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by K'Anne Meinel

  Beth Kendrick is an American history college professor. She is as straight-laced as they come, until Dakota enters her life, that is. Will her children understand what she is going through? Will she take a chance on the broken marine or decide to wait for the perfect someone to come along?

  Time is on your side, they say, unless there is a dark, sinister evil at work. Is their love strong enough to hold these two people together? Will the love of a good woman help Dakota find the path to recovery? Or is she doomed to a life of inner turmoil and destruction that knows no end?



  Riding The Rainbow

  With two out-loud-and proud mothers, plump, clumsy Lily is miserable in fifth grade where bullies torment her on the playground and in class. Across the room Clara sits still as a statue, never volunteering or raising her hand, answering only in whispers with her head down to avoid curious eyes, keeping her family's secret that she has two dads.

  Each girl is relieved to have a friend, especially one who understands living in a rainbow family. Everything seems great until old lies and blackmail catch up with them.

  Clara is kidnapped. Her two dads move fast, the police even faster, but her best friend must be the quickest of all. Will Lily be in time to save Clara's life?



  A Man’s Man

  “It’s like this, see. My dad’s a fag, his boyfriend’s a queer, and I think I might be gay. I mean, I think it’s catching or something.”

  When twelve year old R.J. decides to turn his dad straight, unintended consequences mess everything up. His father is miserable, the kids at school hate him, and his best friend Jessica is furious. To make things right he will have to figure out for himself what it means to be A Man’s Man.

  (For readers age 12-16)



  The Boxer Shorts Rebellion

  Nick’s parents think he’s just sensitive, teachers consider him a troublemaker, and bullies recognize him as a target. He knows, with a fresh start, he can re-invent himself.

  Popular quarterback Brent, willing to do anything to keep his secret, exploits girlfriends to deflect any suspicion he might be gay.

  Penny risks everything, even her heart, to befriend a boy she doesn’t know but does that make her a heroic savior, or a gullible fool?

  Convinced she’s a hopeless loser, Angela is thrilled to be a popular jock’s girlfriend. So worried he will learn the truth about her, she ignores the truth about him.

  Everyone stands by while the half-naked boy cowers, watching his green boxer shorts fly from the school flagpole. But there can be no innocent bystanders when his bully devolves into a psychotic killer.



  Leaving Afghanistan Behind:

  Amelia Gittens, a black female, has the distinct honor of being the first female to be admitted to the US Army’s elite group of snipers, fighting in Afghanistan. It doesn’t come without its price, though, as she comes back as so many veterans do with post-traumatic stress syndrome complete with major flashbacks. Working as a New York City police officer, she is involved with a suspect shooting. Unfortunately for her, it is the cousin of a major international drug dealer who seeks revenge on her and her partner, as well as the departmental psychiatrist. Amelia responds the only way she knows how, falling back upon her military training to keep her ward safe while the situation is being resolved. The whole while, she is battling her own inner demons, fighting with herself to keep them at bay, nearly tearing herself apart.



  The Plaid Skirt

  Aly Lockewood, 24, never having told anyone that she is a lesbian, meets Sasha Aronov, 31, who has been out since Junior High school, in a clothing store, both wanting to buy the same plaid skirt. Alison breaks the ice in a most bizarre way, completely taking Sasha off-guard. Meeting over coffee, Sasha won't admit her instant feelings, saying she isn't in a relationship and isn't looking for one, yet offers to mentor and support Aly. Aly admits to being gay for the first time, trusting Sasha not only because she also is a lesbian, but because she gets a good feeling from her, along with feeling sparks of her own toward Sasha. Can the immovable force move the immovable object? Only time will tell...



  After Sasha

  Single mother Alison Aronov-Lockewood has just found herself face-to-face with a ghost. A living, breathing, ghost—of her lost wife Sasha, and mother to her daughter Lidi. After she manages to get her anxiety under control, she realizes that this apparent apparition is a wonderful woman, a woman of wit and charm, a woman who cares about being an advocate of the children, just as she has become a representative in the legal system of children in honor of Sasha’s death in the line of duty as a social worker. And more importantly, like herself, she is a lesbian. After feeling nothing but pain inside for the last six and a half years, Aly’s heart beats once, twice, three times in quick succession. Could this be love again? Could this be that special person that she’s waited all these years for?



