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Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath

Page 5

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Maryann almost chuckled at the thought. She couldn't imagine herself in that role, but she didn't doubt she would more often than not want to ease Mikel if something were to bother him. That's the way Eve and Taliff Shi'Lan were, as well as Hunter and Amy Shi'Lan—something to do with the strength of the mate bond between the pairs no doubt.

  Anxious to know what Mikel looked like in his merman form, Maryann turned her head, just in time to see him explode out of the water, do a forward flip, then dive beneath the waves. In that one instant, she was stunned out how absolutely beautiful he looked.

  His lower half shimmered, his scales ranging from the lightest silvery blue to the brightest teal and aqua she ever saw. With the sun shining down on him, he seemed to glow. She sucked in a breath, awed at his beauty. His chest had gleamed, water rivulets running down his washboard abs.

  Even now, when she could no longer see him, she could still see him in her mind's eye. His long hair hung to his shoulders in reckless waves and he'd been laughing in absolute joy. She'd never forget this moment, never forget seeing him so happy and carefree. She had a feeling those moments had been few and far between in his life—like hers. Maybe that would change—maybe not. Time would surely tell.

  Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't realized Mikel had come to shore until his shadow blocked out the sun and water dripped onto her thighs. Meeting his gaze, she wasn't surprised to see the arousal in his eyes. She'd felt it from the moment their link snapped back in place one she'd settled herself on the shore. What did surprise her was the very large erection just inches from her mouth. Instead of feeling fear like she expected, she had the insane urge to lean forward and take him in her mouth.

  "Do it,” Mikel growled.

  Maryann blushed. She couldn't help it, not knowing he'd heard her thoughts. There bond must be growing stronger, she thought, because he was definitely picking up more than her emotions now.

  Maryann quirked her eyebrows, not quite willing to submit to him yet. Let him work for it, work for her surrender. Besides, out of the corner of her eye she could see others swimming in the distance and she didn't want others to watch them making love. Maybe after she was secure in her relationship and her reactions to Mikel that would change, but for now, she wanted privacy if she were going to be intimate with him.

  Energy built around him. It wasn't something she could see. She felt it, sensed it was there more than anything else. A strange sound emanated from him. A low, keening vibration caught the attention of everyone in the huge chamber. He opened his mouth and strange sounding words came out, though somehow, she knew what they meant.

  All within hearing must listen. All within hearing must obey. Leave the cool water. Leave your mother's warmth. Leave your prince and his woman and return another day.

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  Chapter Six

  Mikel looked at his woman while he waited for the others to obey his command. Usually he wouldn't throw his people out of the recreation room as the ocean was a solace to them, but not today. His need to make Maryann his in every sense of the word overrode his compassion for his shipmates. They'd just have to wait until tomorrow to feel the welcoming hold the sea provided them.

  Today, he wanted the place reserved for them alone. Here, he'd finally make Maryann his mate, join his body to hers in as close to the proper setting as possible while still traveling through deep space.

  Mikel watched Maryann swallow nervously, then look away only to dart a sneaking glance at his erect cock. He chuckled when her face turned pink in embarrassment. How he had lived so long without this bond with another, he had no idea. Now that she was a part of him, he couldn't imagine a day where he wouldn't want to hear her thoughts or feel her emotions.

  Maryann licked her lips, then raised her head, looking him straight in the eye. “Why did you send everyone away?"

  Wrapping his hand around his erection, Mikel slowly began to stroke his cock, from the base to the head and back down again. Up. Down. Up. Down. His slow, rhythmic movements drew her gaze once again to his raging hard-on—right where he wanted it. “You know why I sent them away, Maryann. It made you uncomfortable having them nearby knowing what I'd want from you—what we both want. They can come back tomorrow."

  He about laughed when he watched her look down the shore in both directions, nibbling her lip in indecision. He knew she'd not been with anyone other than her rapists so he could understand her hesitance at lovemaking in a public location. She was new to intimacy after all.

