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A Triple Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Kalissa Alexander

  “You’re the most magnificent woman I’ve ever known,” Gabriel whispered into her hair.

  “Thank you, Melody, for not turning me away,” Jonathan murmured. “I’m humbled by you. Please know that I will never take this for granted.”

  Constantine kissed her cheek and then her mouth. “We need you so, Melody.”

  “I haven’t known any of you very long. I have nothing to gauge your reactions to me or mine to you. I’m totally off-balance where you three are concerned.”

  “Us, too, Melody.” Constantine smiled.

  She looked at his handsome face smiling down at her. She couldn’t imagine anything throwing them off-balance, certainly not her.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he said. “I know you probably think we share women all the time. I won’t lie and say we haven’t, but it’s not the norm.”

  “Why me?” she asked, wondering if she really wanted to know the answer.

  “Isn’t it pretty obvious?” He smiled, kissing her nose lightly. “You’re beautiful and talented and we’re all more than just a little attracted to you, and…” He closed his eyes for a moment before he continued. “You want us, or at least you appear to want us.”

  For a moment she saw the little boy he was once. His speech was so endearing, so heartfelt, that all she wanted to do was kiss him. She was leaning up to him when Gabriel moved from behind her and sat on the bed.

  “We need to talk,” he said in his no-nonsense voice. “The four of us need to talk now.”

  Jonathan smiled. “Yes, we do. But unless Melody puts on some clothes, I don’t see how that will happen.”

  “Get dressed, Melody,” Gabriel ordered.

  Dragging herself from their arms, she ran into the bathroom. Once the door was closed, she wrapped her arms around her. They do like me, her heart was singing. And she held the information tightly to her. However, Gabriel wanted to talk, and somehow he made everything sound so ominous unless—she blushed—he was having sex with her. She wanted to say making love, but she didn’t want to set herself up for a big fall. And a big fall, she knew, was exactly where she was heading if she lost her heart to the men that were waiting for her.

  Melody quickly jumped in the shower, and in record time, she was drying herself. When she walked out into her bedroom, the bed was made and they were gone. Well, she thought, they couldn’t have gone far. The apartment just wasn’t that big. She dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a pink blouse that had seen better days. She had so few clothes, but all that was going to change now that she had a record contract. She brushed her hair and braided it. Still in her bare feet, without any makeup, she walked out of her bedroom and into the living room where they were waiting.

  Gabriel had just shut the front door. He had a bag and four coffees in a carrier. “Just thought I’d get us something to eat. It’s never good to discuss anything of importance on an empty stomach. I thought I had seen a twenty-four-hour convenience store nearby.”

  “Especially with Gabriel,” Constantine teased. “He’s a grump if he’s hungry.”

  “Thanks for going out,” she said to Gabriel, her eyes not quite reaching his mouth that she so wanted to kiss.

  “Let’s eat then,” Gabriel said. “I’ve got bagels and cream cheese.”

  She went to the kitchen and pulled out placemats, plates, and silverware. “Do you want me to toast them?”

  “Not for me,” Gabriel said.

  “Me either,” Constantine said. “If they’re fresh, I like them with just cream cheese.”

  “Me, too,” Jonathan said from behind her. “Let me help you. I used to work at a bagel place and believe it or not, Constantine worked with me.”

  “Really? You grew up together then?”

  Jonathan explained that that they had grown up as neighbors in a gated community of like-minded people. Their parents were all wealthy and enjoyed a lifestyle outside the norm.

  “So what does that mean exactly?” Melody found this information very interesting.

  “Constantine and Gabriel have more than one father and so do I. Most of the girls we knew as children and in our teens were from very similar types of families. It seemed like it would be easy to find a woman to please all three of us. However, until you, we had all but given up.”

  She handed Jonathan the knife. “That’s enlightening. Thank you for telling me and,” she added, “I’m glad you haven’t found anyone to please all three of you.”

  Jonathan smiled and kissed her neck. He then cut the bagels and put them on the plates. She poured the coffee.

  They all sat down and for a few minutes all was quiet as they drank their coffee and ate their bagels. She hadn’t thought she was that hungry, but the bagels tasted so good. There were two more in the bag.

  “Would you like another one?”

  “Let’s split the two of them between us,” Constantine suggested.

  “Sounds good,” Gabriel murmured. He had also purchased a newspaper that he was reading as he drank his coffee.

  Once the bagels were gone and they were just about finished with their coffee, Gabriel put his paper down. His eyes were serious. She looked over at Constantine and Jonathan who had similar expressions on their faces.

  Oh boy, she thought, this is it. They’re going to tell me they can’t see me anymore. She had nothing to offer them except her lack of experience. Why would they want to continue to see her? She wasn’t anything special, and she never had been. Even her own mother hadn’t thought she was special enough to choose over a man who beat her.

  “Melody, are you listening to me?” Gabriel asked.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, realizing she had zoned out. “I’m listening now. Sorry.”

  “Good. What I said was, I know you think that we participate in sexual encounters like this all the time, but that’s far from the truth. I’m not saying we don’t have healthy sex lives, but the only time we’ve taken a woman together was when it was totally preplanned and with someone who had been in situations like this before.”

