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One Night With the Prince

Page 12

by T. M. Mendes

  “So are you excited for your friends and mother to come here today?” Zach asked. I nodded happily and hugged him again.

  “Yes! Thanks again Zach.” I hugged him tight. He chuckled and held me against him. I heard a voice clear and I pulled away to see Dem holding his arms open looking at me expectantly.

  “Hey! I came up with the plan!” He defended with a mock pout. I giggled and went to hug him. He spun me around in the water and we were both laughing. Suddenly he picked me up bridal style and ran out of the pool.

  “Dem! Put me down!” I laughed. He chuckled and made a mad sprint towards the pool and jumped. I screamed and clung onto him. I was afraid of heights! And I hated the feeling of free falling even if it was only for a second!

  Water engulfed us and I swam up, sputtering out the water that managed their way into my mouth. Dem was laughing at my face and I pouted and punched him.

  “Ow!” He laughed.

  I swam over to Zach and hugged him. I was honestly freaked out! Heights are my biggest fear! And when Dem jumped, he jumped high! I know that may seem silly but it’s a phobia for me. And having that feeling when you’re falling only added to it. Zach rubbed my back.

  “Hey, you okay?” He asked. I nodded against his chest. He felt warm and it was calming me down. Ever since I was five I’ve had this problem. I felt like a big baby. It’s really just that free falling feeling you get when you do fall.

  When I was five I was climbing a tree and on the tallest branch; I slipped and fell, breaking my arm. It was traumatic for me because it took 2 hours for anyone to notice me missing or in trouble and I was in too much pain to move.

  “Hey Red? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” Dem apologized. I smiled weakly at him. Gosh I feel so stupid now!

  “It’s okay Dem. I’m afraid of heights, well really the free falling feeling and when you jumped it just triggered it. So you’re okay.” I explained. He pulled me out of Zach’s arms much to his disliking and hugged me tightly.

  “Sorry little Red-riding hood.” He mumbled. I pulled back and looked at him questioningly.

  “Little Red-riding hood?” I asked. He smiled and nodded.

  “Yep! You’re my little Red-riding hood!” He cooed and pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and went back to Zach who was watching us in amusement.

  “I’m glad you find this funny.” I mumbled. He took my hand and led me out of the pool. I was shivering then since the wind bit at my skin. I pulled on my dress, although it clung to my skin uncomfortably. He pulled on a robe and I envied the soft fuzzy thing knowing it was keeping him warm. He smiled at my expression and handed me a white one. His was a deep blue. I grinned and pulled it on.

  “Thanks.” I said gratefully. He nodded and took my hand again. We were walking down a stone path in comfortable silence. I noticed that I would always feel comfortable around him, unless he’s trying to make me feel all hot and bothered.

  “You never cease to amaze me Anna.” He said quietly breaking the silence easily. I tilted my head.

  “How?” I asked in doubt. He looked at me with a sly smile,

  “Just when I think you can’t surprise me, you do it again. You’re never afraid to speak what’s on your mind and yet you’re always kind to the workers here, and even lend a hand to help them when you don’t have to. You defend others while not really caring what is said to you, and I had you pinned down as this unstoppable force. You surprised me today when you held me tightly from your fear.” He finished. I stopped walking and so did he. I looked up at him although I had to squint because of the sun.

  “I’m not invincible Zach. Even I know that. Everyone has their weakness whether they’re willing to put their pride aside and admit it or not. There’s a difference between thinking you’re unstoppable and knowing you’re not. Personally I think knowing you’re weaknesses and acknowledging them makes you stronger.” I shrugged. He looked at me.

  “How so?” he asked. I could see his curiosity burning in his eyes, as it always is when I’m talking for some reason.

  “Knowing what you can and can’t do can be a strong weapon. Let’s say you’re fighting an opponent. Would you rather pretend to yourself that you are in fact unstoppable and let your ego get in the way or make tactful moves knowing what your limits are and build a fight around that? In the end the one who fights with a mind thinking he’s invincible will lose because he thinks he can’t get hurt, therefore he is cocky and under trained. While the other wins because he knows what to avoid, to avoid losing the match.” I explained carefully.

  “You’re so incredible Anna.” He murmured, pushing some hair out of my face. I smiled softly up at him, and he kissed my nose. I scrunched up my face and he laughed, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  “Come on then. Let’s get you dried off so you can be ready for when your family gets here.” He said. I nodded, feeling my stomach tighten in excitement of seeing them again.

  “By the way, I heard what you did this afternoon to Elise.” Zach said thoughtfully. I choked back a laugh remembering her scrambling on the floor like a headless chicken.

  “Yeah, that was great! You should see the video!” I laughed to myself. He looked at me wide eyed.

  “There’s a video?” He inquired. I nodded as he laughed.

  “I really shouldn’t be laughing seeing how it wasn’t nice, but I also know how she treats people here, so yes it was very funny.” He allowed. I chuckled at his prince like behavior.

  “I have one thing to ask though.” I started as we walked inside.

  “Yes?” He answered.

