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Escape: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 4

by Michaels, A K

  “I’m fine,” I stuttered, feeling more than fine, feeling so damn good that . . . I stopped, my face flushing scarlet thinking about how much of a little hussy I’d just been.

  Damn it. One bite, one touch, and I’d behaved like a bitch in heat.

  “Shush.” Maxwell picked me up, cradling me in his arms as he took me to the bed. “Don’t think bad thoughts of yourself, Flora. A vampire’s bite can be somewhat like an aphrodisiac and there’s not a woman alive who’d be able to resist. Now, you rest while I shower and then go and deal with some business.”

  I knew my face was even redder. How the hell did he know what I’d been thinking?

  “I’ll explain that too, later.” Maxwell caressed my cheek before tucking my hair behind my ear.

  “I . . .” An urgent pounding on the door stopped me and I saw a flash of anger on Maxwell’s face that reminded me just how powerful and deadly he was.

  “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed,” he shouted angrily.

  Graham’s voice shook as he replied through the thick oak door. “My apologies, Mr. Maxwell, but we have a problem. A rather large and loud problem, at the front door.”

  “What?” Maxwell asked as he sped to the door, tearing it open.

  “There’s a man, well, I think he may be more than just a man,” Graham said, his face pale and worried. “He says you have his property and he wants it back. Or else.”

  “Oh shit.” I sprang from the bed, my heart hammering in my chest again, only this time it was fear driven.

  “Oh shit indeed,” Maxwell said grimly. “Lead the way, Graham, let’s see what his ‘or else’ means.”

  “Certainly, this way, Sir.” Graham started back down the hallway then paused, turning to Maxwell. “Sorry, Mr. Maxwell, force of habit.”

  “That’s all right.” Maxwell waved his hand impatiently. “Let’s get this situation dealt with.”

  I followed behind, trying to rearrange my clothing and hair so as I didn’t look as if I’d just been, well, you know!

  “It’ll be my father,” I gasped, terrified of being handed over to him. He’d punish me in ways I couldn’t even imagine. I’d seen him do it to other members of the Pack and I knew he wouldn’t think twice of carrying out his retribution on his halfbreed daughter. I wondered whether I should just rush up to the top floor of the castle and throw myself off.

  That would be far more agreeable than going back to the Pack in these circumstances.

  Maxwell halted abruptly, spinning around to frown at me. “Don’t even think about it. Stay behind me at all times and do not say one word. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I replied meekly, a vague thought of how he’d known what I’d been thinking popped into my head. As dread overwhelmed me, I hoped and prayed this vampire could save me from a fate worse than death.

  ~ Chapter 5 ~

  I could hear the racket before we even got to the top of the stairs. My father’s voice roaring and demanding entry. I could see in my head his huge paw of a fist banging on the door, his eyes bulging and bloodshot and spittle flying from his mouth. It’s what always happened when he was angry.

  Maxwell’s jaw clenched, his eyes cold and hard as we descended the stone stairway. “Remember,” he said as he looked over his shoulder at me. “Stay out of sight and whatever you do keep your mouth shut. I’ll deal with this.”

  I opened my mouth to say, well what I wasn’t sure, probably apologize for causing all this trouble, but his hand shot up, palm toward me. “Quiet. Not a sound until I’ve taken care of this.”

  Graham looked scared, his face pale and a vein twitching on his forehead. I was impressed with how he held it together though, his professionalism shining through as he led Maxwell to the huge front doors. They were solid oak, with iron rings for handles and looked as if they’d hold back a herd of elephants. Or in this case, a Pack of wolves.

  I bloody well hoped so.

  Maxwell pointed to the left, motioning for me to go there. I did. Quickly. Anything to keep me out of my father’s line of sight and shielded from his anger. He was one scary bampot when he was upset. In all honesty, if he’d been human, he’d be sectioned and locked up in a padded cell.

  Now there was a thought to make me smile.

