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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 52

by Michelle Love

  Sailor grinned at him. “Spoilsport. But I would have met her by osmosis, been in the same room of some of her friends.”


  “You know it.” She giggled as he kissed her.

  At the airy and minimalistic offices, they were shown to the boardroom, and soon after, a smiling blonde woman came in, casually but expensively dressed in designer jeans and a gorgeous lilac top. She shook both their hands and introduced herself as Emily Moore to Sailor. “Bodhi has already raved about you,” she said, sitting down, “so this will be a piece of cake.”

  Sailor smiled at her. “I hope so…I’ve already told him Quartet is the best home for his music…but what do I know?”

  Bodhi chuckled. “She’s madly in love with Bay, so ignore her. She’s biased.”

  Emily laughed. “Well, Bay has that effect…and actually, you’re in luck. She’s in town at the moment, so if you’re both free for dinner tonight?”

  Sailor thought she might faint and Bodhi laughed. “We can be. Tim’s staying over at a friend’s tonight.”

  “Then it’s settled. Now, Dash is unfortunately tied up with another artist today, but Roman will be along to sweeten the deal in a while. Shall we start?”

  After a morning of discussing contracts and recording sessions, Sailor’s energy was high. Even though she knew so little, just listening to the passion with which Bodhi talked about music, and hearing the ways the company could benefit from Bodhi’s talent and input got her blood pumping. Music had been her saving grace in the cult, her only way of escape, until she actually did escape, and it would always be a guiding force, but until now, she never dreamed she would actually be involved in the industry, especially as Bodhi’s assistant.

  Roman Ford joined them, eventually, and Sailor liked him immediately. He was a quiet, serious man, but when he smiled, she could see into his personality. She knew he was in a relationship with Kym Clayton, another member of the 9th and Pine and listened with interest when he spoke about the band and the company to Bodhi.

  “We absolutely are a family business here, Bodhi, we don’t take on anyone we don’t find to fit with our aesthetic. On the other hand, when we do spot that in an artist, we pursue them aggressively…as you’ve probably noticed from this one.” He nodded his head towards Emily who grinned, unrepentant. Bodhi laughed.

  “I had an inkling. Listen, I’ve been with Sony since the beginning, and I’m nothing if not loyal, but both they and I know it’s the end of our story together. I’ve not felt so motivated by a company’s attitude toward my work as I have today. I’m in if you’ll take me.”

  Roman smiled. “Good. Now, I hear you’re joining us for dinner tonight?”

  Bodhi nodded, looking to Sailor who smiled broadly. “Absolutely. Hey, you know if we can get a hotel room around here on short notice?”

  Emily nodded. “It’s no problem.” She hesitated. “One or two rooms?”

  Sailor flushed bright red, and Bodhi smiled. “If the press asks…two. Between us, we’ll only need the one.”

  Emily’s smile was soft. “Gotcha.” She squeezed Sailor’s hand and then got up. “We’ll get that arranged right now so you can go rest up before dinner.”

  Sailor was suddenly panicked. “I don’t have any clothes or toiletries or spare under…” She trailed off, blushing furiously as Roman, trying to not grin, cleared his throat.

  Bodhi put his arm around her. “Sweetheart, we can go shopping, don’t worry about it.”

  Two hours later, in the penthouse suite of their hotel, Sailor groaned. “I looked like such a hillbilly.”

  Bodhi was grinning as he dumped their shopping bags on the bed. “You did not…it was adorable.”

  She groaned, and he pulled her into his arms. “Sailor…they loved you. I think they liked you better than they liked me. I know I do.”

  She chuckled. “You’re just saying that.”

  “Uh-uh.” He shook his head then covered her mouth with his. “And now, I get to do this…”

  He slid his hand under her t-shirt and stroked her belly, and she sighed, putting her hand down to cup his cock through his pants. “You’re so hard.”

