to the juncture between her legs. I’m right. I pull her panties to the side and dip my finger into her wet flesh. I push in and out, over and over, until she’s trembling.

  Reluctantly, I withdraw my finger and unbutton my jeans. I hike her dress up and jerk her panties down. With one swift thrust, I’m buried deep inside her.

  “God, Jade!” I groan and I see her grip the edge of my father’s desk. “You’re so incredible…” I mumble and nip her earlobe.

  I pull out to the tip and drive into her again. I dig my fingers into her hips as I slam into her again and again.

  “Oh, Madden, please…yes, please…” she begs. “So good…”

  “Let go, Jade.” I encourage her and pour my release deep inside her. She moans my name as she comes, letting her head fall back on my shoulder. As much as I want to stay right where I am, I let myself slip from her warmth. I pull her panties up and her dress down.

  While I’m buttoning my jeans, she says, “Now I have to go clean up in one of your many bathrooms.”

  “You know, it’s funny. I haven’t missed much of this.” I admit. “Except maybe the night I didn’t have any hot water.”

  Jade laughs. We walk out of the wine cellar and see Keegan and Landon both heading towards us.

  “Where the hell you guys been? Dinner’s starting.” Landon asks, a knowing smirk slowly spreading across his face.

  “Just showing Jade dad’s wine collection.” I answer. “Right, Jade?”

  She grins over at me. “Yep. It was incredible.”

  Chapter 33


  Madden and I follow his brothers inside the grand dining room to join his family. I’m surprised when Amelia walks up to me, excitedly, “Jade, I’m so happy you are here and that you will be staying with me and the girls tonight. I can’t wait for you to meet them!”

  She’s dressed elegantly in a light pink dress, complete with pearls around her neck. Amelia pulls me into a tight hug and I pat her back, awkwardly. I’m not really a hugger, but I find her very endearing. I see Madden smirk and I say, “Thank you for inviting me. I can’t wait.”

  A middle-aged couple comes over and Amelia smiles brightly, “Mother and Daddy this is my friend, Jade. Jade these are my parents Henry and Meredith Kensington.”

  Amelia’s parents don’t seem to have the same distain for me as Madden’s. Her father gives me a nice warm greeting and then pats Madden on his back before walking away to join the other men. Her mother smiles at me, kindly. “Well, it’s very nice to meet you.”

  She smiles at Madden, who hasn’t left my side and holds her hand out for him, who kisses it, “Mrs. Kensington. It’s good to see you.”

  “Madden, we have missed you around here. It’s strange not seeing you at our house for Sunday dinner.”

  He nods, “I do miss that, but” he looks over at me smiling, “I’ve been busy lately.”

  She smiles at that, “I can see that. Well, she’s very beautiful, Madden.” She directs her attention back at me, “I’m sure you will make each other very happy. I’m not sure I’ve seen Madden smile so much in a long time.”

  I feel pride in her statement and then I hear Madden’s mother clear her throat loudly. She’s sitting at one end of the massive table, “Dinner is ready. Everyone please take a seat.”

  Everyone quickly files into a seat at the table. I take mine next to Madden and his brother Landon. Amelia and Keegan are sitting across from us and I feel fairly protected from the wrath of the heads of the table.

  Madden’s mother is seated next to Mrs. Kensington and they are going over last minute details of the wedding. Keegan and Amelia are deep in a conversation about their honeymoon. They really do seem to be madly in love. I can feel Madden’s gaze on me and I turn subtly to him and whisper quietly, “What are you thinking about?”

  He smirks and leans into my ear causing me to take a deep breath, “The wine cellar.”

  My face flushes at the recent memory of Madden taking me in his father’s wine cellar, on his desk. I’m breathless when I say, “Madden.”

  He chuckles and I laugh too, looking away and right into the cold eyes of his father. His father looks at me with total disdain and maybe a hint of fear? I can’t quite place his expression.

  I quickly look away and then Landon stands up from the table. His phone is in his hand and his eyes don’t move from the screen, “Excuse me. I have something I have to attend to.”

  Madden’s father nods his head, giving him permission to leave and he does. Landon seems like a light-hearted guy on the surface, but I have a feeling being the oldest son in the family is a burden.

  Madden squeezes my thigh under the table and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

  After dinner, everyone makes their way into the living room for champagne to celebrate the happy couple. Soon after that Amelia walks over to where Madden and I are sitting. “I’m sorry Madden, but it’s time for us girls to leave.”

  Madden leans his body closer to me. “Already?”

  She smiles, “Well, we want to have some girl time before we retire early. Tomorrow is going to be insane.”

