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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

Page 14

by Nicole Dykes

  “Don’t talk about her like that!” I hiss.

  “I did a little digging on Jade Bowen, son. She’s trash. Pure trash.” he says. “Her mother’s a junkie and her step-father is a low-level drug dealer. He’s also a registered sex offender in Houston. Your little girlfriend came from nothing and she’ll never become anything. She’s not even educated.”

  “I know where she came from, dad.”

  “Do you?” he persists. “Did you know she ran away and lived on the streets? I can’t blame her for wanting to get out of what I’m sure was a pure shithole, but what do you think she did to survive, Madden? She lived on the streets for years. A beautiful, young woman like herself. I imagine she did anything she could to make money.”

  “She wouldn’t have done that.” I say, quietly. “Not Jade. She’s too smart for that.”

  “She was desperate, son! Don’t think for one second she didn’t spread her legs when she needed to! Now you’re telling me you’re going to flush your entire future down the toilet for someone like that? Give everything up?”

  “No, that’s what you’re telling me!” I yell back and get nose to nose with him. “Just because I’m not following your plan, you’re shutting me out! That’s your choice! You should be proud of me for making my own plans!”

  “Do you even have a plan, Madden?” he growls. “Or do you just plan on living in that shitty apartment above that rundown bar?”

  I know the surprise is evident on my face and I can’t conceal it. How did he know?

  “You think I didn’t know where you were? You’re my son. I’ve always known where you were.” he says, cockily. “Are you going to work a construction job for the rest of your life?”


  “What about when you decide to get married and have a family? Will your family live there too? In that podunk town that doesn’t even have a Wal-Mart? Will that job be enough to support them?” he sneers.

  “I…I don’t know.” I answer, honestly. “Marriage is not in my plans yet so I don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Son, you have to plan ahead. You have to be prepared.” his voice softens just a touch. “I’ve been planning ahead for you and your brothers for your entire lives and most of mine. I worked hard to provide for my family and you just want to throw everything I’ve prepared for you away. All for some woman who doesn’t deserve you.”

  My father pats my shoulder and walks away shaking his head. I let his words sink in. I know I don’t have a clear-cut plan, but I can make one. If he doesn’t want me to have my allowance or my trust fund that’s fine. I don’t need it.

  I head out of the theater and nearly collide with Jade. Did she hear anything? I study her face for any sign of anger, heartbreak, or tears. Any emotion that would tell me she’d heard my father’s hateful words. Nothing.

  “Hey, I was just coming to look for you. Amelia and Keegan are getting ready to leave.” she says.

  “Good. As soon as they’re gone, we’re heading to that hotel.” I tell her and press a light kiss to her lips.

  Once we’re outside, we throw rice at my brother and now sister-in-law with the rest of the guests. I watch them ride away in the black limousine and then I take Jade’s hand.

  “Let’s go. I need you in my arms.”

  Chapter 35


  I try to calm myself on the drive to the hotel. After Amelia and Keegan left, Madden didn’t say goodbye to his family. He just hurried me out to his truck. I know I should have insisted we said our goodbyes, but I know both of our minds were somewhere else.

  I had to use the restroom after Madden and his father disappeared into the house. I didn’t want to go upstairs so I searched all over for a bathroom and finally found one that wasn’t occupied over by the theater room. When I was finished, that’s when I heard the boisterous sounds of Madden and his father at each other’s throats.

  I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t pull away. Stanton Steele’s words gutted me. If Madden doesn’t come home to Dallas and work for Steele Industries, that’s it. He’s cut off and he will lose everything. His trust fund. A yearly allowance. Everything.

  And for what? To have a simple life in Hollis, working construction and living above the bar? Stanton’s words about me being trash didn’t hurt except for him implying I was a prostitute on the streets. I did a lot of things to survive, but I never sold myself. I hope Madden doesn’t think I’m capable of that.

