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World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1)

Page 17

by P. Mattern

  “Maung is very prescient. He is rather helpful in that regard. He saw your advance three days ago.”

  “GREAT. Thanks for that, Maung!” Charlie retorted acidly in the old man’s direction.

  Maung, looking supremely pleased with himself lifted his bearded chin and gave Charley a surprising grin, accompanied by a hand flourish, and answered, ”You are welcome, young master.”

  Charley turned his attention back to Adrastos.

  “Do I really need to tell you what – WHO - we are here for? We are not leaving without her. We are here to ‘request’ that you release her to us.” Charley’s voice, followed by a slight echo in the chamber, was clear and strong.

  Adrastos nonchalantly studied the fingernails of his right hand.

  “And if I decline to fulfill your request?” He asked a slightly bemused tone in his voice. Directly behind him the rustling and clanking sounds of armed men waiting impatiently in the alcoves for a command could also be heard echoing in the giant chamber.

  “That’s NOT an option, ”Charley replied.” We know that she’s here - and that she didn’t come here willingly.”

  “Though that may be the case,” Adrastos answered in a patient, somewhat condescending tone, ”You are missing the point entirely Young Rabbit. The REAL question is, does your mother want to leave here. Do you imagine that I have kept her chained to the walls?”

  Adrastos laughed heartily, his laughter ricocheting off the stone walls and high cathedral ceiling of the chamber. Recovering himself, he continued. ”Your mother has been completely and lovingly cared for, her every need - and whim - attended to. Perhaps she prefers to stay here.”

  Charley shook his head.

  “I don’t believe you. She didn’t leave on her own, she was TAKEN. I KNOW my mother! She would NEVER – NEVER…” Charley stammered.

  “-Leave you?” Adrastos said, finishing Charley’s sentence for him. ”You’re a grown man Charley Rabbit. Why don’t you get a life and let your mother do the same?”

  “She doesn’t want to be here Adrastos.” Charley repeated stubbornly.

  Adrastos sighed.

  “Well, there’s only one way to settle this then. Let’s ASK your mother, shall we?”

  To the surprise of the entire group, Adrastos clapped his hands and suddenly Mitzi appeared from an alcove behind Adrastos’ throne.

  “MOM!” Charley cried. Running forward, Charley threw his arms around Mitzi, and found himself hugging the empty air.

  Charley recovered quickly. ”This is a hologram of my mother. LOL Adrastos - where is SHE??”

  Adrastos seemed amused. ”She is safe. As soon as I flip a switch she will be able to see you - all of you - through her holographic avatar.

  He learned over and flipped an unseen switch. Instantly the Mitzi Avatar gave a gasp of recognition.

  “Charley!” she shouted as she stepped forward and embraced the air in front of Charley.

  “Oh “, she said stepping back disappointedly, ”It’s not really you.”

  Charley stepped forward excitedly, ”Yes it is! I’m here in the Great Hall - can you join us?” Mitzi looked confused, ”How can I find you Charley? I don’t even know where I am. This - this castle is immense. Can you stay? Can you find me?”

  Charley was taken aback.

  “Can I STAY? Have you lost your mind mom? I’m here with everyone else we know negotiating the terms of your RELEASE -“ Charley’s head swiveled quickly to Adrastos and he shouted bluntly and angrily, ”YOU DRUGGED HER.”

  Adrastos shook his head ”No, Charley, but as time passes I believe that she is acclimating to her new home.”

  Charley was vehement, ”She is LOST!” he sputtered, “confused. She needs to leave.” ”She WAS lost”, Adrastos snapped. “Lost in a life of servitude - to YOU. Now you have joined the dark life of a vampire. You are your ‘own man’ as the expression goes. So go forth and conquer. On your own, as befits an immortal. Don’t be troublesome. Your mother is fine. As far as your mother leaving today – that’s off the table.”

  “Listen to me,” Charley glared, moving forward toward Adrastos and causing nervous movement in the alcoves by the soldiers on alert there. ”THAT is what’s ‘off the table.’ I want to see Mitzi in PERSON - a glorified cartoon will not do. I’m not leaving until I do.”

  Adrastos sighed heavily in resignation.

