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One Night With the Prince

Page 13

by T. M. Mendes

“Aw man who’s afraid of the big bad Red!” He teased. I quirked an eyebrow at him challengingly and he immediately shut up. That’s what I thought.

  “What did you do to him?” Missy asked softly but you could hear the laughter in her voice.

  Dem then gazed at her like she was something he couldn’t look away from.

  I laughed.

  “The first time he met me I made him meet the floor.” I shrugged.

  Danny hugged me from behind. “That’s my girl!” He said proudly. I giggle at him as he gets me dizzy. Oh how I’ve missed this! When he sets me down I smile.

  “So how long are you guys here?” I asked.

  “One week. School is on break and your mom took a paid vacation.” Missy answered. I jumped up and down and hugged them all again.

  “You’re all here for a whole week!” I said excitedly. They nodded and I couldn’t feel happier.

  “Hey man, what about your nights with a certain red head this weekend? If not it’s with her then it has to be with someone else.” I hear Dem whisper. I looked at Zach because I wanted to hear what he has to say.

  “Anna, it would be selfish of me to ask you to give up your weekend with your family,-” He started but I interrupted.

  “What about a sleepover?” I ask with a wide grin. He tilted his head as he thought about it.

  “A sleepover?” He asked, looking doubtful. I nodded my head.

  “Yeah! All of us excluding mom, sorry mom but I don’t think you’d want to be up half the night.” I said quickly. She just chuckled and nodded.

  “In your room Zach, so it’ll be like one big sleepover!” Everyone looked excited while Zach thought it over. I stepped up to him and put on my best begging face.

  “Please? I don’t want to have some plastic creature with too much make-up with you the rest of the weekend.” I said in small voice. He laughed.

  “Now Anna that wasn’t very nice.” He playfully scolded, as I shrugged.

  “I will be big enough to admit I’d be jealous.” I said without embarrassment. He shook his head at me in amusement, but then sighed.

  “Alright, alright. A ‘sleepover’ it is.” He amended. I jumped up and down excitedly and kissed his cheek.

  “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” I said, quickly kissing all over his face. He laughed and hugged me close and bends down to my ear,

  “You’re so much trouble to me. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” And he kissed my nose.

  Chapter nineteen


  Well to say her friends were interesting would be an understatement. I was at first blindly jealous of her friend Danny but when he made his sexuality known I felt much calmer. Demetrius couldn’t keep his eyes off Anna’s friend no longer than a few minutes before he’s staring at her again.

  “Demetrius! Stop starring at the poor girl!” I playfully scolded. We were now in a lounge outside under the sunroof. A gentle breeze was cooling us off nicely. Anna was sitting next to her mother, and as much as I would like for her to sit next to me, I know she misses her, so I let her be.

  “Kia! Shut it! She’ll hear you!” He harshly whispered. I chuckled at his face as he gazed at Missy once more. She blushed at him, and I could see she was the opposite of Anna and Danny. She was calmer and more collected. Yet I knew she’d go anywhere with her friends. They all balanced each other out.

  “So, Prince Zachias? Why is my daughter not allowed to go home exactly? Anna told me some passport story but I have a nose for BS and that was the biggest BS I’ve ever come across.” Her mother, Sarah announced. Anna shifted nervously in her seat, turning red.

  “Mom! It’s, uhg! Fine! Zach, you explain! Danny, Missy lets go. I got something I want to do.” She took the hands of her friends and dragged them away. Thanks Anna! I thought sarcastically. Sarah looked at Demetrius and me with a raised eyebrow. I can see where Anna gets her feistiness from!

  “Well you see, uh Sarah. Anna was mistaken for another girl…” I began to tell her everything, well excluding the fact I silently begged for my father to keep her here. I told her about the media and not wanting them to find out. She leaned back in her lounge chair and heaved a deep sigh.

  “Well Zachias I believe everything you say up until that media crap story you just tried to sell me on.” She looked straight at me, and I choked on nothing but air. Demetrius was trying not to laugh by my side, and I sent him a glare.

  “I-I w-well, you s-see, um…” Dang it! I couldn’t think of anything! She then starts to laugh at my lack of response.

  “You really think I don’t see the way you look at my daughter. I wouldn’t be surprised if you made up a reason for her to stay.” She shrugged. Again, I am left speechless. Demetrius couldn’t help the chuckle escape from him but quickly turns it into a cough.

  “I uh…don’t know what to say…” I explained at my lack of response.

  She chuckled at me, and continues, “Just know this. You hurt her, and I don’t care if you’re a prince or not. I will hurt you. Understand?” She said seriously. I nodded as my mouth went dry and I couldn’t speak. She was definitely scary when she wanted to be! Demetrius tries to hide his smile but that quickly fell when she turned her stare at him.

  “Oh don’t think that just because Missy isn’t biological daughter that it makes me love her any less! I see the way you’re starting to look at her too! I’ll kick you to China and back if you make my babies cry; either of you.” She warns. Demetrius and I both gulp nervously and nod our heads.

