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Escape: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 5

by Michaels, A K

  I couldn’t eat. Not when my future was hanging in the balance. I had to find a solution and the only thing I could come up with was begging Maxwell not to hand me over to my father. It was either that or running away with no money and no clothes. Well, apart from the few things I’d brought in my backpack, which now lay at the bedroom door.

  I didn’t bother to check what I had. It was a meager few items and I’d need more than an extra pair of panties if I planned on running away.

  “Damn it to hell and back, with bells on!” I barely stopped myself from yelling with frustration.

  “I beg your pardon?” Max’s voice had me jumping, whirling around to find him leaning against the doorway, eyebrow raised and frowning.

  That was some feat. I’d never seen anyone frowning and cocking an eyebrow at the same time.

  “Ferfucksake! You scared me, again.”

  “Ferfucksake?” Maxwell shook his head. “Just what in blazes is that you keep saying?”

  I couldn’t help myself, my hands fisted on my hips as I shook my head. “Call yourself a Scotsman and you don’t know what that is? Shame on you.”

  “I don’t.” Max stepped away from the door, his face closed off and serious. “I haven’t thought of myself as a Scot for a very long time. Not since I left this very home and never looked back.”

  “What?” I was shocked, more than shocked, I was flabbergasted. “That’s just wrong. We Scots are a proud race and you should be too.”

  “Whatever.” Maxwell went over to the untouched food, fingering the plates and muttering, “You still didn’t explain your little saying.”

  “Fer, as in for,” I coached, pronouncing each word slowly. “Fuck is self-explanatory and sake. So, it’s for fuck sake. But here we kinda just say it as all one word.”

  “I see,” he replied, keeping his eyes downcast on the table. “Are you not hungry? Or is the food not to your liking?”

  I took in a deep breath in readiness of making my plea. “I couldn’t eat, not after what you said earlier. My stomach is in knots and I think I’d boak if I ate anything.”

  His head finally moved in my direction, frowning again. “What?”

  “What what?” I asked confused.

  “Boak, what does that mean?” Maxwell leaned back, settling his hips on the foot-wide window frame.

  “Oh jeez.” I squirmed. “It means I’d probably puke it back up.”

  “Why?” He cocked his head to the side, his eyes spearing mine intently.

  “Why?” I shook my head at him, my anger rising. “What about the whole damn reason I’m here and you just agreed to basically hand me back to my bampot of a father. That is a good enough reason to make me puke all day long.”

  “I did not agree to hand you over,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I have no intention of doing so.”

  “But you told him you’d advise him of when you were leaving!” I couldn’t help myself as I raised my voice. “That’s the same as agreeing to hand me over seeing as I’m employed until you leave. Hence, when you leave, I’ll leave, and he’ll damn well be waiting.”

  Maxwell turned away to stare out the window, which, to be honest, pissed me off big time. I stomped my foot angrily. “You can go back to your fancy life once your business here is done. Me? Shit, I’ll be lucky to still be alive. My father is cruel on a normal day, after this he’s going to be fucking furious and I’ll be the focus of that anger. I’ve seen what he can do to people who cross him so I’m pretty damn sure I’ll be in a shallow grave somewhere.”

  I inhaled sharply, realizing my outburst would probably get me thrown out on my ear. Fuck! Even though I knew what was in my rather bleak future, I wanted to put it off for as long as possible and my anger had more than likely lost me a few more days on this earth.

  As Maxwell turned slowly toward me, his face inscrutable, I fought to stop tears from falling. I gasped a breath in, my heart beating wildly as he stared at me. His eyes locked with mine and I swear he looked sad, for a brief moment, before he spoke.

  “I’m not entirely sure what you think I’m going to do, but I won’t throw you to the wolves, literally. I have still to decide what I’m going to do here, or how long I’ll be staying, but you will be safe, Flora. I would, however, prefer we get the legalities out of the way so if you’ll follow me to the office, you can look over the contract.”