  “In that assumption, my young would - be warrior, my future stepson, you are wrong. You should thank your lucky stars that I do not view you and your pitiful tribe as a serious threat to me or my little kingdom. Let me show you just how easily you can be disposed of.”

  Both Lux and Cass, standing on either side of Celeste started to step forward to where Charley was standing. Celeste threw both her strong arms in front of them to block them.

  “Wait” she hissed. ”Listen.”

  From behind them there came a queer noise, first seemingly far away and then closer - a sound that was a combination of thunder and a freight train rushing headlong towards them.

  “What is it?” Merilee murmured.

  Celeste’s face suddenly convulsed in belated recognition and horror. She gave a signal to Ariel who quickly flew across the room and hopped on her back. In front of the groups startled eyes Charley seemingly disappeared.

  “GOOOOOOOOO!” Celeste shouted, making a 180 degree turn and taking off on a blur, followed by the others, just as a huge wind, with several hundred times more power than gale force, swept through the chamber. In the air outside the terrace, a panoramic view of the vampires being tossed through the atmosphere was visible to Adrastos and his cohorts, who were unaffected, the wind stopping in abeyance several feet from the side of the chamber they occupied.

  Over the noise of the retreating gale storm, Adrastos called sarcastically,

  “So sorry you had to rush off!! We don’t get many visitors here!! Be sure to call again when you are in the neighborhood!!”

  His henchmen joined in his bellowing laughter as, with supreme satisfaction; he watched the storms outside slowly subside.

  “Patraeus!” he called. “Yes brother”, Patraeus answered, turning to him.

  “That was fun, wasn’t it? How nice to know that the skills are still sharp, even having gone unused for a period of time.”

  “Yes brother” Patraeus answered. ”Where did they go?”

  Adrastos chuckled. ”Different portals. The rest will find their way back home without too much difficulty. But Young Rabbit, I’m afraid will have quite a time. I don’t believe he is familiar with the portal system as the others are. It may take him awhile.” He turned to Maung. ”Where did Charley Rabbit end up, Maung? Can you see?”

  Maung bowed briefly. ”I believe he will land in La Rincanada, the highest city in Peru.” Adrastos smiled, ”Good. Another of the most remote and inaccessible regions in the world. City at the highest altitude in the world - making it difficult to breathe if you’re not a native. Should make for a rather interesting learning curve.”

  * * *

  Chapter 22: Blown

  “Crash and BURN!! Most EPIC FAIL EVER!!! “ Cass lamented, shaking sand and twigs out of his clothing. He looked around the room of the Cottage to count heads. ”That didn’t go according to plan. Not even close! And where is Charley people?” Celeste, who was combing her fingers through Ariels hair attempting to get the sticks and leaves out, answered, ”We located him in La Rincanada, Peru. Fress went to retrieve him. The portal there is a sky bound one and rather difficult to locate, and since he didn’t bring his wallet… chances are it would normally take him awhile to return. Don’t worry, Fress had a bead on him as soon as he was blown there by Adrastos’ Magick - Seventh level, Evil - ass, Thrice - bitten Magick I might add!”

  “We were bested ”Lux said sadly.” I wonder how disappointed Charley will be. I’m not looking forward to facing him. Some General I am.” He finished glumly.

  Surprisingly it was Cass that patted Lux consolingly on the shoulder. Well next ti
me we’ll be better prepared. And you DID save my life - that’s a big one! Anyway I took the liberty of putting in a call for assistance from one of our old friends… one of the few “thrice - bittens” that ISN’T playing for the Dark Team.

  Lux, looked up at Cass, the light returning to his downcast eyes, ”Yaya? You called Yaya Wiscievisc

  ? I love you Cass! That’s a brilliant idea!”

  “Who is Yaya?” Merilee wanted to know.

  “He’s the go - to guy for difficult situations, usually consisting of V-net vamps running afoul of someone playing for the dark team. He’s unique and amazing, possessing powers beyond the scope of 99% of vamps, even gifted ‘twice - bittens’. Yet he’s the humblest guy you would ever want to meet.”

  “Unusual name.” Orry commented.

