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Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 18

by Rice, Rachel E.


  After dinner Mena and Adrienne left to discuss wedding plans. Wilder, Lycell, Drayton, and Robert sat glaring at each other. Wilder broke the silence, “Do you know what will happen once Ramsey finds out this treachery and deceit? Do you know Drayton?”

  “Yes. I think I know. Did you tell the two lovers?” Wilder said with harsh eyes glaring at Robert with a raised eyebrow and a curled lip. “Let me tell you what he will do. He will rally the Oregon pack who is pissed, and that is putting it mildly because werewolves don’t get pissed. They are killers. That is their aim when they had been deceived by humans. Do you understand,” he said looking at Robert with narrow eyes, then his eyes turning deep and dark moving to Drayton.

  “You can’t kill Robert,” Drayton said to Wilder.

  “Then tell me why not?” Wilder said.

  “Because he’s a doctor. He helped....” There was a loud scream. It was Adrienne. Everyone rushed through the door and in the wide foyer, Hunter struggled dragging Devin by the arms into the house. “What is wrong with him? Wilder said cradling Devin in his hands. Then he smelled blood and spotted it trickling down Devin’s torso. Adrienne held on to the edge of a chair and sat. Drayton picked her up and carried her to bed.

  Robert rushed to Devin’s side checking his pulse in his throat. “He has lost a lot of blood. We don’t have time to get him to the hospital. Get me something to make a tourniquet. Lycell rushed out grabbing Robert’s medical bag, picking up the nearest first aid kit, and a small piece of wood near the fire place. Robert began working on Devin, opening his bag, he took out a needle and gave him an antibiotic shot, and another for tetanus. He cleaned the wounds on Devin’s arm and leg. There were two large puncture marks visible when his shirt and pants were cut, giving Robert a clear view of the wounds.

  “What happed,” Wilder asked Hunter. Hunter staring down at Devin.

  “Father, we were riding in the forest near the cave when a bear and cub came out of the forest and startled Devin’s horse, he fell backwards and before I could get to him, the two bears attacked him,” Hunter said.

  “I warned you about wandering too far from home until I could teach you about hunting, and the animals you have to be careful of. There are some animals that are our mortal enemies. And humans are one.”

  Robert glanced up at Wilder as he continued working to save Devin’s life.

  “Devin will need to go to the hospital,” Robert said looking to Lycell and Wilder.

  “He can’t. We werewolves have our own hospital, ours are in the back of the ranch. Our nurses and doctors will be here soon, Lycell texted them,” Wilder said his worried glance falling on Robert.

  “Will Devin be OK?”

  “He just needs a little rest, the wounds aren’t life threatening.” He looked up at Wilder. “They look worse than they are. He’s probably a bleeder,” Robert said.

  “We have to talk,” Wilder said to Robert.

  Mena stood looking on wondering what Wilder would decide. Hunter and Lycell placed Devin on a stretcher and carried him to the small hospital at the rear of the ranch house. It was backed up to the most beautiful view of a high mountain range. The snow had begun to melt and only the cap of the mountain remained white. The trees along the mountain were green. In a distance you could see animals stirring. A perfect place for a werewolf to hunt.

  Chapter 13

  Robert and Mena followed a worried Wilder into the dining room and he shut the doors behind them. Robert knew enough about werewolves from living amongst them, they were clannish and devoted to the leader of the pack. If for some reason Wilder decided to kill him, Mena would be obligated to join in and there would be nothing he could do.

  Robert sensed something different in Wilder. He and his brothers were devoted to Adrienne and they weren’t the kind of werewolves to kill without provocation.

  “Sit down, Robert,” Wilder said his voice disguising his frame of mind. Robert held Mena’s hand and sat in chairs to Wilder’s left, far enough were they may have a chance to run. But there was no running from a werewolf and Robert knew that, all too well. The dinner had been cleaned away by the few staff who knew their secrets. Wilder raised his head and glared at Robert. Robert couldn’t read Wilder’s intentions because he wore a stern expression and smiling was a luxury for Wilder.

