Virgin Princess, Tycoon's Temptation

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Virgin Princess, Tycoon's Temptation Page 13

by Michelle Celmer

  “You’re probably right,” he agreed.

  Looking as though she were about to unwrap a Christmas gift, she took hold of the waistband of his boxers and eased them down. He lifted his hips to help and when she got them to his feet, he kicked them away.

  She made a soft sighing sound, as though she liked what she was seeing. For several seconds she just looked, then reached out and tentatively touched him.

  “It’s not going to bite,” he said.

  With a wry smile she repeated the question he’d asked only a few minutes ago. “Are you in some kind of hurry?”

  Yes and no.

  She wrapped her hand around him and squeezed, and Garrett inhaled sharply. Then she started stroking him and he was in ecstasy.

  “Is this right?” she asked.

  He groaned his approval and his eyes drifted shut.

  “I think I was wrong. This is my favorite part of your body.”

  In that case, he could think of several ways she could show her appreciation, the majority using her mouth. But he knew that would be pushing too far, too fast. It could be weeks, or even months before she was ready for that, or maybe never. Some women just didn’t get off on that sort of thing.

  No sooner had the thought formed when Louisa leaned over, the ends of her hair tickling his stomach. He thought, No way, not even possible. He felt her breath, warm and moist. Then, starting at the base of his erection, with the flat of her tongue, she licked him, moving slowly upward, and when she reached the tip, the sensation was so intense he jerked.

  Louisa lifted her head and shot him a curious look.

  In a gravelly voice he said, “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Should I stop?”

  “No!” he said, a bit too forcefully, then added in a much calmer tone, “Not if you don’t want to.”

  She answered him by doing it again, only this time when she reached the tip, she took him into her mouth. Garrett groaned and tangled his fingers through her hair.

  Granted, it took a few tries to get the angle and the rhythm right and she got him with her teeth a couple times, but that didn’t seem to matter because within minutes he was barely hanging on.

  “If you don’t stop, you’re going to get more than you bargained for,” he warned her, and either she didn’t know what he meant, or she didn’t care, because instead of stopping, she took him deeper in her mouth.

  So damned deep that he instantly lost it.

  If there was a world record for the fastest, most intense orgasm, Garrett was pretty sure he’d just broken it. When he opened his eyes, Louisa was still on her knees beside him, grinning.

  “I’ve read that there are women who don’t like doing that, but I can’t imagine why. I thought it was awesome.”

  He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer of thanks.

  “I’m sorry if I was a little awkward,” she said.

  He couldn’t believe she was apologizing. Watching Louisa take him in her mouth, knowing he was the first, just might have been the single most erotic experience of his adult life. Although he was sure that eventually she would manage to top that, too.

  “I guess there are some things you just can’t learn from a book,” she said thoughtfully. “Although I’m sure with practice I’ll get better.”

  He honestly didn’t think it could get much better, but he wasn’t going to argue. “Feel free to practice on me as often as you like.”

  “Like right now?” she said, an eager gleam in her eyes. He realized she was serious. She would do it again. Right here, right now. As tempted as he was to say yes, he could never be that selfish.

  The only thing he wanted right now was to make her feel good.


  “Let’s try something different instead,” Garrett told Louisa, and she was disappointed—right up until the instant he put his hand on her knee then slid it up her inner thigh.

  “Why don’t we switch places,” he suggested, so she took his spot against the pillow and he knelt beside her.

  He stroked her thighs, starting low, then moving higher each time, until he was barely grazing the edge of her panties with each pass.

  “Has anyone ever touched you like this before?” he asked.

  “Does it count if I had clothes on?”


  “Then I guess not.”

  “Then I guess no one ever did this, either.” He brushed his fingers against the crotch of her panties and it felt so good Louisa moaned and spread her thighs farther apart. She didn’t have to feel it to know that she was so wet, she’d soaked right through the lace.

  He slipped his fingers under the edge of her panties and Louisa shuddered. He looked up at her and asked, “You shave?”

  “Wax, actually.”


  She nodded. “I read that some men like that.”

  He grinned. “I think I’m going to need a better look before I form a definitive conclusion.”

  So they were going to play this game again. “Do what you must.”

  Still grinning he hooked his fingers under the edge and slowly pulled the panties down and off her feet, then he tossed them over his shoulder and across the room. Was he worried she might try to put them back on? He knelt between her legs, spreading her thighs apart—far apart—then he just looked at her, and as he did, he started getting hard again. It excited and thrilled her to know that he was turned on simply by looking at her.

  “Well?” she asked.

  He shrugged apologetically. “Still not sure.”

  His erection said otherwise, but okay, she would play along.

  “It might help if you touched me,” she said, keeping with the script.

  His smile turned feral and there was something wicked behind his eyes. “You’re right,” he conceded. “That would probably work.” He scooted closer, then, instead of using his hands, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against her bare mound. It was so not what she expected, so exciting, Louisa gasped and fisted the sheet. He had strayed from the script by totally reworking the touching scene.

