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Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath

Page 4

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Sure, she replied, though a sense of doom invaded her consciousness. Whatever the incoming message was, it carried nothing but bad news. As she watched Mikel head toward his private communication terminal, Maryann prayed that whatever the message, she'd be strong enough to help Mikel get through it.

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  Chapter Four

  As soon as Skalldari interrupted them with a message from home, Mikel knew something catastrophic must have happened on Manruvia. Only something dire would compel the sentient ship to go against orders not to disturb them. After quickly donning lounge pants and a tunic, he pressed his security code into the communication terminal and waited for the transmission to begin.

  He could feel his mate's concern through their bond and knew that however disastrous the news, having her by his side would make it bearable. But that didn't stop his gut from clenching in dread or his mind racing with questions.

  When his mother's tear ravaged face filled the screen, his heart stuttered in his chest. Sweat broke out on his brow and his knees shook. “Mother ... What is it?"

  "Your father, Lortan is in a coma. We need you here."

  His voice cracked, “What happened?"

  "Your father's personal physician believes he's succumbed to poisoning."

  Behind him, Mikel heard the rustling of bedclothes. Seconds later, his mate took his hand in hers. He looked down in her concerned eyes, then squeezed her hand in thanks. Looking back toward his mother, Vandora, the current Manruvian Queen, he cleared his throat. “We'll be there in two days, mother."

  More tears trailed down his mother's cheeks, but he didn't take it as a sign of weakness, just proof of the deep love she felt for his father. “Thank you, my son. You and I both know that with your father unable to lead, you must assume the throne quickly to avoid a coup."

  "I understand, mother. We'll be there as soon as possible."

  His mother's gaze strayed toward Maryann. “I'm sorry we must first meet under such difficult circumstances. Mikel has long awaited his mate, and as his parents, we've looked forward to the day he would bring you home to us."

  "Please, you don't have anything to apologize for. If there is anything I can do for you when I get there to make things easier on you, anything at all, please, don't hesitate to ask, Queen Logann."

  "We shall take your words to heart, Maryann. Now, I must go my son. Much unrest has overtaken our cities since word of your father's illness has spread."

  "I understand. Please, take your rest while you can. We shall be there soon, mother.” As the communication panel grew dark, Maryann's steady presence at his back did more to soothe his nerves in that moment than anything thing she could have possibly said.

  After a few minutes of companionable silence, Maryann drew back. “I'll go to my rooms. I'm sure you'll have some calls you'll need to make to your allies—to the Shi'Lan's—to Hunter, Taliff, and to Brantiff. He'll want to know that his closest in rank has fallen to poison. I imagine he'll have good advice to impart if you'll listen to him."

  Mikel reached out for Maryann's wrist as she passed. “Wait, Maryann. Thank you. I know none of this has been easy for you. You didn't ask for anything that's happened to you and now I'm asking for you to handle even more on your shoulders. Are you're sure you're up to this?"

  "Do you doubt me, think that because I'm human I'm any less capable of handling the duties that are going to be thrust on me the moment I step foot on your planet? Get real. Right now, I have to go to my room and learn protocol from Skalldari, because you certainly are in no shape to teach me, and I don't think you would be the one to normally do so anyway. So...” As Maryann gently pried her wrist from his grasp, she continued toward the door. “You do your thing and I'll do mine."

  By the time Maryann escaped, and she'd definitely escaped, Mikel didn't know what to think of the woman she'd become the last few minutes in his presence. She definitely had taken charge and he liked it.

  * * * *

  As the doors closed behind Maryann, she shook her head surprised at her own outburst. “Skalldari, take me to the Archives room. I need to know what to expect when we land on Manruvia. If they've poisoned the King, I can only assume there is some kind of coup underway and I need to know how we can thwart such an attempt."

  "As you command, Maryann.” Between one heartbeat and the next, Maryann found herself not outside Mikel's door, but what she could only surmise was the Archives room. Not only were there two walls of bookshelves overflowing with texts of every size, but computer equipment covered several long conference style tables. The room in itself looked like a library back home on Earth and immediately she felt at ease. Now if only she could read the language in the books, they might get somewhere.

  Skalldari's voice echoed in the small room, drawing her attention away from the rows of texts she longed to investigate. “If someone poisoned the King, then right now, High Prince Logann is the Presumptive King, and you, the Queen in Waiting. The Trident of Accession must be passed from mother to son and then you and he will officially be in power. But before that can happen, you two must be mated first."

  "Mated first ... You mean we have to finish having sex first and then he changes me, like he explained tonight before his mother's call interrupted us?"

  "Yes, Maryann. Once his people sense his DNA mingling with yours, once the mating mark appears, they'll know you've officially mated and then they'll accept his right to take up the Trident of Accession and rule in his father's stead. No one other than his parents knows he's found his mate. No one could have predicted this, which is to your advantage. This mating may be the only thing that saves Prince Logann's world from whatever someone has planned for it."