  ”He’s African - American – and Russian Jewish Orthodox.” Cass replied “speaks about 40 different languages is very philanthropic belongs to the Consort to Save the Planet – that organization started by nongreedy billionaire entrepreneurs intent on reversing the ecologically disastrous path that we’re on. And he’s a vampire – but only uses his powers to maintain the balance of power between the Light team – that would be us – and the Dark team – of which Adrastos is a charter member.”

  At that exact moment Fress came barreling through the door with Charley Rabbit in tow. Charley looked a little worse for the wear - his hair was disheveled and he was covered in grey foul - smelling mud. He was also shirtless. Fress was also splattered with mud but looked as delighted and relieved as Charley was disgruntled.

  Charley and Fress were greeted warmly by the group. Cass looked Charley up and down and asked nonchalantly, ”How was Peru, man?”

  Charley started to look pissed and then burst out laughing, ”It wasn’t much of a vacation. I ended up in a smarmy street full of slop and human waste with a bunch of rustics yelling at me. If Fress hadn’t followed me I’m not sure WHAT would have happened. They didn’t seem very happy with me.”

  Fress brushed dust from her shoulders, ”They were yelling because they saw you fall out of the sky. They thought you were a demon, Charley. You can kowtow to me later for saving your ass - for now - phew! Let’s both take showers, you first!”

  Charley started to exit the room and then stood stock still. As he turned around to face the group they could see that tears were forming in his eyes. He cleared his throat.

  “My mom,” he said, ”She’s…”

  “Still at Fauquier Hall” Lux said, appearing instantly at his side.” I’m sorry man; I know I let you down. Adrastos is more powerful and less reasonable than we thought. We’re going to need reinforcements to get Mitzi out of there. But don’t think about that now. Do what Fress said, because human excrement is not a great room odorizer.”

  As Charley disappeared up the staircase, Fress whispered, ”He didn’t want to come back here. He wanted to go straight back to Motuo County and try to take on Adrastos by himself!” She sighed. ”He loves Mitzi so much… any updates on our strategic plans?”

  Orry jumped in, ”I think we have a secret weapon. His name is “Yaya”. Right guys?”

  Fress’s head whipped around to face the twins, ”Brilliant! Did he agree to come?”

  Cass nodded. ”Loaded for bear. He’s a little tied up but he said he should be here in three days. And you know what a repertoire of “solutions” he has. If we can’t extract Mitzi with Yaya involved then it can’t be done.”

  Cass’s eyes clouded over, ”And we HAVE to get her back. It just has to happen.”

  Fress disappeared to check on Charley and get freshened up. Cass decided to make pancakes and eggs for himself and whoever else was hungry and Celeste and Ariel kissed everyone goodbye and headed home to their condo, exhausted.

  After eating, and several rounds of type O, which was all Cass had in the house, those remaining fell asleep on the various comfortable couches and divans scattered about the sitting room, and the cottage was quiet. They all dreamed the same dreams.

  Rescuing Mitzi, and exacting revenge on Adrastos.

  Time dragged while the vamps waited for the arrival of Yaya. Fress returned to her work at the library. Charley joined Cass and Lux in a ‘brooding marathon’ - although Cass was picked up by the local college extension branch to teach two 18th century history classes starting in the spring. Not to be outdone, Lux got a job in the local blood testing lab, to start in two weeks. Orry, sensing the stressed and anxious mood of his friends suggested a group night out at their favorite local club.

  At first there were no takers. But after informing them that HIS band was playing and that he needed Lux to fill in for one of the guitarists that had just been booted out of the band for excessive recreational drug use, the word went out through cyberspace that they were all meeting at the Cavern.

  “I’m SO not in a party mode”, Charley complained to Fress, who had at some point gone to Cosmetology School and was trimming up his hair. ”If it wasn’t for hurting Orry’s feelings, I’d rather skip it and read Balzac - in French this time.”

  Fress bit her lip and then answered him, ”I know its tough; I know how uncertain everything seems right now. But you know you’re moping around the cottage isn’t changing anything. And you really need to check on Mitzi’s house … I hope you guys didn’t have any pets.”

  Charley shook his head. ”Not since Wormy died.”

  “Wormy?” Fress said, ”You had a pet worm?”