  Garrett looked up at her, wearing a mischievous grin.

  “You cheated.”

  “Just keeping things exciting. Did you want me to stop?”

  She glared at him.

  He shrugged and said, “Just asking.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her again, then he licked her and she nearly vaulted off the bed.

  He shot her another look and opened his mouth to speak and she said, “Ask me if I want to stop and I’ll hurt you.”

  She could tell by his grin that she was right, and this time when he lowered his head, she tangled her fingers through his hair, just in case he got the idea that he would stop again.

  But this time he didn’t stop. He kissed and nibbled, teased her with his tongue, everywhere but the one place that needed to be kissed and nibbled and teased the most. He drove her to the point of mindless frustration, every muscle coiled so blasted tight she felt like a spring ready to snap.

  She shifted her hips, trying to align his mouth just right, but went left when he would go right, and he ended up on the complete opposite side from where he was supposed to be. He got fed up with all of her wiggling and used his weight to pin her against the mattress. She realized the only way to get her point across was to just come right out and tell him.

  She opened her mouth to give him a gentle pointer, when suddenly he found her center, and the word she’d been forming came out like a garbled moan. He took her into his mouth and the spring gave its final stretch then snapped like a dry twig, then it sparked and ignited, and burst into flames.

  Louisa was still gasping for breath when Garrett flopped down next to her on his side and said, “I’m sorry if I was a little awkward.”

  She laughed weakly and gave him a playful shove. “You’re making fun of me.”

  He smiled and pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen across her cheek. “Yep.”

sp; “What you really need is a geography lesson.”

  He frowned. “Geography of what?”

  “The female anatomy.”

  He looked confused, then he realized what she meant and laughed. “Is that what all that squirming was for?”

  “I was trying to help. You kept missing the target. Though for the life of me, I don’t know how. It’s right there in the middle.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that I might have been missing it for a reason?”

  “To do what? Torture me?”

  His grin said that was exactly what he was doing. “You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”

  She could, but it would be a lie.

  “I guess I see your point.” She rolled close and snuggled up against him, laying her head on his chest, touching him. She just couldn’t seem to get close enough, get enough of her hands on his skin. It just felt so…good. But she still wanted more.

  She used to hear girls talk about saving themselves for marriage, and a month or two later admit that they’d given in and slept with their boyfriend. She never got why they didn’t just wait. But now, for the first time in her life, she understood. All the kissing and touching and orgasms in the world wouldn’t satiate this yearning to be closer to him. To be connected in a way she never had been before.

  “I can hardly believe that I’m twenty-seven and I’ve never been in bed with a naked man before,” she said.

  “Well, technically, neither have I. But you don’t hear me bragging about it.”

  She laughed and tickled his ribs, making him squirm.

  He batted her hand away. “Don’t do that.”

  “Why, are you ticklish?”

  He frowned. “I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it might incriminate me.”

  She waited a minute or two, then did a sneak attack on his belly and he nearly jumped out of his skin. There was nothing more adorable than a big, tough man who was ticklish.

  His tone stern, he said, “Don’t, Louisa.”

  Two minutes ago didn’t he admit to deliberately torturing her? And he thought she would cut him any slack?

  She dove for his armpit, but he was too quick. He captured her wrists and rolled her onto her back, pinning her to the mattress with the weight of his body, and just like that, they were back in the position they had been in the other day, his erection cradled between her legs, only this time there were no clothes to get in the way. This time it was just skin against skin.

  Just like before they both went completely still and Garrett got that what-have-I-done look.

  “If it happens, it happens,” she reminded him, but they both seemed to realize that, ready or not, it was happening.

  In an odd way, she sort of felt as if she was the veteran and he was the virgin, which certainly put an interesting spin on things.

  She pulled free of his grasp, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. For a while that was all they did…kissed and touched, and it was really…sweet. But she didn’t want sweet. She wanted sexy and crazy and out of control. Grinding and thrusting and writhing in ecstasy. She was aching for it. But every time she tried to move things along, he shut her down. If she tried to touch his erection, he would intercept her hand and put it on his chest instead. If she tried to kiss his throat or nibble his ear, he would duck out of the way. It was almost as if, the instant he realized where this was going, he’d switched off emotionally. Now she was feeling more frustrated than aroused.

  She slipped her hand down from his shoulder, and when she hit the fleshy part just below his underarm, she gave it a good, hard pinch.

  “Ow!” He jerked his arm away and looked at the red mark she’d created. “What was that for?”

  “I thought you might enjoy actually feeling something.”

  His expression softened. “Louisa, what are you talking about? Of course I feel something.”

  She shrugged. “I couldn’t tell.”

  “I’m just taking it slow.”

  “I noticed.” At the rate he was going, she would be eighty before they finally made love. “I have an idea. Let’s pretend I’m not a virgin. Make love to me like you would if this wasn’t my first time.”