  Mena rubbed Robert’s hand with affection. Wilder could see they were in love. He recognized it because of his love for Adrienne. He could see why Mena favored this man. Robert proved to be a kind and generous human, sensitive to suffering. A perceptive Wilder knew this instinctively because of the care he was giving to his son, Devin.

  “I’ve been thinking about the marriage between you and Mena,” Robert squeezed Mena’s hand, “and I sanction it. When Drayton and Adrienne marries, you and Mena can do the same. And if you want to remain on as our doctor, I welcome that as well.”

  “As far as your father, he will not retaliate if I can get to Oregon with my sons and stop the uprising.” Wilder paused gazing at the relieved couple. “Will Devin be able to travel?” he asked Robert. Wilder put his hand to his chin and made a steeple in front of his mouth. Was he praying? Robert wondered.

  “In two weeks.”

  “Good. We can prepare for a wedding... two weddings,” Wilder said. “I will need to speak to Adrienne and let her know our son is fine and can travel.” Wilder stood, stared at the couple before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  When Wilder reached the top of the stairs, he shut his eyes for a moment, stood for a few minutes before entering the room where Drayton and Adrienne were. Knowing Ramsey better than most, he didn’t believe he would accept Mena marrying a human. He changed his troubled expression and smiled when he opened the door.

  Drayton sat in silence watching Adrienne. “I’m OK Drayton. He wouldn’t leave me,” she said pointing to Drayton sitting in a wingback chair. Now tell me about my son. Is he...Is he...”

  “Yes. He’s going to live.”

  Wilder sat on the edge of Adrienne’s bed. He held her hand and pulled her to him and whispered in her ear, “Our son will be fine. He has superficial wounds. He will be ready to travel with me after the wedding. We’re have a wedding for you,” Wilder said glancing in Drayton’s direction.

  “Will it be a double ceremony?” Adrienne asked full of energy.

  “Just as soon as you and Mena decide on the date. It will have to be in the next two weeks. We have to get Drayton out of town until I can settle the problems brewing.” Drayton stood up with a relieved smile.

  “Adrienne, you will have a honeymoon in Hawaii. We have a cottage there on a remote island. You can rest...” Drayton said to her.

  “I don’t want to rest. I have had enough rest. I want to swim and dance and celebrate,” Adrienne said with glee. “I want to select my gown, and there are so many things I have to do. Leave me and send Mena up,” Adrienne said raising her shoulders, clasping her hands together, and smiling. Wilder leaned over and kissed her. Drayton knew that there would be plenty of time for kissing Adrienne. He could wait. He waited this long for her. What’s a few more weeks before she will be his for a lifetime?


  Adrienne rose the next morning and walked to the terrace facing the mountain range. She asked for that room, and when she returned after the birth of Lycell’s sons, Wilder and Lycell had hand made her bed out of mahogany wood. It stood strong and beautiful with carvings of flowers on the headboard. It was situated between her children’s nursery and down the hall, Wilder, Lycell, and Drayton slept in their separate rooms. They didn’t have time to plan how their lives would orbit around Adrienne, because now, the wedding was the center of everyone’s thoughts.

  Adrienne stood holding her arms as the chill of the morning air passed over her. Wilder knocked on her door and when she didn’t answer, his heart grew tense and he rushed into the room to see her standing on the balcony gazing out at the rising sun coming from behind the snowcapped mountain. He stro
de behind her and put his muscled arms around her body. They were large and she being small, his arms could have encircled her a second time if possible.

  Returning the affection, she seized his arms. His body heated behind hers, and she felt his large manhood stretching his jeans. A heated passion coursing through her.

  She knew instinctively that it was Wilder. She could smell the difference in the three and although he held her close, he was not a werewolf given to demonstrations of his love but she knew he loved her and the feeling of his hard penis left no doubt how he felt sexually. Nevertheless, he was content. He nuzzled his nose along the nap of her neck after pushing her long hair to one side.