  She smiles at us and pats our knees from where she was sitting across from us.

  “Good, then we won’t have a problem! Now-” She was cut off by screaming. We all stand up and see Anna, Missy, and Danny running towards us.

  “RUN!” Anna screams. I’m beyond bewildered and I’m about to ask why when they reached us but she grabbed a hold of her mother and I, making us run with her.

  “Don’t ask why!” She began to drag us off when we all hear a peculiar noise.

  “Why is there a flock of chickens running this way?!” Demetrius yelled as we all were now running away from the clucking birds. Anna was puffing next to me.

  “Air horn……didn’t think, …” She barely gets out. I give her an incredulous look as I scooped her up in my arms as she was now lagging behind. How long were they running?! The barn was at least 6 acres away! Demetrius grabbed up Missy. She squealed at him and laughed. Danny pouted.

  “Hey! What about me?!” He cries a little out of breath but not too bad. Anna laughed at him. Sarah was keeping up easily, shaking her head at Anna.

  “Get your own hottie!” She yells behind us.

  “How on earth…did you get an air horn?!” I asked as we finally made it to the inside of the castle. The chickens finally stopped running and were now running amuck in the training yard. Great. I set her down and she was finally catching her breath.

  “I think the better question is why would you have something like that in a barn?” She retorts back. Huh, why would we, oh yes!

  “We’ve had trouble in the past from robbers taking our horses and other farm animals for profit.” I explain.

  “Well a lot of good that did! You didn’t hear the horn go off?” She asked. I shook my head, as Demetrius set down Missy who was blushing like mad.

  “Why did you have to mess with it?” I asked still bewildered. She looked at me like I was missing something.

  “I think the better question is how could I not? It’s a freakin air horn! You’re going to want to play with it!” She defended herself. I shook my head at her. She’s definitely one of a kind. I hear her mom chuckle although she was slightly out of breath.

  “You better get used to this. Especially with her two partners in crime around here for a week.” A grimace makes its way to my face as I can only imagine what will happen now. I looked outside once more to see some chickens charging after some soldiers who are trying to round them up. It was getting dark so it would have to wait until morning. />
  “What’s all the noise over here?” I hear my mother ask as she walks over to us. Everyone immediately points to Anna, and she huffs.

  “Well I never!” She grumbled. I sighed and kissed my mother on the cheek.

  “Mother, this is Anna’s friends, Missy and Danny, along with her mother Sarah.” I introduced. She smiled at them all but when she peeked outside she gasped.

  “Why are there chickens all over the place?!” She said, alarmed. Again we all point to Anna who just chuckled nervously.

  “There was an air horn and….well let’s just say chickens do not like loud sounds.” She mumbled. What surprises me is that my mother starts to laugh. We all give her a shocked look.

  “Ah, Anna! You remind me so much of myself when I was younger! I pulled a stunt like that once. Although mine involved a herd of sheep…” She trails off as she thought about it. She shook her head in amusement. “But it is getting late, another time perhaps. Zachias darling? Who have you chosen for the weekend?” She gave a pointed look at Anna. I chuckle.

  “Yes mother, it’s Anna. But I’ve chosen to be with her friends as well.” I explained.

  “And me! Don’t be so rude Kia!” Demetrius scolded. Suddenly I hear a throat clear and we see Sarah with her arms crossed.

  “Chosen? What do you mean chosen?” She gave me a stern look. Oh no. I feel a smack on my arm.

  “You didn’t tell her?! What do you think I left you for?!” Anna frowned. I rubbed the place where she hit, feeling a little sting.

  “Sorry. We got sidetracked.” I explained.

  “I think someone needs to explain something because I have a feeling I’m missing something important.” Sarah said in a calm yet very strict voice.

  I gulped and started to explain everything. All about the competition and she just stands there listening, nodding occasionally. After I’m done her friends are standing there open mouthed and her mom just stood there thinking, but then turned to Anna.

  “You and I will talk tomorrow, is that clear?” She said quietly and then asked one of the butlers to show her to her room. It’s silent for a while then mother spoke.

  “I’ll go talk to her. That couldn’t have been easy to hear.” She walked off after Sarah and left the rest of us standing there.

  “Well, not that I don’t love awkward moments but we should head to your room.” Danny smiled at me. We all agreed to it but I have to say I’m a little anxious for this ‘sleepover’. I’ve never experienced one, nor did I ever plan to, that is until today.

  When I opened my room I got the pleasure in seeing her friends gape. It was quite funny seeing their jaws hung open. Earlier I had the maids set up extra beds in here. There was more than enough room.

  I felt something warm grab my hand and I looked down to see Anna was holding it. I smiled at her and she grinned up at me. She was so tiny that I always felt this need to protect her, but she’s proven time and time again that she doesn’t need saving.

  “Well don’t just stand there like open mouthed fish!” Anna playfully scolded her friends.

  “Well, well, well! Big brother Zachias is having a slumber party! How cute.” We turned to see Caidius in the doorway as he leaned against the frame. Danny sauntered up to him.