  When Madden came out of the room it was pure torture to act like I hadn’t just heard everything. I didn’t want him to know. I think my act must have been successful because he didn’t ask me about it again.

  I glance over at him in the driver’s seat. He’s totally out of it and hasn’t said anything to me since we left. I’m sure his father’s words are ringing in his head also. I want to ask him what he is thinking, but I’m not sure I want to know.

  We remain quiet until we reach the hotel. He turns his truck over to the valet and he grabs my hand as we walk inside. “I’m glad we decided that night two would be spent in a hotel suite.”

  My heart pounds. I want to be here with him more than anything, but I’m also terrified to be alone with him right now. My emotions are all over the place. Can I really ask him to give up everything he has for me? Would he?

  We ride the elevator to the top of the fancy hotel and Madden tips the man who brought our bags up to the suite.

  I look around at the beautiful, massive suite and say the one thing that’s on my mind, “Wow, Madden, this must have cost a fortune!”

  He comes up behind me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. He whispers into my ear, “Don’t worry about that.”

  I turn to him, his arms still around my waist, “I’m happy anywhere. We could go somewhere else.”

  His brows furrow, “Is something wrong? Do you not like it?”

  I shake my head, tears threatening to flow. “Of course, I like it. I just know this had to cost a lot.”

  “Jade, don’t worry about the cost please. I want to spoil you.” He looks into my eyes, searching for something. “Is there anything I should know?”

  I don’t think he knows I was listening at the door, but now he may be questioning it. I don’t want him to. I shake it off, “No. I’m sorry. Weddings just make me emotional.”

  He nods his head slowly, still studying me. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a quick, hopefully reassuring kiss.

  “Alright, well how about we don’t think about weddings tonight. Tonight, it’s just you and me. Nothing else.”

  I smile, “I like that.”

  I truly do and decide that tonight I will try my best just to live in the right now with Madden. I won’t worry about the future and what is going to happen. I’ll try not to anyway.

  “I have something for you, Jade. Something that reminded me of you.” he tells me. “Wait here.”

  I nervously wait as I hear Madden rustling around in his bag. When he returns, he’s holding a black box. He smiles as he hands it to me. Inside is a silver necklace with a sapphire diamond pendant.

  “Madden, I can’t…” I start.

  “You can. I want you to have it, Jade, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  I lean in and kiss him again, this time letting the kiss linger. He pulls me to his body with intense need and I slip his tuxedo jacket off of his broad shoulders. His erection pressing into me as we move seamlessly toward the king size bed.

  The back of my legs touches the bed as my fingers work on the buttons of his dress shirt. Finally, I reach the last one and untuck the shirt from his pants. I slip the shirt off and let my fingers graze the hardness of his strong pecs and down his ripped abs.

  Did you know she ran away and lived on the streets? What do you think she did to survive, Madden? Don’t think for one second she didn’t spread her legs when she needed to!

  Stanton’s words echo in my head as I feel Madden’s lips on my neck. I let out a needy whi
mper as his hand travels to the zipper on my dress. He slowly releases me from the dress I bought with Amelia. With his credit card. His father’s money.

  If you don’t come home, my money is no longer your money. Your trust fund has you and your future family set for life and you want to throw it all away for a cheap piece of ass!

  The dress falls to the ground and I step out of it, begging my mind to turn off. He undoes the clasp on my strapless bra and tosses it to the side. His body leaves mine for a moment as he admires me, “You’re so beautiful, Jade. I can’t get enough of you.”

  I gasp when he takes my hardened nipple into his mouth, running his tongue over it and driving me wild. My hands drop to unfasten his pants. I just want him inside of me. I want to be with him and not think.

  I run my hand over the bulge, covered by his boxer briefs and he groans. I push them down and he reciprocates by sliding my panties off before laying me down on the bed.

  I’ve been planning ahead for you and your brothers for your entire lives and most of mine. I worked hard to provide for my family and you just want to throw everything I’ve prepared for you away. All for some woman who doesn’t deserve you.

