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World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1)

Page 16

by P. Mattern

  “I guess they know we’re here, Cass said glumly - well, that’s all right. Let’s meet them on the field - WHO’S WITH ME?” He finished in a lame impression of a rallying war cry.

  “Cass there’s HUNDREDS of them”, Lux objected, ”And they have claws. If they tear you to mincemeat it will take forever to reassemble you.”

  Cass was about to reply, ”Well, genius brother, how would YOU proceed?” But he only got out the “Well” before a huge, grinding, crashing sound came from the base of the castle, which rose naturally from a base of huge chunks of flinty grey rock. As the vampires, diverted from their view of the horizon, stared, cave like openings appeared in the rock base. The initial crescendo of noise was followed by an eerie silence. Then a sound, somewhere between thunder and the sound of tires grinding on gravel began to issue forth from the openings.

  “People!” Merilee shouted, alarm in her voice, ”The Northern line is advancing!”

  “Can you see what it is?” Charley shouted over the noise to the East of them. ”I can’t make it out.”

  Fress shuddered in response, ”From here, looks like huge cave spiders with claws and beaks, bigger than great Danes!”

  “We need a plan people!” Cass shouted. A slightly hysterical note had crept into his voice.

  “We need bait.” Someone said. Cass turned around and saw Orry looking at him intently. Looking around at the others, Cass realized with a jolt that everyone in the group was looking at him.

  “WAIT! WHAT?” He exclaimed. ”WHOA - are you guys serious? Do I look like bait? C’mon you guys!!”

  “Hi ‘Bait’” Lux smirked cheerfully.

  Charley spoke up, ”I’ll go in with Cass.”

  “The hell you will!” Fress cried.

  “I said I’m going with Cass” Charley repeated tersely, a stubborn tone creeping into his voice.

  Fress scrambled up until she was standing on her perch, rather than sitting. Her dark hair, blown by the wind, framed her head like a corona. Her deeply blue eyes were fierce.

  “Go ahead and be as muley as you want, Charley, but whats good for the gander is good for the goose, so I will be coming too.”

  Charley let out a long breath, ”Help me guys. This can’t happen.” He said pleadingly. Orry spoke up, ”I agree. That’s why you won’t be going man - I’ll go. We didn’t come this far to rescue your mom so that we can tell her how her darling son was vanquished by giant spiders - or worse”, he added looking guardedly in the direction of the castle base where ominous noise was ongoing.

  Charley let out a long breath and Cass let out a long whistle.

  “Then it’s settled - the three musketeers – myself, Fress and Orry will run interference. Now we need a sound strategy.”

  Fress had floated down to Charley’s branch and snapped her long fingers in front of his face to get his attention.

  “Charley we’re here to get your mom back, not give her the solemn news of your untimely passing. Exercise some restraint for once.”

  Charley flushed in irritation, his shoulders slumping in resignation, but before he could respond a deep rumbling sound accompanied by heavy, palpable vibration that could be felt through the tree limbs. It seemed as if the vibration was working its way from the outside into the very core of their beings. The strong kinesthetic impact put everyone on instant alert.

  To the East, erupting from the rock base of Faquier Hall amid the rattling of stonespray huge boulders with imbedded mining debris rolled out. From the treetops the group could see buckets, an occasional pickaxe and helmets - some of which sat on the heads of dust covered miners. Judging from the pallor of their skin they were long dead. Some were silent with expressions of horror frozen on their faces. Others were still screaming the piteous cries of men in the process of being buried alive.

  The scene unfolding before them was phantasmagoric and mesmerizing in a horrifying way. Suddenly Cass began to chuckle.

  “Something is funny?” Lux snapped, irritated.

  Cass squinted down at the castle base.”

  “The ravine around the castle, bro’-they can’t get across.”

  Lux snorted, ”They can’t get AT us, true ‘nuff - but they’re barring the way in… and the crawlers are closing in pretty fast.” In the distance the wavy greyness of the cave spider pack had already closed half the distance to the tree line.

