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The Road To Forgiveness

Page 11

by Justine Elvira

  I hop over the consul and straddle Sebastian’s lap. My lips lower to his as my butt rests on the steering wheel. We kiss passionately for several minutes and I can feel Sebastian’s arousal against my core.

  “Take me home,” I pant into his mouth.

  I grind my pussy against him as he groans into my mouth. His lips move to kiss my cheek, then my neck, and then up to my ear as he whisper, “I’d love to take you back to the hotel but you need to move first. I can’t drive with you dry humping me.”

  He kisses my neck again as my hands grab onto his shoulders and I push gently to separate us.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I have every intention of you driving us back to the hotel and fucking me until I can’t walk, but that’s not what I meant.”

  Sebastian first looks shocked at my language and then confused by my words.

  “Take me home, Sebastian,” I say as I gently brush my knuckles against his forehead. “I want to go back to Miami with you, I want to live with you, I want to make a life with you and be yours, forever. Take. Me. Home.”

  Sebastian looks at me thoughtfully. It seems like forever before he speaks.

  “Are you sure?”

  I kiss his lips tenderly before looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

  “I’m sure.”

  We kiss for another few minutes before its starts to get too inappropriate for the side of the road. We drive back to the hotel and before the hotel room door is closed, Sebastian is on me. Taking his time, making love to every part of my body. It’s the most amazing night and when I finally feel sated, Sebastian wraps his arms around me so we can drift off to sleep, watching the sunrise in the distance.

  Chapter Eleven

  We’ve been back in Miami for a few months. It’s the end of March and the spring breakers have taken over the city for the next few weeks. I’m starting to show more now. It’s pretty obvious to everyone I meet that I’m pregnant.

  Sebastian claims to love the bump on my belly. He loves to tell me how sexy I look. I think he is delusional and blinded by love. I guess I would probably think he was sexy too with a giant lump on his stomach.

  I’ve spoke to my new therapist about this but she believes that Sebastian is completely normal for loving my belly. Dr. Montgomery says that a male’s body is programmed to find a pregnant female’s body sexy. It’s a chemical reaction in the brain. When I told Sebastian this, he laughed at me. He couldn’t believe I had brought this subject up with my therapist.

  I’ve been in great health since I came back to Miami. I was taken off bed rest the second week of January. So far, all signs point to me not having toxemia. I’m really happy about this. Bed rest would suck if I were forced to abide by what the doctors said. I did not bring this up with my therapist. She would have a field day.

  Therapy seemed to be helping a lot, too. Two sessions a week for the past twelve weeks, not including my sessions in Georgia, have really helped me resolve some of my issues. The biggest one being my urge to runaway. I realized the urge was almost completely gone when Charlie called me last week to give me some bad news. It looks like Kyle is going to be getting out of prison in the next year. The judge thought the new evidence was enough to bring about a retrial. Although the trial isn’t starting for a few more months, it looks as if the jury will have no choice but to let him go free.

  In the past, this would have been one giant red flag that would have me running away from everyone I love. Instead, when Charlie told me the news, the first instinct I had was to share the news with Sebastian and then call my therapist. I didn’t have the slightest urge to run. This told me therapy was working.

  We’ve been in Miami since the New Year. After I decided I wanted to go back with Sebastian, we didn’t want to wait. We wanted to start the New Year in Miami, together. The only reason we stayed a week longer in Riceboro. Was to see my Momma and Charlie get married. They wanted to make it official. “Nothing like living in the moment,” Charlie said as he married my mother in the local courthouse, three days after Christmas.

  As a wedding gift from Sebastian, Charlie and my mother went to Dollywood for their honeymoon. Sebastian couldn’t stress enough that they could go anywhere for their honeymoon, but my Momma always wanted to go to Dollywood and Charlie wanted to take her there. They had a blast and Sebastian and I spent New Years Eve in his bed on the estate.