  “But it is, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Maybe I want you to hurt me. I’d rather feel pain than feel nothing!”

  Anger sparked in his eyes and she thought, good, at least he’s feeling something. Now that she had her foot in the door, rather than back down, she stoked the fire.

  “Do you even want this, Garrett?”

  “You know that I do,” he growled.

  “Then bloody well act like it or stop wasting my time!”

  Garrett stared down at Louisa, his temper blazing, unable to believe what he’d just heard her say. What had happened to his sweet, innocent princess?

  Good riddance to her, he thought. He liked this Louisa better anyway. She had spunk and passion. This Louisa, the one who was now unflinchingly meeting his eye, unwilling to back down until he realized what an ass he was being, would never bore him.

  She was right, he was trying like hell not to feel this, because he knew deep down that once he made love to her, once he accepted the gift that she offered with no question or reserve, every one of his defenses would crumble. He might be taking her virginity, but in exchange she would be taking from him something even more remarkable. The love in a heart he believed he had locked away for good.

  If passion was what she wanted, that’s what he would give her.

  He wrapped a hand under the back of her neck, lifted her head right off the pillow and crushed his lips to hers. If he startled her, she didn’t let it show. She moaned against his lips and wrapped herself around him, pressing her body to his.

  Everything they had done up to now, all the kissing and touching, had been child’s play. Right here, right now, this was the real thing. He held nothing back, and neither did she. Her ability to give herself so freely, with no shame or hesitation, never ceased to amaze him.

  Her body language said she was more than ready, and he could only endure so much of her writhing around underneath him. He was considering warning her first, so she could prepare herself before he took the plunge, but he never got the chance. He rocked against her and as he did, she arched up, by some fluke of nature creating the perfect angle, and the next thing he knew, he was inside her.

  Louisa’s eyes went wide and she gasped softly, her mouth forming a perfect O, and he imagined he was wearing a similar expression.

  “Did you mean to do that?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “It just…happened.”

  Was it fate? She had talked about that often during their phone conversations while she was in London, how she used to believe in it, but now she wasn’t so sure. He never believed in things like fate and Karma, but the ease of their bodies coming together in what seemed to be perfect sync, could that really be an accident? Everything about their relationship seemed somehow… predisposed.

  “You’re all the way in, right?” Louisa asked.

  “As far as I can go.” And she was tight. Tight and wet and warm. And wonderful.

  She blinked, looking adorably confused, and asked, “When is it going to hurt?”

  “Actually, if it was going to, I think it would have already.” Now can we please get on with it? “But it’s supposed to,” she insisted.

  Well, that had to be a first, a virgin who wanted sex to hurt.

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” he said.

  She opened her mouth to say something, and before she got a word out, he covered her lips with his and kissed her. Not so easy for her to talk with his tongue in her mouth.

  He started to move inside her, slow and easy, savoring the sensation of slippery walls hugging him so tightly, knowing that at this rate he would be lucky to last five minutes.

  Louisa sighed against his lips, tunneled her fingers through his hair, looking as though she was in pure ecstasy. It took all of his concent
ration, and a little extra he didn’t even know he had, to keep up the slow, steady pace.

  Louisa pushed at his chest, saying, “I want to see.”

  He leaned back and braced himself up on his arms, increasing the friction and giving all new meaning to the word torture. He could barely watch as Louisa rose up on her elbows, spreading her legs wide so to gaze at the place where their bodies were joined.

  “That’s us,” she whispered, her face flushed, her eyes glazed and full of wonder. “You’re inside me, Garrett.”

  If she was going to give him a play-by-play, he wouldn’t last five seconds. He was barely hanging on as it was, then Louisa’s head rolled back and her body began to tremble with release, clamping down around him, squeezing and contracting until he lost it, too, riding out the crest of the wave with her.

  Louisa was no longer a virgin.

  She always thought that afterward she would feel different somehow, that anyone who looked at her would just know. But as she and Garrett lay wrapped around each other, arms and legs entwined, she didn’t really feel any different. There was something else she didn’t feel, either. Regret.

  Wait a minute…had they…?


  “Hmm,” he mumbled sleepily.

  “Did we…forget something?” she asked. “When we made love?”

  “If we did, it’s going to have to wait, because I need to sleep for a while.”

  “Garrett, did we use birth control?”

  He was quiet for a minute, like he was scanning the memory banks, then he mumbled a curse.

  She cringed. “Should I take that as a no?”

  “Maybe I was thinking you had it covered, or maybe I just wasn’t thinking. I don’t know.”

  “My period is due any second, so odds are that I’m not fertile, but there’s no guarantee.”

  He nodded and yawned. “Okay.”

  She untangled herself from him and sat up. “You’re not worried?”

  He pried one eye open and peered up at her. “Didn’t you just tell me not to be?”

  “I also said there’s no guarantee.”

  He shrugged. “So we’ll wait and see.”

  “That’s it?”


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