  “What to do, what to do,” Charley murmured to himself. ”Okay. I’ve got it. Let’s help the boulder boys across.”

  Cass whipped his head around to face Charley.

  “Are you NUTS? Why would we want to do that?”

  Charley brushed his bangs out of his eyes and sighed patiently.

  “Because we want to be strategic here. Let’s look at it like a clock face. Monster Set I, the spider cavalcade, is at 12:00, coming across the field toward the forest - and us. Monster Set II is at 3:00 on our flank. We need to provide a way for MSII to cross the ravine and lure them into a position where they are between ourselves and MSI. Simple.”

  “Simple for those remaining in the treetop peanut gallery maybe.” Cass grumbled, ”Those of us performing the role of “bait” will be sandwiched in between MS’s I and II, obviously.”

  “True dat”, Orry interjected, ”But we only need to stick around until they see EACHOTHER and engage. It’s all about positioning.”

  “I agree”, Fress said, a little too brightly. Charley’s stomach clenched because he knew she was trying to cover her fear and this troubled him because she was the bravest creature he had ever known and he’d never seen her afraid. Yet she continued. ”This is definitely doable. Let’s DO THIS!” For emphasis she swung down from her perch and made an acrobatic landing on the ground below. Cass and Orry followed suit and the threesome walked to the forest edge facing the ravine. Although the roots of the giant trees were deeply embedded, pushing at Orry’s command at the tree bases they managed to topple two of them over to form a wide natural bridge across to the stone castle.

  In the eerie silence that followed, nothing happened at first. Then as if on cue the boulder monstrosities began to roll across toward Cass, Fress and Orry who were standing on the other side. Cass waited until two of the monsters were almost across before screaming, ”RUN!!!!!”

  Predictably, a few of the boulder beasts careened clumsily off the makeshift bridge into the ravine, but most of them made it to the bank and followed after the running trio. The rest of the group, Lux, Charley, and Merilee, with serious expressions on their faces, watched unmoving from their sylvan grandstand. At least 20 of the beasts from Monster Set II followed, actually picking up speed as they reached the meadow flatland. Once Fress tripped and was quickly helped up by Orry.

  As the running young vampires proceeded towards the oncoming Monster Set I the distance between themselves and both Monster Sets decreased to yards and then feet. Cass skidded to a stop as the group reached the point where they were equidistant between Monster Sets I and II. As the encroaching horrors drew ever closer, Cass stood stock still and screamed, ”NOW!!!!”

  Fress and Orry immediately shot upwards into the atmosphere. Cass launched himself after them after remaining a few seconds to ascertain that Monster Sets I and II were attacking and fighting each other. But immediately after taking off into the air he was whiplashed back to earth so violently that dirt and vegetation sprayed upwards several feet from the ground when he impacted it.

  Dazed, he looked down to see that a white tensile chord was looped fast over his right ankle. The cave spider that had thrown the web strand made clicking sounds with its beaklike proboscis as it hurried hungrily toward Cass, its intended prey. Cass stared, frozen and mesmerized, as the beast approached.

  At the final seconds of the anticipated impact, Cass closed his eyes tightly, and with a shout that bordered on a scream yelled, ”BLACKHAWK DOWN! BLACKHAWK DOWN!”

  Immediately he felt himself being lifted upwards, away from the smells of stone dust and giant spider Musk, away from the compound
spider eyes that had surrounded and nearly mesmerized him. Just above him, firmly holding him with arms through his and clasped strongly across his chest like a human safety harness was his brother Lux.

  The good news was that Cass was off the spider menu for the evening.

  The bad news was that Lux was laughing. Loudly.

  Cass glared upward, ”I’m missing a boot. I look ridiculous.”

  Lux snorted, ”Not as ridiculous as you’d look with all your body fluids sucked out. Look down, ’bro.”

  Below the hovering twins a savage battle was in progress. Broken rock debris and spider legs littered the field as Monster Sets I and II annihilated eachother.

  It seemed a battle that could go on for quite a while.

