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A Triple Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Kalissa Alexander

  “The waiter’s coming back this way,” Max said, relieved. “Have you had a chance to look at the menu?”

  She opted for the penne and chicken pasta dish while Max ordered the lasagna. When the waiter left, he smiled. “Let’s talk about what I came here to talk to you about.”

  She smiled back. There was no reason to be upset with Max. It was Constantine that she needed to talk to, since he had no right to make decisions for her.

  “It’s about your friend, Calla.”

  “Calla?” Oh, no. She had never called her back. How could she have forgotten or had it been a deliberate oversight on her part? Had she called Max?

  “She went to see Mrs. Harper about you.”

  Melody just stared at Max in disbelief. “Why would she do that?”

  She wanted Mrs. Harper to know about your background because she thought it might have some effect on your record contract. The first time she talked to her was before you signed, and then after you signed, she called her again. Obviously Mrs. Harper thinks she’s a nutcase, but she’s a little worried that your friend, well, I guess she’s not your friend now, is going to cause problems for you.”

  “She left a message on my cell phone. But she sounded fine. She wanted me to call her. She gave me no indication she was going to try and ruin me.”

  “She’s not going to ruin you. However, you might want to tell me about your background. It will help the team, that’s me, Mrs. Harper, Constantine, and a few others to protect you if we know the truth. Mrs. Harper thought since we’ve known each other the longest, it might be easier for you to talk to me.”

  Melody lowered her head in her hands. What had happened in her past was no one’s business. This was not something she wanted to relive with anyone.

  “I need to think about this.”

  “It’s okay. We don’t even go into the studio for two weeks. It’s going to be a while before you start promoting your record. But the sooner we know, the more time we will have to prepare, and Mrs. Harper likes being prepared.”

  “You’re right. I’m just still reeling from what Calla did.”

  “Can you at least tell me what you did to piss her off?”

  “It’s a bit complicated.”

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Max said, taking a drink of his wine. “Well, whatever happened, we’re going to need to know and the sooner the better.”

  The food arrived and the rest of the evening was pleasant. There was no more talk about Calla or anything to do with Magnet Records or even the Angry Dog. Max told her some stories about his childhood. He was one of seven children. His mother and father owned a dog kennel. He seemed to be very fond of his family. Although she knew he might have been trying to get her to open up about her own, she didn’t take the bait and he didn’t push it.

  He insisted on picking up the tab for dinner, saying he could claim it as a business dinner. They shared a taxi that dropped her off first.

  “You know, Melody,” Max said, his eyes connecting with hers, “I don’t know that I properly thanked you for asking me to be your manager. I was skeptical at first about your talent, and for that I apologize. We’re going to make a good team, you and I.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t know anyone else to ask, but Constantine encouraged me to make you my manager and he was right. I know that now. I’m glad you’re in my corner. ”

  “You don’t know how good that makes me feel. I like Constantine. He’s a pretty smart guy, and if I’m not wrong, he seems to have more than a business interest in you.”

  Melody felt herself blush. “Possibly. We’re exploring that option.” She wasn’t about to tell him exactly what options were on the table. If he knew, he wouldn’t believe it.

  “I know you’re a private person. I didn’t mean to pry. I just hope you feel comfortable with me and that you honestly know I will never ever make a pass at you. I value you and your talent, Melody, and I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that.”

  “Thanks, Max. I believe you, and I’m really glad you’re my manager.”

  “Well enough of all this,” he said rather gruffly. “I just wanted to clear the air.”

  The taxi had pulled up to her apartment building. Max got out and told the driver to wait while he walked to her door.

  “Hopefully, now you might be able to afford a place in a nicer neighborhood?”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Good night, Melody.”

  “Good night, Max.”

  She closed her door and kicked off her heels. That felt good. She checked her phone and was surprised to see that it was off again. Something was wrong. She was going to have to stop by the store tomorrow for a new one. She couldn’t keep missing her calls, especially now that she was realizing her dreams.

