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Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath

Page 9

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  When he thought he'd not be able to take any more, the heat began to cool, soothing his body and his mind. Strange warmth settled in his chest, filling him with foreign emotions and thoughts. Like the mate bond between him and Maryann, he felt connected, but instead of to one soul, it was thousands. He could feel the heart of his people, their worries, their joy, their passion, their anger. Thousands upon thousands of others were now a part of him. This then was the power of the Trident, the power to sense the emotions and thoughts of his people, to gage their needs, their desires.

  Beside him Maryann trembled. By the goddess, he'd never imagined just what the Trident could do. No wonder his father had led his people with wisdom and an uncanny ability to gage his people's hearts.

  It's almost too much, Mikel. How did your mother and father cope? How did they not drown beneath the tide of emotions bombarding them?

  Mikel moved closer to his mate, pulled her into his arms so he could surround her with his body, let her feel his emotions until her panic began to fade. They had each other, as we do. Together we'll do what we must.

  He could feel his Vasha gaining strength and courage from his words, could sense her determination to help him lead his people with honor.

  "Rise King and Queen Logann. Embrace your joined destiny."

  With Maryann's hand still gripped in his, Mikel and Maryann turned to face those that attended their ceremony. Rising their joined hands above his head, Mikel looked out across the faces of his people. Their expressions were filled with a myriad of emotions from awe and caution to joy and envy.

  Knowing that the weight of the future rested upon their shoulders, he straightened his spine and stepped forward, walking down the center aisle with his mate until they stood in the center of the room.

  "Thank you for joining us on such an auspicious occasion.” Looking down at his perfect mate, Mikel allowed a heated smile to spread across his face, letting her see both his desire and his love. “Join us in the Royal Ballroom where tables have been laid out for a feast in celebration."

  And as the people surrounding them broke out in applause, Mikel led Maryann out of the room, knowing full well that somewhere in the crowd surrounding them, someone was planning their demise. Knowing the emotions of his people definitely had its advantages. He now knew to be on his guard for an imminent attack and that's something he wouldn't have known even an hour ago.

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  Chapter Twelve

  Seated at the raised table set aside for the royal's Maryann gazed across the crowded ballroom. On her left, Mikel sat tense, as though prepared for battle. Did he sense what she did? That someone out there relished the idea of ending the Logann line of rule.

  Yes, Vasha. Though I would have preferred to celebrate our joining this night, I fear that danger is all around us.

  Maryann exhaled, thankful it wasn't just her. Getting used to all the emotions and thoughts of the people surrounding her was overwhelming at best. Learning to interpret the sensations bombarding her would take a long time, she imagined. At least Mikel would be by her side.

  Always, Vasha. I'll always be by your side.

  Within minutes of being seated, a barrage of servants began carrying in trays loaded with glorious smelling food. Her stomach rumbled, telling her in emphatically that it'd been entirely too long since her last meal. While servants laid out bowls of soup in front of them, others went around filling golden, jeweled goblets with something that smelled suspiciously like Cranberry Juice or something eerily similar.

  As Maryann lifted her glass, an eerie sense of wrongness spread through her, a sense of danger that she'd never experienced before. Shaking her head as such nonsense—too much stress the last few days had to be messing with her mind, she thought—she pressed her mouth against the lip of her glass. As soon as the liquid touched her lip, her entire body froze. She couldn't move, couldn't open her lips, couldn't speak.


  Startled, Mikel gripped her arms. What is it, Vasha.

  I can't move. I can't move. What's going on?

  Mikel tensed. His aqua eyes began to glow with power and rage. Poison. The drink is poisoned. The Abacine inside of you is protecting you.

  Maryann's eyes widened. Just my drink? What about yours?

  Lifting his goblet to his nose, Mikel inhaled as though savoring the drink's bouquet. Mine as well. Did you see who filled our glasses?

  Yes, it's the male at the end of the table to our right. He's filling your youngest brother's glass.

