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Darkest Sin

Page 53

by Ashton Blackthorne

  I stopped him as I stood up to get a sip of water. This was the most intense story I’d heard since I’d been on the inside and I’d heard plenty of stories.

  “Anyway, I thought I could do it gently. Make sure she didn’t suffer any. So, on the night I was supposed to do it her idiot husband was supposed to be out of town. The guy had left the back door unlocked so I could get in. I was planning to just put a bullet in the back of her head. Quick and easy and get out. But I made a lot of mistakes that night.”

  I sank down on the tiny chair in the room. “What did you do?”

  He rubbed his chin. “Well, I got high for one thing. I never did a job high, but this one was going to be tough, so I shot up before I left. Bad idea number one. Then, the door wasn’t unlocked like it was supposed to be, so I had to break in. Bad idea number two. Smashing the glass, I crept upstairs. I had a silencer on the 9 mm so I figured it would be easy to do it and get out. Well, the glass shattering must have woken up her little girl. Just as I opened the master bedroom, a tiny girl around five years old sneaked up behind me.”

  Oh my God. I wondered if he’d shot the kid.

  “I spun around as soon as I heard her voice. I turned and ran back down the stairs. It was too late though. I heard sirens screaming all around me. The neighbors had called the cops. As soon as I got back down to the living room, a guy was standing there waiting for me with a .45 pointed at my head. He ordered me to drop it. I didn’t. He cocked his gun. I shot him once between the eyes killing him instantly.”

  My eyes widened, but I tried not to look too impressed.

  He shrugged. “So, basically, I fucked up. The Sons of Brotherhood has a saying: ‘God forgives, the Brotherhood doesn’t’. My arrest alerted the guy’s wife to his murder plot. The Brotherhood lost the money and the guy was tried for conspiracy. All of this shit brought heat down on them which they didn’t want. So now they put a hit out on me.”

  I sat stunned. I thought I had it rough.

  “So, I’ve been here now for twelve years. Just got transferred out of max. My attorney thinks there’s a chance I might get out sooner than expected.”

  “That’s good.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been here a long time. Kind of used to it. Several guys in max were part of my old MC. Tried to kill me a few times, too. What saved me is that AB had a falling out with the Brotherhood, so they gave me some protection against them. But due to max getting overcrowded they sent me down here.”

  I didn’t exactly feel safe sharing a room with a guy like Sinister, but over time, he turned out to be an all right guy.

  After several months, I got accustomed to prison life. It wasn’t that unlike some of the group homes I’d lived been in when I was in foster care. I was doing my time and keeping my nose pretty clean. I learned which guys to avoid and who to befriend.

  Although in prison, the unwritten rule is ‘Trust no one’.

  I only had about a year left on my sentence, but I’d grown lax about watching my own back. Several Los Zetas cartel members had been moved to my unit with ties to Tico. I’d mentioned to Sinister I’d ripped off a Mexican drug dealer in Chicago, so he advised me to keep a close eye out for them.

  One day, I was in the shower when I noticed all the other guys started leaving as soon as the LZ guys approached the shower area. Immediately, I looked around for anything to defend myself with, but there was nothing. I knew better than to get caught alone in the shower. Up until that point, I’d never really been involved in any altercations since being locked up.

  But that was about to change.

  “Hey, you’re the guy who ripped our boy, Tico off,” one of the bigger guys said as a group of five LZ member surrounded me.

  I held up my hands. “That was a long time ago.”

  “We don’t care you little bitch. You run around with that big guy from the Brotherhood, don’t you?”

  The whole group stared me down. They were covered in tattoos and flexing their muscles.

  I’d been in here long enough to know how to fight. If it had been just one of them, I’d have jumped in with both fists swinging, but there were five of them and just one of me.

  My eyes darted around looking for a way out. I knew if they jumped me, they’d likely kill me.

  Or worse.

  In prison, there are things worse than death. Being assaulted like a bitch is one of them.

  “We’re gonna teach you not to fuck with Los Zetas!” They each balled up their fists as one guy jumped behind me.