  I must’ve done it. Smiled that is, because Maxwell frowned at me before turning back to face the door. He stood several feet back so Graham could open it. As soon as the manservant started to open the door, my father shoved it with such force that Graham flew backwards, losing his footing and lifting a good foot or two off the floor.

  Maxwell moved with lightning speed, catching the old man, and gently placing him back on his feet before whirling around to face the man of my nightmares.

  “Do not take another step.” Maxwell’s voice was now so low I strained to hear. The tone absolutely deadly as he seemed to shake with fury for a brief moment. “I’ll rip your spine out, wolf, and not even an Alpha can recover from that.”

  “That bitch is here and I want her returned together with my damn horse.” My father’s voice was full of his usual hatred when he referred to me. “Fucking halfbreed is going to know the meaning of defying an Alpha.”

  Maxwell folded his arms, his legs opening slightly as if he were balancing himself in readiness. Oh shit! It looked like this wasn’t going to end well. I almost spoke but I thrust my fist into my mouth and bit down on it instead.

  Graham stepped away from the door, now looking more himself, and came to stand next to me. He put an arm around my shoulders and nodded as if to let me know things were going to be okay.

  But they were far from okay. So far, that okay was in another bloody galaxy.

  I leaned over so I could sneak a peek through the edge of the door and saw him, the man that should’ve protected me, loved me, and looked after me. Instead he was my living nightmare. My father frowned, his voice faltering, as if he’d expected Maxwell to jump right on in and argue with him. He definitely was thrown that the vampire seemed to stand calmly staring at him after he’d delivered his threat.

  “That halfbreed daughter of mine is inside and I want her out here, now.”

  Maxwell cocked his head to the side, looking my father up and down slowly. “Mr. Brodie, I’d like to make you an offer on the black gelding. I think ten thousand sterling would be an appropriate amount. Don’t you?”

  I barely managed to stifle my gasp, shocked that Maxwell would offer to buy Mallen. It definitely wasn’t the opening gambit I’d expected.

  Obviously my father hadn’t expected it either. He stepped back and ran one of his huge paws through his hair. “For that piece of shit horse? You takin’ the piss?”

  “Yes, for that horse.” Maxwell stepped forward into my father’s space. “It’s a time limited offer, Mr. Brodie. I can transfer the money today, but you have to agree to the sale now.”

  I knew my dad. He was money hungry and I doubted he’d turn the offer of ten grand down. Even if it were a vampire offering it.

  “Mr. Forbes . . .”

  Maxwell cut him off. “My name is Steele. I don’t go by the family name.”

  “Mr. Steele.” My dad leaned forward, sneering. “I’ll take that offer.”

  “Good.” Maxwell nodded. “I’m glad we could come to an amicable agreement.”

  “Aye.” My dad smirked. “For the beast, but now, I’d like you to hand over my halfbreed.”

  “Aaah.” Maxwell stepped forward again, forcing my dad to back up. “Now that’s where we have a problem, Alpha. You see, I have a signed contract and your daughter is of legal age, so the contract is legally binding. Now, if you insist that I return her, as Alpha, it will be you that my lawyers come after. Trust me, Mr. Brodie, they’ll tie you up in legalese and court for so long that you’ll end up with nothing. That’s no empty threat. It’s a cast iron promise.”

  Well played, Max! I almost leapt for joy, knowing my father’s hatred of anything to do with the legal s
ystem. Especially hotshot lawyers. He’d lost a case the previous year when a local farmer had sued him, as Alpha of the Pack, due to losing some of his stock to my dad’s wolves. It had ended up costing him thousands and he’d been spitting angry.

  “You threatening me, vampire?” My father didn’t seem eager to back down. My heart started thudding in my chest so hard that I was certain I was going into cardiac arrest.

  “Not at all.” Maxwell shrugged. “Simply stating facts. Would you like to see the contract for yourself? I can get a photocopy for you and you’ll see that it’s all legally binding. Flora will be working for me for the duration of my visit here and I don’t intend to let her go without going to court for compensation.”

  “You’re treading in dangerous waters, vampire,” my father spat out viciously. “I have a Pack of wolves behind me.”