  I nodded silently, following him from the room. My head was in turmoil, trying to figure out what was going to happen to me. Jeez! If my dear old da got his hands on me, I was certain he’d kill me. I couldn’t see a way out, not if Maxwell kept his word to my father.

  When he stopped abruptly, I bumped right into his back, embarrassingly apologizing. His face covered in a weird look as he gazed at me. “Flora, I told you that you’d be safe.”

  Frowning up at him I asked. “What?”

  “Your mind is still full of fear and doubt.” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s a little annoying that you don’t trust me to keep you protected.”

  I frowned right back. “I don’t know you,” I answered honestly, shrugging. “If life has taught me anything, it’s to depend on nobody but myself.”

  He stayed silent, just staring at me, before he turned and continued, not another word said until we were inside a huge office. I took in the antiques, book case covered walls, and the largest fireplace I’d ever seen. It was obviously original, from when the manor had been built, but I couldn’t resist imagining sitting curled up beside it while it blazed, reading a good book.

  “If you’d look this over, please.” Maxwell held out a sheaf of papers across the desk he now sat behind.

  “Aye.” I went over, taking them and sitting down on the other side of the desk, my eyes already speed-reading the document.

  “If you have any queries, or there’s any part you’re not sure of, just ask and I’ll clarify for you.”

  “I’m . . .” I stopped, my breath caught in my throat, as my eyes scanned over a paragraph again, and again. “I think there’s a mistake here.”

  I held up the paper but he merely shook his head. “I’ve already gone over it, everything is in order.”

  “The amount here is higher than we discussed.” I squinted over at him, trying to figure out the catch for the exorbitant payment detailed in the contract.

  “There’s no catch and you’ll be paid what is stated.” He raised an eyebrow. “Unless you wish to leave now?”

  “What?” I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to leave.”

  “Be sure, Flora, because you will be bound once you sign that contract.”

  His tone was neutral, but the way he held his body, tight with . . . what? Tension? Expectation? I wasn’t sure but I knew I’d be a fool to pass up the chance of such a large sum of money. If I managed to escape my father, then this money would mean a new life for me, far away from the Pack.

  “You got a pen?” I asked, ready to sign on the dotted line as quickly as possible in case Maxwell Steele changed his mind. I guess if I was bound by the contract, then so was he, and I wanted to ensure the deal was done.

  Opening a drawer, he fiddled around then handed me a pen. I grabbed it and quickly signed my name. “All done.” I smiled, handing it back over.

  “I don’t think you read that as thoroughly as you should have.” He quirked a brow.

  “I read enough.” I raised my own eyebrow cheekily.

  “Very well.” He checked his watch. “I’ve asked a friend to organize a personal shopper to call with a selection of suitable outfits for your stay. They should be here shortly and I have work to attend to. I’d like you downstairs and dressed for going out to an event at seven.”

  “What kind of event and what should I wear?” I asked breathlessly, apprehension running through me. I’d never gone to an event in my life and I was sure I’d make a fool of myself, or embarrass the debonair man sitting opposite me.

  “Formal.” Maxwell pull
ed a large pile of papers in front of him. “Just tell the personal shopper that it is a five-star formal event and avoid the color blue. I dislike it and with your coloring I’m sure it wouldn’t suit.”

  “Right.” I rose, smirking. “No blue says Mr. Fashionista, got it.”

  “Flora,” he sighed, shaking his head at me. “I have to admit I’ve never had a Courtesan quite like you. Please don’t make me regret my decision.”

  My mother had always said my cheeky mouth would get me into trouble and this time she was right as I hastily held up my hands. “I’m sorry. I’ll try and . . .”

  Max interrupted. “I don’t want you to change everything that is uniquely you, but I would appreciate if you paused and thought before speaking. Tonight will be a good time for you to practice. I don’t want you getting into trouble because you speak without thought.”

