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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 51

by Michelle Love

  Tim nodded eagerly. “I have a backpack we can put food in. Maybe some cans of soda?” He looked hopefully at Bodhi, who limited his son’s sugary drinks. Bodhi laughed at the plaintive glance his son gave him.

  “Hey kiddo, we’re on vacation, anything goes.” He gave a secretive wink to Sailor who chuckled.

  hiked through the island’s thick forest, Bodhi watched his son and Sailor as they chatted effortlessly and explored the island’s flora and fauna. He chuckled as Sailor recoiled away from a tarantula that Tim, showed her without fear, picking it up and inspecting it.

  “He’s so fluffy,” Tim exclaimed, but Sailor grimaced.

  “And he’ll be fluffy right back where you found him too,” she said half-grinning, Tim put the spider back into the undergrowth. Sailor shuddered.

  “Arachnophobe, hey? I learn something new every day.” Bodhi told her and Sailor shrugged.

  “Snakes, lizards, other bugs don’t bother me. It’s just spiders and especially ones that big. Jeez, you could have put a saddle on that one.” She shuddered again, and Bodhi smirked, taking her hand.

  They walked further into the forest until they came to a swimming hole. Another couple was there with their son, and Tim got talking to him. Soon both boys were dive-bombing into the swimming hole. Sailor and Bodhi got talking to the other couple, but soon Bodhi nodded to Sailor. “Shall I go get some beers for us, some cold drinks for the boys?”

  The other man nodded. “Sounds good, there’s a bar just about half a mile through the forest over there. Do you want some company?”

  Sailor got to her feet. “I’ll help you, if you don’t mind watching the boys?” She addressed the other couple who both nodded.

  “No problem, and thanks. Let me know how much we owe you for the beers.”

  Bodhi grinned. “Don’t worry about, my treat. See you in a few, Timbo?”

  Tim looked up. “We’re going to get some cold drinks. Mike and Hannah will be watching you for a few minutes, is that okay?”

  Tim nodded. “Sure, Dad.” He immediately went back to playing with the other boy, Matty.

  Sailor nudged Bodhi’s shoulder as they set off, hand-in-hand. “Every time he calls you Dad, you glow, you know that?”

  Bodhi grinned sheepishly. “I do…” He stopped and kissed her. “You must think I’m a useless rockstar. No drugs, no whoring around (anymore, anyway) and I get high from my kid calling me, Dad.”

  Sailor kissed him back. “The good thing about living in a sect is that I don’t know an awful lot about the life of a rockstar. Obviously, since I’ve been out, I’ve learned much more, but I don’t have preconceived ideas about what you should be like. I just know Bodhi, not Bodhi Creed, the Rockstar.”

  He took her face in her hands. “With you, I can really be myself for the first time,” he whispered. “I don’t have to pretend I’m anything, but a middle-aged man, fumbling around, trying to be the best father, and now, the best boyfriend, I can be.”

  Sailor blinked. Boyfriend? Was this really happening? Bodhi was studying her. “Did I just freak you out?”

  “A little,” she admitted, but then she smiled. “But I liked it.”

  Bodhi pressed his lips to hers. “You know, it’s very secluded right here.” His fingers were at the fly of her denim shorts, and she didn’t stop him as he pushed them down her legs and lifted her up. He unzipped and freed his cock from his own shorts and then he was inside her, pushing her back against the trunk of a tree, moving gently at first then when Sailor moaned at the feel of him inside her, and as she began to claw at his back, he thrust harder and harder until they were both gasping for air. Sailor buried her cry in his neck as she came, and Bodhi muffled his own groans as he kissed her passionately.

  They made their way back to the swimming hole, carrying the drinks and spent a blissful afternoon chatting with Mike and Hannah and their son. Tim seemed more relaxed than Bodhi had ever seen him, and when, on the way back to the villa in the early evening, Tim took his hand, Bodhi could have cried with happiness.

  It was with regret that they piled back onto the private jet that evening. Tim was chatting away to Sailor at first, but then he fell asleep, after moaning that Bodhi wouldn’t let him skip school in the morning.

  “That was the deal, Buddy. Luxury for the weekend, but then it’s back to normal.”