  Maryann snorted. “You and I know exactly who has done this Skalldari. Mikel has stood by the Shi'Lan's against The Black Rose throughout the years, fighting her slavers, hunting her breeding camps and freeing her slaves. She'll do whatever she can to destroy Mikel and his people as an act of revenge. Besides, by incapacitating the king, Mikel has no choice but to return home, thus leaving others to hunt for The Black Rose and her followers."

  Looking around the small chamber, her gaze once again locked onto the bookshelves loaded down with books. Some looked ancient while others looked fairly modern. She couldn't wait to get lost amidst the history of the Manruvians. Back on Earth, before her kidnapping, she spent hours every day reading books from ancient history about Earth's early civilizations to modern day romances, thrillers and fantasies.

  Escaping into the worlds created by others helped her cope with her differences. As the only human among shifters, her life had not been easy and she found early on that books were her salvation when things grew too hard to handle amidst her stepfather's people, the Lionese.

  As though her feet had a mind of her own, she found herself standing in front of one wall of shelves, contemplating the many titles on the spines. Most she couldn't translate, but she was determined that one day she'd read everything in here. For now, she looked for something—anything—written in a language she did know. Perhaps the Manruvians had some sort of technology that would help her learn their language.

  As Mikel's mate and the queen of the Manruvian people, she'd need to communicate with those around her. Depending on others to translate for her would only emphasize the fact that she was different, a Human reliant on others to see to her needs. She'd not embarrass Mikel that way.

  "Skalldari, do you have some sort of technology on this ship that will teach me Manruvian quickly? If I'm to be helpful to Mikel, I'm going to need to understand what's going on around me."

  "There are several options available. However, the most expedient and least invasive option is to allow Mikel to finish the mating. Once you're exposed to the Manruvian genome, you'll find that speaking the language comes naturally."

  Maryann sighed and crossed her arms over her breasts. “Well that figures, doesn't it? Everything about these people revolves around sex and mating. It makes me w
onder what my life is going to be like with the man. Boring, definitely does not come to mind.” She gave a half grin. “Skalldari, would you be so kind as to send me to see my mate? I need to speak with him."

  Boy did she need to speak with him. Not only did everything on his planet revolve around their finishing their bond, even her own ability to read every one of those delicious-looking books in that huge library depended on it. She grinned, a plan forming in her mind. She was hunting and nothing was going to keep her from her mate this time.

  "Of course, Maryann."

  Almost as soon as the computer spoke, Maryann found herself not in Mikel's quarters as she expected, but on a sandy white beach that seemed to stretch out for miles. Turquoise water crashed on the shore, its white-capped waves foaming in the distance. Rocks and boulders jutted out of the water and she imagined Merfolk sunning themselves atop of them.

  Maryann could hear seagulls flying overhead and immediately searched the skies for them. Lifting her hand to cover her eyes, she wasn't surprised to see three suns overhead, rather than the one that warms Earth. A warm breeze lifted her hair from around her neck. She closed her eyes and smiled. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the scent of the ocean and wished nothing more than to strip down to her skin and take a dip.

  Where am I? “Skalldari, where am I?"

  "You are in the recreation suite. This is as close to Prince Logann's home world as he can get without actually being there. When a Manruvian is worried, he tends to spend time in the water here, allowing it to free his mind, to think and to plot."

  "And you're sure Mikel is in here?” Why she doubted the sentient computer, she didn't know. The sand, the water—it was beautiful. How could he stand to be elsewhere on the ship when this was here to tempt him?

  "He's beneath the waters, but he should surface soon if you want to wait for him."

  "Thank you, Skalldari. You've been a huge help during the last few days. I think I'll go to the water's edge and let the waves tickle my toes while Mikel finishes his swim."

  "Of course. If you need anything else, just call my name. I'll hear you."

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  Chapter Five

  Mikel lay at the bottom of the ocean and allowed the water to surround him in its comforting grip. Closing his eyes, he let his worries and fears drift away with the current. Here, in the waters so similar to those of Manruvia, he could embrace the other half of his soul. It'd been too long since he last swam, allowing his body to shift into its other form—that of a Manruvian Merman.

  As his tail swayed back and forth in the cool water, his thoughts turned to the conversation he had with Brantiff Shi'Lan just before he sought the sanctuary of the Manruvian waters.

  "Mikel, during any time of political unrest, you must always search for answers other than obvious. Those you thought of as friends could now be enemies. Look beyond the facts in front of you for the reasons of this attack against your people."

  "And if it proves to be more than just a coup for my father's throne?"

  Brantiff stood straight, raised his fist to his heart before saying. “Then know that the Chantreans will be by your side to rout your enemy as soon as you call for reinforcements. We will be there."

  Mikel nodded at the screen both thankful and relieved that his allies would be by his side in the coming war. “Between us, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this while my father heals. I never expected to become king of my people this soon, but I will strive to make you and my people proud."

  Brantiff smiled. “I have no doubts in your ability to lead your people well. You have a good heart, strong character and keep the safety of your people as your priority."

  With one last wave, the communication terminal went dark. Mikel's thoughts automatically turned to Maryann wondering what she discovered about the proper protocol of his people when ascending to the throne. His cock hardened at the thought. Soon, she'd learn that everything hinged on their mating. Would she come to him once she made that discovery or would he have to go to her? Thoughts like that would get him nowhere fast except sexually frustrated. Instead, he headed toward the bridge, intent on giving his crew new orders to head to Manruvia.

