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Summer's Wicked Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Rhea Regale

  “Love you, Summer. I love you.”

  Summer nodded once, finally lowering her eyes from these two men. The man who claimed her soul still loved her, but he had a thing for her current boyfriend.

  She needed to wrap her mind around everything. She could live with Carter leaving because he was responsible for his father’s death. Rylan was a stickler for the law, and upholding the law, even if it came down to family. If he didn’t think Carter was guilty after seeing what happened with his own eyes, she could bury that past and move on. But learning this new factor left her uncertain. Would she lose them both now that they had each other again?

  “I–I can’t do this,” she whispered. Her poor beaten and battered heart couldn’t take losing Carter and Braden. She’d close up shop and skip town by sunrise. Everything in Ryder brought back stark burning memories, involving one or the other.

  Carter leaned forward and lifted her chin with a crooked finger, the rough pad of his thumb brushing over her bottom lip in a tender motion he often doted on her. Right before he kisses me. She wanted to turn her face down. Shame and hurt pummeled her mercilessly. She had been so damn foolish all this time. Braden’s sudden change in demeanor made perfect sense now. Carter’s betrayal cut so deep with them both that she never, for a moment, thought that perhaps Braden’s heart had been involved.

  “Can’t do what, angel?” Carter asked quietly. When she met his eyes, her chin quivered. God, why must he show so much emotion in those beautiful blues?

  Summer stifled the sob that lodged in her throat. She scooted back and climbed to her unsteady legs. Carter was quick to his feet, Braden a second behind him.

  “I need to go,” she said, her voice shaking. Her eyes darted to Braden and she shook her head before she spun and dashed for the door.

  A piercing shatter filled the dense living room, followed by a thump. Summer shrieked. Steel and heat folded around her, forcing her to the ground. Another shatter came, another thump.

  “Get her upstairs. I’ll be right back,” she heard Carter say sharply. The cocoon vanished from her. Braden quickly pulled her into his body, scooping her into his arms, and hustled her from the room. She clung to him, her face buried in his neck. She could feel his rapid-paced pulse, listened to his hard breathing as he hurried them up the stairs.

  Braden lowered her onto a bed and cupped her face in his hands. He held her eyes for a brief moment. “Don’t leave here. I’m gonna make sure he’s okay.”

  He pressed a quick kiss to her mouth and disappeared from the room. Summer lifted her fingertips to her lips, her flesh still burning from his chaste kiss. Those lips that had loved her, her body, for years, had also loved Carter.

  “I get one back and now I’m gonna lose them both.” She let out a ragged breath and dropped her face into her hands. “My God, what am I gonna do?”

  * * * *

  Carter shoved the flooding images of the last attack on the outpost from his mind and ran from the house. On this overcast night, the only light that helped him see came from the broken windows in the living room, and dim lights from the buildings half a mile down his driveway. Shadows stretched and danced, and the powerful onslaught of anxiety that often accompanied him while entering an unknown zone on a mission overseas threatened to take control. His fingers itched for a gun. He felt so vulnerable without his gear. Each shadow that moved demanded his attention.

  Keeping close to the porch, hovering in his own dark shadows, he slinked along the perimeter of his house, pausing to listen every few steps, and scan the grounds. The recent snow had leveled much of the overgrown grass, but the brush and trees provided plenty of cover for his assailant.

  Fuck, I need a gun.

  He hunched down close to the ground and hurried to the nearest tree. His palms grew damp, his forehead hot against the cold winter evening. He licked his lips, suddenly dry, and tried to calm his breathing to a steady tempo, one that would hopefully aid his heart into a slower rhythm.

  “Get a hold of yourself, Carter,” he scolded quietly, closing his eyes for a split second to ground his whirling thoughts.

  He rolled slightly, leaning around the tree. Peering down the length of his property, he could see nothing that called his immediate attention. The bare branches of the cottonwoods and oaks creaked. No shadows seemed out of place.

