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Follow The Wind

Page 50

by Janelle Taylor

  Matt hurried to clear the child’s nose and mouth. He popped its bottom to make it inhale its first breath of air. When it did so and began to cry, he laughed and whooped with joy and relief. “A boy, Jessie, a fine son.”

  She tried to lift herself to see him. “Is he all right?”

  “Beautiful and healthy,” Matt promised. “Lie still. We aren’t done yet.”

  “I’ll finish up,” Gran told the smiling man. She tied off the cord in two places an inch apart and close to the baby, then cut the umbilical link to its mother. “You and Annie tend him while I do a woman’s work here.”

  A nervous Matt accepted the tiny boy. It took twenty minutes for the placenta to pass, but luckily with little bleeding. While Matt and Annie cleaned and dried the infant, Gran bathed Jessie and cleared away the cloths and afterbirth. She called Matt to help her get Jessie into a fresh gown and to help put clean covers on the bed.

  Jessie ignored her pain and exhaustion. “Let me see him.” She struggled to raise herself.

  Matt brought the blanket-wrapped infant to his wife and placed him in her arms.

  Jessie cuddled the child close and gazed at him in amazement and love. He had lots of hair, black fuzz. What little she could see of his eyes were dark, too. She moved aside the covering to look him over from head to foot. She saw nothing to worry her. He was wrinkled and pale, and crying in a high baby pitch. She smiled and nestled him against her. “He’s perfect, Matt. Let’s call him Lane, Lane Cordell.”

  That brought a broad grin to Matt’s face. “It’s a good, strong name.”

  “You saved our lives, Matt,” she remarked, love and gratitude shining in her eyes. “Our son. Our first child,” she added, and smiled at him.

  He beamed with pleasure. “Get some rest. You’ve worked hard, Jessie.”

  Gran took the baby from her. “We’ll tend him while you sleep a while.”

  “You’re all as exhausted as I am.” Her weary lids looked heavy.

  “We can take turns napping and watching Lane. Get some rest before he’s hungry and shouting for his milk.”

  Matt bent over, kissed her forehead, then her lips. “I love you, Jessie.”

  “I love you, too,” she replied, drifting off to sleep.

  Jessie finished bathing and dressing Lane, then nursed him and put him down to nap. She gazed at the sleeping infant of two and a half months. He was a healthy baby, and a good baby, a joy to tend. His hair was still dark, and she believed his eyes would be hazel, like his father’s.

  Jessie and Matt loved him so much that neither minded that resemblance. If anyone else had noticed, nothing had been said to them or within their hearing. Of course, it helped that Matt had dark hair and eyes. The baby had been so small that everyone believed he had arrived early.

  Jessie realized that Lane Cordell had been born on the very day she had met his father a year ago. She felt as if it were God’s way of replacing Navarro in her heart and life. It had been a difficult birth, but she and the baby were fine now. She had Matt’s quick thinking to thank for their survival.

  Today was June first of 1877, a year after she became pregnant by Navarro Breed. It was the right day for beginning her life as Matt’s wife. She had thought of her husband all morning and afternoon. He had taken such excellent and gentle care of her since Lane’s arrival. He had waited upon her, bathed her, washed her hair, and helped tend their son. Nature had healed her body, and time had healed her heart.

  It was time to settle her life and love, time to belong fully to Mathew Cordell. She would always love and remember Navarro Breed, but it was totally and finally over between them. She hadn’t heard from the desperado in almost a year. If he ever returned, she would remain Matt’s wife. Matt was her life and love now.

  Or would be tonight, she decided. Jessie bathed and donned a lovely dress. She splashed on fragrant cologne. She brushed her hair and let it tumble down her back. She planned a special meal for dinner, including wine from Wilbur Fletcher’s old stock. Everything was prepared for a romantic evening.