  The words sting, but then Madden’s eyes lock with mine as he holds my face in his hands, supporting himself on his elbows as he lies on top of me, “Jade, are you here with me?”

  I nod and kiss his lips softly, “Yes.”

  He smiles as he slowly sinks into me. We both moan with pleasure as he moves slowly, not rushing. Is that because he thinks we have all the time in the world or because it’s the last time?

  I move my hips with his, pushing that thought out of my head. Just living in the moment with him. His lips trail down my neck and to my breasts. I moan and arch my back, pushing them forward to his eager, sweet mouth. His hand moves down to massage my clit and I know it won’t take long, “Come with me, baby.”

  I love that he insists on taking care of me first. He’s not selfish. Would he give everything up for me? Just because that is the type of man he is?

  Those thoughts melt away as an intense orgasm racks my body and Madden’s soon follows. My name falls from his lips and I cling on to him.

  Hoping this isn’t the last night we have together.

  Chapter 36


  I reach across the bed to find it empty. Again. The past few days Jade has stayed with me, but I’ve woken up to find her side of the bed cold and empty. I know she’s not a morning person. Not even close.

  Since the wedding, she’s been different. I can’t quite describe it. I don’t know how someone can be distant, but close at the same time. How I can be inside her and feel her passion for me, yet feel like she’s a million miles away too?

  I swear, when we got back to Hollis, I heard her crying in the shower. When I came in and asked if she was okay, she promised me she was. She even asked me to join her.

  Now her side of the bed is empty again.

  I get up and get dressed for work. As I head out the door, my phone rings. Now that it’s no secret where I am, I see no reason in keeping my phone turned off.

  “You’re calling early, Landon.” I answer.

  “With good reason.” he responds. “Do you remember the Wexler account?”

  “You did not call me at 6:30 in the morning to talk business.” I deadpan as I climb in my truck.

  “Actually, I did. They’ve always dealt with either you or Keegan in the past. As you know, Keegan’s gone on his honeymoon. They’re threatening to close their account if they don’t speak to one of you by tomorrow.”

  “But they’re one of our key accounts.” I complain. “They’ve been with the company for twenty years.”

  “Can you make a trip to Dallas?” he asks. “I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important.”

  “Shit, it’s Wednesday. I don’t know if I can take off work. We’re halfway through a new job. Let me see what I can do and I’ll let you know.”

  I hang up and argue with myself on making the trip. It wasn’t like my father called and asked me to come. I know how important the Wexler account is to Steele Industries. It’ll take one meeting with me to keep their business.

  When I get to the job site, I immediately seek out Caleb. Since his break up with Casey, he’s been my least favorite person to talk to. He turns to me and stands with his arms crossed. His scruff has grown out to a goatee and his light brown hair is curling under the edge of his hard hat. His eyes are blood shot.

  “Is it possible for me to take tomorrow off? I have some business I need to take care of in Dallas.” I ask and see his jaw clench.

  “Take the rest of the week. I don’t give a fuck what you do, city boy.” he snarls.

  “And I still have a job?” I press.

  “Yes.” he snaps.

  I don’t push my luck. I get to work and even work a little late to prove that I appreciate him letting me off. I don’t plan on taking Friday off too though. I just need one day.

  When I get to Jack’s, I see Jade behind the bar. She’s having a hushed conversation with Casey, but after her ditching me this morning, I don’t mind interrupting. They both get quiet when I approach.

  I lean over the bar and Jade meets me halfway for a quick kiss. “I missed you this morning.” Instead of commenting, she starts mixing drinks for a couple at the end of the bar. “I have to go to Dallas tomorrow. Do you think you can come?”

  “I have to work.” she answers, quickly.

  “I thought you were off.”


  “I asked her to cover my shift.” Casey chimes in. “I have to go into Redbud and run some errands.”

