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Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 17

by Rice, Rachel E.

“It is what your father wants,” Drayton said noticing the obvious affection between the two. “What is it that you two are not telling me and your father?” Drayton said waiting for them to tell him what he already knew.

  Robert took a large gulp of the whiskey. He threw his head back and raked his fingers through his blond hair. “We’re in love and we want to get married. Mena doesn’t want to marry you. We want to be married to each other. We want you to take us with you back to your ranch.”

  Drayton smiled inward but he raised an eyebrow with concern. “What will your father say?”

  “My father is an old man. He won’t find out because he doesn’t travel much. And we have no television, no cell phones, and no newspapers. By the time he discovers that I’m married to Robert it will be too late.” Mena let out a relaxed breath.

  “You will have to remain here to give the impression that you have mated with me,” Mena said looking at Robert for reassurance. “Then we can leave in a week after the ceremony and Robert will come with us. I can tell my father I’m sick, and need Robert’s help,” Mena said with a worried glance. Robert patted her hand, joined it with his, and brought it to his mouth and kissed her palm. She glanced at him smiling. A smile that said I love you. Her eyes lit up when gazing into his face.

  Drayton recognized it because he had seen it in Adrienne’s eyes.

  Chapter 11

  The weeks Adrienne lay helpless, sedated, and motionless in the critical care unit appeared endless. Wilder never slept, he was at her bed side night and day. Holding her hand, talking to her, and pacing the tile floor. The strain began to show on his handsome face. Lines appeared in the creases near his eyes. He lost weight. He sat near her bed and when she had dreams he climbed in and lay besides her holding her whispering in her ear.

  “Adrienne, I can’t live without you. Come back to me. Don’t you know that we need you? You have six more pups, I mean children.” He smiled because now she had him calling them children. “I can’t get used to it, me being a father and uncle. Lycell is proud of you. He even stayed up night and day taking care of all the pups because he didn’t trust anyone with his children,” Wilder repeated over and over to Adrienne.

  Adrienne slowly opened her eyes and heard Wilder’s incessant chatter. “You won’t let me sleep Wilder. Can’t you see that I’m tired?” Wilder glanced at Adrienne.

  “You’re alive. You’re going to live.”

  “Of course I’m alive, and yes I’m going to live. I have everything to live for. I have our pups and I’m having Lycell’s pups.” She reached for her stomach. Then she looked up at Wilder. “What happened? I didn’t lose my babies, did I?” And tears welled in her eyes.

  “No, but we almost lost you,” Wilder said kissing her hand. She held him tight. Then in walked Lycell showing his beautiful white teeth. A smile that caught the sunlight in the room. “Well you outdid yourself. You had six. Four more than Wilder,” he said to Adrienne.

  “And they almost killed her,” Wilder said not relinquishing his edge of the bed to Lycell. Lycell reached over Wilder and kissed Adrienne. The kiss lingered on Adrienne’s lips as he held on to Wilder and Adrienne with relief and joy.

  “When can we start again?” Lycell said laughing, pulling a chair close to the opposite side of the bed where he reached for Adrienne’s hand.

  “That’s not funny,” Wilder said.

  Adrienne looked around, “Where’s Drayton?” Wilder’s eyes blinked before confessing.

  “He had to go to Alaska.”

  “For what reason?” There was silence as Wilder and Lycell traded gazes.

  Lycell said, “He was sent...” Wilder glared at Lycell. “He had to marry Mena.” Lycell spilled the bad news in one breath.

  “I don’t understand. I thought she was sterile,” Adrienne said her voicing cracking.

  “I sent him there, if you want to blame someone then blame me,” Wilder said.

  “I blame both of you, now get out and let me sleep. I have children to take care of,” Adrienne said raising her weak voice.


  Wilder and Lycell did as Adrienne requested. They didn’t want to do anything to upset her. Wilder knew when Adrienne found out she would be hysterical and angry with everyone. If she hadn’t been sick, she would have insisted that he not send Drayton to marry Mena.