  “Hey. How you doin?” He asked as he looked at my brother up and down. Anna smacks his shoulder.

  “Danny boy! You’re not Joey!” Who is Joey? I shrugged it off as another one of her non-human friends. Speaking of which, her penguin and lion are on my bed right now. A maid must have brought them up. Caidius scoffed and stood up normally.

  “I’m out of here.” He walks off and Danny whistles as he looked at his rear end. I don’t think there’s ever getting used to Danny here.

  “Hot potatoes! He is yummy! But I am thirsty right now so I think I’ll go get some water.” He began to walk out the room as well.

  “Get me a glass too!” Anna called out. He agreed and leaves. I see Demetrius starring at Missy so I threw a couch pillow at him and he snapped out of it. I chuckled at him as he glared at me, but I could tell he was embarrassed. Missy’s face was bright red as she shuffled towards Anna. But Anna just pushed her towards Demetrius and whispered something fiercely at her, and soon she hopped on my bed.

  “Come here.” She told me. I sat next to her and held her hand.

  “I think we should go to your balcony. You know…give those two some time to themselves.” She whispered. I chuckled and agreed. Missy sent a scared look towards Anna as she led me through the double doors to the outside, but she just laughed and winked at Demetrius. I knew she trusted him otherwise she wouldn’t leave her alone.

  When we got outside and there was a slight chill in the air so I pulled her with me to the outside lounge and held her close to keep her warm. She snuggled against me, making my heart beat a little faster.

  “I think Dem and Missy would be great together. I know she’s only staying here a week, but school should be out in a couple of months, and then maybe she could stay here until this is all over? If she wants to that is.” She looked up at me with a hopeful expression. I kissed her forehead.

  “Whatever makes you happy. But please, no more chicken fiascos?” I pleaded. She laughed and kissed my cheek.

  “Dude that was nothing.” I gulped, knowing that was probably true. But what could I say? I loved her. I love her. I came to terms with it earlier today when we were walking after the pool incident. Now I just had to hope and wait that she returns those feelings.

  I know it can’t be easy for her. Being in a different country not fully knowing when you’ll be going home. I was hoping that she won’t be gone for a long time, and hopefully she just goes for a visit and comes back. And not to mention the other girls here. I wish I could say no to them, but the rules state I have to at least spend the night once with every one of them. So that can’t be easy for her to see and hear about.

  I’d never cheat on her, even if she wasn’t mine.

  “Rose?” I tried to get her attention. She looked back up at me with a small smile.

  “Yeah?” She answered.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?” I asked, praying she wouldn’t turn me down. I felt juvenile as I asked her. Like I was some sort of schoolboy waiting for his crush to say yes, but afraid she’d turn me down. There’s a very good possibility she would! But I had to ask, knowing any guy could come and sweep her off her feet and away from me.

  “Yes.” She said so quietly I almost didn’t hear it. I looked back down at her, and I felt a full-blown smile stretch across my face.

  “Yes?” I made sure. She giggled and nodded while stretching upwards to me for a kiss. I held her head in my hands gently and kissed her back, showing her how much I loved her without saying it and scaring her off. I was turning into such a sap.

  I loved kissing her. Her lips are so soft and sweet that if I could I’d spend the rest of my life doing just this. I would always treat her as if she was made up of the most fragile material because that’s what she deserved. She had turned me into this soft guy, and I don’t mind it too much.

  “Wow.” She murmured to herself. I chuckled with my voice sounding hoarse, and tucked some hair behind her ear.

  “I agree.” I whisper kissing the corner of her lips. She smiled and stood up.

  “I’m going to go see if Danny got lost or something.” She mumbled, hurrying back inside with her face flushed. I laughed quietly to myself. For someone so devious and cunning, she is also the very innocent.

  “Whoa! Okay then! Wow Missy you move fast!” I hear Anna inside. I peek from the door to see Missy and Demetrius jump apart looking flushed. I shake my head at them, while Anna walked out laughing to herself.

  Sitting back on the lounger I think about how I can convince Anna to let me pick her. If I could choose today it’d be her hands down. I loved her quirky personality yet she can strike at you in a moment’s notice. However she rarely stood up for herself, rather she does it for people she cares about.
/>   And with the fact she’s funny, interesting and beautiful, it was no wonder I fell for her hook line and sinker. I must have been spacing out for a while when I hear the door banged open and Anna seems out of breath.

  “Oh my…gosh!…your brother…and Danny…kissing!” She got out. I felt my eyes bug out. No way!

  Chapter twenty


  “Rose?” I heard Zach start while I snuggled closer to him on the balcony outside.

  “Yeah?” I answered back so he would continue. He took a moment and my anxiety level kicked up a few notches.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. I could hear the doubt that I’d say yes in his voice. Did he seriously just ask me that?! I wanted to smile so big and jump up and down and yell with joy but that’d seem pretty silly and not to mention the fact embarrassing, so I just tried to act cool.


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