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Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath

Page 8

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he slowly lifted her until her gate was poised above his aching shaft. With a powerful lunge, he seated himself fully within her gripping sheath, desperate to feel her clasping around his cock as he forged inside her. She groaned loud and low, and the huskiness of the sound rippled through him like an electric current. He had to move and he had to move now.

  With more speed than finesse, Mikel lifted his mate by her waist, then pulled her back down onto his throbbing erection. Over and over, he thrust inside her, using the rhythm of the water currents to increase her pleasure. His lungs labored, and his pulse raced as he pounded in and out of her cunt. His pace was quick and hard, ruthless in his determination to make them both come.

  Before long, they were heaving and sweating, writhing and grunting despite the water surrounding them. The force of his thrusts grew stronger, the penetration deeper and still they fucked, long and hard, desperate for release. Seconds later, he heard her scream out her climax through their bond, and it nearly sent him over the edge with her. He thought he could last longer, bring her to another blistering climax, but when her clenching pussy tightened around his cock, it milked him of rope after rope of scalding hot and sticky come. And as his seed splashed against his mate's womb, he knew. In that moment he knew that they'd been blessed by the Mother Goddess of the Sea. An heir would come from their joining this night and he couldn't have been happier.

  As their heartbeats slowed, and his mate grew limp against his chest, he gathered her in his arms and slowly made their way toward shore. It was time to take his mate to bed, to wrap himself around her as she drifted off to sleep. They needed their rest, for tomorrow they'd arrive in Chantrea. He only hoped that The Black Rose was far from his world, hiding from her enemies. But somehow, he knew, that wasn't to be. Soon, they'd battle again. Soon.

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  Chapter Ten

  Rage whipped through her. The desire to kill, to destroy rushed through her body, her soul. How could they? Everything had gone according to plan. Everything.

  The Manruvian King lay helpless, his people saddened at the imminent loss of their leader, unsure what to do, what to believe. Now the heir, Hunter's friend and ally Mikel had thwarted her. How could this happen without her finding out? Someone would pay with their lives for failing to tell her that the heir had taken a mate and now would be King.

  Her followers had infiltrated all portions of Manruvian society and were even now waiting on word to attack the helpless king and his queen so she could take control of Manruvia with ruthless and deadly efficiency.

  Now, in a matter of hours Mikel would be crowned and all her previous plans to kill the weakened king would be for naught. For once the power in the Trident of Ascension was transferred to the heir, he would be nearly unstoppable unless she made other arrangements.

  Letting out a roar of rage, it took all her control to keep her beast leashed. No. Not yet. But soon all would be hers. She was The Black Rose and before this day ended, blood would seep into the seas and Manruvia would scream out its anguish as she decimated everyone in her path.

  Let them try to fight her. Let them think they have the upper hand for now, but within hours, when all the Royals lay dying by her hand, no one would dare rise up against her. The Manruvians would regret ever helping the Chantreans.

  Laughing with anticipation, Haeda Shi'Lan, The infamous Black Rose stared down at the planet below. Let them have their ceremony. By night's end, not a soul in the palace would have the strength to fight back her forces. By dawn, Manruvia and all her resources would belong to her.

  Knowing what must be done, The Black Rose headed toward the communications terminal. She had a spy to contact on the planet below and she knew just how to defeat her enemy. No one could stop her now. No one.

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  Chapter Eleven

  Looking around the spacious chamber where she'd been shown to change for the coronation ceremony, Maryann couldn't help but chuckle. Dressing room hell, this room was larger than her living room back on Earth. With black marble floors and pink and ivory veined marble wall, it was the epitome of luxury. The ceilings were painted to look like the Manruvian sky at dawn and the hard floors were covers with furs of every imaginable shade.

  Then there was the furniture. Who ever heard of furniture in a dressing room? But this one had a chaise lounge covered in a pink silk like material, a huge marble vanity with a cushioned bench. Not to mention the huge wardrobes filled with gowns in every style imaginable.