  Rage whipped through their bond. Even knowing that her mate would never hurt her, it surprised her to sense too much anger in him. Since her rescue, Mikel had never shown he had a temper, that he could be violent.

  No one harms me or mine. No one.

  Finally, after what seemed forever, Maryann's arm twitched. Apparently, the Abacine inside her knew that she'd understood the warning it had given her and released some of her body's control. Slowly, Maryann lowered her glass, pretending she'd taken a huge swallow of the liquid. If someone had gone out of their way to poison them, she couldn't let on that she knew of their plan.

  Good, now I just have to warn the others not to drink whatever they'd been given. I'll not lose any more of my family to this poison when already my father lies in a coma and my mother stays by his side, grieving over the potential loss of her mate.

  How will you tell everyone not to drink from their glasses when you don't know that this servant is the only one out there intent on killing you?

  Good question. Any ideas, Vasha?

  Maryann tipped her head back and closed her eyes, thoughts and ideas tumbling through her mind, then quickly tossed aside. She'd do naught to harm either her mate or her people. What if you tell them that I'm expecting and that because I choose not to drink during my pregnancy, you'll do the same. Since time is a celebration of our mating, no alcohol will be served.

  Startled eyes met hers. How did you know that you already carry my heir, Maryann?

  Maryann swallowed, had no idea what to say. She couldn't believe it. What? I'm pregnant?

  You mean you didn't know?

  Maryann shook her head. No. Oh my god. I'm pregnant. She didn't know whether to laugh or freak. She had no idea how to be a mother. Was he happy about it? She had no idea.

  You've made me happier than you can imagine, Maryann. I knew the moment you conceived, the moment my seed granted life. I planned to tell you tonight once we returned to our suite.

  Something inside her eased. Though she hadn't planned to have children quite this soon into their mating, she couldn't regret it. Well then, I suggest you tell them to remove the wine. I want us to live long enough to enjoy our child. If they planned to poison us, there must be a reason.

  Of course. They must plan to attack tonight while we are supposedly incapacitated.

  Standing up, Mikel raised his arms above his head and clapped them together. Even above the noise of the crowded room, the clap thundered, echoing through every corner of the ballroom. All eyes turned toward them, waiting for whatever he had to say.

  "I have a joyous announcement. We planned on waiting to share this with you, but decided to share our excitement with all of you."

  Reaching toward her, Mikel gripped her hand and pulled her into his arms.

  "My mate and I have been blessed by the Mother Goddess, Mari. Already our heir lies safely nestled in your queen's womb. To honor her decision to avoid anything that my harm our child, no alcohol will be consumed tonight for I'll not let her feel left out of this celebration."

  Though there were some groans of disappointment that their wine would be taken away, the crowd appeared to be both stunned and awed that they royal couple had been blessed already. An overwhelming sense of happiness spread through the room, almost overshadowing the hatred she could feel. She couldn't pinpoint where besides the servant that poisoned them it came from, but she knew more than one person here in this room had planned tonight's treachery and that di
d nothing to set her at ease.

  Turning toward the servant that had poisoned their own glasses, Mikel waved toward the full goblets on their table. “Please, take away the wine and bring out enough Vicuña Juice for everyone."

  From across the room, Maryann met Eve's gaze. Her and Amy had decided to stay for the reception, not only because they were her friends, but because they were telepathically connected to their mates, who awaited word on their ships if an attack occurred during the celebration. At her slight nod, Eve touched Amy's shoulder then whispered into her ear.

  Good, they would warn Taliff and Hunter who would in turn notify the Manruvian fleet that currently circled the planet, cloaked in preparation for battle. At least they weren't totally unprepared for such an attack. The last day in space, plans were made, allies contacted. No one wanted The Black Rose to spread her misery any farther than she already had. They would stop her. There was no other choice.

  As the servant left the room, Maryann tensed, knowing full well that as soon as the traitor found a place where he couldn't be seen, he'd report to The Black Rose that their plan had failed. Whatever happened after that wouldn't be good, of that she had no doubt.