  There were five missed calls from Constantine and one from Gabriel. She listened to her voicemails. The last one was from Gabriel. His voice was cold and clipped, and she could feel his anger through the phone.

  “Melody, the polite thing to do is to return a person’s call. Constantine’s called you several times. We’re both worried. Call me back!”

  She hadn’t ignored their calls deliberately. Her phone wasn’t working. She looked down at her phone and felt bold and daring. She clicked it off. She’d call them tomorrow from her new telephone. She was tired and she didn’t feel like having to explain herself tonight.

  She washed and stripped down to her panties before she slipped between the sheets. Tonight she didn’t have to listen to music. Her eyes closed, and she slept.

  Something was pounding in her head. It wouldn’t stop. She opened her eyes. Her room was dark. She glanced at her bedside clock. It was three o’clock in the morning. The pounding persisted. Someone was banging on her front door.

  With her heart beating out of her chest, she jumped out of bed, dragging the top sheet with her so that she almost fell over in her haste to answer the door. She looked out the security hole and felt the breath leave her body. Constantine, Gabriel, and Jonathan were standing on the other side of the door, and they weren’t looking any too happy.

  Before they pounded on her door again, she swung it open.

  “What’s wrong? What are you doing here? I thought you were still in New York.”

  “What’s wrong?” Gabriel asked through gritted teeth. “You have no idea?”

  Constantine just glared at her as he and Jonathan followed Gabriel through the open door. She stepped back in their wake.

  “Shut the door!” Gabriel ordered.

  She shut it.

  “Why didn’t you call us back?” Constantine asked, his voice slightly calmer than Gabriel’s.

  “My phone’s broken. It keeps shutting off. I thought I’d call you tomorrow when I buy a new one.”

  “You turned your phone on, then? You knew we called?” Gabriel asked, his voice measured in an attempt to control his anger.

  “Yes. But…”

  “That was very inconsiderate of you. Do you have any idea how worried we were about you? We called Max, but he wasn’t answering his phone either. Have you been alone all night?” Gabriel’s eyes narrowed, his breathing uneven.

  “Yes. Of course I was. I mean, I did go to dinner with Max, but he dropped me off here right after.”

  “So you didn’t invite him in?” Constantine asked, his eyes hooded, his expression unreadable.

  “No,” she whispered. “I wouldn’t do that. It’s not like that between Max and me. It’s just not.”

  “Good,” Constantine said, letting out a breath. “In the future, call us back or at the least send us a text in response. You’re all alone here, and this neighborhood leaves a lot to be desired.”

  “You need to move,” Gabriel told her.

  “Max said the same thing.”

  “Well, we all agree on that,” Gabriel said, running his hand through his hair.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I’m not used to anyone worrying about me. And I suppose it would be nice to have a
bigger place.”

  “It’s okay, Melody,” Jonathan said with a smile. “It seems you got these two pretty riled up. I hope you don’t mind that I tagged along.”

  “Hi, Jonathan. I’m glad you’re here.” She looked down, knowing she was blushing. She was practically naked beneath the sheet, and it wasn’t like she didn’t know that he was part of the package.

  “Are you? I hope you are. I should have been with you the other night. Sometimes I hate my job.”

  “You’re here now,” she whispered, knowing Constantine and Gabriel were watching them.

  Gabriel walked toward her, his blue eyes dark and dangerous. She stepped back, her body making contact with the door.

  “Are you naked under that sheet?” he asked.

  “I’m wearing panties.”

  Gabriel’s hand reached out and pulled the sheet away from her body. She couldn’t move. Constantine walked up beside him with an amused grin on his face. It was all she could do not to moan when the material fell to her feet. She looked down. Her nipples were already hard and achy like her clit that was throbbing. She couldn’t believe how bad she had it for them. The term “puppet on a string” came to mind. How easily they could pull her strings.