  Hell, she couldn't believe the coronation and mating were tonight. Within minutes of their arrival in the palace, Mikel's mother, Vandora had shown her to this chamber, letting her know that the Ascension ceremony for Mikel needed to be held right away to thwart an uprising if that were the plans of those that had poisoned her mate.

  Maryann fidgeted. She just couldn't help it. In mere minutes, she would be crowned the Queen of Manruvia and she felt clueless as to how to act. Of course, that wasn't the only thing making her so completely uncomfortable either. As she looked down at herself, she grimaced at what the Manruvian's considered the proper dress for this event. Topless, she wore nothing but a skirt of cream-colored pearls. No underwear to hide her sex. No shirt to hide her breasts. Nothing except a mini-skirt of pearls and her new mating mark—the ring of pink and silver stars circling her left eye.

  Looking into the mirror, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious. The Manruvians were such a beautiful people. She'd yet to see a plain woman or an average man. They were all drop-dead gorgeous and she couldn't help but feel like she'd never belong. Once again, she would live with another species, though at least this time she could shift. How was she ever going to be a good queen to their people if she couldn't even get up the nerve to walk out of their room to join in him the Ascension ceremony?

  You'll do fine my love. You are a beautiful woman. My woman. My mate.

  Maryann smiled, couldn't help it really. She could feel the sincerity in Mikel's words. He truly did think her beautiful. That didn't mean walking out there so everyone could see her practically naked made her feel any better though.

  All they will see is my love for you, Vasha.

  Her heart clenched. By the Goddess, she wanted to believe him—believe that he could truly love her. But she'd been broken inside for a long time, maybe too long, and didn't know if she'd have the strength to be what he needed. She didn't know if she had the strength inside her to be a good queen to his people, to be what they deserved, or what he deserved.

  Have faith, Maryann. The Sea Goddess, Mari, would not have brought us together if you didn't have the strength to carry the roles expected of you. Now, come to me. Join me. Become my queen and rule by my side.

  Maryann hesitated. Looked at herself one more time in the mirror. Are you sure this is what you want, that I'm what you want?

  Of course, I'm sure, baby.

  Maryann nodded then heaved out a sigh. She could do this. She would do this. Okay, I'm ready. Just tell me what to do.

  My sister, Valla will be in to escort you to the Throne Room. I'll be waiting for you there, as will my mother and the rest of the Manruvian Elders. The ceremony will be broadcasted through every home on Manruvia so they can see for themselves the proof of the mating and the coronation, as we become their new king and queen.

  Licking her lips, Maryann ran her hand through her long auburn hair one more time, then grinned. If only her mother could see her now, she'd never believe that her once awkward shy daughter would soon become royalty. Hell, she almost didn't believe it herself.

  Before more doubts about her ability to be a good queen could surface, she heard the door to the dressing room open.

  Valla, the youngest Manruvian princess—of which she learned there were three as well as two male siblings—entered the room. With golden blonde hair that hung nearly to her waist, and the delicate, almost ethereal beauty of her face, Maryann couldn't help but fe
el less than pretty.

  Such nonsense, love. You are who I want, will always want. I love everything about you. One day, you'll believe that. I promise.

  She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. There was kindness and a quiet joy in the young woman's aqua eyes.

  "You will make a fine mate and a wonderful queen. There is purity in your soul and great strength in your heart that no one can challenge. Have faith in the Goddess Mari's wisdom. She chose you as Mikel's mate for a reason."

  Maryann swallowed past her fear. “Do you truly believe that?” Mikel's sister just smiled at her, but there was a touch of sadness in her gaze.

  "I do. If I were to ever meet my mate, I couldn't imagine not embracing the joy of such an event. We are gifted with only one perfect mate, one soul who is a complete match to our own. It's a blessing that I hope to one day have for myself."

  Nodding, Maryann twitched her pearl skirt, settling it lower on her hips, then ran her hands down in thighs in nervousness. “Okay then. I guess I'm ready. Let's do this."