  How would she take it when she learned that it was common to come upon a couple mating out in the open on his world, that his people were comfortable making love out in the open or in the sea where anyone could stumble upon them at any time? It might be wiser not to mention that part of his people's customs until after they'd sealed the mating. He didn't want anything to run her off, not after waiting so long to find a mate of his own.

  At close to nine hundred summers, most of his friends and peers had long ago taken mates. It took battling Hunter Shi'Lan's sister, The Black Rose, to bring him to the one soul that matched his own. He wouldn't lose her—not to his own stupidity and not to the political intrigue that would surely surround them once they reached Manruvia, and would most certainly not lose her back to The Black Rose. He'd defy Mari, the Goddess of the Sea herself, to keep Maryann at his side.

  As the silence between them lengthened, Mikel couldn't help but wonder what Maryann's next move would be. Would she balk at making love near the sea his people craved or would she enthusiastically participate? He couldn't wait to find out.

  After another quick glance in every direction, Maryann tentatively reached out and trailed her finger down the length of his cock. Mikel's stomach muscles clenched. His thighs trembled. Just that slight touch and it became nearly impossible to stand still so she could have free reign over his body. For now, he'd let Maryann control the pace of their love play—for as long as he could stand to anyway.

  When she wrapped her hand around his erection just above his own hand, he almost came. His breathing grew harsh and sweat ran in rivulets down his spine. By the Goddess Mari, nothing has ever felt so good and all she'd done was grip him. How much better would it feel once he finally sank his cock into her? He had no idea, but he couldn't wait to find out.

  When she hesitantly began to slide her hand up and down his cock, he gritted his teeth and dropped his hand. To keep himself from reaching out and pulling her against his body, he fisted his hands down by his sides. It took all his control not to clench his hands in her hair and pull her face to his jutting shaft so she'd take him into her mouth. Soon, he promised himself. Soon.

  Maryann's stroking grew firmer, the feel of her hand more sure around his cock. It took only a moment to realize she knew just what her touch did to him. Though it pleased him she used their bond, he knew he wouldn't withstand her touch for long—not without coming entirely too soon.

  Knowing he was but moments away from losing what little of his control remained, Mikel stepped back, forcing Maryann to let go of his aching cock.

  "Skalldari,” Mikel growled, his gaze intent on Maryann, “Place the Royal Manruvian Mating Bed five meters to the right of my position and far enough back that it stays dry. Then lock the doors so no one may enter."

  "As you command, Prince Logann. Processing."

  When the ceremonial bed materialized several meters behind Maryann, Mikel bent over, scooped her off the sand and stood in on continuous motion. When she nestled against his chest, placing her ear against his thudding heartbeat, he nuzzled the top of her hair, inhaling the sweet smell of Tupa Blossoms in her hair, which only enhanced Maryann's already exquisite scent.

  "Wrap your arms around my neck, Vasha."

  Maryann complied immediately. Her hard nipples scraped against the rough hair of his chest with each step he took toward the bed. It was torture despite the clothes that separated her flesh from his. He couldn't wait to once again feel her body pressed against his, s
kin to skin, with no barriers between them. Just thinking such thoughts sent more blood rushing to his cock, causing it to throb and bounce against her bottom.

  With the need to possess her riding him mercilessly, he quickened his pace, reaching the bed in seconds. Gently, he eased her down onto the bedding, then placed a tender kiss across her forehead before trailing his lips over her cheek, down her neck, before finally reaching the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat.

  Maryann moaned, writhing beneath him as eager for his touch as he wanted—no, needed—to touch her.

  "Please, Mikel."

  "Please, what? What do you want Maryann?” he asked, needing to hear her pleading for his touch.

  After swallowing nervously, Maryann met his gaze. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and smoldering with arousal. “Please, Mikel, kiss me."

  "That wasn't too hard, Vasha. Now was it?” Not waiting for a response, his mouth covered hers hungrily. His tongue traced the soft fullness of her lower lip before demanding entry. He kissed her like a man possessed, devouring her. His tongue dueled with hers, thrusting and parrying, demanding everything, demanding her surrender.