  When Lycell and Wilder exited Adrienne’s room, the doctor walked up to them. “My nurses are in there with her. I’m going in to check her now. I’ve been monitoring her around the clock and she appears to be healthy. All that sleep did her some good.”

  “When can she go home,” Wilder asked.

  “She’ll be home within a week,” Dr. Wells said. He nodded at Wilder and Lycell, “And you two, get some sleep. I’m sending my nurse to take care of the babies.”

  It had been a long time since Wilder got a good night’s rest. And it will be longer still because he had to leave for Oregon. After losing their leader the young werewolves began fighting for control of the pack and the nearby territories.

  “Lycell, I have to go to Oregon and try to stop the war among the young wolves. I’m taking my sons with me.” Lycell looked at Wilder, slanting his head to the side, waiting for an explanation. “They are old enough to learn to hunt. We were their age when father brought us to Alaska, remember,” Wilder said with a glimpse of a smile.

  “Yes, and if I remember correctly, because of my curiosity, I strayed off and was missing in that wilderness for a week. All I had to eat was fish. To this day I hate the smell of fish.”

  “You survived didn’t you?” Wilder said walking to his car.

  “Just barely, if I remember,” Lycell said shaking his head opening the door to his Ford truck and jumping in behind the wheel lowering the window. “See you. I’ll be home in a few. I have to get something for the babies.”

  “See, even you can be civilized,” Wilder said and waved as he took off in his truck for the ranch.


  “When do you want to leave?” Drayton asked.

  “As soon as possible,” Robert and Mena answered in unison.

  Mena glared at Drayton. “There is the matter of our ceremony. We will have to have a ceremony and a celebration and then mate according to our laws. Each pack makes their own rules for the mating ceremony. We will have to recite our vows and then you and I will go back to the cabin and mate.”

  “I will not claim you,” Drayton said. “I’m to marry Adrienne and I have to wait until she is ready. I will not take anyone to bed but her,” Drayton said visibly upset as he gazed at Robert.

  “We don’t want you to,” Mena said looking at Drayton.

  “Don’t worry. I will be here to mate with her because after the ceremony she is to be checked by the females of the pack and certified that she had intercourse with you, and she is no longer a virgin,” Robert said to Drayton. “You have to speak to Ramsey and let him know that you will be taking me back with you,” Robert said biting his lip with a tentative expression playing on his face.

  “He knows Mena is returning to my ranch and he has agreed,” Drayton said patting Robert on the back. Mena let out a sigh of relief. “I’ll inform Ramsey that I will send him another doctor. I’m sure he’ll agree. Now show me to my cabin.”

  “You’ll bunk with me until after the ceremony. That night you have to give the impression that you have mated with Mena.”

  “Are you sure you are up to it. We werewolves are known for our large manhood,” Drayton added as a joke.

  “Some of us humans are known to carry enough to get the job done,” Robert said trading glances and laughing.

  “I hope you two have stopped measuring your manhood. We have more to consider than that. Have you thought about what my father will say when he finds out?” Mena said having second thoughts.

  “He won’t be able to challenge us because of the young werewolves. Wilder and Lycell have their sons and I’m soon to have my own,” Drayton said with pride.

  “The c
eremony is tomorrow. I need to pack. Go visit with my father, both of you,” Mena said.

  “She’s becoming more like a human female every day. Did you see how she ordered me around,” I like that,” Robert said.

  Drayton thought of Adrienne and he smiled.

  Chapter 12

  In a week Adrienne was fit to go home. Wilder drove the Mercedes to take her home. “Why are we riding in the Mercedes, where is the truck. You know I like Drayton to drive me around in the Mercedes, and now you want to remind me of him, or you want to take his place. You can’t take his place just like no one can take your place.” Adrienne said with a weak voice.

  Wilder glanced over at her and still he didn’t say word. “How are my children and did you name them?”

  “Yes. They have names,” Wilder said with a quiet voice.

  “I suppose you want me to guess,” Adrienne said loud over the music playing. Wilder knew she was feeling better. She had been out of it for a month. She hadn’t seen her children, Wilder’s or Lycell’s boys in that time.