  “Are you trying to tell me you’ve made a mistake with me?”

  “Melody. No. Why would you say that?” Constantine asked, grabbing her hand from across the table. “This is not a mistake, but it’s important that we all understand each other and that we are all in agreement about where this is going.”

  Happiness reverberated inside her body. They weren’t ending it. But there was an if in there somewhere. She sat quietly and waited for them to continue.

  Gabriel’s eyes bored into hers. “How would you feel about taking what we have to yet another level of sexual pleasure? I’m talking about being spanked, tied up, blindfolded, gagged, and handcuffed while you’re having vaginal, oral, and anal sex?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Melody’s eyes widened. Her breath had turned into tiny gasps. She was still sitting and staring at a man that had just asked her the most bizarre question she had ever been asked in her life.

  “For God’s sake, Gabriel, for someone who I’ve always thought of as a pretty smooth operator, you’ve handled this like a bull in china shop.” Constantine glared at his brother.

  “It is what it is, and I don’t want to sugarcoat this for Melody. She needs to understand what we’re asking her. I would expect that this is quite shocking for someone who was a virgin up until the other day. The fact that she looks like she just saw a ghost confirms my suspicions.”

  “Melody,” Constantine said softly. “You must have questions.”

  “I do, but I don’t even know where to begin. What, do you want to spank me and all that other stuff?”

  “The first thing to remember,” Jonathan said, squeezing her hand, “about all this is we don’t want to harm you in any way. We simply want to enhance the sexual pleasure between the four of us. For us, we have found that there is more than one way to achieve orgasm and not all orgasms are created equal.”

  “I have heard about things like this, but usually the woman was whipped
or beaten or harmed in some way.” Her mother’s face swam before her. Had Arthur and her mother done this? The thought was abhorrent.

  “What you’re talking about is abuse. We’re talking about something else entirely. Pain can be used to enhance pleasure, but it’s more about control than anything. We control you during sex, but we don’t do anything you don’t want us to. You can stop us at any time. We’ll come up with a safe word.”

  “Will you hurt me?” she whispered.

  “There will be some pain, but not more than you can handle, and it will be the catalyst for pleasure.”

  “I don’t know. I can’t imagine ever letting a man hit me and then fuck me after because hurting me turned him on.” There. She had said it.

  “I understand, Melody,” Gabriel said. “I’m actually glad to hear you say that because it tells me you aren’t looking at this with your eyes closed. But tell me something…you sound like you know something about abuse, which I may add is not what we are talking about. However, do you know someone who was abused by someone?”

  She nodded. She felt the tears threating to overtake her. No tears. “Yes.”

  She heard Constantine’s intake of breath. She continued to stare at Gabriel, whose eyes held hers with understanding but without pity. She couldn’t have stood it if he felt sorry for her. Somehow he knew this.

  Gabriel stood up and walked around the table. Without saying a word, he gathered her into his arms and carried her back into the bedroom. Constantine and Jonathan followed behind them. He laid her fully clothed in the center of the bed before he lay down beside her. Constantine laid down on her other side with Jonathan. All three men kissed her hair, her cheeks, and her eyes.

  What were they going to do? She hadn’t consented to anything.

  “Now tell us about who you saw abused and when. Don’t leave out any details. We need to know everything.” Gabriel murmured into her hair, “Don’t be afraid. We want to know. Please, Melody, talk to us.”

  “Why does it matter to you?”

  “I know this is going to sound like a cliché, but you’re different. When we were away from you, all we could think about was getting back here to you.”

  “He’s right,” Constantine said softly. “We’ve been with enough women to know when something’s out of the ordinary and you, sweet Melody, are completely out of the ordinary. But we enjoy sex in a variety of different ways, and you seemed pretty comfortable with the nipple clamps, so we thought you might be up for more.”

  “However,” Gabriel interrupted, “it’s obvious you have issues with some things, and we just want to understand so we know your limits. We need you to trust us, and the first step is talking to us about your past. Can you do that?”

  “And if I can’t?” she whispered.

  “Can’t you please try?”

  She knew why he hadn’t answered her question. If she didn’t tell them about her mother and Arthur, they wouldn’t see her again. Maybe that would be for the best. They think I’m special.

  “If you can’t,” Gabriel said, his hand lightly touching her face, “it’s okay. I understand.”

  Why did he have to be so nice? It was her undoing. She would tell them, and then they would know why she found the idea of causing pain so abhorrent. Although, Constantine had been right, the nipple clamps had brought her pleasure as well as pain, and she hadn’t batted an eye. But then again, it had happened so quickly. But more than that, it had brought them pleasure, too. It was all so confusing. However, she had to tell them, she knew that.

  Taking a breath, she began, “My mother remarried when I was nine, and the man she married was physically and mentally abusive.”

  She told them everything, and they listened without interrupting her. It made her ashamed that her mother had wanted a man who could slap her around, even punch her and continue to not only stay with him, but choose him over her own daughter. She had felt so helpless, especially when he turned on her and made her feel worthless. His favorite thing was to call her a piece of shit like her mother. He berated them both for being weak and mindless.