  “Why? Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere I’d rather not but it’s unavoidable. As is customary here the vampire overseeing the area has put on a bit of a welcome party. I would rather not attend but that would be perceived as an insult and I don’t have time to deal with any repercussions. So, Flora, there will be many others of my kind there and I’m afraid you’ll attract unwanted attention.”

  I gulped, the thought of being in a room full of vampires not exactly appealing to me. “Why?”

  “Because they will be able to sense you’re . . . virgin state.” His eyes bored into mine, leaving me breathless. “And that is something they will crave.”

  “I see.” I gasped although I didn’t see at all. How the hell could they tell I was a virgin?

  “Stay by my side and try not to get into any trouble.” His eyes twinkled for a brief moment. “And just to inform you, I’ll be resolving that situation tonight, after we return.”

  “Oh,” just popped right on out of my mouth, my hand shooting up to cover it before I squealed like a girlie.

  “Oh indeed.” His lips tugged up into an almost smile as he waved his hand, shooing me away. “Now go, I have a lot of work to do before we leave.”

  My face was scarlet as I rushed away, my heart beating so fast I thought I’d pass out as I retraced my steps toward the bedroom. I couldn’t help the thoughts and visions racing through my mind as I obsessed about a vampire making love to me.

  Or would it be? Making love that is. Maybe it would be nothing more than sex with my blood thrown in for good measure. I guess I’d just have to wait and see, but no matter how the act was done I knew I’d be an innocent no longer.

  Funnily enough that fact didn’t bother me as much as it probably should have. I was more than ready to take that next step and knew I was late in doing so. I didn’t know anyone else even close to my age who was still a virgin and once the deed was done I could cross it off my to do list.

  Yes, I do have a list. One that is long and full of things that I probably will never get the chance to cross off, but it was my list and my imagination, apparently, knew no bounds.

  So, tomorrow I’d have one less thing to do. Good, because that list was pages long and I wasn’t worried one bit about this one irrelevant thing.

  Was I?

  ~ Chapter 7 ~

  I nibbled my lip as I wandered down the hallway, muttering aloud. “Aye, right!”

  The thought of what was to come later had me almost hyperventilating, one of my hands on my heart and I swear I could feel it hammering in my chest. “Tonight is going to be one I’ll never forget,” I murmured as I reached the entranceway and stopped short.

  “There you are,” Graham exclaimed, looking flustered.

  I could see why as a lady rushed in to add more packages to the already large pile taking up enough room to stock a small store as I asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Hi,” the lady said as her head popped up, a huge smile on her face. “You must be Flora, I’m Christine, but everyone calls me Christy.”

  She rushed toward me, hand outstretched as I gaped and I’m pretty sure my mouth hung open. “Hi,” I managed as Graham looked between us and the stockpile in front of him.

  “I have everything I think you’ll need.” She waved her arm toward the pile.

  “You sure?” I quipped. “Looks like you might’ve missed something.”

  “What?” Christy’s head spun around. “Surely not! If I have, I’ll have it here within the hour. I promise.”

  “Hey.” I tapped her arm to bring her attention back to me. “I’m joking. Looks as if you’ve brought enough to dress a small army.”

  “Oh.” She smiled again, relief flooding her small round face. “I take my job too seriously at times and I’m always scared I might miss something, but I think I’ve got everything covered. I’ve got casual, semi-casual . . .”

  I held up my hand to stop her. “What on earth is semi-casual?”

  “Well, it might be a situation where . . .”

  I stopped her again. “It’s okay, we can talk as we go through everything. Let me help you with all of this.”

  Graham had his arms full, balancing boxes and draping clothes carriers over it all. I was sure he was going to fall over but he walked away, up the stairs, as if he did it every day.

  Christy managed to balance a heavy load, much more than I managed, and I followed her upstairs. Graham was already leaving the room when we arrived. “Thanks,” I huffed out as I gratefully dropped my items onto the floor.

  “If there’s anything you need just let me know,” he said before disappearing.

  “Now . . .” Christy started to arrange the items around the room. “Let’s get started.”