  When Matt entered the house, his gaze widened. Candles were lit on the dining-room table, which was set for two. He walked into the kitchen to find Jessie humming as she worked on their meal. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “I thought we would enjoy a quiet meal alone tonight. Lane doesn’t need attention for another few hours. Tom is camping on the range with the boys. Gran wanted to turn in early. I gave Annie the night off with Miguel. It’s just you and me, if that’s all right,” she said with a sly grin and twinkling eyes.

  “It’s more than all right,” he replied in a hoarse voice. He noticed how beautiful she was tonight and sensed her strange and tantalizing mood.

  “I heard you arrive, so I got everything ready for your bath in the closet outside,” she remarked, motioning to the room for bathing on the back porch near the kitchen door. “I couldn’t carry water upstairs, so I prepared your bath down here. Get busy, sir; dinner’s almost ready.”

  “Is there something I should know?” he inquired, his gaze and tone hopeful.

  “You said I would know when the time was right for us,” she said. “That’s tonight, Mathew Cordell, if you’re ready and willing to make a fresh start with me.”

  Matt’s mouth fell open and his brown gaze enlarged. “Are you saying…”

  “Yep, and about time, don’t you think?” she teased.

  Matt felt a tingle and flush race over his body. His heart pounded in joy and suspense. “Are you sure, Jessie?”

  “More than sure, Matt,” she replied with confidence. “Get along,” she coaxed.

  Jessie grinned to herself as the happily confused male left the room. All day she had fantasized about tonight. She had daydreamed of what it would be like to be in Matt’s arms, unrestrained and passionate. She was eager to make love with her handsome and virile husband. She had envisioned them in bed with his fingers and lips working magic upon her body. She had made a lovely gown for this special event, and couldn’t wait for Matt to see it on her. She wanted to hurry the meal; yet, she wanted to prolong the enticing prelude to the wonderful evening ahead.

  Matt returned and glanced at Jessie. She sent him an encouraging smile. He followed her into the dining room, and they took their places with her next to him. Jessie passed him the food, and his hands trembled slightly as he handled the dishes. He watched her pour two glasses of wine.

  “To us, Matt, and our bright future,” she toasted and tapped their glasses, but only took a small sip or two since she was nursing the baby.

  “Delicious,” he murmured, but his appetite was whet for a different kind of meal. He tried not to eat too fast, but it was hard. He had been waiting for this night for almost a year. No, he had wanted Jessica Lane for much longer. Joy and anticipation coursed through his body.

  Jessie noticed how excited and pleased Matt was. The meal was wonderful, but not nearly as wonderful as what was in store for them later. She watched candlelight dance on his bronzed face and in his deep brown eyes. She realized he was nervous, and that touched her heart. As they finished the dinner, she suggested, “Why don’t we have our pie and coffee later—much later—Mr. Cordell?”

  He agreed, then said, “I’ll help you with the dishes.”

  “I’ll put them in hot soapy water and do them later. Why don’t you go up and get ready for bed? I’m sure you’re tired,” she jested.

  The eager Matt followed her request.

  When Jessie entered their bedroom, only candles were burning, casting a soft glow that enhanced the romantic mood. She closed and bolted the door. She didn’t want anything or anyone to disturb them for hours. The redhead gazed at the man awaiting her. He was propped against the headboard, resting on a pillow. His bare torso was exposed, but a light sheet concealed his lower half.

  Jessie started to enter the bathing closet to change into her new gown, but changed her mind. She sat on the small couch instead and removed her shoes. She unbuttoned her dress and pee
led it off her shoulders, then worked it over her hips. She placed the garment over the couch back. Jessie was aware that Matt was watching her with speechless surprise. She found that undressing before him aroused her as much as it did him. She unlaced her chemise and slipped it off her arms. Her breasts were full and taut. She eased off her knee-length bloomers and stood naked before him. She had gained little weight during her pregnancy, and her figure was almost back to normal.

  “You’re beautiful, Jessie,” he murmured in pride and desire.