  The memories came flooding back, and she couldn’t stop herself from telling them about how she had run to Calla’s when the abuse had been more than she could bear. She had tried to talk to her mother, but her mother wouldn’t listen. The tears had started at some point, and when she couldn’t speak but only sob, it was all three of them that held her until her tears had subsided.

  “It was never your fault,” Gabriel soothed. “Your mother should have left him. She should have never chosen that kind of life over you. It was wrong. I’m glad Calla and her family were there for you when you needed a safe haven.”

  “What you’ve described,” Constantine continued, “is something hateful and wrong. Your stepfather wasn’t a dominant. He was a coward who used his physical power to punish someone weaker, and that created an environment of cruelty that made him feel superior. However, your mother gave him that power by allowing him to continue the abuse. And that’s exactly was it was, abusive cruelty.”

  “So now you know why I’m scared to give you that kind of power over me. I promised myself I would never be like my mother…that no man would ever treat me like that.”

  “And no man should. I swear I would want to kill anyone who hurt you like that,” Constantine said with vehemence. “You were just a child. No child should have to witness that or be subjected to it.”

  “But you want to hurt me,” she whispered.

  “No!” all three of them said in unison.

  “What we’re proposing,” Gabriel said softly, “is something quite different. It’s not being done to hurt you. We’re not sadists. We don’t get pleasure from hurting you, or seeing you beaten. Our pleasure is derived from you willingly giving us your trust to control your sexual journey that will give us all pleasure. On that journey there can be forms of play that will also bring some pain, but no more than you wish. ”

  “When you spank me, it will hurt.”

  “We won’t spank you or do anything you don’t want. If it causes you unhappiness, then it’s not what we want. We only want to show you how to enhance your sexual pleasure with the kind of submission that is freely given and that will take your breath away, not your self-worth. However, we can forgo all that, if you’re not able to participate willingly. We can’t subject you to anything that would cause you harm.”

  “But, it’s what you like to do. Without my submission, you won’t be sexually satisfied, will you?”

  “You’ve already submitted yourself to us sexually, and the only pain you’ve experienced was nipple play. Would you want to do that again?”

  “Yes,” she said barely above a whisper.

  “Good.” Gabriel smiled.

  “But Melody,” Constantine said before he kissed her forehead. “Although this is about sexual pleasure, I don’t want you to think we see you as nothing more than a toy.”

  “He’s so right.” Gabriel shifted slightly. “I use the word sex because I don’t want us to get ahead of ourselves. But you, my beautiful, sweet Melody, are the first woman I’ve wanted like this, and it’s more than just sex.”

  His fingers outlined her breasts beneath her shirt. Slowly, he circled her nipples. One by one, he unbuttoned her blouse and opened it to expose her bra. “We want to give you a taste of how much we need you. Do you want us?”

  “I do want you. You’re all I’ve thought about, too. I’m glad that you think I’m special and that what’s happened between us is not the norm for you either.”

  “Far from it. Now, please take off your shirt and bra. I need to see you,” he commanded.

  She lifted herself up and removed her shirt and then her bra as they watched. She could see the flare of their nostrils and their breathing increase when she let her bra drop to allow her breasts the freedom they wanted. It made her heady with the knowledge that she could do this to them.

  “Lay back down between us.” Gabriel groaned.

Each man caressed her as they took turns suckling her nipples and kissing her. She closed her eyes and let the erotic sensations they were each creating consume her. She felt her pussy tighten. The dull ache within her center had begun, and all she wanted was to enjoy it.

  They teased and nipped her swollen nubs, making her writhe and moan on the bed. When Gabriel pinched her nipple hard, her eyes flew open. His mouth immediately followed. She moaned as her pussy gushed her juices into her panties.

  “Shall I do it again, Melody?” Gabriel asked.

  “It feels so good,” she whispered. “Why does it feel so good?”

  “Because it’s what you want,” Jonathan whispered. He did the same to her other nipple. She moaned. He continued to nip, bite, and soothe with his mouth. She arched her back. She wanted them both so badly. Her panties were soaked.

  “Submitting to pleasure and pain is not wrong when you want it. Tell me, Melody, do you want this? Look at me.” Gabriel commanded her.

  She opened her eyes to see he had lifted himself on his elbow and was gazing into her with a dark intensity that was sexy as hell.

  “I want this,” she responded.

  “Then let us show you more. I’m going to take off your jeans. I want to see your need.”

  She lifted her behind and within seconds her jeans were gone. Gabriel rubbed her mound with his hand through her panties. “So wet.”

  She wanted the material between his hands and her pussy to be gone. “Take off my panties, please,” she whimpered.

  “Your wish is my command,” he murmured hoarsely. He eased them down her legs. She moaned as she kicked herself free of them. He lowered himself and spread her legs open. Jonathan and Constantine continued their assault on her nipples.

  Gabriel licked between her labia. She cried out. Her whole body felt like it was being assailed by pins and needles of pleasure.

  Constantine lifted his head from her breasts. “Do you have any scarves?”

  “Ummmm.” She had to think. “Yes, hanging on the back of my closet.”


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