  The girls were excited to have me back, too. Rachel and Michelle caught me up on everything I missed. It was good to see them again. I was glad to talk with them but I was still a little uncomfortable with having women in the house that Sebastian has slept with.

  Thankfully, Sebastian felt the same way. He revamped his staff on the estate and gave the girls jobs on various properties he owned all over Miami. This way, they still had secure jobs and a place to stay, but we both weren’t forced to see the constant reminder of his previous lifestyle.

  Today is going to be a great day. One I’ve been waiting for the past few weeks. I’m throwing bath salts in the bath when Sebastian walks in to the master bathroom in just his boxers.

  “Good morning, Beautiful,” he says as he kisses me tenderly and then leans down to kiss my belly. “How are my two beautiful girls doing today?”

  I roll my eyes at his cockiness, “We don’t know if it’s a girl yet. Can you please wait until Dr. Patel tells us the gender before you go tell everyone we are having a girl? You’ll look pretty stupid if you’re wrong.”

  He smiles wickedly at me as he drops his boxers to the ground, “I’m never wrong.”

  Sebastian scoops me up and places me into the warm bubble bath. I scream out a giggle as my feet touch the water.

  “Sebastian, I’m still in my bra and panties. Let me get undressed before you get me soaking wet.”

  His eyes turn hooded as he slowly licks his lips, “I’ll help you get undressed and then I’ll be more than happy to help you get wet.”

  His hands wrap around me as his fingers undo the clasp of my bra. He pulls each strap down as he kisses my now bare shoulders. My head goes back and my eyes close, and I’m lost in the sensation of his touch. I’ve never been this turned on before. Every moment, of every waking hour, I want him. If I could stay in bed making love for the next few months until the baby comes, I would. Even my dreams are erotic.

  Sebastian’s fingers slip into the sides of my panties as he brings them slowly down my legs. I help by stepping out of them once the material hits my ankles. Sebastian throws my panties to the ground and pulls us both down until our bodies are submerged under water.

  He moves me so I am lying on top of him, my back to his chest. He pushes my hair off to the side and angles my bare neck to his mouth.

  “Sebastian, I don’t think we have time…” I stop speaking as his mouth sucks on my neck and his hand dips to rub my clit. He moves two fingers to separate my folds and suddenly he thrusts them inside me. “Oh… yes,” I moan.

  He brushes his lips against my neck as he speaks, “What was that about not having time?”

  I can feel him growing hard against my ass. I lower my hand behind me and start to stroke his erection, “Nothing. I was wrong, we have all the time in the world.”

  I turn over in the water and start to kiss him urgently. My hands, wet from the water, move up into his hair. I give a small tug and Sebastian lets out a deep moan against my mouth. His hands become more urgent as he grabs my hips and moves me up his body. I part my legs and straddle his hips so I can feel him hard beneath me.

  This is our new favorite position. My belly doesn’t get in the way when I’m on top and because the pregnancy hormones make me extra horny, it gives me the illusion I’m in control. In reality, Sebastian is calling the shots.

  Sebastian grabs his cock and positions it at my entrance. “Take me inside you, Baby. I want you to ride my dick, and ride it hard.”

  I love when he talks to me like this. I ease done slowly on to him until I’m completely filled. Then I start to move, hard. Sebastian is holdin
g my hips as I move up and down his length. I can feel him hitting just the right spot. One of his hands moves down from my hip to gently stroke my clit. This is my undoing.

  My hands push down on his stomach and slowly make their way up his chest until they are resting on his shoulders. I ride him harder and with every thrust I can feel myself getting closer. At this rate, I’ll be coming before he can enjoy it.

  I decide to be brave and do something that will completely turn him on. I move one of my hands from his shoulder and touch my stomach. I move my hand slowly up my body until I reach my breasts. I start to grab and squeeze my breasts. Playing with myself for his pleasure. The problem is, it’s turning me on more, too. My nipples become impossibly harder and I’m doing everything in my power not to come. My fingers move to one of my nipples as I pinch and pull it.