  Mathew Cordell stared in wonder as she walked to the bed. Her auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders like a dark-red river over creamy sand. Her enticing eyes looked bluer than usual. Her body was no longer that of a tomboy. She was bewitching and seductive, knowing and innocent. She appeared soft and fragile, but Matt knew she was firm and strong. He ached to get his hands and lips upon that silken skin.

  Jessie sat down near him. She trailed her fingers over his hairy chest, making tiny dark curls along her way. She felt his heart beating at a swift pace. As her fingers journeyed upward, they paused a moment on the pulse point at the base of his throat to feel it racing beneath them. She traced over his jawline, avoiding the small nick from his hasty shave. They traveled down his straight nose and teased over his wide mouth. “I was around you for so many years, but failed to realize how handsome you are.” When he smiled, she said, “You have the most beautiful smile in the world. It makes your eyes light up.”

  “Only when I’m looking at you, Jessie.” His hand lifted to caress her cheek.

  “I wish I had known about your feelings for me sooner. We wasted so many years. Let’s not waste any more,” she said, then sealed her mouth to his.

  Matt grasped her body and rolled her over his to place her at his side. The cover twisted around his hips as he lay half atop her. His mouth and tongue worked with hers to send their senses spinning. His fingers drifted over her silky flesh; trailing down her arm and over her back. They entangled themselves in her lush mane and didn’t seek freedom for a time.

  Their bare torsos met and Jessie gasped at the sensation. They explored each other’s bodies with equal and rising passion.

  Matt’s mouth left hers to roam the smooth flesh of her neck, then traveled downward to move slowly and purposefully toward one beckoning breast. He brushed his lips over its peak, his hot breathing enflaming the taut bud and causing it to stiffen. His tongue lavished sweet nectar upon it, and he felt Jessie quiver in pleasure. His hand drifted over her hip and lower, to the very center of her passion. With skill and tenderness, he teased and caressed her moist, satiny flesh.

  Jessie closed her eyes and savored the blissful sensations her husband was creating. His hands and lips were skilled and knowing. If ever she had doubted she loved and desired Matt Cordell, those qualms were gone. If ever she had doubted she could respond to him in this way, she had been mistaken. Her body was sensitive and receptive to every move he made. She wanted to touch him, to pleasure him, to tantalize him, too. The cover prevented her bold explorations. She yanked at it and Matt caught her intention.

  Without taking his lips from her body, he grasped the edge and tossed it aside, leaving nothing between them. He felt Jessie’s hands stroke his back, tease over his buttocks, and seek his throbbing hardness. He sucked in air and stiffened a moment when she touched him.

  Jessie smiled at his reaction and her hand curled around him. As her desire increased, her fingers roamed up and down his hot, hard length. Her mind was dazed by the wall of fire around her. Her body was engulfed in passion’s flames. She wanted to be consumed by them. “I want you so much, Matt.”

  Jessie didn’t have to tell him she was ready to receive him; her actions spoke for her. Matt moved atop her and when she eagerly parted her thighs, he thrust into her with a cry of ecstasy.

  Jessie groaned with pleasure as their bodies united and worked as one. Their hands and lips continued to heighten their hunger. Their lovemaking was blissful and stirring. But they had waited a long time and were unable to restrain themselves. They moved with urgency, their hearts and bodies demanding to be sated.

  “I love you, Jessie. It’s more wonderful than I dreamed.”

  “Oh, yes, Matt, it feels wonderful.” she murmured as the bittersweet sensations charged through her writhing body. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Unable to hold back any longer, he carried them to the edge of restraint and into paradise itself. Together, they shared a rapturous delight, then lay contented in each other’s arms, savoring the glowing aftermath of their first union.

  Jessie teased her fingers over her husband’s damp chest. “Mathew Cordell, you’re one surprise after another. Why did you keep me starving so long?”

  He laughed. “Don’t you know food tastes better when you’re hungriest?”

  “Ah, yes, that devious scheme of yours to conquer me,” she jested.

  “Seems it worked,” he retorted, hugging her possessively.

  “I must admit it did, and most delightfully.”