  “I’ve dealt with worse odds before.” Maxwell shrugged again and I couldn’t believe how calm he was. Not when I was having a freaking full blown panic attack.

  “Plus.” Maxwell uncrossed his arms, tugging his phone out of his pocket. “I have the heads of both the Vampire and Wolf Council here on my phone. Do you wish me to bring them in on this little dispute? I’m sure they’d be willing to facilitate an amicable solution for me. I am, after all, on first name basis with both.”

  Yes! If there was anything my father hated more than lawyers it was the dreaded “Council.”

  “How long and just what the fuck is she doing for you?” my dad snarled savagely.

  “What she has been employed to do is none of your business and the timescale hasn’t been decided as yet.” Maxwell tucked his phone back into his pocket. “It depends on how long it takes me to sort through my father’s estate. It could be a week, or even a month. I can’t be more specific.”

  “I’ll leave today if you promise to let me know when you are planning on leaving,” my father sneered and my heart stopped, actually stopped beating in my chest.

  Damn! I might not make my escape after all.

  “Of course,” Maxwell replied far too quickly and all thoughts of a new life fled, tears rushing to fill up my eyes.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! If I wanted my freedom I’d have to think of something, and fast, before I was handed back to that damn excuse of a father. I was not going back. Not in a million years. I definitely would throw myself from the top of the castle if that was my only option.

  Maybe death wouldn’t be so bad. My mum might be right there waiting on me. That’d be okay. Wouldn’t it?

  “No, sweet Flora, it would not be okay,” Maxwell whispered against my ear, causing me to jump in fright.

  I hadn’t noticed my father leaving or the door closing. “Max!” I hit his arm, shrieking. “Ferfucksake! You scared the beejezus outta me!”

  He raised a disapproving eyebrow. “Max?”

  “Oh.” I shook my head. “No, I mean Mr. Steele.”

  “I’d like you to go back upstairs and relax, have a bath, and Graham will organize some food for you. I have business to attend to.” He turned away, striding quickly down the hall to goodness knew where without a backward glance.

  “What would you like?” Graham asked as I stared at the disappearing back of Maxwell Steele. He was ramrod straight and I could feel his anger as he strode away.

  “What?” I asked Graham, bewildered at what had just occurred. I couldn’t believe he’d just walked away after what had happened. Surely we should talk about things, especially the part where he’d promised to basically hand me over to my father.

  “To eat?” Graham queried as I tried to process everything that had taken place.

  “Anything, as long as it’s not anything fishy, I hate fish.” I sighed as I walked away, returning to the suite of rooms that I’d probably be spending a great deal of my time in.

  “Certainly, Miss, I’ll have something brought up presently,” Graham said but I didn’t really care, I’d lost my appetite.


  What did I just do?

  I could still taste her blood. Smell the madly intoxicating scent of her arousal. But I had no fucking clue why I’d just went head to head with a Wolf Pack Alpha for a slip of a girl I barely knew.

  Shit, I wouldn’t normally do that for someone I did know.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  I still felt riled up. I’d barely stopped myself from ripping that Alpha apart. Something inside of me urging me to destroy him where he stood and the feeling still ran through me like a forest fire.

  I slammed the door of my father’s office, almost unhinging the ancient wooden door that was more than three inches thick. I didn’t even try to stop myself punching the wall, anger pulsing through me like molten lava. I barely registered the pain as my fist crumbled centuries old stone, dust flying in all directions as I spun away, pacing like a caged lion at the zoo.

  She’s nothing but a vessel. A container of sustenance. I kept telling myself over and over but something inside me whispered that was not the case.

  I’d had hundreds of donors over the years. Some willing and some not so much. It was far better nowadays where a contract could be set up between a Courtesan and a vampire with both getting what they wanted. Blood for the vampire and money for the Courtesan. Well, some of them were looking for more than cash. Some wanted to experience the thrill of being at a vampire’s mercy, not to mention the sex. No human could satisfy a woman the way a vampire could.