  I swung at him hitting him squarely in the jaw. He fell backwards as the rest of them fell upon me.

  Then, out of nowhere, a huge hand reached down and pulled one of the guys up. He jerked back his head and thrust a shank deep into his neck.

  Blood spurted everywhere as the Mexican guy fell onto the floor clutching his neck.

  “Anyone else?”

  It was Sinister!

  The other guys gaped at their dying friend as they contemplated what to do next.

  “You want to jump my friend? Come on, you fucking pricks, take us both on!”

  They looked at each other and turned away.

  “Aw, you ain’t shit, man.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  Sinister waved the shank at them. “That will teach you not to fuck with the Brotherhood.”

  We both looked down at the guy bleeding to death on the floor.

  Sinister spat on him. “Fucking Prick.”

  I marveled at him. He saved my life. I never expected him to have my back. After that, we watched out for each other. When I was released, I never thought I’d see him again.

  But like most times in my life, I was wrong.

  Sixty Two


  Later that night, I decided to hit the bar for a drink. Sasha was supposed to meet me at a local pub that was a known gathering place for swingers. I wasn’t sure that this would mean I was further falling down the dark spiral into the abyss, but with the day I’d had rehashing my life, I figured I needed a break.

  A dark figure emerged from the shadows. My heart caught in my throat. Who the hell was it? Could it be Tico and his gang finally catching up to me? That was years ago.

  But still….

  “Who is it?” I yelled out into the darkness.

  The figure moved closer to me. His build was illuminated by the headlights of a passing car. He was my height and very broad shouldered. He was an impressive figure with bulging muscles.

  I reached into the back of my pants grabbing my 9 mm. Cocking the gun, I planted my feet firmly. “Come any closer and I’ll shoot.”

  My finger itched on the trigger. One more step and I was going to fire. The fucker better stop now if he didn’t want a hole blasted through him.

  He took another step.

  My finger pulled in the trigger ever so slightly.

  “Hold up, Donovan. You don’t recognize me?”

  I lowered the gun slightly. The voice was familiar. “Step out of the shadows so I can see you,” I commanded.

  The imposing figure moved closer to me. His face came into view.


  “Is that you, Cayne? When the hell did they let you out?”

  He looked even more muscular than he had in prison. He was still sporting his goatee and a few more tattoos. “Just got paroled a few weeks ago. Figured I’d look you up before I left New York.” His wide grin became visible as he stood a few feet away.

  “Don’t you know you don’t sneak up on someone who’s been in prison? Fuck, I almost shot you.” I laughed. I tucked the gun in my pants pulling my shirt over it.

  “You’re crazy, Donovan, but not that crazy. I trusted you.”

  I felt a bit uneasy. How had Sinister managed to locate me? And more to the point, why? “How did you know I lived here?”

  He laughed tucking his hands into his pockets. “You should know by now I’ve got connections, Donovan. Besides, I heard on the news you hit it big.”
  I narrowed my eyes. So that was it. He wanted money. “What do you mean?” I played stupid, but I was certain he’d see through it.

  “Come on, Donovan, or should I say Blackthorne? You’re heir to a fortune.”

  I laughed bitterly. “No, that would be my brother.”

  “But you still have access to some money. Look, I’m not here to run game on you. I just thought you could help me out a bit. I can’t go back to the West Coast. I have to stay out here. They’ve got a fucking bounty on my head out there.”

  I nodded.

  “Let’s go have a drink and talk about it, huh? Get caught up on old times?” He grinned.

  The way he spoke made me feel as if I really didn’t have an option to say no. His dark eyes pierced through me making my skin crawl. I had to keep reminding myself I was carrying a piece in case things got too intense. “Sure. There’s a bar around the corner. I was headed there myself.”

  “Well, come on, man. I could use a fucking drink.” As he stood closer to me, he noticed the gold cross around my neck. “What the hell is this? Did you turn all Jesus freak on me?”

  I shrugged. “No, I’ve just been…changing the way I think is all.”