  Matt rolled to his side and propped on his elbow. He gazed down into Jessie’s radiant and serene face. “And I’ll confess that was worth waiting for.”

  “You’re right. We did need time to get this close. I’m yours now.”

  As he studied her gaze and mood, he knew that was true in all ways.

  Jessie heard the baby cry. She laughed and said, “Now, our son wants his dinner. For a while, we’ll have to work our schedule around his. I won’t be long. Keep the bed warm, my love.” Jessie rose and donned her gown. “On second thought, Mr. Cordell, keep yourself warm until I get back. Seems I haven’t had my dessert yet.”

  Jessie nursed Lane and tended his needs. As she rocked him to sleep, she smiled and hummed. She realized it was possible to love two men. There was still a special place in her heart for Lane’s father, but her life was with Matt. Surely Matt was her destiny.

  She wouldn’t allow the bittersweet past and her lost first love to torment her again. She wouldn’t dream of how it could have been with Navarro. She wouldn’t fantasize about his eventual return. She would live in the present and for the future. She was lucky to have captured a beautiful second chance.

  Jessie tucked in her son and gazed at him for a short time. Lane Cordell had been meant to be born, and she would no longer scold herself for making a sinful mistake. He would be loved and nurtured by two happy parents. That was more than Navarro had had and more than Lane would have had if she’d escaped with the fugitive that day long ago.

  Despite sharing love and passion, she and Navarro had been too different to have made a life together. She would have been lost in Navarro—overwhelmed by him. But she and Matt were equal halves that made a healthy whole.

  No doubt Navarro had realized such truths, too, and that was why he hadn’t visited or written: to let them both heal and forget. With all her heart, she wished Navarro well, but she loved Matt and their happy life. There would always be a small corner in her heart that only Navarro had touched and where he would reside. She would always be grateful to him for what he had done for her and for her family. There was no shame or sin in such pure love and harmless loyalty. Yes, things were as they should be.

  Matt was awaiting her return to share more pleasure. Peace ruled their ranch and lives, Miguel and Annie Ortega were expecting their first child next year. Everyone was safe and happy.

  Jessie took one more glance at her son, smiled, and left to rejoin Matt. Her life was perfect, and nothing or no one could spoil it…

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Matt entered the parlor where Jessie and Gran were sewing and chatting. Tom was in his room doing lessons. The November day was cool, and a cozy fire glowed on the large hearth. Lane sat on a rug near his mother’s feet playing with wooden toys that Big John Williams and other hands had carved for him. Annie was in her small home tending to her new infant. The two women halted their hands and looked at Jessie’s husband as he approached them.

  He scooped up the twenty-month-old boy and said, “How’s my fine son tonight? Getting bigger and smarter every day.”

  Lane laughed and squealed with delight as Matt played with him for a time.

  After Matt set him down and kissed Jessie’s cheek, he withdrew an envelope from his pocket. He held it out to his wife and said, “A letter from Mary Louise.”

  The redhead stared at the mail as if it were a viper about to strike her, and that was just how she felt. With reluctance, she took the envelope. She glanced at her grandmother, then at Matt, and murmured, “I wonder what she wants. It’s been two and a half years of peace. I hope she isn’t going to try to end it for us.”

  Jessie exhaled in dread. “Might as well get it over with.” She ripped open the missive and read it to the others. The redhead blinked and shook her head, doubting what her eyes and wits were gathering. No one had spoken. She realized Matt and Gran were as shocked by the news, too. “I don’t believe it.”

  “She sounds sincere, Jessie,” Gran remarked.

  “I have to admit, I think she does too,” Matt added. “Never thought to see the day when she would change.”

  “It must be a trick,” Jessie said, but somehow didn’t believe it was.

  “What would she have to gain with this offer?” Matt reasoned.

  “Matt, watch Lane for me. He’s curious about fire, so don’t take your eyes off of him,” she advised. “I want to study this closely.” Jessie went into the kitchen, sat down at the table, and read her sister’s letter once more:


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