  The next few hours flew by and before I knew it I was standing in front of the mirror looking at myself. Well, I thought it was me, but the person staring back looked nothing like I’d ever seen before. This person looked posh, put together, and if I’m being honest, downright sexy.

  Christy had stayed and helped me with my hair and make-up and to say she’d worked a miracle is putting it mildly. My breath caught in my throat as I gazed at the woman before me. I could barely believe that it was me.

  “Hey, honey.” Christy’s hand landed on my bare shoulder. “I was right. That dress looks amazing on you.”

  My eyes moved up and down the reflection, noting the sheer silk fabric move as I breathed. One bare shoulder and one with a strap covered in sparkly stones. I’m sure Christy had told me what they were called but right now I couldn’t remember. The emerald green dress matched my eyes perfectly and for the first time in my life I felt like a princess.

  If only I had a prince, things would be perfect.

  But what I had was a contract with a vampire, a sexy as hell vampire, but a bloodsucker all the same. “It doesn’t matter,” I mumbled, forcing myself to focus on right now. All I had to do was get through the time Max was here and get paid. Hopefully then I’d be able to escape my father and his wolves and make a life for myself. Yes. That’s what was going to happen and I wouldn’t allow anything else. I focused again on my reflection. She’d left my hair loose, softly managing the waves and lifting one side to show off my bare shoulder, pinning it in place with small fiddly things that sparkled and matched perfectly to the gown and shoes. What the hell they were I had no idea and I could imagine me tying my hair in knots trying to get them out later.

  A soft breeze fluttered my gown and I swear I could hear my mother’s voice whisper. “You’re a stubborn little bint, but you’ll do it, baby. I know you will.”

  My head spun around, searching for the woman I missed so much it was like I had a permanent stomach ache. My mother who’d protected me, loved me unconditionally, and who I missed every damn day.

  “Are you all right?” Max’s sharp tone was like someone had dropped a bucket of ice cold water over me, bringing me back from my sad thoughts.

  Christy sprang back, her hands up in front of her as if she expected Max to launch himself at her and tear her throat out. It was comical to see but I
stopped myself from laughing as I turned my head, looking over my shoulder and nodded, my breath catching in my throat for several reasons.

  First was the damn fine way Max looked standing there in an obviously made to measure tux. Second was the look in his eyes as they locked with mine, his full of . . . what? Lust? Longing? Desire? Not sure but, hells bells, my legs started to wobble as if they’d been replaced by jelly. Then there was the way his eyes left mine, travelling downwards, and all the way back up and stopped on mine again with a small smile on his lips.

  “You looked like you’d seen a ghost. Are you sure you’re okay?” He stepped closer, holding a hand out toward me.

  I turned slowly, mindful of the gown and the disgustingly high heels I wore. “I was just thinking of my mum and got a little sad, that’s all.”

  “I see.” He inclined his head as his fingers entwined with mine.

  “Will I do?” I asked, scared I wasn’t dressed right for the “do” he was taking me to. It’s not as if I’d been to many, no, scratch that, I’d been to zero, nada, zilch. I was certain I’d make a fool of myself, or worse, embarrass Max.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispered softly.

  “Bag!” Christy yelled, rushing to grab the small clutch that matched the shoes she’d forced me to wear. She thrust it toward me. “Here. I’ve put a small compact mirror and lipstick inside.”

  “Thank you,” I said with feeling, her help and chatter had helped me throughout the process of stocking my new wardrobe. Although, to be honest, I was sure I didn’t need a fraction of the clothes she insisted I get.

  “My pleasure and if there’s anything we’ve missed just give me a shout and I’ll be back with whatever you need.”

  “I’ve enough clothes to do me a lifetime,” I replied quickly, worried that Max might be annoyed at the bill he was going to get.

  “Thank you. We’ll be in touch if anything else is required.” Max dismissed Christy with a nod, his attention quickly returning to me. “We should get going.”


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