  "Just remember, you are already mated to my brother, your soul and his already joined. This is only a formality. In his heart, you're already his, already queen to our people."

  "I'm ready then. Piece of cake."

  "Piece of what?” Valla asked as she opened the door.

  They left the dressing chamber that led into the royal suite that she and Mikel would be sharing as of tonight. Apparently, it used to be his mother and father's room, but because of the upcoming ceremony they moved to another suite, one not earmarked for the King and Queen of Manruvia. Maryann chuckled. “It's just an old Earth saying meaning this will be easy."

  Valla nodded, then stopped, turned and looked at her, her gaze serious. ‘"Just follow your heart, Maryann, and all will be well."

  Before Maryann could reply, Valla once again started down the long hallway. After several more turns down the marble hallways, they reached a set of wooden doors that had to be at least ten feet tall. The mahogany colored doors were beautiful, covered with magnificent carvings of Merfolk, water nymphs and even sea dragons.

  As soon as they approached the door, it slowly swung open, welcoming them to enter. She didn't know how she knew that, but somehow she could sense the welcome in the air and it eased her somewhat. As her gaze darted around the opulent chambers, the beauty and majesty of not only the people but the surroundings awed her. Everywhere, men and woman wore gowns and togas in colors of such amazing shades from silver to pink, white to vibrant reds, blues and greens and everything in between.

  The throne room's ceiling were also covered with paintings of mythical creatures and some she'd already been privileged enough to meet including the Chantrean Lions and the Manruvian Merfolk. A thousand ivory candles or more hung suspended from the ceiling as if my magic, lighting up the room and lending it a mystical air. After taking a few more seconds to stare in awe at her surroundings, Maryann's gaze found Mikel's as he waited patiently for her at the head of the room.

  Wearing white fitted trousers similar to riding breeches and a deep blue sleeveless tunic trimmed in silver piping, he was the sexiest man she'd ever seen. His ash blond hair hung to his shoulders and gleamed beneath the candlelight. His blue-green eyes practically glittered with heat and love. His mouth—by the Goddess, his mouth had her anticipating their mating night. He stood there so straight and proud, waiting on her as if she were the most important person in the world.

  You are the most important person in my world, Vasha.

  And somehow, she knew that. Through their bond, she could feel his love for her, his complete faith that only she could stand by his side throughout their lives. She'd never thought to find someone who'd love her just for herself. On Earth she was the human girl living among Chantrean Lionese shifters. After her kidnapping, she became just another one of The Black Rose's breeding slaves, raped and tortured day after day in an attempt to impregnate her.

  Since meeting Mikel, she truly felt whole and independent for the first time in her life as though she was destined for more than mediocrity and that in itself was a blessing. But most of all, she felt loved, and though she'd yet to speak the words to Mikel she loved him as well. She just hoped she didn't fail him or his people.

  You will not fail us. It's an impossibility. They'll come to love you as much as I already do.

  Warmth spread through her chest. As she looked on her mate and slowly made her way toward him, her soul felt lighter. Her steps grew quicker and it took all her control not to race down the aisle and jump in his arms. By the Goddess, how had her feelings changed so quickly? Just a week ago, she'd gone out of her way to avoid Mikel, blaming him and everything around her for forcing her into a mating she didn't want. Now she couldn't imagine her life without him.

  With both her mind and heart now at ease, Maryann closed the distance between her and her mate. Whatever happened next, she knew without a doubt she'd be at his side and only death would ever separate them. Even then, she'd spend eternity with him even once they were no longer on this mortal plane.

  * * * *

  Mikel's hands shook. His heart thundered in his chest. Finally, finally all would acknowledge their mating. No one would be able to take her from him after this. No one.

  Wearing naught but pearls from the Sea of Ishima, his mate approached with her head held high. By the Goddess, she was so beautiful to him. With her wild mane of auburn hair, breasts that over filled his hands, hips that were made for a man to grip while in the throes of passion, he felt nearly overwhelmed with happiness.