  “Let go of me”, Cass said gruffly, kicking his legs for emphasis, ”I can fly on my own!”

  Lux did so as he feigned a pout, ”What? No ‘thank you’?”

  Cass grunted, looking sheepish as they flew toward the rest of the group still waiting in the treetops.

  “OK - nice save brother. I’m not sure a vampire can be brought back from total dehydration. And I shudder to contemplate the alternative.”

  At that point Fress and Orry caught up to them, and Cass asked, ”Fress? Orry? You OK?”

  “Sure” Fress smirked at him. ”But glad for your brother - we were too far away after we took off to assist! This time, Lux is the Rock Star!”

  Lux nodded happily in agreement, saying, ”OK, admit it. I Rock!” Soon they were reunited with the rest of their comrades – in - arms in the trees. From that vantage point the still raging battle between Monster Sets I and II was even more impressive. It appeared that the battle trajectory on both sides was set on total annihilation. The group was silent as they took in the phantasmagoric scene of destruction, loud rumblings, screams and tearing sounds.

  Merilee broke the silence. ”Who do you think will win?”

  Cass cleared his throat, ”Smart money is on the Rock Monsters I believe.”

  Fress frowned down at the chaos being played out before them.

  “The REAL question is - who sent them?”

  Lux snorted, ”Adrastos and Patraeus, of course.”

  Merilee responded. ”I think I know what you’re saying. But I don’t think these Monster Sets were sent by the same entities.”

  “Why do you say that?” Charley asked, turning to Merilee, incredulity sounding in his voice.

  “Well, think for a moment. If they HAD been sent by the same parties, they couldn’t turn on each other. They would still be hunting us.”

  Cass let out a long whistling breath. He and Lux looked at each other, and Cass announced,

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, it would appear that we have more than one adversary!”

  * * *

  Chapter 20: Advance

  “OK, I believe you,” Fress said cautiously, ”But that still shouldn’t distract us from the task at hand. We’re still going IN, right?”

  “Right” Charley answered her with his typical naive and earnest confidence. ”And I would suggest that we fly up to the fifth floor portcullis. That’s where the main reception area is.”

  The rest looked at Charley with fond bemusement. Orry asked, ”And you would know this - HOW?”

  Charley pulled a tightly rolled magazine out of his back pocket. ”This magazine. A special premier publication for a select audience, it’s called ‘Vampire Consortium Architectural Digest.”

  There was a slight pause followed by light scattered laughter.

  “Lux”, Merilee said,” You’re the General. Strategically speaking, what would be the best way to proceed?”

  “Cass and Fress in the fore guard…” He began.

  “Baitboy again”, Cass muttered under his breath.

  Lux shot him a dirty look, then continued, ”Charley slightly behind them, then myself, Orry and Merilee bringing up the rearguard, just in case. But to be frank with you I don’t expect a frontal attack. Upon reflection I doubt the attack of Monster Set II was anything personal, I think they were activated when we were picked up on their radar. Adrastos is Old School, and a game player. That brother of his, Patreus, is another consideration entirely. Orry and Merilee don’t take your eyes off him for a second. In typical Old School fashion I expect a challenge of some sort, probably directed toward Charley. I think that we have to assume that Adrastos took Mitzi in order to draw Charley out.”

  In the uncomfortable silence that followed, the entire group looked solemnly in Charley’s direction. The ‘groupthink’ consensus was that Charley was barely past the greenhorn stage of being a Vampire. Charley most likely was only 75% manifested in the peculiar talents he was eventually destined to possess. Cass cleared his throat. “Charley you have to realize that at this point in time you’re not finished with your – er - metamorphosis. You’re kind of like a battery that’s only partially charged. You’re … untested. Vampires, at least the ones of us that abide by V-Consortium codes of conduct, don’t often find ourselves in the untenable position of waging physical warfare. As far as Lux and I are concerned, we’ve only been commissioned by the V-Consortium to participate in conflict once in two centuries.”

  Charley leaned closely so as not to miss a word and asked, ”When was that?”