  * * * *

  As soon as the traitor disappeared, Mikel tensed. It wouldn't be long now. With her plan a failure, The Black Rose would be enraged. Mikel searched the room for the Lucas Logann, his cousin and Chief of Palace security. He had to warn the man before all hell broke out. When his gaze landed on Lucas he wasn't surprised to find a servant pressing her breasts against the male's shoulder. Lucas was known far and wide as a lover of woman. A night didn't go by woman didn't offer themselves to him, desperate for the pleasure he loved to lavish on them.

  Lucas, as much as I'd love for you to enjoy your pursuits this eve, it will have to wait. The wine has been poisoned, probably with the same compound that sickened my father and I fear an attack is imminent.

  Lucas's gaze clashed with his, anger blasted through their mental link. After a moment's silence, Lucas nodded. I understand. Armed guards will arrive shortly. I've already called them.

  Good. Be prepared for anything. We have no idea how many traitors are involved. Mikel's gaze dropped to Maryann. After running his hand through her wild mess of auburn curls, he looked up, once again meeting Lucas's gaze. Protect the queen at all costs. Not only is she carrying my heir, but I honestly don't think I could survive without her.

  Understood, cousin. After whispering in the servant's ear and sending her off with a pass on her ass and a giggle, Lucas stood and made his way toward the dais and the royal table. I'll guard her myself.

  But before Lucas could even reach their side, a shrill alarm pierced the chamber moments before the walls and floors began to quake. Chaos erupted. Shouts and screams echoed through the room. Chairs and tables were overturned as men and women raced for the ballroom doors. Beneath his clothes, the Abacine erupted through his skin, covering his from neck to ankle. Beside him, Maryann's did the same. Pulling her into his arms, he looked toward the exits, knowing they'd never get out that way. Knowing that time was of the essence, he glanced at Lucas who was still trying to make his way toward them. Contact Skalldari. I want her to lock on to Maryann and I and send us to the command bunker beneath the palace.

  Lucas nodded, then raced toward the exit to their right where a computer panel was recessed into the wall. From there he could contact the orbiting ships as well as their forces here on the ground. Just as he reached the hidden panel, a squad of The Black Rose's followers transported into the center of the room. Wearing all Black, their faces hidden behind hoods and masks, Mikel could feel the evil in their souls. But one, one stood out so completely he almost stepped back, the viciousness and blackness of their soul beyond anything he'd ever experienced.

  Without seeing her face, without looking into her eyes, Mikel knew that that one could be no other than Haeda Shi'Lan, The Black Rose herself and his mortal enemy. She was responsible for his mate's suffering, her pain. And for that alone, she'd die.

  After whispering a kiss against his mate's cheek, he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. Get below the table, Maryann and don't come out until I give the all clear.

  No. I'll fight by your side, not hide beneath the table trembling in fear.

  Mikel grimaced. He didn't want her in any more danger than she already was.

  Dammit Mikel. I know what you're about to do. I can help you, lend you my strength. Don't shut me out.

  Fine, give me your hand and sink into our bond. We'll do this together. He only prayed that nothing happened to her.

  Focusing on The Black Rose, he did his best to ignore the shouts and screams as laser blasts from her weapons pierced their flesh. He knew his people were being slaughtered, unarmed as they were, and that he couldn't allow.

  Mikel searched inside himself and embraced the gifts he'd so long kept hidden, even from his parents. Since childhood he felt the untapped power curled in his soul, a power so great he feared he'd one day hurt those around him if he didn't learn to control it.

  Unlocking the barriers he'd placed around his gift, he fully embraced the darkness inside him for the first time. Heat poured through his veins. His muscles twitched, seemed to grow. His skin burned as though a heated by the summer sun. His vision blurred and still he focused on the woman that had caused the hurt to his mate. Using his newfound powers to sense others, he latched on to her thoughts, searching for a way into her mind.