  “Oh. I just have to help Landon with some work stuff. It won’t take me long.” I assure her. “Come to me after your shift?”

  She nods and I head to my apartment with a sick feeling in my gut. I shower and settle on my bed. I text Landon and let him know I’ll see him tomorrow. I turn my television on and channel surf until I find some re-runs of Criminal Minds.

  I wait on Jade, but she never shows up.

  When I wake up in the morning, I have a text from her apologizing. She didn’t feel well so she went home. I call and check on her while I’m on the road.

  “I just wasn’t feeling well, Madden. I didn’t want to bother you.” she says, her voice weak.

  “Baby, you would never bother me. I would’ve taken care of you.” I tell her. “I’ll check on you when I get back from Dallas.”

  A couple hours later, I enter the gates of Steele Industries. Walking through my father’s business feels strange. I feel welcome, but not at home. I know this business like the back of my hand, but I have no desire to work here. No passion for it.

  Landon on the other hand, is a natural at it. He thrives here. When I get to his office, he seems like he’s in his element.

  “Drayton Wexler is a prick.” he complains.

  “Yes, he is. What does he want this time?” I ask.

  “He just wants his quarterly report read. As if a fucking intern can’t do that for him.”

  “Keegan babies him too much. I’ll tell him he can communicate with you too. Maybe that’ll smooth the transition for him.” I offer.

  I walk down the hall to my office and turn my computer on. I take care of Drayton Wexler and while I’m there, I go ahead and handle my other accounts. I inform them I’m on leave and advise them to speak with Landon regarding their business. Despite not working here full time, I realize I still accumulated quite a few loyal accounts. Had I taken my place here right after graduation, I would’ve had my hands full.

  By the time I’m done, it’s nearly five o’clock. I hadn’t even realized I’d been there that long. I shut my computer down just as Landon peeks his head in my office.

  “You want to grab dinner?” he offers.

  “Let me call Jade first.” I’m disappointed when I get her voicemail, but assume the bar must be busy. I let her know I’m going to be back later than planned.

p; Landon and I choose one of our favorite steakhouses and once we’ve ordered, he starts grilling me.

  “So you’re not coming back to work at Steele Industries?” he asks and I shake my head no. “I’m not judging you, little brother, just surprised. Is this all for a piece of ass or because you really don’t want to work there?”

  “When I left Dallas, it was because of Amelia. Because I couldn’t have her. It really had nothing to do with not wanting to work for dad.” I answer.

  “So why are you not coming back? I mean, you’re over Amelia now.”

  “Yeah.” I laugh. “I could come back if I wanted to.”

  “That’s my point, Madden. Why aren’t you?” he prods.

  “I like Jade. I don’t want to work for dad.” I answer. “Simple.”

  “Simple? That’s bullshit, Madden. You don’t love Jade. You like her. Yet you’re willing to give up everything for her? And you don’t want to work for dad? That doesn’t mean you have to move away from your family. You can still live in Dallas. I don’t get it.”

  “Did dad put you up to this?” I ask.

  “No, he didn’t have to.” he states. “You have family here, Madden. Family who cares about you. I don’t understand why you’re willing to throw that all away. I like Jade. I like the two of you together, but Jade can be with you here in Dallas. You belong here.”

  “Maybe one day she will, but not today. Landon, you have to understand, I want to live my own life. Make my own decisions without dad hovering over me. Steele Industries is not my future.”

  “Fine.” he says.

  “Fine.” I repeat. We stare at each other for a moment and then he shakes his head, accepting that I’m not giving in. We eat and reminisce, talking about our childhood and what we miss the most.

  “You should stay in Dallas tonight. It’s late.” Landon offers. “You can stay at my house. No need to go to mom and dad’s.”

  I check the time and it’s half past nine already. I know Caleb gave me the rest of the week off, but I had no intention of taking it. Still, I’ve missed my brother.


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