  That was an odd situation, the first that had come up since the Codes were effective. ”Lux answered.” A rogue band of Vampires was organized by someone whose agenda was to overtake and replace the V-Consortium, destroying everything that we had painstakingly put into place over many decades.

  “Some individuals hunger for power - the kind of power that relies on chaos, ignorance, cruelty, greed and uncontrolled Bloodlust. It was difficult to prevail against this well-orchestrated attempt to usurp our society but we did – at a great cost. That’s why we call Lux “the General” sometimes. It’s more than just a nickname. Lux risked his immortality to save many others.”

  Charley contemplated this information for a few moments without comment. Then suddenly he asked, ”Was it Patraeus?”

  Cass and Lux looked at each other - one of Lux’s eyebrows was lifted as if to signal amazement at Charley’s deductive analytical powers.

  “Yes it was, Charley,” Lux answered. This is why Patraeus is not to be trusted. The only reason he wasn’t exterminated, like the vermin he is, because he became part of a prisoner exchange.

  Sometimes you can’t eradicate evil. It is a force in the world as ancient as the universe itself, existing in nature, the hearts of men and angels - and even in the souls of the immortals.

  But it can be contained. ”He finished, weariness in his voice.”

  “If only we had a few more of us here, ”Fress fussed quietly.” Strength in numbers. We need more spiritual support.”

  Just then a voice spoke from the dimming light of the woodlands behind them.

  “And your wish has been granted-we are here darling!” The lilting voice of Ariel floated on the air as all faces turned in surprise. Celeste, who was there also, grinned impishly at the group.

  “I was sort of following you through my prescient focus. We decided to track you at a distance - in case you needed us. Not to interfere. Just to be on standby, to be of service.”

  Fress flew over and threw her arms around both Celeste and Ariel.

  “Your timing is impeccable!”

  One by one the rest of the vamps also embraced Celeste and Ariel. After Lux kissed each of the ladies on both cheeks, he turned and announced to the group, ”Now we are loaded for bear as the saying goes. Let’s get going!”

  “Group huddle?” Charley suggested.

  Solemnly the group hovered in the cooling air in a small clearing between the treetops. Each of them threw a hand into the center of the circle they had formed.

  “FOR MITZI!” Cass shouted.

  “FOR MITZI!” the others echoed. Their strong voices radiated in sound waves throughout the twilight of the forest. Courage created by their huddle radiated out into the air fro
m the group. As one they rose and moved toward Fauquier Hall, sights on the West Terrace.

  Charley’s eyes narrowed, his blue irises taking on a flinty grey hue. ”We’re coming!” He hissed under his breath.

  * * *

  Chapter 21: Wind

  As each of the vampires floated gently down onto the burnt umber tiles of the balustrade that served functionally as an anteroom to the cavernous chamber hall, they realized one thing almost immediately.

  They were expected.

  Walking forward into the relative gloom of the immense hall the group was silent and tense, every fiber of their individual beings on high alert. Ariel and Celeste fumbled for eachothers hands and clasped them tightly together. As their eyes became accustomed to the interior they saw Adrastos, seated on an elaborately carved mahogany chair that looked suspiciously like a throne. On his right in permanent attendance his brother Patraeus stood, staring at the group, his face completely expressionless. On Adrastos’ left, a wizened man with a long white beard stood slightly behind the throne. The old man’s eyes were opaque with the milky glaze of glaucoma, and he appeared to be missing both his ears.

  In the dim background just behind the arched entryways to other parts of the castle were what appeared to be soldiers in anachronistic warrior attire, armed with crude but effective weaponry.

  After a speculative perusal of the group, Adrastos spoke. ”Welcome, Charley Rabbit and Company. Welcome to the enchantment of Mutuo County, part of the Tibetan Autonomous Region. Closest locale to Eden barely touched or affected by the vulgarities of human occupation. We have been expecting you for quite some time.”

  Charley gave Adrastos a defiant glare. ”I wonder how.”

  Adrastos laughed shortly and indicated the earless old man with the long beard to his left.


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