  Sophie Duncan should have been at the perfect point in her life: graduated from university, young, full of energy, and with the desire to take on the world single-handedly. Yet nothing seemed to be happening. She’d even gone so far as to plan a little pity-party for herself at a local pub with a few of her mates, but had been stood up by every one of them. Just at the point her life should be beginning, it seemed instead as if it was crumbling away underneath her. Then stumbling, not from intoxication, but in a tear-filled state, she manages to drench Pam Browning, a complete and total stranger, wearing a white silk blouse with her drink, ruining it. Although she promises to replace the blouse, neither woman expects what’s about to unfold in both their lives….



  The Other Side of Indifference:

  London Pereira is a mid-career TV anchorwoman wanting to move from her prestigious anchor position into world-travelling investigative reporting. At a chance meeting of corporate executives, she meets Madeline Ross, a well-respected and successful Ad Marketing executive. Both women are single lesbians, at first unknown to each other, but both strangely drawn to the other. Under the pretense of having their two companies work together, London engineers a way to see more of Maddie, hoping to ignite romance. Maddie secretly plans the same thing. When their plans lead to sensual fruition, the chance for a love of a lifetime blossoms, but with unforeseen complications that their new romance might not withstand.



  To Paris With Blood

  Welcome to Paris, “The City of Lights”---where the only requirement to visit is being “Undead.”

  Struggling with a past tragedy and growing unrest with my sister, I accepted an invitation to visit my very close friends in Paris.

  My early morning flight had just arrived in Paris. As I made my way through the busy concourse, timed seemed to stop. All my mind could register were the three friends standing in front of me. Janine and her two Brother’s, Luc and Jaycee.

  Meanwhile, back in the States my sister Elena had taken great joy in antagonizing me. Elena’s jealousy would come to be the driving force that would lead to the culmination of a showdown that will resolve a past injustice a
nd ultimately lead to the destruction of our relationship, and a much darker, sinister means to an end.

  Would the love that Luc and I came to share, along with Janine and Jaycee be enough to overcome the deceit, treachery and betrayal we would encounter? Would the secret my friends have destroy me or renew me?

  Little did I know, they would literally hold my soul in their hands.



  Love Me Completely

  After an unhappy marriage, Marie is lonely and wants to find love. Her old ways of searching for someone special hasn't worked. So after learning a new technique, she found the love of her life. Marie puts everything she has into this new relationship with Jada, wanting only her happiness, sacrificing all, even her mental and physical health. However through Jada's family and personal secrets, she wonders what is in it for her. Did she really find what she was looking for when she met Jada, a younger black woman?

  Jada answers the call for companionship with Marie, but she's holding on to the past, unwilling to let her mother know her closely guarded secret. Unfortunately, she's confronted with some disturbing news which threatens to destroy her future.

  Will her secrets keep her from happiness with Marie? Will her suspicions cause her to miss out on the best thing in her life?

  Unbeknownst to Kelly, "another" answered the call for friendship with Marie was well. When Kelly's attracted to her dance partner, "Kelly" makes it her life's mission to become more than just Marie's friend, even if that means ruining her love's life.

  Those that lie within the unsuspecting woman are a mystery to Kelly, but also to Marie and Jada as well.



  People Person

  Louisa Cannes is trying to juggle her human resources career with looking after her family and keeping her girlfriend interested. Her ethics are repeatedly tested at the difficult job she depends on to pay for her nephew’s life-saving treatment. Cripplingly long hours, an incompetent, lazy line manager and a couple of vindictive rivals don’t exactly help, and she is in danger of burning out. But why does the evil boss, Penelope, seem determined to destroy Louisa one minute then groom her for promotion the next? Can Louisa avoid competing with her best friend, can she still call herself a people person, and who can she really trust in the race to the top...?




  Where do you go when you feel you don’t belong anywhere?

  Lydia is a young woman alone in London. Her parents threw her out when she told them she was gay, but she finds refuge in a flat share in a crumbling building with some other gay misfits.

  Lydia can’t make up her mind if she wants to be with Sarah or not, unaware of the pain she is causing the recently bereaved woman. Colin’s doing his imperfect best to look after Pip, who is tortured by memories of his past which threaten to destroy him. Brian is their reclusive landlord who seems oblivious to the fact that the flat is on the verge of falling down around them. But things get really messy when Jay comes to stay…and Lydia finds out there are worse things than having nowhere to call home.

  A gay novel about finding family when your own is determined to leave you “out.”