  “I have never loved you more than now,” he said. Adrienne turned facing him. He had an expression of great sexual need. He cradle her face with his hands, “I understand how difficult it was having our babies. I can wait. I will wait for you as long as it takes because you have made a great sacrifice for all of us, and especially for me.”

  Looking up she found his eyes, she touched his lips and kissed him. She felt his stiff penis touch her leg and she wanted it as much as he wanted to give it to her. But she pushed herself away from him before they lost control. “How is my son?”

  “Our son is healing with the help of Robert. I see that you and Mena are getting along well.”

  “She is a wonderful girl. I mean werefemale.”

  “You are beginning to talk like me and I’m speaking like you,” Wilder said with a slight laugh and taking Adrienne’s hand, walking back into the warmth of the room. He gave Adrienne a serous glance. “I need to talk to you about the wedding.” They sat together on the edge of the bed.

  “I know you want a small wedding but I will have to invite some of the towns’ people. I promised them that I would run for state senator. We will need to invite a large diverse group of people to the wedding. Individuals you may not like but you will have to meet.”

  “Why are you running for state senator? That will expose our family and lifestyle to scrutiny by the outside world. And you will never be home.”

  “You have Lycell and Drayton to take care of you and the children.” Adrienne turned her back on Wilder.

  He walked behind her and she pulled away. “I have to do this to affect changes in our town, in the states where we have packs. I can’t sit on the sidelines and allow the humans...” Adrienne raised an eyebrow, “to cut down our forest and destroy the animals in our territories.” He moved closer to Adrienne. “Please believe me it will be better for our children and for the future of this pack. You are the mother to these werewolves. Do you want to see them destroyed?”

  Adrienne did not say a word. Wilder made a convincing argument to Adrienne. Her face softened and she tried to ease out a small smile. “I will try to do my part. Do what you think is best for all of us,” she said exhaling.

  Relief swept through Wilder. For once he could carry on the business of taking care of the packs that were entrusted to him by his father. It was important to be the mate of Adrienne but it was equally important to do the business of caring for everyone. It would be hard but Adrienne made his life easier by her concessions.

  Yet it will be harder still seeing her marrying Drayton. Somehow he knew it had to be Drayton because he and Lycell had too many enemies, and Adrienne would be an easy target because of them. That is why she was kidnapped by the vicious werewolf of the Oregon pack. Wilder would have to make things right with them as soon as the wedding is over, once his sons are able to travel.

  Wilder leaned in and kissed Adrienne. The electric current that traveled through her body made her hungry for his mouth, his arms, and his body. But it was imperative that she remained celibate until she mated with Drayton. She felt she owed it to Drayton to give him the best experience of being his wife. She felt the thickness of Wilder’s manhood with her hand and she only wanted to calm him. His kisses became more intense when a knock came to the door and then when no one answered, Lycell barged in on them.

  He stood for a second looking at their embrace, “Excuse me Adrienne and Wilder but my sons are waiting for their mother. It’s their feeding time.” Adrienne moved away from Wilder’s embrace.

  “I’ll be there in a minute. Give me and Wilder a few,” she said to Lycell and he turned smiling and walked away. He understood how Wilder felt. He was feeling the same. When would she ever have time for them anymore? They had to live with their decisions now. They had to acknowledge that until all the offspring’s reached maturity, Adrienne couldn’t give them any attention. The pups came first.

  “It will be over soon, Adrienne.” He held her hand when he stood to leave. “After the honeymoon and you are impregnated with Drayton’s pups, then I will take you away with me for a long rest. We can go to Europe.”

  When Wilder mentioned Europe, in the back of his mind, she thought of the unrest which existed with the packs in the Black Forest. They were fighting each other again and Wilder would be the only one to unite them and bring peace. She had asked him to take her with him when he traveled, and he was trying to accommodate her.

  Adrienne walked away from Wilder staring into the open window, “I need to go Wilder, the pups are waiting for me.”

  “OK.” Adrienne knew his mind was on a hundred things and he didn’t hear her close the door and walk to the nursery.