  He gave an evil laugh.

  “Really, Ayden? You trying to change on me? Be a good guy and all?” He spat onto the ground.

  “Not particularly. I just don’t want to make the same mistakes that got me into prison in the first place. I’m trying to make amends with some people.”

  Sinister threw his arm around my shoulder. “Hey, Donovan, I hate to break it to you, but you’re no saint. You never will be.”

  I felt my stomach tighten. In prison, he’d been cool with me, but I wasn’t sure how he’d be on the outside.

  “Hey, man, you know I’m just fucking with you, right?”

  I nodded.

  “So, what the female situation out here? Come on, help a brother out. I need some hot pussy!”

  I sighed inwardly. Sinister wasn’t exactly the type of friend to help me change for the better, but I owed him. He’d saved my life in prison.

  I needed to think of a way to repay him if I could.

  I thought of Sasha.

  She was a bad girl, a hot little princess.

  Almost too bad for one Daddy.

  Maybe she needed two.

  “Just wait a few. I’m meeting my girl here.” I winked at Sinister as I proceeded to fill him in on the details. As I spoke, I knew I was getting myself further and further entangled, deep into the abyss again.

  Could I control myself better this time?

  Thinking about seeing Sasha fuck Sinister as she sucked my cock, I no longer cared. All I could think about was her hot lips wrapped around my ample dick as that muscle bound ex-con hammered her pussy from behind.

  Damn, that was going to be hot.

  “Sasha, are you ready for this?” I ran my hands up her firm thighs. I could feel the heat emanating from her pussy. She was dressed in a tight leopard print dress that barely covered her firm ass. The neckline was cut low revealing her delicious cleavage. Her long brown hair swung around her shoulders.

  “Of course, Daddy.” She winked at me.

  I knew she was ready to play any way I wanted her to play. She was different from Amber. With Amber, it was all about the romance. With Sasha, it was pure hardcore filthy fucking, just like I liked it.

  Slapping her firmly on the ass, we walked into the dimly lit bar. Ash had told me about this place thinking I may fit right in. Looking around at all the scantily clad women and muscular men, I had to agree with him.

  “Are we allowed to do scenes here?” Sasha whispered to me.

  I knew she and Ash belonged to another more exclusive club here in the city. But this one was a bit less rigid with the rules. “Looks like it.” I turned and noticed two couples going at it pretty hard in the corner. I didn’t see any BDSM paraphernalia though. Ash had advised it was just a regular sex club. More exhibitionists than anything else.

  “No equipment though. What a shame.” Sasha shook her head.

  She looked so fucking hot I was ready to bend her over and fuck her right there. “Could still be fun.” I ordered us each a Pellagrino. “So, princess, what are you in the mood for tonight?” I nuzzled her neck while sliding my hand up her dress. Her pussy was already wet against my palm.

  As planned, Sinister was leaning against the bar with a bottle of beer in his hand. He wore a dark blue t shirt rolled high up on his thickly muscled arms.

  “You want him, Princess?” I asked nodding in Sinister’s direction. I knew the answer before I even asked her.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered back wiggling against my hand on her pussy.

  “Have you been a good girl, Princess? Would you suck his cock if Daddy told you to?”

  “Oh yes, Daddy, of course I would.”

  Feeling my smile spread slowly across my face, I led Sasha over to Sinister.

  The lights in the club were low, but still several people could be seen in various stages of undress. Several were engaged in deep dark delights in the dimly lit corners.

  The stranger stood taller as we approached. He stared at Sasha’s breasts their nipples clearly sticking out of her dress. He gave her a wink as he finished his beer.

  “Looks like someone’s interested, Daddy.” She grinned as I kept my hand firmly on her ass. I loved showing her gorgeous body off to other men.

  And seeing her fuck Sinister while I watched was going to be amazing. There would be none of the feelings I had for Amber attached to this one. No, Sasha was pure fun for me and for her too.

  She was a true Princess, a Daddy’s girl through and through.