  When her body relaxed against his, he softened his kiss, coaxing rather than conquering. His body was on fire for her, raging at him to complete the mating. With trembling fingers, he began to unbutton her blouse with one hand while the other tangled in her hand holding her head imprisoned so he could continue to ravage her mouth with his. By the Goddess, he couldn't get enough of her—not enough of her taste, not enough of her spirit and definitely not enough of her body.

  After slipping the last button from its buttonhole, Mikel broke their kiss. Maryann mewled her displeasure at the sudden loss of his mouth against hers. He wanted—no, needed—to know what she was feeling. With shaking hands, he spread her blouse apart, leaving her heaving chest open to his gaze, but he wanted to see more of her. He wanted to see everything. After popping the front clasp of her bra open, and pulling the lacy cups away from her breasts, he stared in awe. He swallowed. Hard. Unable to speak aloud, he used their telepathic connection instead. Open your eyes, Vasha.

  Without hesitating, Maryann's eyelids fluttered opened. He sucked in a breath at the naked emotion displayed in her eyes. Passion and need, desire and trust, all evidence of the strengthening bond growing between them. He could get lost in their depths, lost in the passion and needs he could so easily see there. For so long he'd waited for his mate, waited for his perfect half, and in Maryann he'd finally found her. He could hardly believe it—could hardly believe she was the one, but the evidence was looking him right in the eye.

  * * * *

  Maryann gasped as he stood before her, glorious in his nudity. His blond hair gleamed in the sunlight like a halo and his aquamarine eyes glittered with passion as he oh so slowly lowered himself over her body. With his every masculine curve plastered against her feminine ones, her pussy began to spasm with need.

  "Now I have you exactly where I want you, Maryann. And there is nothing you can do about it."

  "Who said I'd want to do anything about it? I like where I'm at."

  Mikel chuckled. “Hmmm ... You're sassy. I think I like that in a mate,” he whispered as his lips slowly grazed her ear, her neck, until they finally slid down to the base of her throat.

  He gently nipped her at her pulse point, then swirled his tongue over the tiny wound. Goosebumps pebbled across her skin in reaction. She arched into his touch, desperate to feel his lips glide further down her body.

  Mikel's mouth drifted down past her neck until he reached the top of her breasts. When he flicked his tongue over her rigid nipples, Maryann moaned. Again and again, he stroked her hardened peaks while gently rasping his teeth against them. When she thought she could take no more, he eased away from her nipples and swirled his tongue on the underside of her breasts, his obvious intent to drive her absolutely crazy.

  After taking each of her nipples into his mouth one last time, he released them with a pop before moving down her belly to her navel. “Goddess, Mikel. What are you trying to do to me?"

  "Turnabout is fair play, Vasha."

  "I've been meaning to ask ... What does Vasha mean?"

  "It's a term of endearment. It's dear one in Manruvian."

  Again leaned into his touch. She needed to come, and she needed it now. “Please, Mikel. Stop torturing me already. Let me come."

  Goosebumps once again rippled across her skin, her every nerve ending felt on fire and still he methodically trailed his lips past her belly, her pussy, until he finally reached the inner thigh of her right leg. He nipped her, leaving his mark on her pale skin, then eased the tiny ache with his tongue before he drifted lower down her body. Maryann screamed her displeasure when he skipped over her pussy. She was desperate to feel his tongue delving into her aching cunt. But no, he was bent on seduction and torture, she was sure of it.

  His lips slowly trailed down her thigh, her calf, then to her ankle, all the time he ignored her pleas for mercy, her cries to ease her need. After suckling on the toes on her left foot, he moved to her right, kissing and nipping his way up her right leg, nipping and swirling his tongue around to the back of her knee and up her inner thigh. Whoever taught Mikel the ways of lovemaking knew the proper ways of seducing a woman, of that there were no doubts.