  As he continued to watch her approach him, his heart felt too full for words. He couldn't wait until she was his completely, couldn't wait until he could get her alone again. First though, he had to get through the ceremony. After that, he'd make love to her throughout the long night.

  Just thinking about the night ahead had his cock hard and aching. By the Goddess, the ceremony couldn't get over fast enough for him. He watched his mate approach him, her head held high despite her embarrassment at her nudity, her gaze locked to his. At that moment, the pride he felt for her, for her strength, her integrity, her courage, filled him to overflowing. He knew in that moment, he could have chosen no greater queen for his people. And when his mate took that final step to reach his side and reached for his hand, twining her fingers with his, he knew he'd do anything, be anything, to always have this woman at his side.

  He could feel Maryann's nervousness through their bond, knew she worried about what would happen next. If he could have told her, he would have. All he knew for sure is that the Trident of Ascension would be passed to him this day. What happened after that, what the ceremony actually consisted of, he had no idea. He thought he had all the time in the world to ask his father about the ceremony, but that didn't happen. He was just as in the dark about the upcoming ceremony as she was.

  When chimes began to ring through the hall, growing louder and louder as the music went on, he knew he'd soon find out. Squeezing his mate's hand in his, he looked down into her worried eyes and smiled, letting her see inside him, feel his conviction that this was meant to be, that she was meant to be by his side right now and forevermore. As her tension eased and her lips tilted up into a shy smile, he knew he'd do anything to keep that smile on her face. Anything.

  Sudden silence filled the throne room. Not a person whispered. An air of expectancy filled the chamber. As the silence lengthened, even Mikel began to grow tense. Beside him, Maryann trembled. He could feel her discomfort that now that the room had grown silent all eyes were on her and yet she didn't cringe, didn't drop her head in embarrassment, just continued to gaze into his eyes as though gathering strength and courage by looking into his soul.

  Before he could think further on that two priestesses entered the chamber through a hidden door behind the thrones. One carried an ancient text, the other the Trident of Ascension. It glowed with a strange green light. He could feel the power of the Trident even from a distance, even without touch. It be
ckoned him. He wanted to reach out and grasp it in his hands, not to wield the power he could feel emanating from it, but because of an insane belief that once he held the Trident something momentous and life changing would occur. What, he had no idea.

  The two priestesses moved toward them until they stopped directly in front of them.

  "We are the priestesses of Ikaria, sent by the Mother Goddess of the Sea, Mari to ordain you as the new Sea King. Kneel Mikel Logann of Manruvia and Maryann Wilson of Earth and receive that which awaits you."

  Nodding in acknowledgment, Mikel gripped Maryann's hand tighter and slowly eased them down until they were kneeling before the Mother Goddess’ priestesses.

  The young priestess carrying the ancient tome moved forward first and began to read. “The Mother Goddess created life for her people in hopes that they would thrive. She gifted them with all the emotions of humanity, love, passion, joy, happiness as well as envy, jealousy, fear and others. Long ago, when her children were but babes, she knew that strife and hardship would one day enter their lives. Knowing that her children would one day suffer under the hands of cruelty, she chose a protector for them, a warrior of unequal strength in both body and heart. For thousands of years, the line of Logann has protected her people, her children, from enemies within as well as enemies without. Today, another Logann will pick up the mantle of leadership with his mate at his side. Her compassion, her courage, her spirit and her love will ensure that the Protector will always remain grounded, will never seek to wield the power of the Trident to abuse."

  Next to her, the older wizened priestess stepped forward, lightly placing the three prongs of the Trident against his shoulder. “On this day, the Priestesses of Ikaria on behalf of the Mother Goddess of us all bestow upon you all the power and responsibilities of her people."

  Heat the likes of which he'd never felt before surged through his body. A thousand bolts of lightning zinged through him, firing nerve endings, causing muscles to bunch and spasm as the power of the Trident of Ascension roared through his body. Beside him, Maryann's fingers tightened against his, her body too quivered under the onslaught ripping through them. Connected as they were through the mate bond, he had no way to protect her from the fire burning in his body.


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