  “I named one after my father and one after my mother’s father. You can call them Hunter and Devin.”

  “Can you tell them apart?” Adrienne questioned with a small sigh.

  “Only their mother can,” Wilder said. Adrienne took a long sigh. At least I can get credit for something. Where is Lycell?”

  “With his boys.”

  “Has he given them a name?” Adrienne questioned.

  “He named three and you will name the others.”

  “Why didn’t he come with you?”

  “Because I have something to tell you. I couldn’t tell you when you were sick.”

  “What is it? Has something happened to Drayton?”

  “No. It’s nothing like that,” he paused taking his eyes off the road and placing them on Adrienne.

  “I have to go away.”

  “Oh no. Not again.” Her heart fell.

  He gazed at her with his piercing blue eyes. “I’m taking the boys with me.”

  “They’re too young, you can’t,” she shouted.

  “They’re not too young. They have a different growth cycle than humans,” Wilder reminded Adrienne.

  “But they are humans too and they are too young,” Adrienne said with a pleading voice.

  “I have to take them. I have to go to Oregon to settle a dispute and they are strong enough. Along the way, there are things they have to be taught.”

  “Like, how to kill,” Adrienne said staring down Wilder.

  “If they have to,” Wilder said answering Adrienne.

  “I need time with them. I have to talk to them,” Adrienne pleaded. They drove up to the driveway, and standing outside were two young men she didn’t recognize, both standing six feet. “Who are they?”

  “These are your sons, Hunter and Devin. The taller one, only by an inch, is Hunter.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “See what I mean about their growth cycle,” Wilder said.

  “Do they know who I am?” Adrienne’s glance switched to Wilder.

  “Of course. They visited you every day when you were in a coma.”

  “And my other sons? Where are they, and whose taking care of them?”

  “We brought in two older werefemales because the three smaller ones refused the formula milk. They knew how to get them to drink milk. We had to give them the milk from a deer,” Wilder said stopping the Mercedes near Hunter and Devin standing anxious, and close to each other, waiting with smiles and bright brown eyes.

  Devin ran to the door and opened it. “Mother we’re happy to have you home.” He hugged her and the feeling of love and contentment coursed through her. Adrienne had never felt as happy as she felt now surrounded by her boys and the love of her life. Hunter stood at a distance, silent. Then a small smile broke across his face. And he ran and embraced Adrienne.

  Wilder walked to the trunk of the car, opened it with one hand, and with the other, he reached for her bag and Hunter took it from him. Devin held on to his mother’s hand and didn’t want to let it go. “See Wilder, they’re human too.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Wilder murmured with his hand covering his mouth and his eyes closing for a brief second.

  When the boys opened the door, Lycell stood at the bottom of the stairs with a large grin. The boys took their mother’s luggage up the stairs, looked in on the six pups, and rushed down the stairs and said, “We’re going for a ride. Uncle Lycell gave us two of his best wild horses and he even broke them for us.”

  Wilder waved his hand, “Go. But be back before dark.” They left out and Adrienne and Lycell just stood gazing at each other. Then Adrienne looked to Wilder. Wilder smiled and Adrienne ran to embrace Lycell.

  Disappearing into the kitchen, Wilder checked on Adrienne’s food. “Lycell, where are my boys? I want to see them.” Lycell lifted her in his strong arms and hiked up the stairs.

  “The boys have missed you, three of them wouldn’t eat.” She glanced at him. “Me. I missed you more than they have. I thought I would die if you died.”

  Adrienne smiled. “I thought I wouldn’t live long enough to hear such tender and loving things from your mouth.” He held her hand to his mouth and kissed it with care and love. She looked at him. “I love you Lycell.” He wanted to hear her say those words from the day they met, but he never knew what to do to get her to care for him and finally she has. It was the change in him after the boys were born that made him desirable to Adrienne. But he always desired Adrienne, but both were stubborn.