  Maryann thought she'd die if he didn't stop this slow act of seduction. Mikel looked up into Maryann's eyes and gave her a slow smile before dropping his head, then he carefully eased her thighs apart. With exaggerated slowness, he leaned forward and softly blew on her pulsing clit. He did everything in slow motion, as though he had all the time in the world—at least, that's what it felt like to her passion-fogged mind. By the Goddess, what she wouldn't give for a good, hard, quick, fuck. To hell with seduction. She could just scream in frustrated agony. As far as she was concerned, seduction was overrated.

  Then scream, Vasha.

  When she thought she could take no more, he took her clit between his teeth and gave it a slight tug. Maryann did scream then as her entire body shook with frustrated longing. She was so close to climaxing, she knew that one more good tug on her clit and she'd explode. She couldn't stop the rumble of contentment that erupted from her chest—didn't want to. She was so close to climax, she'd beg to come if she had to. If she didn't get off soon, she might just kill him if he didn't kill her first. But damn, the wait just might be worth dying over. “Please, Mikel. Let me come, please.

  "You must learn some patience, Maryann. The more drawn out the lovemaking is, the greater the pleasure you will feel in the end."

  "Ughhh ... I can't last much longer, Mikel. I really can't. You've made me wait long enough as it is."

  Mikel lips tilted up in a carnal smile. Pure deviltry lit up his eyes as though she'd dared him with her statement.

  "You'll take whatever I give you and love it, Vasha. I could keep you on the edge for hours if I wanted and in the end, you'd thank me."

  His touch gentle, Mikel spread her thighs further apart with his fingers, exposing her pussy to his gaze. “You have such a beautiful pink cunt, Vasha. I can't wait to taste your woman's cream."

  He put his words to action and bent his head to her woman's mound. A deep moan rumbled from his chest as he stroked her pussy with his tongue. He swirled it around and around her erect clit, and between her pussy lips as he lapped up her dripping nectar.

  Oh, Goddess. The pleasure was so intense, unlike anything she ever felt before in her life. None of the experience in her past could compare to this. What she'd suffered at the hands of The Black Rose was a violation of the worst sort where as this was a celebration of life, a man claiming his woman and a woman staking a claim on her man.

  Unable to stay still under Mikel's tender assault, Maryann began to squirm. Determined to keep her still, he gripped her by her thighs and held her immobile as he continued to eat at her without mercy, until she was nearly incoherent, begging him to stop, pleading with him not to.

  He mus
t have realized she could take no more, for he eased away, gave each of her thighs a tiny peck, then lifted her by her waist and flipped Maryann gently onto her stomach.

  He quickly slid into place behind her, replacing his lips with his throbbing cock. Slowly he stretched her tight pussy as he sunk into her silken depths. He eased himself in and out ever so gently, in and out, in and out, until he reached full penetration.

  Once sure he'd seated himself fully inside her, he started to thrust with ever-increasing force. She could feel every vein in his cock, every beat of his heart, every emotion in his soul through their joining. Never had she thought to feel such exquisite sensations with and for another.

  Maryann met each stroke with one of her own, frantic to feel that connection, to feel his balls slap against her ass when they came together. She could feel his cock sliding through her pussy as though it were her own, feel her pussy clasping his cock as though she were the one thrusting inside him. The sensations were so intense, so insane, but she wouldn't stop them for anything. And with each thrust it carried her closer and closer to climax.

  She was so close to coming. It was time to take matters into her own hands. Knowing instinctively just what to do, she clenched her inner muscles around his engorged shaft, making the fit just that much tighter. His thrusts became stronger, his groans rumbled in his chest even louder. Within seconds, he drove her over the edge of the world. The pleasure was pure, explosive and more intense than anything she could have imagined possible.

  Her thoughts fragmented as his hands and lips continued their hungry search of her body even as his thrusts grew stronger, deeper, more intense, like that was even possible. All she could do—all she wanted to do—was hold on and enjoy the ride as explosive pleasure invaded every cell of her body. Lassitude began to seep in, but still Mikel forged through her pussy, striving to reach his own completion. Their connection forged a circle of completion that built stronger and stronger as it passed between them until she thought she'd collapse beneath the strain of it. All she could do was take it as all her nerve endings seemed to fire simultaneously. How could anyone survive such sensations?


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