  “Keep your brother away from Missy.” I said seriously. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.


  Chapter eighteen


  I was bouncing around as I waited anxiously for my mom and friends to turn up. Wringing my hands, I kept looking at the door and the clock next to me. Zach chuckled and kissed my temple.

  “Relax my little rose.” He smiled. I looked at him inquisitively.

  “My little rose?” I asked, not wanting to laugh. He looked defensive and brought me to his chest, holding me captive.

  “Don’t laugh. You’re my little rose because you’re as beautiful as one but you have the thorns to defend yourself. Plus your hair is red. You’re perfect and fragile but ready to fight if need be, much like a red rose.” He shrugged. I looked at him with a small smile.

  “Really?” I asked. He nodded and hugged me tight again. I snuggled against his chest with a warm smile lighting my face.

  “Uhg! Gag me! Too much sweetness! Someone call me a dentist! I think I now have a cavity!” I turned to see Dem pretending to be sick. Haha! Oops! I forgot he was in the room!

  “Sorry Dem.” I smiled sheepishly. He rolled his eyes but you could tell he was fighting a smile. I played with a button on Zach’s shirt.

  “So, how was your night with what’s her name?” I asked biting my lip. He chuckled and tilted my face up.

  “You jealous?” I didn’t answer because I mean heck yeah I am! I’m just glad it’s his choice for the weekend!

  “Melody was very respectful. She’s one of the few girls here who already had their hearts set on someone else. So no need to worry.” He kissed my forehead. I smiled as Dem fake gagged. Suddenly the doors opened and there stood Danny, Missy, and my mom.

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed and ran at them. Danny screamed like me too, and he literally pushed my mom out of the way so he could scoop me up and spin me around. I wrapped my legs around him and buried my face in his neck as he spun around. I was laughing like crazy.

  “Danny boy!” I giggled and he set me down. I scooped both my mom and Missy under each of my arms and hugged them tight.

  “I missed you guys so much!” I yelled excitedly. Missy respectfully stepped back and let me hug my mom properly. She squeezed me tightly with tears in her eyes.

  “Oh Nala! I missed you too!” She smiled a watery smile. I turned back to M
issy. I rolled my eyes and opened my arms.

  “Aw, come here Missy!” I laughed. She squealed and ran at me. I laughed as we almost tumbled over. I heard a throat clear. We turned around and I saw Zach almost glaring at Danny. Uh-oh, that greeting didn’t look so good. He doesn’t know Danny is gay! I laughed nervously.

  “Uh…ha-ha. Guys this is Prince Zachias and Demetrius. But I call them Zach and Dem. And this is Danny, Missy and my mother Sarah.” I introduced. Danny whistled openly checking them both out. However I think Zach and Dem thought he was sizing them up. That is until he spoke.

  “Dang! How come you get to be around yummy man candy!? So not fair Red!” He whined. I saw Zach visibly relax but then stiffen again as he registered Danny’s words. I laughed at his nervous expression while Dem playfully winked at Danny. I knew that Dem wasn’t gay though, that silly boy.

  Then I noticed Dem look over where Missy stood. She held her arm off to the side like the quiet girl she was. I could see the interest in his eyes, and when she looked at him I could tell she liked what she saw too because she bit her lip. Which is a huge telltale sign she liked a guy! Ooo! I could totally play matchmaker!

  Danny bumped hips with me and smirked.

  “You are so giving me every detail Red! We saw you two holding each other when we busted in! Does he have abs you just want to take a picture of and post it?!” He yelled at the end excitedly. I felt my face get red and I covered my face with my hands. I heard Dem laughing and I looked over to see him nudging Zach who had a look that crossed between being amused and being uncomfortable.

  “I like him!” Dem staged whispered. Danny gasped and looked him over. I silently laughed. He took that the wrong way from Dem! I nudged Danny snapping him from eying him.

  “First off don’t ever say crap like that out loud again…” I whispered the next part, “At least wait until we’re alone!” I switched back to normal volume. “And Dem does not play for your team. Although there is a Carlos here that might. I’m not positive though. You’d like him.” I explained. He pouted at the thought that Dem is not gay.

  “Well Zachias your home is lovely.” My mom complimented then turned to me. I hadn’t noticed that she pulled something out of her carry-on bag. I shrieked when I saw them.

  “Louis! Simba!” I hugged them tight. I heard them laughing at me. But I didn’t care I missed them so much! I looked at my mom and kissed her cheek.

  “How’s Stewart?” I asked about my fish. She chuckled but it was Danny who answered.

  “Well, him and Dory are going through a rough patch. He caught her cheating on him with Marlin the clown fish.” He explained looking forlorn.

  I gasped. “I knew it! That little tank wrecker! I always thought Peach was better for him anyways.” I shrugged. He laughed at me, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Zach and Dem both looked confused.

  “Those are strange names to name people.” Dem muttered.

  I laughed. “Well you should know them too! Well, everyone except Stewart.” I explained. They quirked an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

  “Finding Nemo?” I hinted. Zach laughed along with Dem.