  Tim grumbled, but Bodhi could sense the change in their relationship. He put a blanket over his sleeping son and smiled at Sailor. “You tired too, baby?”

  “A little, but for all the right reasons.”

  He went to sit next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m glad. Look, we both know we’re going to have to navigate this thing. The last thing I want is for us being together causing you any pain or misgivings. There’s something else too. The press. Sailor…they hound me when it comes to relationships, and if they even get a whiff of this, they’ll come after you. So, we need to figure out how this is going to work.”

  Sailor’s eyes were wide. “I never even considered that…god. If they print my photo, Bart will know where I am.”

  “Yes. That’s my biggest fear. So, we need to plan. I have an idea, but it may seem weird to you.”

  Sailor drew in a long breath. “Hit me with it.”

  “I enter into a ‘fake’ relationship for the press. Now, I know who to ask, and I’m pretty sure she’ll go along with it, but it would depend on you.”



  Sailor nodded, trying not to be jealous, but she couldn’t help it. Soleil was gorgeous. Bodhi saw her reservations in her eyes.

  “Sails…I’m not Soleil’s type, I swear. You might be, but I’m most definitely not.”

  Sailor was surprised. “She’s gay?”

  “Very. But she’s also very private and doesn’t broadcast her relationships. Luckily, art dealers aren’t great with gossip, unless you’re a Mallory or a Bartoli.”

  “I have no idea who they are,” she grinned, truthfully and he laughed.

  “Well, see? Anyway, the press is used to seeing me with Solly and Claudio, so the interest will be minimal, but at least they’ll think we’re together and not focus on you.”

  Sailor sat up and nodded. “Well, if Soleil would go along with it…but I wouldn’t want to inconvenience her.”

  “To keep you safe, I would,” Bodhi said fervently, but then he relaxed. “I was thinking, if anyone asks, we could say you’re the family’s assistant, Tim’s tutor?”

  Bodhi was uncertain, but Sailor nodded. “That suits me. That’s what I am after all.”

  Bodhi stroked her face. “You’re so much more than that, baby. Maybe you should move in. It’ll be safer as well as…I’m selfish, I want you near.”

  Sailor chewed on her lip, and Bodhi nodded. “You have doubts.”

  “It’s not that I can’t see the sense of it, but…I just got my own place after years of being…segregated. I do want to be close to you and Tim, I do…can I think about it?”

  Bodhi nuzzled his nose to hers. “Of course. I understand, I do. Look, I have a suggestion for you to think about. You loved the guesthouse, right? As I said before, it’s yours, your own place. You want privacy, you just go off and lay in there. I know it’s not the same, but you’ll be within my compound and safe. Security won’t be intrusive, I swear. But only if you want to be there. Don’t let me sway you, either way, that’s not how we work.”

  Sailor kissed him. “You are just the sweetest guy.”

  “We’re going to make it, I swear, Sailor. I will do anything to make this work.” He kissed her until they were both panting for breath. “Stay tonight. It’ll be late when we get home anyway. You can sleep in the guesthouse if you want, but stay…”

  She fell asleep in his arms and woke up as the plane landed. Sailor’s mind was whirling with the events of the past two days, and their plans for going forward. Could they make it work? She hoped so with all of her heart.

  Tim was asleep when Bodh
i carried him to his room, and Sailor went over to the guesthouse and dumped her bag in there. Switching on the lamps in the house, she looked at it. Yes, she could imagine living here, it’s comfortable with a slightly shabby beach-house feel as a reminder of their heavenly time on the island.

  She felt Bodhi’s arms snake around her waist and she turned to kiss him. He kissed her lips, then trailed his mouth down her neck and kissed her throat, her shoulders, pulling the straps of her dress down her arms. The dress fell to the floor, followed by her bra and then he drew her panties down her legs. She stepped out of them, utterly unembarrassed about being naked with him now. She pulled his t-shirt over his head and unbuttoned his jean. Soon, both naked, they were running their hands all over the other, wanting to be as close as possible. Sailor smiled up at him as she sank to her knees. “Tell me if I do this wrong,” she said softly, then took his cock into her mouth, sweeping her tongue over the wide crest of him, tasting the salty pre-cum. He tasted of salt and fresh air, and she ran her tongue up and down his length, as her hands massaged his balls gently.