  Disgust washed over him as he felt the glee his enemy felt as those around her fell beneath the onslaught of her attack. Deadly rage infused him. No more. Burrowing into her mind, he sent a bolt of psychic lightning through her mind.

  The Black Rose gasped, clutched her head.

  Her head lifted, searching for the cause before settling on him. He smiled, sent another shaft of pain through her, doing his best to cripple her. He felt his strength weaken, knew he couldn't keep this up for long.

  Power swept through him, warmth. He squeezed Maryann's hand, knew that she was lending him her strength. He redoubled his attack even as his legs began to tremble.

  Again The Black Rose gasped. She dropped her weapon, gripped her head, and fell to her knees.

  Her body twisted in pain and still Mikel kept up the attack. A feline roar of rage ripped from her throat. He could sense her trying to shift, trying to latch on to her beast and he couldn't allow that. Forcing more power through the link, he pummeled her mind, determined to finally defeat her. She squirmed and thrashed atop the floor. He didn't let his gaze leave hers, imprisoning her with his stare.

  From seemingly out of nowhere, a small sonic grenade hurtled through the air, straight for their table. Only Maryann's gasp warned him in time. Wrapping his arms around her, he knocked her to the ground, shielding her body with his own. The blast of sound waves rocked the table above them, sending pain shooting through his mind. He covered Maryann's ears with his hands, doing his best to shield her from the debilitating sound until the attack stopped. His nose began to bleed, dripping into her hair, but he didn't lessen his hold on his mate. Darkness beckoned, his body demanding he shut down, escape into unconsciousness until the pain ceased, but he wouldn't give into it.

  Already nearly a minute had passed. A few more seconds and the weapon would stop its attack. He only had to hold out a few more seconds.

  Finally, blessed silence filled the room. Only the moans and muffled cries of his people could be heard. Lifting himself from his mate, he quickly ran his hand over her body, searching for injuries. When she only smiled and pulled him down for a hug, he thanked all that was holy that she'd not been hurt during the attack. Once positive that she'd been unharmed, he stood up on shaking legs, wiped the blood from his nose and surveyed the chaos surrounding them.

  His gaze quartered the room, searching for his nemesis, but he didn't have to be told she'd escaped. He could feel it. The foulness of her soul no longer pierced his mind. Shaking his head, he reached down for his mate, pulled her in
to his arms. Looking around the room, he wanted to rage at the destruction surrounding them. Too many of their people had been injured in this attack.

  She may have gotten away, Mikel, but at least she felt pain before doing so. We'll find her.

  Mikel dropped his gaze to his mate, beyond thankful that she was at his side. He could feel his mate's worry through their bond, wasn't surprised by her next question.

  But until then, she'll continue to harm others. I've never felt such absolute malevolence before. How many more will she kill before she's finally brought to justice?

  I don't know, Maryann, but I do know this. Eventually, she'll be caught and her life will be forfeit. Until then, we'll continue to fight her, continue to search out those she's taken. I've not forgotten my promise to Eve to find her brother and until he's returned to her and all the other victim's are rescued, that's what we'll do.

  Maryann nodded, then looked around the room. When her gaze settled on Eve and Amy Shi'Lan her eyes lit up in joy. At least they are safe.

  Mikel winced. Thank the Goddess. I wouldn't want their mates to come after me if they'd been injured. I don't think I'd survive it. Knowing that The Black Rose had probably attacked the entire city, he gripped Maryann's hand in his. Now, let's see what we can do to help our people. For now, they need us.

  At Maryann's nod, they left the dais and spread out, comforting the injured as best they could as they awaited medical attention. After an hour of helping the injured, his gaze sought out hers. Happiness infused his soul. No matter what they'd face in the coming years, he knew that with Maryann at his side, they could get through anything. With a smile lighting up his soul, he walked up to his mate and pulled her into his arms.

  Come to bed with me, Vasha. Tomorrow, we'll rebuild. Tonight, I want to celebrate our future.


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