  As soon as he entered the bridge, Mikel headed toward Commander Sutter. “Commander, please make haste toward Manruvia. The chase for The Black Rose will have to wait. As soon as we're within an hour of landing, please contact me via Skalldari. For now, I'll be in the recreation center."

  The commander saluted, his face showing his concern for the sudden change of plans though he didn't ask questions. “As you say, Prince Logann. It will be done."

  As Mikel left the Command Deck, he heard Sutter shouting orders to his crew. Mikel knew that without doubt he'd miss this ship, its people and the battles they engaged in with The Black Rose. Here he could see the difference his people made as they rescued the slaves she and her people captured to use as breeders.

  Thinking about The Black Rose did naught but anger him. Without a doubt, he knew she was behind the coup on his home world. He didn't know who had poisoned his father, but he would. Sooner or later, that person would be caught and suffer the consequences. But he didn't doubt the culprit was nothing more than a pawn in her agenda. He would take Brantiff's words to heart and look beyond the obvious.

  Shaking his head, Mikel weaved through the waters, allowing his body the freedom it had been too long denied. Faster and faster, he swam. Here he could relax, could embrace the other half of his soul. Even knowing that Maryann was somewhere on the ship waiting for him, he was reluctant to leave the sanctuary of the holographic ocean.

  Mikel grinned. He couldn't wait until after her transformation, until she could join him as they frolicked in the water together. There's nothing like making love in the water, he thought to himself. He couldn't imagine how much better it would be with his destined mate. And just like that, his cock hardened. Thank the goddess, that in this form, he could hide his erection from the others swimming nearby. Unless he pulled his cock out of its protective pouch, no one would be the wiser.

  Again, he sped up, twisting and weaving through the water as fast as his body would go. Beneath the sea, there was a sense of freedom that walking on land never gave him. It lightened his spirits and renewed his faith. As he swam toward the surface of the turquoise water, his heart beat faster in his chest. His entire body quivered in joy.

  He knew then his mate had come to him. Even though he could breathe underwater, his lungs felt starved for air. Knowing that she was so close, that soon she would be his mate in fact, that within minutes he could be sinking into her flesh becoming a part of her, as she would become a part of him, filled him with happiness. By the goddess, he couldn't wait.

  Mari, the Goddess of the sea, was said to bless the couple if they mated for the first time in the waters of Manruvia. Though they weren't on his home planet, he hoped mating here would suffice, because no way could he wait two more days before making love to her. The last week had been a living hell. Never before had he been so sexually frustrated—not even when he reached his sexual maturity and reveled in the sexual act, exploring all his sexual fantasies with the pleasure nymphs on the Verunian home world.

  Mikel couldn't help but wonder if Maryann was waiting for him on the shore as desperate to make love to him as he was for her. He knew that once they landed on Manruvia there would be many challenges to face. There would be opposition to their mating, for she was human and not one of his people, something no one in the royal line had ever done. Not only that, but he had to discover who'd poisoned his father and take up Triton of Ascension, something he'd not had time to prepare for.

  He had two days to cement the fragile bond building between them—two days to tie Maryann to his side, both emotionally and physically. As Mikel broke the surface of the water, he laughed in absolute joy. Two days was plenty long enough.

  His gaze immediately zeroed in on Maryann where she lounged on the shore. With her head tossed back, her face t
ilted up toward the sun and a smile of contentment stretched across her face, peace filled Mikel's soul. Nothing made him happier than knowing his mate was happy. Maryann's auburn hair fluttered in the soft breeze, looking sexy and tousled as if she'd just been thoroughly fucked in bed play.

  Knowing that she realized he swam nearby and remained on the shore looking as though she enjoyed their people's sanctuary—aware that soon he'd make her his—encouraged him to close the distance between them quickly, even though watching her while she remained unaware was a pleasure in itself. He'd have plenty of time to watch her from afar—after he sealed their bond.

  * * * *

  As the sun warmed her face, Maryann's thoughts turned to Mikel, something they'd done with increasing frequency over the last week or so, much to her chagrin. Thank the goddess that the Abacine suit no longer plagued her with sexual arousal. Not to say that the idea of mating with Mikel didn't arouse her. Shockingly it did, especially considering all she'd been through at the hands of The Black Rose.

  But now, arousal simmered just below the surface just waiting for him to encourage it to fever pitch once again. She didn't know whether that was a good thing or not. Either way, her time to get used to the idea of taking someone to her bed willingly had run out. It was time to make Mikel her mate in fact, time to make love to him.

  Off to her right, Maryann heard a loud splash. Without looking, she knew Mikel was nearby because the connection between them sparked to life. She could feel his happiness, his joy at seeing her sitting on the shore waiting for him. It would take getting used to knowing she could feel everything Mikel did, knowing he could feel her emotions as well.

  That didn't bother her as much as she thought it would though. It could end up being beneficial knowing what mood her husband was in before ever seeing him, therefore knowing when to avoid him and when to soothe him.


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