  He st
ands, “I’ll walk you.”

  Keegan makes his way to us, “I’m coming too.”

  Landon never returned after he left dinner and we all say quick goodbyes to their parents before walking out the door into the late summer warmth. The sun is starting to set and the view is beautiful for the city. Of course, we are on the outskirts of Dallas.

  Keegan wraps his arm around Amelia’s shoulder, her head leaning on his as they walk in front of us. Madden’s large hand is holding mine and it’s a peaceful walk, three mansions down. The houses are fairly spread out though, I assume it’s because they all want their space.

  We reach the large white house that is about the same size as Madden’s and Amelia looks over at me, “We’re here, but we are going into the back.”

  I nod and Keegan pulls her in to his arms, into a kiss.

  Madden takes my hand and separates from them, “You sure you are comfortable staying here?”

  I nod, “Yes, I like Amelia.”

  He grins, “I’m glad. She really likes you. You’re in good hands, although I’d rather you were in mine.”

  I laugh at that and then lean my head forward, kissing his lips softly and whispering, “Tomorrow night.”

  He pulls me in for a deeper kiss before I finally put my hands on his hard chest putting space between the two of us. God, I want him. I always want him.

  Keegan calls over, “Come on, Madden. Let’s let the girls have their fun.”

  Madden pecks my lips with one last goodbye kiss before leaving with his brother. Amelia walks over to me excitedly and interlocks our arms, “Come on, I’ll show you where we will be staying.”

  She walks me to the back yard where there is a large underground swimming pool and then house that would be suitable for most families. “Is that the pool house?”

  She nods, “Yes. We can stay in here as sort of a sanctuary from all of the planning and out of town guests that are staying with my family.”

  I smile, “Wow, that’s really awesome.”

  We walk inside and it’s basically a home. There is a large living room, a small kitchen area with a bar, and as Amelia is showing me around she says, “There are two bedrooms in the back, but I thought it would be more fun to all sleep in the living room. Like a good ole’ fashioned slumber party.”

  “Sounds good to me. When are your friends arriving?”

  She looks at the expensive watch on her wrist, “Should be any minute.”

  I look at the bar in the kitchen, it’s covered with chilled champagne and lots of snacks. There is a knock on the door and two, beautiful blond girls in expensive dresses walk in. They each hug Amelia, squealing, “You’re getting married!”

  I’m pretty sure my eyes are wide watching them and then Amelia introduces me, “Jade, this is Amanda and Tiffany. We all went to high school together.”

  I nod at them, stiff as a board. Holding my breath to see if they are going to hate me or not. The taller one, Amanda I think says, “Oh I love your hair. It’s gorgeous. Mine is just straight and blah.”

  I smile, that’s not what I was expecting. “Thank you. I like your hair too.” Nice Jade.

  Tiffany squeals again and makes her way over to the bar. “Let’s get the champagne flowing, shall we?”

  We all join her and Amelia says, “Alright, but take it easy. I cannot be hungover on my wedding day.”

  Amanda waves her off, “But we can!”

  I laugh, oddly they remind me a bit of Casey and I’s relationship. With more expensive things of course. Maybe this world isn’t so bad? My chest tightens at that thought. I’m not sure why in that moment.

  Two other girls show up and they are just as friendly and cheerful. We drink champagne and then two women come over to give us each manis and pedis and facials. I’ve never been pampered in my life. It’s nice, but also slightly uncomfortable. At least it’s not my first mani/pedi, but someone actually coming here has me a little in awe.

  Tiffany looks over at me as one of the women paints my toenails a pretty shade of red. “So you’re with Madden now, right?”

  All the other eyes snap to me. Uh oh. Is this going to be okay with them? “Yes.” I answer more timidly than I’m proud of.

  She grins, “He is so hot.”

  I laugh at that and then Amanda adds, “All of the Steele men are. Can’t believe two of them are off of the market.”

  A short brunette, her name is Amber I think, says, “Well there is always Landon, ladies.”

  “Yeah, there is plenty of him to go around. That boy is never going to settle down.” That comes from Tiffany.

  They all look dreamily. My guess is the Steele brothers have been the subject of a lot of their conversations. Amanda raises her champagne glass, “Well, here’s to Amelia for breaking all of our hearts and locking down one of the three.”

  I raise my glass as we all toast Amelia and Keegan and after that there is a lot more girl talk and snacks before we go to bed surprisingly early.

  As I lie on one of the cots in the living room that Amelia’s father bought just for this, I think about tomorrow.