  She looked back up at them from beneath her lashes. The three of them were staring at her. She knew that look. They wanted her.

  “Please, don’t be angry with me,” she whispered, taking a step toward them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Gabriel swooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom where he dumped her onto her bed. She watched as he and Constantine tore their clothes off, not wasting any time. She was one massive ache of want and need. She needed their cocks. She reached down and rubbed her pussy.

  “No!” Gabriel commanded.

  She stopped. “Why?”

  “One of my rules is that you never play with yourself unless I tell you it’s okay. I don’t want you to overstimulate or take away what’s mine and Constantine’s to enjoy. Do you understand?” he said more kindly.

  Melody removed her hand.

  “I will allow you to suck your fingers.” Gabriel’s eyes darkened as did Constantine’s.

  Putting her fingers in her mouth, she sucked them slowly while watching their reaction. She saw their intake of breath. She sucked harder. Their cocks that were now in full view sprung out even harder. She licked her fingers, arching her back and wiggling her hips.

  “You enjoyed that, didn’t you, you little minx?” Gabriel asked darkly.

  He had crawled onto the bed and between her legs. He grabbed her hips and brought her pussy up to his waiting mouth. She cried out.

  Constantine smiled from behind him. “She has such a beautiful pussy. But right now, it’s those tits that I can’t wait to taste.”

  His words inflamed her. They were bringing her close to an orgasm. It was all she could think about.

  Constantine took one and then the other nipple in his mouth. He bit them playfully and then a little harder. Gabriel was using his teeth to pull and tease her clit. It was excruciating and erotic, and it was overwhelming all her senses. Everything she had ever known paled in comparison to the world they had opened up to her. She wanted more and more, and yet she wasn’t even sure what more was.

  Gabriel lifted his head from between her legs and watched his brother devouring her nipples. She could see the lust in his eyes. They were both so hot. Constantine lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. His need was every bit as great as hers.

  “I know you want to come, my sweet. So do we. But not until I’m inside you.” He jumped off the bed and went to where he had dropped his clothes. He walked back with a couple foil packets. She watched as he tore it open and worked it over his hard cock and gave the other one to Constantine, who did the same.

  “That’s good, brother,” Gabriel said, moving further up on the bed where he took her hands and held them above her head. She watched as Constantine positioned himself between her legs. She shivered in anticipation.

  “That’s it, baby,” Gabriel whispered in her ear, his voice raspy and silky all at the same time. “It’s almost time. Soon, we’ll both take you together. One of us will fuck that delectable pussy of yours while the other takes your beautiful ass. But for now, I want to watch you come and then I’ll pound that sweet pussy myself.”

  With one savage thrust, Constantine entered her all the way, lifting her off the bed. She gasped, her eyes wide. She bucked as he withdrew and entered again with every bit as much force. Groaning, she pulled on her arms, but Gabriel held her firmly. His mouth came down on hers to stifle her cries as Constantine relentlessly fucked her with hard, firm, fast strokes. She felt him swell, and she totally lost herself. The pounding in her pussy expanded to capture her entire body. There was no today or tomorrow. There was only now.

  Gabriel continued to kiss her, taking her breath and giving her his. Constantine cried out her name. Their bodies calmed as Gabriel released her mouth. She whimpered as mini shocks from her orgasm continued to pulse through her.

  Constantine’s cock slid out from her pussy and, good to his word, Gabriel had let go of her wrists and moved quickly between her legs. She could see him through her lashes. He was so big. She was spent, and yet her pussy began to twitch.

  Gabriel was on his knees. He lifted her up by her ass cheeks. She watched his cock slowly disappear inside of her. Constantine was now behind her, lifting her torso.

  “Watch me fuck you, Melody,” Gabriel demanded.

  She nodded, her eyes glued to his cock as it slid in and out of her. Constantine squeezed her breasts while holding her tightly against him. She couldn’t move.