  But some girls need more than just one Daddy and Sasha was one of them.

  “Of course, he is, Princess. I think you’ve been such a good, dirty girl you need more than one Daddy tonight, don’t you think?” I whispered in her ear, her long hair tickling my lips.

  “Oh, please, Daddy.”

  We took seats at the bar next to the stranger. I let my fingers linger a moment on Sasha’s dripping wet pussy. Her lips were so smooth and soft.

  “What can I get you guys tonight?” The female bartender was a bit older in her late forties, but still quite attractive with her short blonde hair and her low cut black top.

  “Just Pellegrino for us tonight.” I squeezed Sasha’s waist.

  “Really? Seems like you two are out looking for some fun.” She winked.

  “I like to keep straight when I play.” I winked back at her.

  She smiled and brought us our water.

  The stranger next to Sasha motioned for another beer.

  “How are you doing tonight, gorgeous?” Sinister smiled at Sasha.

  “I don’t know. You tell me.” She cocked an eyebrow up at him.

  He stared down at her inviting cleavage. “You look like you do just fine, baby. So, what’s the deal? You guys swingers or what?”

  I always liked the way Sinister talked. He cut straight to the point. No bullshit. Laughing, I took a gulp of my water. Normally, I enjoyed a shot of whiskey or two, but when I was out to play I liked to stay sober.

  It hadn’t always been that way though.

  I used to do scenes with play partners high and drunk. I didn’t care what happened to me or them.

  But that was in the past.

  “No, not exactly,” I replied keeping my hand on Sasha’s bare thigh. I liked how Sinister was staying in the role of mysterious stranger. From the way she squirmed on the bar stool, I could tell she was getting all hot and bothered by the thought of fucking him and me at the same time.

  She was one dirty little girl.

  “But we do like to play.” Sasha eyed his heavily muscled arms.

  He finished his beer and wiped his mouth. “Do you, now? Well, gorgeous, I don’t play that way.” He gestured to me.

  “Neither does he.” She jerked her head in my direction.

  “It’s all about the
ladies for me. I mean, look at these tits!” With that, I yanked Sasha’s dress open exposing her breasts. Her pink nipples were rock hard.

  His eyes widened in appreciation. “Damn. Do you mind?” He reached out to squeeze them.

  “Not at all.”

  Taking her breasts in his hands, he squeezed them until she cried out. His thumbs brushed across her nipples. “Perfection,” he whispered.

  Sasha moaned. I slid my hand further up her thigh. I could feel the heat emanating from her bare cunt. I’d ordered her to go without panties tonight. I loved knowing her wet bare pussy was pressing up against the vinyl of the barstool. “So, Stranger, my gorgeous princess here would like to invite you to accompany us to a hotel room we have nearby. Are you game?” Like Sinister, I didn’t like to waste time with bullshit conversation.

  “To fuck this gorgeous girl? Sounds tempting. But I play a different game.” He motioned for a shot of whiskey.

  My curiosity piqued, I studied him for a moment. “What are you looking for then?”

  He motioned the bartender to bring a round of shots.

  I tried to wave mine away. “Sorry, buddy, but I like to stay sober when I play.”

  Sasha took hers in her hand.

  He laughed. “Man, I don’t know who you think you’re kidding. I can see the marks on your arms. From the looks of those, you’ve partied pretty hard in the past.”

  Subconsciously, I rubbed my forearms. Fucking asshole. This wasn’t part of the plan. What the hell was he thinking challenging me?

  I had to save face in front of Sasha. I stood up from the bar and began to flex my muscles. “You want to take this outside?”

  He remained seated. He appeared unfazed by my sudden outburst. “No, I don’t. It was merely an observation. Not looking to throw down. Besides, if I wanted to do that, you’d be dead on the floor by now.” His eyes bored into mine.

  “Come on, Sasha. This guy’s not good enough for you.” I started to pull her off the barstool.

  Sinister grabbed her other arm. “I didn’t say I wasn’t interested. I just wanted to toast first.”


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