  Bodhi grinned, his lips curving up against hers. “I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day, your sweet, tight little cunt enveloping my cock, the way your beautiful face blushes that gorgeous pink when you cum…”

  Sailor moaned, her heart beating overtime. “Fuck me against the wall, Bodhi, take me hard…”

  “What have I turned you into?” he sighed in mock seriousness, but made her giggle as he pressed her against the wall and hiked her skirt up to her hips. “And now that we have a good supply of new underwear…” He yanked her panties hard, and she gasped as they tore from her and he dropped to his knees and buried his face in her sex. “God, you taste good.”

  He brought her to an orgasm before plunging his cock deep inside her and fucking her hard against the wall, his groans almost growl-like in his need to have her. Sailor bit down on his shoulder, driven completely wild by him. How had she stayed a virgin so long? But tonight, now, she was so desperately glad she had. She would never want more than this, this gorgeous man. She felt him cum, shooting deep inside her and kissed him fiercely.

  He carried her, her legs still wrapped around his waist and laid her on the bed, obviously admiring her body.

  He made her feel like the sexiest, most desirable woman in the world and she stretched her body out so he could enjoy her breasts moving, her belly, her legs. In turn, she let her eyes roam over his solid body, the hard pecs, the strong arms. His dark curls were messy, he had an inch of beard, and his big green eyes with their long, thick lashes met hers. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. She spread her legs slowly, and he grinned, dropping onto the bed, his arms either side of her head.

  “Don’t ever move from this place,” he said softly, “You’re perfect.”

  God, she wanted to tell him that she was in love with him, but it was way, way too soon for that. But it was true. She knew it bone-deep. She was in love with Bodhi Creed.

  Sailor nearly keeled over as Bay Tambe, obviously very pregnant, but radiant with beauty, hugged her. “It’s so good to meet you,” the other woman told her and grinned. “Here, sit next to me, I think Tomas is getting tired of me.”

  Tomas Meir, another one of Quartet’s CEO’s, and Bay’s husband rolled his eyes. “Yup, I often get tired of you, Bubba. That’s how you got in that condition.” He grinned at his wife and sat on her other side, his hand stroking her back. Sailor smiled, a little nervous. Bay Tambe was a superstar now, the lead singer of the 9th and Pine, but as the meal progressed, she couldn’t be more down to earth. Sailor was even more in love by the time Bay excused herself to go to the bathroom.

  “She looks so well,” Bodhi said to Tomas, who smiled, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Dash, Emily’s boyfriend, a very pretty young man frowned. “What is it, Tom?”

  Tim sighed, and Sailor suddenly noticed the strain on his face. “Stu Lawson just escaped from prison today.”

  Emily gave a distressed gasp. “God, no…how the hell did that happen?”

  Tomas nodded, his eyes heavy. “The police won’t tell me anymore details than that. They’ve kept it out of the press for their own reasons… and I haven’t told Bay, yet.”

  Sailor didn’t know what they were talking about. She looked at Bodhi, who gave her a slight shake of his head and bent his head to whisper in her ear. “I’ll tell you later.”

  Emily was speaking to Tom. “Did you ever tell her about the letters?”

  Tom shook his head, then looked up and smiled as Bay came back to the table. She seemed to notice the change in atmosphere. “What’s up?”

  Tom grinned. “Nothing, it’s just we missed you.”

  Bay laughed, and Dash pretended to gag. Bay swatted his head, but seemed satisfied with Tom’s answer. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, and Sailor saw the love in his eyes.

t was the same way Bodhi looked at her. God, am I projecting? Is it because I so desperately want him to love me? She felt Bodhi’s hand close around hers.

  As they left the restaurant, Bay took Sailor’s cell phone and programmed her own number in. “Call me, anytime, Sailor. I mean it.”

  Back at the hotel, Bodhi poured them both some champagne. “A few years ago, when the band had first signed to Quartet, they had a manager called Stu Lawson. He was Kym’s boyfriend at the time, and he was abusive…he beat her, constantly. He and Bay always had a fractious relationship. Long story short, Kym left him, Bay fired him…and Stu shot Bay three times and left her for dead. He abducted and almost killed Kym too. Bay nearly didn’t make it.”

  Sailor was shocked to her core. “God, I had no idea.”

  Bodhi half-smiled. “You really were sheltered, huh?”