  Then again, most of us had centuries of practice.

  I couldn’t get Flora out of my mind. Every single thing about her seemed to set me off, with a protective streak that I’d never encountered before. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but whatever it was, I didn’t like it.

  She was young, beautiful, and wild, yes, but she was also just another Courtesan. Wasn’t she?

  My mind seemed to be arguing with itself. Part telling me to release her from the contract and send her on her way with some money in her pocket. Another part imploring me to keep her close and never let her go.

  What the goddamn fuck?

  I sank down into my father’s chair, obviously his favorite as it was worn and well used, right next to the large fireplace. My head in my hands as I tried to steady myself and figure out what was going on.

  I was cold, calculated, and deadly. I knew these things about myself and hadn’t given any of them anything but a passing thought. Now? Now, I was wondering whether Flora could stay with such a person. She was vibrant, full of life, and a fire burned fiercely inside her that I saw clearly every time I looked at her.

  I was certain she wasn’t even aware of it.

  But I was aware and every single thing about her called to something inside me that I didn’t even know was there. Damn it to hell and back again! I didn’t want any entanglements, any long lasting relationship, anything to do with that rarest of things for a vampire: love.

  No. Love was not on my agenda and I threw the thought away. It wasn’t love, it was nothing more than some kind of infatuation on my part. Probably due to the unique blend of her human and wolf blood that made it taste like a nectar gifted from the Gods. Yes, that was it. I’d drink from her and soon she’d be nothing more than all the others: food.

  A picture swept into my head, of the way her eyes lit up, her face shining as she spoke of the gelding, Mallen. A beast that I, apparently, now owned. Another complication I didn’t need. I mean, what the fuck was I going to do with her horse? I rode, I enjoyed it, but the horse was here in Scotland, and I didn’t plan on being here for any longer than was necessary.

  Maybe I’d just gift her the beast. Get it off my hands and have one less thing to worry about.

  What if she took that the wrong way though? She could misconstrue my intentions and that wasn’t something I wanted either. Typical catch twenty-two situation. Damn it.

  I had business to attend to and I felt my anger rise at being so distracted. A growl escaped as another vision of Flora s
hot into my head. One where her skin was rosy when she blushed. Fuck! That had my cock twitching to life and yet more thoughts of her invaded my brain.

  Why hadn’t I just taken her earlier? It was what I was paying her for after all. But something held me back from taking her virginity then, as if I cared about her first time. I didn’t care. I never cared. And I’d taken more than my fair share of virginities. I reveled in the feeling of my cock being the first to breach that most perfect of places. I did not care about the setting, no, I didn’t.

  Only I did. With Flora anyway. And that had my anger soaring as I fought to rid myself of feelings I didn’t want. I never wanted to have actual emotions! They were for the weak and I’d never categorize myself as weak. I was strong, hard, and fully in control. At. All. Times. No exceptions.

  I forced myself to focus on what needed to be done and went to work, knowing I’d have to contact Myra and call in a favor.

  ~ Chapter 6 ~

  Jesus, Mary and Joseph! What the hell was I going to do? If Maxwell Steele was going to hand me over to my father, then I needed a new plan. One where I definitely didn’t return to that hell on earth.

  I honestly couldn’t take one more minute of being the “halfbreed” and being treated like shit. My father obviously hated me, hated what I was, and if that were all it was then I could cope. But it wasn’t. As Alpha, he’d given the Pack the go ahead to treat me whatever way they wanted and that meant most of them abused me on a daily basis.

  Verbal. Physical. Mental. Every day was the same and I was beyond my breaking point. If I thought going to the authorities would help, I would’ve done it in a heartbeat. However, since Supernaturals had “come out” the Police only intervened in the most awful of cases and left them to regulate themselves. I’d get no help from them so I had to help myself in any way I could.

  I paced in the bedroom, the long hot bath I’d just had didn’t relax me one bit. I was still uptight and scared witless. “Calm down and think,” I muttered aloud as I ignored the food set up on the small table next to the window.


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