  An unnatural noise from behind him had him jerking around and narrowing his eyes. He lowered himself to his haunches and cocked his head, listening. Another sound, more like hinges resisting movement. Carter hustled to the side of the house, keeping low to the ground. He crept quickly along, not willing to chance Summer or Braden’s safety. He had no idea who would attack his home or what the motive could possibly be, which meant anything was possible.

  He reached the back deck and paused at the edge. The hard ground crunched under weight of someone stalking around the back of the house. He stole a quick glance around the corner, caught movement in the form of a dusky shadow. With a deep breath, he rolled off the deck and ducked low.

  “Don’t move.”

  The sharp command brought him up short of lunging at the shadow. Carter groaned, straightening up and knocking the barrel of the rifle off its target.

  “Fuck, Bray. I told you to bring Summer upstairs. That meant stay there, too,” Carter said. He knocked the rifle again. “You’re lucky I wasn’t armed. I would’ve shot you between your eyes.”

  Braden lowered the gun to his side. Carter could almost feel the tension drip away from his lover, although it rode high in his muscles.

  “See anythin’?” Braden asked.

  “Nothing.” He dove his hands into Braden’s hair and pulled him in for a rough, hungry kiss, then released him. Heading up the back stairs, he said, “Gotta see what the damage is, what I’m gonna be boarding up tonight and fixing tomorrow. I want to see Summer.”

  Carter paused in the living room long enough to pick up the brick that had been thrown through the window. He tore off the piece of paper wrapped around it and read it silently as he hurried up the stairs.

  Give me what is rightfully mine or you’ll pay dearly.

  “Rightfully yours? Pretty generic threat,” he muttered, crumpling the paper and pitching it away. As he reached the landing to the second floor, he caught Braden nudging shards of glass around the floor with the toe of his boot. “Coming?”

  “Be right up.”

  Carter didn’t bother knocking on his bedroom door. When he slipped into the room, he caught Summer standing by his old corkboard, her fingers tracing over the collage of pictures she had created for him.

  She turned, her cheeks such a lovely shade of rose. Her eyes remained floor-bound. She jammed her hands deep into the pockets of her coat and hugged the bulky piece of clothing tight to her body. Everything about her in this moment warned him she was reserved and possibly closed down.

  “I don’t know why it surprised me to see this,” she said, the sexy husk of her voice near inaudible. “Then again, it doesn’t look like you’ve moved up this way since your return.”

  “Actually, I cleaned this room earlier today.” Carter moved closer to her, noting the way she scuffed her boot on the carpet. “I love the pictures. Why would I take them down?”

  “You and Braden.”

  He closed the distance between them, not caring how she responded. He needed to make one thing very clear to his precious woman.

  “Look at me,” he cooed, sliding his fingers along her cheek and fitting her chin against his palm. He tipped her face up. Christ, seeing those beautiful amber-brown eyes misted and lined with red wrenched his heart. “Summer, do you still love me?”

  “I don’t—”

  “No excuses. Tell me the truth.”

  She sighed. He could see the struggle to keep her gaze locked with his. “Yes, Carter. I love you. I’ve never stopped.”

  “Do you love Bray?”

  Summer wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “I’m so messed up.”

answer me.”

  “Yes, I love Braden, too, and it’s all wrong.”

  “What’s wrong? That you love two men? That those two men love you? That those men love each other?”

  He snaked his arms around her waist and drew her against him. He angled Summer’s back to the door as Braden paused in the doorway. With a quick glance, Braden gave him a slight nod.

  Dipping his head, lowering his mouth to the tender spot just below her ear, he whispered, “I came back for you. For Bray. I left for the same reasons. I give you my word, love, that I will not leave you again. If you will take me back, give me one more chance to prove everything to you, I will not leave.” He flicked out his tongue and traced the prominent muscle leading down to her shoulder. She moaned quietly, her head dropping to the side. “Bray has loved you well in my absence, but I still know how to love you best.” He scraped his teeth along her muscle, sliding his hand up along the curve of her spine. “We can make this work. The three of us.”