  That feeling in the pit of my stomach never quite went away.

  What the hell is in store for tomorrow?

  Chapter 34


  I adjust my tie and then step over to the mirror to fix Keegan’s. He seems a little fidgety and I wonder if he’s getting cold feet. I look into my brother’s eyes that so clearly match my own.

  “You’re ready for this.” I assure him, patting his shoulders. “Amelia is perfect for you.”

  Keegan nods. “You know, I thought for a moment that maybe she had feelings for you.” he confesses. “Right before we got together, she always talked about you and I know how close the two of you were. I worried that it was you she wanted, not me.”

  I open my mouth to tell him he’s wrong, but he stops me. “But when I kissed her, I knew. I just knew.”

  “She loves you, Keegan. It’s always been you.”

  “If you two pussies are done with the sap-fest, I think it’s time for a wedding to get started.” Landon jokes as he walks into the room. Keegan rolls his eyes.

  “One day a woman is going to come into your life and turn it upside down, brother.” Keegan warns him.

  “Not today.” Landon tells him. “Now let’s get downstairs. Mom will have a fit if she thinks she paid someone to decorate this house for nothing.”

  We descend the stairs and head out back to where over two hundred guests are already seated. Keegan takes his position beside the preacher and Landon and I take ours. Landon will be walking the Maid of Honor, Tiffany, down the aisle and I’ll be with the bridesmaid, Amanda.

  I spot Jade seated on the fifth row and I shoot her a smile. I glance down at her as I walk past and my breath catches in my throat at how beautiful she looks. She ditched the cowboy boots for pair of heels and a lavender dress. Her blonde curls are swept up in a French twist with some loose curls framing her face.

  Keegan’s words instantly come to my mind. One day a woman is going to come into your life and turn it upside down, brother. That’s exactly what Jade has done to me. I wasn’t even expecting it.

  The bridal march starts and tears me from my thoughts. Henry escorts Amelia down the aisle and she looks like a vision in white. A huge smile spreads across her face as she gets closer to Keegan. Looking at the two of them now, I know I’m seeing what real love looks like.

  I listen to them exchange their vows and while I thought my heart would be breaking this day, I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. I didn’t love Amelia like I thought I did. I was afraid of losing my best friend. I can see that now.

  Once the ceremony is over, I find Jade. The first thing I do is kiss her. Just a peck, but I needed it. She laughs against my lips.

  “You look stunning.”

  “Wow. I’ve been upgraded from beautiful to stunning. I’m impressed.” she says.

  I take her hand in mine and the moment I do, we start g
etting bombarded by guests. People who I haven’t seen in months. Everyone wanting to know where I’ve been. Who Jade is. What I’ve been doing.

  I casually answer their questions. I’ve been working out of town. Didn’t say where. Jade is my girlfriend. Yep. I answered like that. This caused her to look at me in surprise.

  “He’ll be home soon though.” my father states after I’ve answered another guest. “We have plans at Steele Industries.”

  “That’s right, Madden. Didn’t you go to school for…”

  “Please excuse us.” I cut off William Johnson before he can go any further. I know it was rude, but I just couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Madden, are you okay?” Jade asks.

  “Let’s just go.” I tell her. “Let’s go to our hotel and back to our lives in Hollis.”

  “But your family…” her voice trails. She cups my face and strokes my cheek. “It’s your brother’s wedding. Let’s stay at least until him and Amelia leave.”

  I reluctantly agree and lead her to where Keegan and Amelia are getting ready to cut the cake. We laugh as Amelia smears icing all over Keegan’s face. He pulls her into his arms and kisses her, rubbing the icing against her lips and cheek.

  “Madden, may I speak with you in private?” my father asks and the firm grip he has on my elbow insists that I don’t argue with him.

  “I’ll be right back, Jade.” I assure her.

  Once we’re in the privacy of the theater room, I snatch from his grasp. I cross my arms and wait for him to speak.

  “What are you doing, son?” he asks in a calm voice.

  “I put the money I owed you back in your safe. Every penny.” I answer.

  “What about your yearly allowance? Your trust fund? Are you going to be able to survive without those?” he fumes.

  “Are you taking it away from me?” I ask him.

  “If you don’t come home, my money is no longer your money.” he informs me and I glare at him. “Why would I continue to support a son who doesn’t respect me? Someone who doesn’t even want his birthright? You have your entire future ahead of you! Your job at Steele Industries where you’d be making $2.5 million a year! Your yearly allowance is twice that much, Madden. Your trust fund has you and your future family set for life and you want to throw it all away for a cheap piece of ass!”


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