  When Mary Beth Kracko is found murdered in the enlisted housing area of Fort Kellog, Special Agent Barry Sheldon and Special Agent Robert Downs of the CID are put on the case. As the CID Agents investigate, they find there is a lot more to this than a simple homicide as they unravel a mystery where their own lives may be at stake. In 1971, the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command was designated as a separate major Army Command-to avoid command influence and give the investigating agents more room to do their jobs. These Agents are now only three phone calls from the Chief of Staff. Working with local commanders, the CID stands ready to solve crimes from the petty to the truly heinous. As the killer watches Agents Sheldon and Downs investigate the murder, his curiosity and impulses are at war with each other. Most people can control their urges, or impulses, but a certain few can’t do that. They feel this compelling urge to do something and they do it. The assailant had an impulse he couldn’t control and now there is a dead woman. Is it the first, will it be the last, will he be able to control his irresistible impulses?

  Irresistible Impulse



  All FIVE in the series

  *Bikini's are Dangerous The Complete Series:


  E-Book: /dp/B00A92MWW8

  In Print:

  Amazon Print: /dp/1477455434

  Don’t judge a book by its cover! Nothing, and no one, is EVER what they seem.

  Ellen Christenson escapes from an abusive life, but does one ever escape the scars that are left on their soul? One must move on, one must try. But life has a tendency to circle back to what one once knew and she finds her life choices bring her back to the scenes of her abuse, to deal with it finally and fully, in ways she had never thought she would deal with. It is then that the healing can begin, as she repairs her soul and the people she has devastated along the way.

  Ellen hadn’t ‘intended’ to end up in Silicon Valley and its high tech world, but due to life and it’s circumstances she finds herself the head of a startup tech company. Cool, calculating, efficient, she shows the world a side of her that she really isn’t, few if any know the real Ellen. Nearby San Francisco provides her with plenty of girlfriends. That elusive one, that soul mate, she has a hard time recognizing due to the scars within.

  Living with the choice of letting someone die for their sins, for years, Ellen is ‘blown away’ by the feelings and emotions she has bottled up for so long….


  In Print:


  In Print:

  Dealing with the death of your best friend, the second parent to your children, your mother is hard enough but Kay now also has to deal with the house she had bought for them to all live in. It’s a ‘fixer upper’ and requires a lot of work for the single mom. A new home, a new life, new friends leads to a family she hadn’t anticipated or planned for…

  Kay is doing the best she can, trying to deal with everything when Jackie enters her life. They become good friends but how was Kay to know that she would change her life in ways she had never anticipated…

  *Children of another Mother:


  In Print:

  A brilliant child protégée, she dreams of becoming a doctor and a surgeon…and accomplishes her goals. Unfortunately, her youth and round, child-like face work against her. No matter how skilled she becomes, how knowledgeable, the old school, male-dominated medical hierarchy wants to keep her in ‘her place.’

  Deana has worked hard to become an expert in her chosen field, but few believe this ‘child’ capable. Specializing in infectious diseases, she travels the world—from the States to Europe to South America—honing her skills before winding up in Africa where her skills are desperately needed.

  Meeting a nurse by the name of Madison MacGregor, she finds they share an insatiable curiosity and a love of helping others, but falling in love was not what she intended. Later, when she loses Maddie to a misunderstanding, she is haunted by the one that got away…

  Ten years have passed and both the doctor and nurse have mov
ed on with their lives, but fate intervenes when they find themselves working at the same hospital. Their friendship is revived…can their love be rekindled? Will the past haunt them or bring them closer? Will the secrets that both harbor keep them from realizing a future together?





  In Print:

  Amazon: dp/1477454764

  How do you cope with a life that you are bored with? You make a new one right? Be careful what you wish for because you might get a whole lot more than you bargained for….

  When you’re bored with your current life, take a trip, that always changes things right? What Analisa Meunier didn’t realize is that for every decision you make in your life it can change everything. A new life, a new country, a new family, a new threat to all of that…will she survive? Will they?

  Baroness Lydia Von Horn has never met an American like Analisa Meunier. Hiding her own identity leads to problems in their initial relationship, but making a family, a life, and surviving with both intact is the real challenge.

  From Oconomowoc, Wisconsin to Hammerbruke, Germany, from Cambria, California, to Munich, Germany, their lives and trials and tribulations take them around the world.


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