  Carter raised his eyes to Braden, who had taken a casual stance leaning against the doorframe. He lifted a piece of crumpled white paper from his side, dangling the roughed up sheet between two fingers. With an inward sigh, Carter straightened up and cradled the side of Summer’s face in his palm. The feel of her silky skin battled the little control he had in her presence. His cock throbbed, tormenting him in his decision to let her walk away tonight.

  When she opened her eyes, the dusty amber hazily swam in a chocolaty pool of surfacing emotions. Her walls were crumbling, her will stepping aside to allow her heart to make a final decision. He traced her plump bottom lip with his thumb and leaned down, unable to resist savoring the taste of her mouth. The lingering hint of beer mixed with sweetness triggered a flood of memories from a time passed. Her fingers rested lightly against his chest, tentative, wanting, but still uncertain as she met each full, slow sweep of his tongue with an electric slide of her own.

  Carter dropped his hand from her back and molded his fingers around the fine globe of her ass, giving her a gentle squeeze. Braden cleared his throat. Summer spun around, her shoulders stiffening, a look of sheer horror on her face. Carter couldn’t suppress the smile that crept over his mouth as her cheeks turned a deep shade of rose.

  “How–how long—”

  Braden waved her concern away and chuckled. “I’ve been watchin’ from the start.”

  His gaze lifted to Carter, his expression cut with an underlying predatory edge. A small smirk curled the corners of his mouth. Summer ducked her head in an attempt to hide the motion of wiping her lips.

  “I’ve always known you still love the fuckin’ bastard, even after he left us both in the dust. Ain’t no secret here.” Braden jutted his chin toward Carter. “Ain’t no point in the secret any longer, especially if you’re considerin’ what Carter suggested.”

  “You two are perfectly fine with this?” Summer asked. She turned to Carter. “Seriously?”

  “I’m perfectly fine with the suggestion, if you are,” Carter assured. Summer spun to face Braden.

  “And you?”

  “Baby, I’m all about it.” He held out his hand for her. Carter gave her a light nudge against her lower back and she finally moved toward Braden. If she didn’t leave soon, he’d make sure she didn’t leave for the rest of the night. “Why don’t the three of us go out tomorrow night where we can discuss things, hmm?”

  “I’m backlogged at the shop,” Summer said.

  “With two of us workin’ the horses, we’ll be done early. We’ll come by and give you a hand.” Braden tucked her under his arm and placed his own kiss against her mouth. Carter licked his lips, drinking in Summer’s warm flavor, his blood sizzling with desire. “Head down. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Summer started toward the stairs, pausing for a brief moment with her hand on the wall to look back at Carter. He pressed a single finger to his lips—a small motion he and Summer shared whenever they parted ways—and was pleasantly surprised when she returned the gesture before hurrying down the stairs.

  Braden closed the space between them and handed him the piece of paper. Before Carter could read the scratched writing, Braden grabbed his hard cock through his jeans and gave him a taunting squeeze.

  “Remember, she’s still mine.” Braden combed his fingers through Carter’s hair and gave Carter’s head a sharp tug, exposing his throat. Braden’s warm lips skated up his neck, burning a path in his wake. Those same sinful lips slid over his chin, pressing a moist kiss to his unshaven flesh. His cock twitched in Braden’s hold, and the chuckle his lover released was evidence enough he felt it. “Tomorrow night, we’ll be havin’ some fun, but you ain’t runnin’ the show. Got that?”

  “Neither one of us run the show when it comes to Summer,” Carter said quietly. Braden lifted his head, his fingers loosening in his hair. The mischief swimming in his eyes was a dangerous fuel to the fire licking along his veins. “Tomorrow we’ll be having fun, but you and I both will be at the mercy of the angel downstairs. She’s in control, even when she gives us that control.”

  A subtle smile teased Braden’s mouth, then he turned and followed in Summer’s footsteps. Carter waited until he heard the front door close, a promise that his raging hunger for Summer would not be quenched tonight, before turning the battered paper over and reading the scribble.

  I know your secret, Carter. Half of your father’s assets or I’ll make sure you and your ex-lovers are ruined in this town for good.

  Carter growled, turning the paper over. A fucking empty threat from some money-seeking ass thinking he had an open opportunity to make an easy buck.