  “God…Sailor…” Bodhi groaned, and she felt his cock thickening and becoming taut and engorged as she pleasured him. She teased the sensitive end with the tip of her tongue, hearing him moan. His hands tangled in her long hair, the pads of his fingers massaging her scalp in a way that made tingles shoot down her body. Sailor could feel her own sex become wet and swollen, a steady pulse beating between her legs and when, before he came, Bodhi withdrew from her mouth, he was almost violent in his need for her, tumbling her to the floor, and pushing her legs wide apart so he could go down on her. She nearly shrieked as his mouth made contact with her too-sensitive clit and when he began to slide two fingers in and out of her sopping wet cunt, she writhed and moaned underneath him, trying not to cum too soon, to prolong this sweet, sweet torture.

  “Bodhi…I want to watch you touch yourself….”

  Bodhi grinned and began to move his free hand up and down his cock as his other hand fucked her, his thumb strumming a beat on her clit. “Anything for you, baby.”

  Sailor moaned and gasped as Bodhi’s hands moved faster and faster. “I want to cum on your belly,” Bodhi said, his voice ragged with desire and she nodded, coming as he shot creamy white cum onto her soft abdomen. They panted for air together, kissing, then Sailor wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and Bodhi plunged his cock deep into her, and they made love for the rest of the night.

  In the morning, she awoke in the big double bed in the guesthouse, alone. On the other pillow, she found a note.

  Making breakfast for us all. Take your time, come in when you’re ready, my darling.

  He’d drawn a rough love-heart at the end, which made Sailor smile. She showered and dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. As she dried her hair, she gazed at her reflection. You are the luckiest girl in the world, Sailor King. She still couldn’t reconcile how much her life had changed.

  When she walked into the kitchen, Bodhi was at the stove, breaking eggs into a skillet. He grinned at her and kissed her cheek. They’d agreed not to kiss on the mouth in front of Tim…yet. Let him get used to the idea of us first, Sailor had said, and Bodhi agreed.

  Tim was scarfing down pancakes like they were going extinct. “You okay, buddy?” Sailor ruffled his hair. Tim grinned.

  “Sailor, Dad said you’re going to live in the guesthouse if you want too.”

  Sailor shot Bodhi a glance, and he winked at her. She snickered to herself, trust Bodhi to get Tim on his side, then smiled at Tim. “You okay with that?”

  “Sure, I am,” he said, beaming. “I like having you here. So, does Dad.”

  “He’s got that right,” Bodhi looked at Sailor with such a look of desire on his face that Sailor felt a flush creeping over her entire body.


  Bodhi dumped some eggs on two plates for him and Sailor. “Yeah, buddy?”

  “Can Sailor take me to school today?”

  Bodhi and Sailor exchanged a look, the Bodhi smiled at his son. “Why don’t you ask Sailor?”

  Tim looked at her, and she nodded. “Of course, I’d love to. But can we take your SUV? I’d feel too inconspicuous in the Thunderbird.”

  Bodhi stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a set of car keys. “Go crazy. Actually, don’t go crazy, drive safely.”

  They all laughed at him, and then Tim put down his fork. “I’ll go get my school bag.”

  He hopped off the kitchen stool and disappeared into his bedroom. Bodhi immediately leaned over and kissed Sailor’s mouth. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She pressed her lips back to his. “Good morning, handsome.”

  They kissed softly, enjoying the feel of the other’s lips. “God, I want you…when you get back from dropping Tim at school…”

  Sailor grinned at him. “We do have work to do, Mr. Creed.”

  He groaned in disappointment. “Screw work.”

  “I’d rather screw you,” she said mischievously, and he laughed.

  “Bad girl, now I have to deal with a hard-on until you get back.”

  She leaned close to him. “I’ll deal with that, I promise.”

  Bodhi grabbed her head and kissed her passionately. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, little girl.” He growled, and she gave a slightly shocked giggle.

  “I can’t wait…”

  As she drove up to the school, Tim grinned at her. “Want to come say hi to some of my friends?”

  Sailor hesitated, but figured it couldn’t hurt. Tim was obviously keen on showing her off. Sailor was glad she had shoved her long dark hair into a baseball cap. She was reminded of the wigs she had stolen from the bridal boutique when she escaped from Monica, the wigs that had gotten her to California safe and unrecognized. It sent a thrill of fear through her, but she shook it off. That life is over. She parked the car and got out with Tim. He ran ahead and started to talking to some friends, who stood with their moms.