  Sebastian groans and sits up slightly so he can take my other nipple into his mouth. He sucks and bites down as he thrusts his cock into me hard and fast.

  “Fuck, you playing with yourself is such a turn on. Tell me how it feels? Do you like grabbing your tits? Do you like making your nipples hard?” Sebastian says against my breast. His tongue darts out to lick my erect nipple but his eyes stay locked on mine. “Say it,” he demands.

  I close my eyes as I absorb everything he is doing to me. If I saw him on the street in his business attire and millionaire cocky attitude, I would never think he was such a God in bed. I love his dirty talk, I love his dominance over me, I love that he loves to fuck me.

  “I love playing with myself and grabbing my tits… and playing with my nipples. I do it for you, only for you. It turns me on to get you so horny.”

  I open my eyes to see him suck my nipple back into his mouth and that is my undoing. I come violently, thrashing above him. I loose complete control of my body as I come undone. Sebastian says my name as he pumps one more time in me before releasing inside me. I can feel him fill me. We rock gently together, until both of us have come down from our orgasms.

  “That was incredible,” I say as I move my hips from Sebastian’s and lay in the water with my head on his chest.

  Sebastian kisses the top of my head, “Every time with you is incredible.”

  We lay in the bubble bath for a few more minutes until Sebastian starts to move us.

  “We need to get ready for your appointment. Then we’ll have the night to ourselves,” Sebastian says as he moves to separate us.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” I pout into his chest. “Can’t we cancel the appointment and reschedule for another day?”

  He gasps in fake horror, “Don’t you want to know the sex of our baby?”

  I squeeze him tighter to me as I speak. “Of course I do, but I want to stay here with you, too. It really is an impossible decision to make.”

  He moves his hands to gently caress my back. “If it’s a hard decision for you to make then I will make it for you. Let’s go to your appointment, find out that we are having a baby girl, and celebrate on my company yacht for the evening like we planned.”

  I gently nip his skin with my teeth as I move my head so I can look in to the eyes of the man I love so much, “I guess, if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure, Honey. We have the rest of our lives to be together but today, today I want the doctor to tell us about our baby girl.”

  “ You are such a cocky man. You know, there is a chance we are having a boy.”

  Sebastian closes his eyes and leans his head against the tub walls, “ When you know, you know. I know it’s a girl.”


  We are sitting in one of the private rooms at Dr. Patel’s practice. When we got back to Miami, the first thing Sebastian did was look for the best ob-gyn. He definitely found her. Dr. Patel is patient, kind, and answers all of my neurotic questions.

  So far the baby’s been perfectly healthy. Sebastian has been at every appointment with me. He is the perfect, dotting dad. We heard the baby’s heart beat when I was twelve weeks along. This was an emotional event and I cried at the realization I had Sebastian’s baby growing inside me. This was the first time I would procreate out of love.

  This realization required me to immediately feel guilty and call my therapist for an emergency session so I could discuss my feelings. Although I was making great progress in every other aspect of my life, Miles was the only real issue I still had in a therapy. My therapist, Dr. Montgomery, always understood and explained these feeling were perfectly fine and I shouldn’t feel guilty for being happy. Miles wouldn’t want that.

  I was lying next to the ultra-sound machine while Sebastian was playing with the plastic gloves on the counter. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face thinking that Sebastian still has that little kid inside of him.

  “What do you want to eat for dinner tonight on the yacht? The chef can cook anything you’re craving,” Sebastian says with his back to me as I watch him make a five-fingered balloon out of the blue gloves.

  “I’ve been craving seafood lately, but I know it isn’t always safe for the baby because of its high mercury content.” I sit back and think awhile longer at what we could have for dinner.

  “Oh, I know. Let’s have fettuccini alfredo with Chicken and broccoli, some fresh garlic bread on the side, ice tea to drink, and for dessert… chocolate covered strawberries and whip cream.”

  “You want whip cream on your strawberries?” Sebastian asks me with a disgusted look.

  I wink at him, “Who said the whip cream was for the strawberries.”