  “You’ve got another thing coming.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Braden and Carter.

  Summer shook the thoughts from her mind and grabbed the container of white calla lilies and pink roses from the cooler. Katie grappled for the door as Summer struggled to toe it open. Relieving her of one container, Katie followed at her heels until they reached her workbench.

  “You haven’t answered my question,” Katie said, dropping her container on the table. Summer rounded to her bench and glanced over the order again.

  “Would you bring me the baby’s breath, Katie?” Summer asked, deliberately ignoring the younger woman’s inquire. Katie snatched the container of the small white sprays and placed it on the table. She plopped down on the bench beside Summer and rapped her fingers on the wooden table top.

  “There’s talk Carter Ryder’s back in town and yesterday you went off with a Carter. Momma told me you and Carter were once the perfect picture of love in Ryder. So, was that the Carter Ryder ‘cause he’s fuckin’ gorgeous and you’re one lucky lady.”

  “Katie, that foul language has no place on that pretty mouth on yours,” Summer scolded lightly. She drew out five roses and cut the stems for the corsages.

  “You ain’t answerin’ my question. How can you keep this from me?”

  Summer bit back a laugh as Katie bounced on the bench. Her brow wrinkled so deep her skin paled around the crease. She chewed her lower lip like a nervous kid and yanked out a bunch of baby’s breath.

  “C’mon Summer. I’ve been with you from the start here. Why can’t you tell me?”

  “You’re whinin’, Katie.” Summer lifted a brow when Katie pushed out her lower lip in a pout. “Yes, he was Carter Ryder.”

  Katie screeched, smacking both hands on the tabletop and rattling the container. Summer winced, the girl’s high pitch response leaving her ears ringing.

  “I knew it! He was too damn hot not to be one of those Casanovas.” She leaned close to Summer, her eyes wide and glittering with new life. “Heidi said the boys on the ranch were whisperin’ about Carter bein’ back last night. I never really saw him ‘cause I was younger and my momma wouldn’t let me traipse around where he was.” Katie’s lips pursed. “Or any Ryder for that matter. Always said Ryders were bad news. What are you gonna do about Braden? He sent me home yesterday. What happened when you go
t back?”

  Summer narrowed her eyes, trying to comb through the roll of questions Katie unraveled on her in a single breath. That’s what it felt like anyhow. She laughed softly and started laying out the flowers for each corsage.

  “Nothin’ happened when I got back. I don’t think you need to concern yourself with Braden or Carter,” Summer said, ignoring the flutter in her chest at the very mention of the two together.

  Katie took the first bundle of flowers and wove wire around the bottom of the stems. “If you’re gonna be like that, I’ll get the information from Heidi.”

  “Oh no you won’t.” Summer cocked her head and pointed a finger at the younger woman. Katie met her gaze, lips pursed and brows raised in a I’ll-get-my-way look, right down to a slight motion of her head from side to side. “You ain’t gettin’ any information from that woman.”

  “If you ain’t gonna share the scoop, I’ll go to someone who will.” Katie smirked. “You know, if you and Carter get back together, you’ll be Heidi’s best friend’s sister-in-law. You ought to like her.”

  “I never said I didn’t like her. I’m sayin’ you’re not gonna be nosin’ around tryin’ to get information that may or may not be correct.” Summer groaned, trying to suppress a smile. “If you want to know somethin’, ask me.”

  “I did. You ain’t givin’ answers.”

  “That’s because there are no answers. The questions are irrelevant. Everythin’ is the same—”

  The doorbell jingled overhead. Summer looked toward her customer and her blood immediately went from room temperature to sunspot hot. That rapid flutter in her chest became an all-out mass of flapping bird wings.

  “Hiya, Carter. Nice to see you again,” Katie greeted. Her exaggerated enthusiasm brought a curl to his kissable mouth. Summer looked away, steadying her sudden off-tempo breaths. Even her fingers had begun to tremble. He can still do it to me. Carter was Carter and no one, not even Braden, could make her react the way Carter could.


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