  Charley chuckled, ”No - that’s what I named my Japanese fighting fish when I was … Disabled. I can’t remember why. And I loved pets but I couldn’t really care for them properly, so we went from a dog, to a cat, to a bird, to a hamster, to Wormy the fish.”

  “Did you have him very long?” Fress asked, curious.

  Charley again shook his head, causing Fress to rap him on the head with the handle part of her styling scissors and fuss ”Hey you, stay still please!”

  “About a year actually - that’s pretty long for a fish. Then – being the way I was - I decided one night to feed him hamburger. Apparently it didn’t agree with him.”

  Fress snorted and started laughing, ”Charley Rabbit - that’s TERRIBLE!”

  “Well in my limited intellectual state I thought if I liked it he would like it too. Are you finished? I’m getting antsy. I think I need to relieve some stress.”

  “How about some B-ball in the backyard?”

  Charley twirled around on his stool. ”Not exactly what I was angling for. ”He answered, pulling her lovely face down to his so that he could kiss her.” Thank you for the haircut. Now I would like my’ Happy Ending’, please.” He stood, ripped the haircutting cloak away from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor revealing his tight muscular body and he took her into his arms, scissors and all.

  Charley’s ‘Happy Ending’ was summarily interrupted by Cass, and his friend Makenna, who piled into the cottage carrying several boxes and bags and talking loudly.

  “Hey Charley, Fress - guess who scored some very fine quality Type A negative that was short dated? PARTY!!!!”

  Cass kept talking as he got out glasses and cocktail napkins, filled up decanters, and also unloaded 15 cartons of Chinese food.

  “Amazing Cass,” Charley commented, taking a Waterford crystal goblet two - thirds full of a deeply red liquid. ”I was so distracted I didn’t realize how parched I really was. Big Thanks!”

  Fress also helped herself and took a sip, ”Hmmmmmm. My favorite. So smooth. Looks like you brought plenty - how many of the others are we expecting to join us tonight?”

  Cass paused to throw back a full goblet in three swallows. ”Everyone. Celeste and Ariel are stopping by here first. Lux is already setting up with the band, and Merilee will meet us there. Apparently she has a new love interest.”

  “Do I know him?” Fress asked, curious.

  “You work at the Public Library so you may have seen him. But I think it’s Charley that actually knows him. Or may remember him.

>   “Charley do you know Daniel Cook? His mom Dendra is a friend of Mitzi’s. Ring any bells?”

  Charley nearly dropped the glass he was holding in his hand, ”Danny Cook? He’s a VAMPIRE now?”

  Cass nodded without looking up, his full attention on the carton of Chinese food he was devouring with a pair of plastic chopsticks. “Yeah. I don’t have any deets. Merilee said he’s two months in - still a nubie. “

  Charley was still aghast, ”WOW. Danny Cook. I wonder if mommy knows? There is no way. I went to High School with Danny-sort of.” Charley frowned and looked downward for a moment. ”I mean we attended the same school - He was in regular classes and I was in Special Ed.”

  Fress, who had had two glasses of Type A negative started giggling.

  “What’s so funny?” Charley asked suspiciously.

  “I’m sorry”, Fress answered, ”But the idea of you in Special Education classes is so ludicrous now. I mean,” she paused and looked up into Charley’s eyes reassuringly, ”Intellectually I know you were but you are so blazingly brilliant now it seems impossible that you ever were… something like that. I’m tipsy I’m afraid.” And she went off into another round of giggling.

  “Whoa!” Charley said, pulling her down onto his lap. ”I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. Even at the Wine Tasting. And how long have you been a lush Ms. Egnarts?” Cass, sitting across the table, surfaced from his carton of Beef and Broccoli to point in the air with his chopstick. ”She always HAS been. It’s one of those things you never find out about until later, man.”

  Fress reached across the table and slapped away Cass’s chopsticks, ”Stop it! Charley might believe you!”

  Charley looked at her, a serious expression on his face, ”Oh I do. I’m sure Cass would never fib about a serious matter like your sobriety!”

  This sent Fress off into giggles again. Charley realized that her mirth was relaxing him, and he was grateful for the break from the seriousness and anxiety that he’d felt recently.

  Fress put her fingers on Charley’s chin to pull him closer.


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