  “You’re talking about fish?!” They laughed, and I shook my head.

  “No! They are the stickers, not fish! Only Stewart is my fish so ha!” I said and stuck my tongue out at them as I held Louis and Simba closely. Zach shook his head at me with a smile playing on his lips. He came up to me and kissed my forehead.

  “You’re too cute Rose.” He said quietly. “Crazy, but cute.” He amended. I smiled not taking offense. I’ve heard that more than once. I heard a throat clear and I see my mom looking amused at the two of us. I felt my face flush so I step back and cleared my throat nervously.

  “Mom, uh…I really don’t know what to call Zach but we’re, sort of together?” I said more in a form of a question. Huh. I guess we never discussed this.

  “Are you two bed buddies?!” Danny shrieked excitedly. My mouth drops open in shock and I smack Danny upside the head.

  “Daniel! That was rude! And no! We are not bed buddies!” I scolded. Dem was cracking up.

  “Seriously Red! You have awesome friends!” He gasped. Missy blushed and switched nervously on her feet. Awww! I forgot about my explicit friend and skipped to her side, and placed an arm around her shoulders,

  “So Missy, still single?” I asked, loud enough for Dem to hear. His head snapped in our direction. Wow, he was easy to play! Missy twitched nervously but showed a satisfied smile by Dem’s reaction.

  “Yes. How have you been Anna?” She said, switching the subject. Clever girl. But I wasn’t having that!

  “Oh good! Zach has been very nice and Dem has been very entertaining! You’d like him!” I say loudly. She blushes and elbows my side gently, silently telling me to quit it. I shook my head and whispered to her, “You two would be great together!”

  She smiles slightly but tries to hide it by biting her lip again. Oh yeah, she really likes him! Crawford comes in, interrupting us.

  “Ford! How’s it going?” I say happily. His eyes show amusement at my name for him but he smiles at me.

  “Very well Miss- I mean Red.” He corrects himself. I hugged him and he seems shocked yet again, but grins nonetheless. He walked away with a light chuckle and shook his head. Some others walked in and I greet them as well when they take everyone’s bag. Danny looks like he’s about to faint.

  “Oh my goodness! I feel so special right now! You lucky cow!” He scolds playfully. Zach stiffens when he calls me that. I roll my eyes at him. Only Danny and Missy can call me that. Although it was mostly Danny who did.

  “You know me! Always ordering people around and making them clean up after me!” I laughed and they joined in. My mom and friends know that’s not me. Danny rubbed his hands together excitedly.

  “So, how much trouble have you caused yet?” He says with a quirked eyebrow.

  I look at him innocently. “Not much.” I hear a laugh and a snort and I look over to see Dem trying to cover up his laugh and Zach looked ready to laugh as well.

  “What?! I haven’t! I’ve only pulled one prank! And that food fight was nothing! It was just the three of us!” My mom and friends gasp.

  “That’s all?!” They say in unison. Dem and Zach looked shocked as well.

  “What do you mean ‘that’s all’?!” Zach sputtered. I laughed at his expression. They had no idea what I was capable of. I winked at them. Mom came up to me and hugged me.

  “Oh honey! I’m so proud that you’re keeping yourself in check!” She gushed. I rolled my eyes at her.

  “Seriously! You two are lucky to get away with that much! I just can’t believe that’s all she’s done!” Danny said incredulously. I laugh at Dem and Zach’s scared expression and walk over closer to them.

  “Oh you boys have no idea what I can do.” I said lowly. They both gulped and I giggled at them. Seriously! I’ve been very tame here!

  “Where would you like them sir?” A butler asked Zach, lifting up the suitcases. Zach looked at me.

  “Can Danny and Missy be in my room? And my mom near me?” I asked with a slight pout with big puppy dog eyes. Dem groaned.

  “Aw! Not you too!” He grumbled. I had no idea what that was about but I didn’t press it. Zach looked helpless under my gaze and he sighed.

  “You heard her Crayseese. Thank you.” He finished. I squealed and hugged him tightly.

  “How does it feel to be beaten by your own game?” Dem asked Zach. He grimaced.

  “Now I know how you feel.” He muttered. I laughed at them and skipped back over to my friends and mom. Caidius then walked in and Danny’s eyes raked down at him as he fanned himself.

  “Seriously?! Another hot guy! Forget about Montana! I’m moving here!” He said dreamily. Caidius looked shocked at him but then looked over at Missy with a smirk. I jumped in front of her.

  “Oh no you don’t mister! You keep your playboy hands away from my sister!” I warned. I usually int
roduce to people that she is my sister since she might as well be. Missy threw a grateful look at me, although she stayed quiet and wouldn’t look at Caidius as his heated gaze pierced through me and tried to get to her. I pushed him back,

  “Don’t make me kick your butt again!” I growled. I was very protective over my family and that’s what they were. Missy was my sister and Danny was my brother. If anyone tried to play them, that person got an earful of yells and a face full of punches.

  “Okay! Okay!” He backed off. Dem was laughing at him.


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