  Mena and Robert were sitting holding two pups. Four had drank the formula and lay sleeping. Two were crying waiting for their mother’s milk. Adrienne sat in her rocker looking at Robert.

  “You are getting a start on how to feed yours someday,” Adrienne said to him.

  Mena’s gaze shuttled to Robert and her eyes lowered. And Robert said, “We can’t have children. We will probably adopt.”

  “Oh. I so sorry. Here I am talking too much.” She looked to Mena, “I apologize to you for having Wilder dismiss you. I didn’t know. I was jealous of you because you are so pretty and I thought you wanted to marry one of my...” She paused. “One of the Samsa men.”

  “I was trying to get up the courage to tell Wilder about Robert but I couldn’t. Drayton understood because he is so in love with you and devoted to Wilder and his family. I wanted to be a part of this family too. As long as I can help you with your brood of pups, I’m happy and Robert is happy.” She looked at Robert holding a pup and then turning him over to Adrienne.

  “We’re going to town tomorrow and buy our gowns,” Adrienne said. And then we have to write out a guest list. Wilder has a list of important people we have to accommodate, and then we will design the invitations, order two cakes and the food, I don’t want to forget the food.

  We need a personal secretary and a wedding planner, it’s impossible to get that done by two people,” Adrienne said smiling. “I have to talk to Wilder about that. We can’t do everything in two weeks without help.” Mena’s face lit up and the biggest smile settled in her eyes. “We’re going to get an early start tomorrow we have to go to the department store in Samsaville.”

  Chapter 14

  Wilder hired on extra workers to help with the wedding. He wanted it to be the grandest affair that Adrienne and the people of Samsaville ever experienced. The town’s folk approached him with the idea of running for a state office, but he thought he should clear it first with Adrienne and his brothers. Some suggested making an announcement during the wedding, but Wilder stated that he didn’t want to obscure the ceremony with this news because it could wait.

  However, it was more important to discuss his intentions with the business men in the state of Nevada who were werewolves. He needed their endorsements before going forward. They had made their way into society without the humans knowing they were werewolves. They even discussed the possibility of running one of their own for President and had spoken to Wilder about it.

  The treatment of the environment and forest were foremost on their minds, and because Wilder and his brothers had so much influence in Nevada with their vast lands and the Samsa�
�s fortune, he would be their perfect choice to run for office. But first they had to make him a state senator and then the governor of Nevada and finally run him for President. It was a tall order but the debate between the werewolves favored Wilder. The alpha werewolves throughout the U.S. thought it was possible. But then it was the case of Adrienne marrying Drayton. Wilder would have to run for office without a wife, and that would be difficult.

  He had to think of something if any of his plans would come to fruition.


  As Adrienne had suggested, she and Mena started out early for Samsaville. The car entered the private parking area where there were signs that stated Samsa Parking. The driver stepped out and opened the door. “Mr. Wilder Samsa said for me to accompany you Mrs. Samsa.” The driver had to be in his twenties, tall and attractive with long dark hair dressed in a black suit and white shirt. Adrienne didn’t know whether he was town people or one of the young werewolves.

  He may have been one of the fledgling werewolves looking for a mate, because he took an unhealthy interest in Mena. Adrienne observed his dark brown eyes never leaving Mena except to drive, and occasionally he glanced at her from his mirror.

  Adrienne knew the signs of hot blood surging and controlling a young man’s behavior.

  “I’m not a Samsa yet, you can call me Miss Ward or Adrienne. I don’t care which. And you will disregard your orders. Mena and I are not going in that store with a body guard skulking around when we select our wedding gowns,” Adrienne said with a decided tone.

  They entered through the main door because Adrienne wanted to avoid the girl behind the makeup counter. She walked behind Mena and headed for the escalator. The second floor screamed wedding. China patterns galore. The third floor held the most expensive gowns. Getting off at the third floor, Mena glanced left and right in amazement, a woman of forty with a splashed smile walked up to them. “May I help you? My name is Claire and you are?”

  “Miss Ward,” Adrienne said smiling.


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