  Sailor nodded. “We were only allowed certain news, and now I think about it…the only crime stories we were ever allowed to know about were the ones either committed by a woman (to show us how evil we were as a gender) or by men who said that the woman drove him to it.”

  Bodhi looked angry. “Jesus. Seriously, Sails, if I ever get my hands on Bart Foy…”

  She took his hand. “I don’t want to talk about him. Not after such a lovely day.”

  Bodhi leaned over and kissed her. “Good plan, it has been a great day…and it’s about to get better. Let’s take this champagne to bed.”

  Bodhi took a swig of champagne, then holding it in his mouth, he clamped his mouth on Sailor’s clit, feeling the bubbles fizz against her. Sailor gasped at the sensation, and Bodhi felt his cock respond, becoming almost painfully hard as he circled his tongue around her clit, his fingers digging hard into the flesh of her hips to keep her steady while he licked, and sucked and bit gently on the hardening bud. He was relentless, not letting her rest until she came, hard, screaming his name and as she was still coming, he thrust his cock deep inside her, pinning her hands to the bed above her head, his eyes intense on hers as they fucked.

  “You are my world, Sailor, my world…” He meant every word too, and when he came, and she was almost crying from multiple orgasms, he gathered her to him and kissed her tenderly.

  When she had finally fallen asleep in his arms, Bodhi Creed made a decision. He thought about how Tom had looked in the restaurant, telling them that his lover’s life may once again be in danger. It was how he had felt when Sailor told him that if Bart Foy found her, she would be a dead woman.

  That wasn’t going to happen.

  Because if they ever came near Sailor again, Bodhi Creed was going to take Bart Foy and The Children of Love down.

  Tim squinted at Sailor as she sat at the edge of the pool, a stack of paperwork and her laptop beside her. “Sails, when are you going to stop working and come play with us?”

  Sailor grinned at him. Bodhi was trying to teach Tim to swim, but, apparently, they both found her way too distracting. “When I’m done, impatient boy. Boys,” she added, grinning at Tim’s father who was eyeing her lasciviously. “Timbo, when you can swim and entire length without your Dad holding your swim trunks, I’ll come in.”

  “A whole length? Come on,” Tim groaned, flopping backward in the water and pouting. It had been a month since their trip to San Francisco, and every day, as far as Sailor was concerned, her life got better. Tim and Bodhi were really bonding now, and since Bodhi had started teaching Tim to swim, in between fooling around, Tim was gaining confidence.

  Sailor was staying most nights at the guesthouse now, most of her stuff had naturally migrated over from the tiny studio apartment. Bodhi had asked, on one of his nightly visits to her bed, why she didn’t give up the apartment.

  Sailor had grinned and told him, “Because I like that I have the choice where to sleep. It means a lot to me.”

  And Bodhi got it, and never once tried to persuade her to give the studio up. Every minute they spent in bed, Sailor began to feel more feminine, more confident, Bodhi worshiped her body as if he couldn’t have any other woman in the world, when clearly, he could. It still blew Sailor’s mind.

  And she loved working for him, with him, she corrected, as Bodhi had insisted they were a partnership, not boss/employee. Getting more involved with organizing his next tour, not for a year or so or until Tim was completely settled, he’d insisted. Talking to Emily, and often, Bay, too, Sailor began to feel as if she were growing competent in his world too. She loved chatting with both women, and sometimes Tom, who would call out things when Bay had her on speaker phone, mostly making fun of his ‘huge’ wife. Bay was close to giving birth now with their third child. Bay and Tom’s twin daughters, Esme and Milly, were already five and causing their parent's hair to turn gray, Bay claimed, but Sailor could hear the love in her voice.

  Bay told her that she had some experience with rockstar parents, Kym’s mother and father were Charlie and Mac Clayton, who were huge in the Eighties and weren’t present for most of Kym’s childhood. It affected Kym’s confidence to a large degree, Bay told Sailor.

  “I sometimes think it was the reason she stayed with Stu for so long,” Bay told her, and Sailor was surprised that she was so open about the man who had tried to kill her.

  “Bodhi told me what happened. I’m so sorry, Bay.”

  Bay sighed, “It was a long time ago, Sails. I’m not saying I’ll ever forget it, but it’s behind me.”