  “You feel so good, Melody. I’ve been wanting to do this ever since we left you. I’m going to fuck you hard now.”

  There was no mercy in him. He wanted to fuck her deeply. Constantine continued to hold her steady. Gabriel groaned as he came. His face was contorted in the pleasure of his orgasm. She loved seeing him like this. Her own orgasm came swiftly. She wasn’t prepared to come again, but there was no stopping it.

  “That’s it, baby,” Constantine cooed in her ear. “It’s okay to come again and again. Don’t fight it.”

  She heard her own scream. It possessed her body and soul. She felt the tears running down her cheeks. Her body was shattered. She went totally limp and closed her eyes. She couldn’t move or think or do anything except lie there held in Constantine’s arms.

  She felt Gabriel lie down next to her, his breathing as rapid as her own. Was it the same way for him? Had Constantine felt this, too? She knew they had come. That wasn’t something they could hide. But was it possible they felt the power of what had happened between them the way she had? But then again, this might be the way it always was for them.

  She heard a cough and it suddenly dawned on her that Jonathan was in the room and had witnessed everything. She looked to where he was standing at the end of the bed.

  “What’s wrong, my sweet Melody?” Constantine asked, still holding her.


  “Melody,” Jonathan said, his voice deeper than she had ever heard it before. “You’re more beautiful than I could have imagined. Watching you like this, I’ve never been so hot for a woman. I want you, but only if you want me. I know this must seem strange to you. I’ll leave if you want me to.”

  “Do you want him to leave?” Gabriel asked, lifting himself to rest on his elbow.

  Jonathan had watched them as they fucked her and she had been so consumed with them she hadn’t even realized he was there. But now, seeing him gazing down at her, knowing he wanted her and knowing they wanted him to fuck her, too, it add another level to the wanton she had become. She did want him.

  “If you want me, Jonathan,” she whispered, “I am here for you.”

  “Because you want me or because you think it’s what they want?”

  She moaned softly. “I think it’s both. I was a virgin until the other night, and now they’ve s
hown me a world that has brought me to you.”

  “Dear God, Melody.” Jonathan groaned as he unbuttoned his shirt and unzipped his pants. “I have to have you.”

  “Then you must take her,” Gabriel said as he grabbed her wrists and pulled them above her head, holding her tightly.

  Could Gabriel be any more sexy? She gasped from the power of his words.

  “Yes, I want you, please,” she begged Jonathan.

  Constantine moved and spread her legs wider. She writhed beneath their hands. Jonathan’s big brown eyes looked deeply into hers as he came to her. His body was well muscled and sleek. He was beautiful. She could see his cock. It was hard and ready and big.

  “Please fuck me,” she breathed.

  Jonathan entered her as both Gabriel and Constantine had, in one forceful thrust. She arched her back and moaned. He continued to pound her until his face contorted with his orgasm. She felt it and experienced the delight of being filled by him. She shook with her own desire that was now matching his. Crying out, she let herself go.

  When they had both calmed, he moved off her. Gabriel kissed her before he said, “Now I want you to drink from your pussy.”

  “What?” She wasn’t sure she heard him right. How could she do that?

  “Take your two fingers”—he showed her—“like this and scoop out the cum from your pussy and drink it until there’s nothing left between those beautiful legs of yours.”

  Jonathan and Constantine were beside her. She felt their eyes. They wanted her to drink their cum. She took a breath and then slid her two fingers inside her and did as Gabriel had showed her. She brought her cum-covered fingers to her lips and then sucked them. She heard all three men groan. She did it again, her eyes watching them as she drank and cleaned herself. She felt empowered and sexy.

  When she had completed her task, she became even more daring. She moved onto her knees and spread her legs. She opened her labia, showing them that she was clean and at the same time opened her mouth so they could see she had swallowed every last drop.

  All three men groaned and grabbed for her. Gabriel had his arms around her from behind as Constantine and Jonathan each wrapped her in their arms. They held her tightly.


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