  He gasps in fake shock, “Miss Dechino, you’re trying to seduce me.” Sebastian is quoting one of the most famous lines from the movie The Graduate. I decide to play along and quote Mrs. Robinson back to him.

  “Would you like me to seduce you?”

  Before Sebastian can answer, there is a knock at the door. Seconds later, Dr. Patel walks in and shakes both of our hands.

  “Mr. Price, Mia, it’s good to see you both again. How have you been feeling, Mia?” Dr. Patel asks as she sits at the foot of the examining table and turns on the ultrasound machine.

  “I’ve been feeling great, actually. The morning sickness is completely gone; I have a lot of energy and a healthy appetite. I just started to feel the baby move around, so that’s a good sign… and Sebastian has been catching up on his reading of What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”

  Dr. Patel glances over to Sebastian and then turns back to her Machine trying to hold back a giggle. “Mr. Price, I thought you told me you finished that book the last time you were here?”

  Sebastian gets a little red in the face from embarrassment, “I may have embellished a little. I’m a busy man.”

  “Of course you are,” Dr. Patel says as she finishes laughing at my gorgeous boyfriend.

  “Alright, if everything is going well, we should get this ultrasound over with. After todays appointment I expect to see you again in four weeks. Also, don’t forget to schedule your glucose test with the nurses upfront. This test is very important.”

  “I’ll do that before I leave,” I say timidly.

  I lean back on the table until I am completely lying down. Dr. Patel turns on the monitor and squirts some jelly onto my stomach before touching my stomach with the ultrasound wand. She moves the wand a little and then pauses to click a picture using the keypad. She continues to do this a few more times before speaking to Sebastian and me.

  “Here is the head,” she says as she points to an area on the monitor. “Here are your baby’s arms and legs. Your baby’s lips are here,” She points to a small area on the head.

  “You can see the heartbeat here.”

  I’m in awe as I can see our child’s heart beating. I look over to Sebastian and can’t help falling further in love with him. His eyes are glistening with unshed tears as he looks at the monitor with admiration.

  “Now, I’m going to take some measurements to make sure the baby is growing at a normal rate,” Dr. Patel explains to us as I watch her move the wan
d and take more pictures using the keypad. When she is done clicking, she turns to Sebastian and me.

  “Your baby is growing perfectly. I see nothing alarming on the ultrasound. As long as Mia continues to feel healthy, then I see no reason for alarm. Would you like to know what you’re having?”

  I look over to Sebastian and smile as I verbally address the doctor. “Yes.”

  We break eye contact and look at Dr. Patel.

  “You are having a little girl.”

  My heart is filled with joy in that moment. I sit up on the table and Sebastian walks behind me. He squeezes me tight as we look at the doctor.

  “Are you sure? I mean how accurate are the ultrasounds?” I ask, wondering if there is a possibility a little boy will come out of me in a few months.

  Sebastian laughs from behind me, “You just can’t handle the fact that I was right. I knew all along we were having a girl.”

  Thankfully, Dr. Patel seems to feel my annoyance with Sebastian as she rolls her eyes at his comment.

  “Mia, I can never say the tests are one hundred percent accurate. From a medical standpoint, there are always errors. It’s human nature. From a personal standpoint, I’m positive that you will be greeting your baby girl in a few months.

  My smile widens as I say, “Thank you.”

  Dr. Patel congratulates us and shakes our hands goodbye before she leaves the room. The door closes just as Sebastian turns me around and captures my lips in a heartfelt kiss.

  “We’re having a girl,” he says between kisses. “I’m going to have the two most beautiful girls in the world to call my own. How lucky am I?”

  Sebastian kisses down my neck and then back up. He reaches my lips and sucks on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I open for him as he kisses me passionately. My hormones are on overload as I contemplate starting something in the office I shouldn’t. Luckily, Sebastian ends the kiss before I ask him to take me on the table.

  “Lets go celebrate. We have the yacht for the night, the staff is already on board, lets go.”


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