  Tim introduced her to his best friend Harry, and Harry’s mom, Diane. Diane greeted her warmly. “Are you new to the area?”

  Sailor shook her head. “Just to the job,” she lied smoothly. “I’m Tim’s child attendant.”

  “She’s my friend, and my Daddy’s friend,” Tim said, nodding his head wisely.

  Sailor touched his head. “Saying that, I need to get back to work. You okay, sport?”

  Tim nodded, already running off with Harry as the school bell rang. “Thanks for the ride, Sailor, see you later.”

  Sailor nodded to Diane and with some relief, got back in the car and drove back to the compound.

  Bodhi was on the phone when she entered, putting his keys down on the kitchen counter. He grinned up at her. “Hey, she’s here, I’m going to put you on speaker phone.” He flicked a button and Sailor heard Soleil greeting her.

  “Hey girl, I hear you’re off the market?”

  Sailor blushed but laughed. “Apparently. How are you, Soleil?”

  “Call me Solly and I’m good, thanks. I’m in Italy at the moment, but back in L.A. on the weekend to start our little ploy.”

  “You sure you’re okay with this?” Sailor gave Bodhi a nervous glance.

  “Hell, yes, I’m delighted. About time someone of quality tickled Bodhi’s pickle. I will obviously have to give you the ‘if you hurt him blah blah blah talk.’”

  Sailor laughed. ‘Obviously, I would expect nothing less. Thank you, Solly, you’re the best.”

  “Yes, yes, I am,” laughed the other woman. “I’ll see you two crazy kids on the weekend.”

  She clicked off, and then Bodhi grinned at Sailor. “She’s in. This is happening.”

  Suddenly Sailor started to tremble. This man, this gorgeous man, was hers. How could that be possible?

  “Sailor.” Bodhi came to her, gently pulling her into his arms. “It’s me and you now, okay?”

  She nodded, gazing up into his achingly beautiful face. His lips were against hers then.

  “I’m going to take you to my bed now, Sailor King…work can wait…” and he led her into his bedroom.

  “Are you sure?”

  Diane nodded. “I mean, she had her hair up, but I’m pretty sure. Those doe-eyes are unmistakable.”

  Bartholomew Foy was pleased. “Thank you, Diane, you have proved most helpful.”

  Diane smiled at him and left the room, closing the door behind her. Bart looked at Salem, who was grinning nastily. They had flown to L.A. as soon as the call from Diane, one of the highest members of the Californian chapter of The Children of Love, had called in the sighting. “So, Sailor’s working for Bodhi Creed? Well, well, well.”

  Salem chuckled. “Should be easy enough to find and kill her if she’s bringing the kid to school every day.”

  “Indeed.” Bart was lost in thought. “But I have a better idea. Sailor betrayed us all, so it’s only right that we make her suffer before I kill her. This Creed asshole…what do we know?”

  Salem sighed. Sometimes his boss truly was clueless about the world outside the sect. “He’s untouchable, boss. He has a compound up in the Hollywood Hills, security guards, the whole shebang. When Sailor’s there, she’ll be untouchable too.”

  Bart tapped his chin with his finger. “Is she fucking him, I wonder?”

  “Sailor?” Salem looked skeptical. “I doubt it.”

  “We’ll soon find out if she is. Until then…maybe we should keep a low profile. Our contact at the passport office said her name is Sarah Halls now. See where ‘Sarah Halls’ uses her credit card, plot out a timetable of what she does, and when she does it. See if we can’t get a mole on Creed’s security team.”

  “Will do. Boss, what’s your end game here?”

  Bart laughed softly. “Haven’t I made it obvious? Sailor, my beautiful precious Sailor, doesn’t get to see her twenty-sixth birthday.”

  Sailor sat in the cab with Bodhi as the vehicle moved through the crowded streets of San Francisco. They were on their way to Quartet’s SF office, and Sailor was so excited that she thought she might throw up any minute. Her good mood rubbed off on Bodhi, who held her hand as they traveled. “You do know that Bay won’t be there, today, right?”


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