  After seeing her six young boys she and Lycell strolled to her room. He sat in the chair as she took off her clothes. It had been months since his eyes fell on her body, and although she carried his pups and Wilder’s pups, he looked on her as if it was for the first time. Standing naked, ready to pull her dress over her head, Lycell said in a low soothing voice, “Come here.” Adrienne dropped the dress sauntering into his arms. His eyes never left her. His eyes never left her full breasts with milk for his sons.

  Then he lowered his eyes on the small scar on her stomach. Placing his hands around her waist, a finger traced the mark of the scar. “Is this where they took my pups from you?” He said rubbing it with tender care, then placing his head on her abdomen.

  “Yes. The surgeons did a good job.” Lycell raised his head, pulled her closer, and kissed the scar on her stomach. His eyes rose locking glances with her.

  “I had a talk with the doctors before they took you into surgery,” Lycell said distracted by the knock on the door. Wilder entered after knocking. Adrienne turned and reached for a robe. “You threatened them,” Wilder said helping her into her robe. Facing Adrienne, “Do you want dinner in your room?”

  “Of course not. I’m tired of being treated as if I could break like a fragile piece of China. I’m going to have dinner in the main room with everyone.”

  “The boys are out hunting and they may not be back until late,’” Lycell said.

  “Then it will be the three of us. We can discuss what has being going on for the last month,” Adrienne said looking at Wilder and Wilder’s hard glance settling on Lycell. “Let me dress for dinner. Go.” And she pushed Lycell and Wilder out of the room. They had smiles on their faces as they closed the door.

  “Have you ever seen a woman like her,” Wilder said with a large smile.

  “Never,” Lycell said shaking his head. “She has managed to tame the beasts in us,” And they broke out in roaring laughter. “One woman doing all of that. Go figure,” Lycell said entering the dining area.

  Opening the door still full with laughter and relief with Adrienne home and safe, sitting at the table were three people—Drayton, Robert, and Mena.

  “What are you doing back so soon Drayton? And who is this human you have brought among us?”

  “My name is...”

  “I didn’t ask you to speak to us,” Wilder said his eyes blazing at Robert. “I asked my brother. Well what are you going to say for yourse

  “I came back for two reasons. The first is for Adrienne, and the next because Mena doesn’t love me, she loves Robert.” Robert reached for Mena’s hand.

  “And who is Robert?”

  “I am...”

  “Again you speak when you’re not asked to,” Lycell said with a raised eyebrow and equally as angry as Wilder. Robert sensed that he could be in danger if Drayton didn’t handle the situation better.

  “Robert and Mena want to be married along with me and Adrienne,” Drayton said.

  “That’s wonderful.” Everyone turned looking in the direction of the door. They didn’t hear or see Adrienne walk into the room. She was moving slower and her footsteps were soft. But Wilder, Lycell, and Drayton knew she was there just from her smell. It was that smell that sooth them and made them fall under her spell. A spell of admiration, love, and sex.

  Drayton ran to Adrienne, “Are you OK now? I didn’t want to leave you but...” Drayton held her in his arms and kissed her. “I had to go. Don’t blame anyone Adrienne.”

  “I’m not blaming anyone. Deep down I know Wilder did the best he could for all.” She glanced over and up at him with a small smile. Drayton took her to her chair across from Wilder and she sat at the opposite end of the table. Drayton sat next to her and on his right sat Robert and Mena. Mena didn’t say anything, she just viewed the Samsa brothers cautiously.

  Adrienne looked over to Mena. “I hope you find our home welcoming to you and Robert. And a double wedding is great. You can help me prepare for our wedding. There are so many things we have to do before then, we have to get our gowns, decide on the flowers and the guest list. So much to do.”

  This was the first time since Adrienne came to the ranch that Wilder felt she was truly happy. She wanted a wedding, and he would see that she had what she desired.

  “Let’s eat, and then Wilder, you and Lycell can settle whatever it is you were discussing before I came in.” Wilder raised his eyebrow turning to Robert, and Lycell scanning Robert with predator’s eyes, then Robert shot a worried glance to Drayton, as beads of sweat dripped from Robert’s forehead.


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