  Sailor hesitated. “I have some experience with abusive men.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk about it?”

  And to her amazement, Sailor told Bay everything, about Tilly, about her mother, about Bart. Bay was shocked, and Sailor could hear how upset she was, even over the phone.

  “Oh god, Sails, I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you, but I only told you because…I want to be there for you if you ever need someone who knows, you know?”

  She heard Bay stifle a sob. “Forgive me, Sails, my hormones are making me emotional. Thank you, though, and I hope it goes without saying, the same goes for you. Anytime.”

  Sailor heard a young girl’s voice then, “Momma, why are you crying?”

  “Baby hormones, sweeties. Go find your sister, and I’ll make you a snack. Esme,” Bay said to Sailor, “Seriously that girl is the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes, never misses a trick. I’m hoping the snack will distract her from telling Tom I was crying. Always worked for me,” Bay chuckled, and Sailor was glad to hear her more cheerful.

  “Food is the way to go, always,” she agreed, and after they had said goodbye, she went into the kitchen to make Tim a snack for when he got home.

  More and more, she had fallen into the role of ‘mother’ and she found she liked it. Sometimes, she had to remind herself that she wasn’t his mom, that he had a real mom who still called him every week, still loved him. So, she had to be careful, but, god, she adored the kid, and he, in turn, clearly adored her.

  She heard Bodhi calling for her and went to find him. He was in the bedroom, trying to decide on a tie. Tonight was the first time he was on a ‘date’ with Soleil, an arts benefit in Hollywood, and now Sailor admired him in a suit.

  “God, you’re a handsome man,” she grinned up at him. “Go with the blue. It brings out the green in those eyes of yours.”

  He grinned at her and kissed her, picking up the blue tie. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay with Tim, alone here?”

  She helped him put on the tie. “Hell yes. We’re going to eat MSG and watch R-rated movies all night. Then we’ll play with your guitars at full volume, wake the neighbors.”

  Bodhi laughed. “You are a bad, bad girl.”

  Sailor started to sing Fiona Apple’s ‘Criminal.’ “I’ve been a bad, bad girl, I’ve been careless with a delicate man…”

  She danced around as he tried to grab her. Eventually, he got hold of her and kissed her. “And you can sing, dammit. How come you never told me?”

  She snorted. “Yeah, if I had a ton of auto-tune.�

  “No, seriously, sing some more for me.”

  Sailor stuck out her tongue and then sang ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ deliberately out of key. Bodhi laughed, shaking his head. “Well played. But we will be returning to this topic.”

  “Ha. You’d have to get me good and drunk before I sing for ya, big guy.”

  “So, you’re telling me,” Bodhi sat on the bed, “that you’ll let me fuck you in any way I want, but you won’t sing for me?”

  Sailor kissed him. “Yup. Talking of fucking…”

  “I have turned you into a nympho,” Bodhi said, but he was already unzipping his fly and pushing her panties aside. Sailor gasped as he plunged his cock into her.

  “Good god, Bodhi, you are always so hard, god, that’s good, that’s good…”

  Soleil hugged Sailor. “Now look, if you see photos of us kissing, just remember a) I’ll be pretending it’s you, and b) I’ll be throwing up almost immediately afterward.”

  Sailor laughed out loud as Bodhi rolled his eyes. “Stop hitting on my girlfriend, Solly.”

  Soleil grinned widely, and Sailor gave Bodhi a mock-severe look. “No, don’t stop hitting on his girlfriend, Solly.”

  She grabbed Soleil and landed a big kiss on her soft lips. Soleil was shocked at first then laughed. Bodhi groaned.

  “Now I have to go out…covering.” He gestured to his very obvious erection, pushing the fabric of his pants out, then hurriedly covering it as Tim came into the kitchen.

  “You’re right, Sailor, The Hills Have Eyes is on Netflix.” He said, nonchalantly then giggled when Bodhi’s eyes bugged out. “Chill, Dad, we’re just teasing you.”

  “You see what I have to put up with?” Bodhi said to Solly, who was cackling with laughter. “Come on, Sol, before these two drive me crazy.”


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